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Re: Hideaki

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:52 pm
by guest unknown
Does Hideaki own a bra? It would have to be padded,of course....

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:31 pm
by Mirage_GSM
People have been metioning this Hideaki guy lately.
He is supposed to be Shizune's brother, but I didn't find any post in this forum (by one of the devs) that actually linked Hideaki in any way with Shizune. So is this only the usual wild speculation, or was this confirmed in another way?

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:49 pm
by SirMax
Blog post contained a screenshot with him in it.

Edit: Checking that post, it doesn't mention he's Shizune's sister. Hmm.

But I am sure it's not wild speculation, it is actually true, I just can't find the source at the moment.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:46 pm
by G3n0c1de
The devs haven't said anything about him, as far as I know. People have probably made the connection because of the glasses and hair color. The thought of the sibilings of two enemies being together is intriguing. And it's been noted all over the shimmie.

But with no reputable proof, this could be high grade trolling.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:54 pm
by Bara
G3n0c1de wrote:The devs haven't said anything about him, as far as I know. People have probably made the connection because of the glasses and hair color. The thought of the sibilings of two enemies being together is intriguing. And it's been noted all over the shimmie.

But with no reputable proof, this could be high grade trolling.
Since when has anything (besides a thread lock) ever stopped our rampant, meandering speculation about minute details; or stopped the devs from pulling our chains just cause they wanted a laugh. :wink:

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:27 pm
by G3n0c1de
Bara wrote:Since when has anything (besides a thread lock) ever stopped our rampant, meandering speculation about minute details; or stopped the devs from pulling our chains just cause they wanted a laugh. :wink:
True. But it's become universally accepted around here that Hideaki is Shizune's brother and is in a relationship with Akira, that whole trap/reverse trap deal. I for one would laugh pretty hard if in the final game, all of these statements are wrong, and the whole time they were using the shimmie to lead us to false conclusions.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:37 pm
by Bara
G3n0c1de wrote:
Bara wrote:Since when has anything (besides a thread lock) ever stopped our rampant, meandering speculation about minute details; or stopped the devs from pulling our chains just cause they wanted a laugh. :wink:
True. But it's become universally accepted around here that Hideaki is Shizune's brother and is in a relationship with Akira, that whole trap/reverse trap deal. I for one would laugh pretty hard if in the final game, all of these statements are wrong, and the whole time they were using the shimmie to lead us to false conclusions.
Of course, didn't you know the game would have been done two months ago but the Devs keep re-writing it just to screw with our speculations? :wink:

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:56 pm
by Caesius
I was thinking the whole time that Hideaki was Shizune's brother, and given how similar they look I think it's pretty much a given, at least until the game comes out.

But outside of fan shipping, him being in a relationship with Akira is news to me.

Edit: I suppose if it were true that they were in a relationship then it could have been one of the catalysts to Lilly and Shizune's rivalry. I doubt it though, especially since you'd think something like that would make them more friendly to each other. You know, assuming Shizune isn't a jerk to Hideaki... and you know what, I just said something that could go in that "what don't you want to happen to the story" thread and would probably be the first person to have posted something reasonable.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:23 am
by HeMeido
Lilly has a reverse-trap older sister, so Shizune obviously has a trap younger brother. It fits into their rivalry.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:19 am
by Mirage_GSM
I was just wondering because everyone seemed to take the brother-sister relationship as a fact. He's even listed as such in the tv-Tropes wiki...
Guys, this is the internet. You question this sort of thing if it doesn't come from a reliable source ;-)
I'll give you that it is at least a plausible possibility.
Not so much the relationship to Akira. Akira is probably several years older than Lilly, and if Hideaki is indeed Shizune's younger brother, he'd probably be jail-bait for her. (Not sure how the relevant laws are in Japan)

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:26 am
by G3n0c1de
Mirage_GSM wrote:Guys, this is the internet. You question this sort of thing if it doesn't come from a reliable source ;-)
This isn't exactly wikipedia, it's a fandom. People probably made the trap/reverse trap, rival siblings, starcrossed lover connections in their heads. Since it fit this way, it seemed like an interesting notion to pair them together. And this was spread around until it became accepted as fact.

The one problem is that people who would be in the know about this sort of thing, the dev artists, have also perpetuated this on the shimmie. Now things on the shimmie aren't canon, but the source it comes from seems sort of official. I see 3 options:
- The pairing is official, just unannounced.
- The dev artists know the truth, but find this a cute pairing and draw it anyway.
- They know the truth, and are intentionally misleading us. Perhaps a combination of the above. This is unlikely, though.
Mirage_GSM wrote:Akira is probably several years older than Lilly, and if Hideaki is indeed Shizune's younger brother, he'd probably be jail-bait for her. (Not sure how the relevant laws are in Japan)
Now we get to some interesting theories. We know that Akira is older than Lilly, but don't know Hideaki's age, though I think it is assumed to be younger. If this is the case, then a relationship would have an age discrepancy, possibly treading into minor/adult taboo territory. Hideaki is normally depicted in a school uniform, so at most he could be the same age as Shizune, a high school senior, unless its cosplay... but I don't want to even get in to that.
Wow, I'm over thinking this...

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:36 am
by Guest Poster
True. But it's become universally accepted around here that Hideaki is Shizune's brother and is in a relationship with Akira, that whole trap/reverse trap deal. I for one would laugh pretty hard if in the final game, all of these statements are wrong, and the whole time they were using the shimmie to lead us to false conclusions.
Heh, I'm fairly willing to accept that he's probably related to Shizune, due to their outward similarities...that was probably done on purpose. But the thing with Akira, I'd have to see to believe. It sounds awfully convenient. (and more than a little soap-operaish)

I don't blame the devs for not stepping in with an official statement. If the whole speculation is way off base, they're probably laughing their butts off every time this subject pops up.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:25 am
by Mirage_GSM
Ooops. .. And now I have spoiled their fun...
I guess, I should go and stand in the corner now.

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:18 am
by Bara
Mirage_GSM wrote:Ooops. .. And now I have spoiled their fun...
I guess, I should go and stand in the corner now.
Now if we all had to go stand in a corner every time we posted something silly and or speculative that might upset a Dev NOTHING would ever get posted in the forum. :lol:
For all I know, Hideaki could have been a troll or he may have been written out of the unreleased acts. The Devs could also have released the CG of him in the Blog to test our reaction to him; wondering if the character was a good fit for the story or a throwaway cardboard cutout VN stereotype. I lean towards the massive troll theory myself. :mrgreen:

Re: Hideaki

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:58 am
by SirMax
Well they did confirm he was going to be in the full game, but that was a while ago. Seems slightly unlikely that they'd throw away an entire sprite set, though, unless they REALLY couldn't find a use for him.