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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:49 am
by Unforgiven
Camoufrage: Good to hear that everything went better than expected. I wish you luck.

Ghotiheads: I don't know anything about US medical stuff, but I hope everything turns out to be okay.

By the way, my summer job started this monday. My old classmate is also working there, so it has been fun. He's kinda quiet guy too, so we don't chat that much, but I think he's good company. Also a girl I met last summer is working there too, we haven't met since then, so it has been fun to catch up with her too. So everything went better than expected for me.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:59 pm
by gragon
Unforgiven wrote:By the way, my summer job started this monday. My old classmate is also working there, so it has been fun. He's kinda quiet guy too, so we don't chat that much, but I think he's good company. Also a girl I met last summer is working there too, we haven't met since then, so it has been fun to catch up with her too. So everything went better than expected for me.
thats nice to hear unforgiven. im glad your co-workers are people you get along with! :)

just a random question
is there anyone else that enjoys the winter and autumn more then the spring and summer?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:13 pm
by ShinigamiKenji
Seeing some people comment here, I feel my situation is way much better and I shouldn't bother posting here. But I will anyway.

Problem is, I've been losing interest in the future. Long-term plans are things I almost stopped thinking of. Only living day by day, with only short-term goals (like, some exams the week after). I'm losing interest in doing many things, in trying new things. I think my mind is getting old too fast, now that I'm finishing college and have to begin to work. Or perhaps it's my course; people tend to say my year is the "depression year", because they make it seem like everything they told was great is the complete opposite, just loading you with more and more meaningless work. Don't know if this mindset is getting to my perception of how I see the world. Or maybe I was just like that, but I only realized it now and I'm feeling bad about this.

I have a pretty normal family background, my parents usually misunderstand me but from what I've read, it's pretty normal. I'm not the most sociable of people, but I can get around. I just prefer the company of a few friends, which although it's been hard for everyone, they seem to be much better than I am. Of course, it may be just appearance, but I don't think they are acting at all. But I was never able to read through people, then...

Anyway, I can come up with some reasons, but not a solution. Any advice (as little as it may seem) is welcome.
gragon wrote:is there anyone else that enjoys the winter and autumn more then the spring and summer?
I tend to prefer cold days (even running feels better when it's cold, I get less tired), but sometimes you just need some warm, sunny days to eat ice cream. :P

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:41 pm
by Helbereth
ShinigamiKenji wrote:
gragon wrote:is there anyone else that enjoys the winter and autumn more then the spring and summer?
I tend to prefer cold days (even running feels better when it's cold, I get less tired), but sometimes you just need some warm, sunny days to eat ice cream. :P
Autumn definitely; winter kind of. I like the crisp autumn air, the color changes and the relief from summer's heat. Though, I think it's just the older me siding with autumn.

Now, with winter it can depend. Cold I don't mind -I practically radiate heat- but the snow can get tiresome if it piles up too much. It's pretty to a certain point, but after that I dread shoveling it and walking through it, getting wet feet and all the other shenanigans that brings.

Some of my fondest childhood memories are in winter; like learning to skate on the frozen pond and spending days falling on my ass until it was numb with cold and pain. Spending time with my friend or my brothers, digging holes through the ice and building forts in the snow. I remember building a snow-cat (yeah, it was an icy, white pussy on our front lawn) with my dad - it's funnier now. Then there are the holidays -- specifically driving all over the various local neighborhoods to see their Christmas lights.

Falling through the ice was harrowing. Not telling anyone about it until fifteen years later was also a source of snickering for me over the years. I feel I ought to elaborate; I was walking back to shore near the sluice-way with my friend, and the thin ice over the running water gave way. I was plunged into about 5 feet of icy-cold water (I was 8, so it was over my head) while my friend looked on from shore, dumbstruck.

I pulled myself up at the shoreline, sputtering, coughing and freezing cold after just a few seconds. When I got back to the house -drenched- I stripped off my soaked clothes, grabbed a towel and stood in front of the wood-stove for about an hour, quietly deciding to keep the incident to myself -- my mother simply assumed I'd been rolling in the snow.

I didn't correct her.

As much as I used to complain, I actually enjoyed digging firewood out from under the snow to carry in for heating the house (I believe I mentioned it was the only heat we had). It usually devolved into a glorified snowball fight or a winter-born game of hide and think about seeking -- usually I was the one doing the thinking while one of my brothers hid in the freezing-cold snow somewhere. It was a deceptive game.

Skidding down a crowded hill on black ice in my dad's station-wagon was also hilarious in retrospect; though we were screaming too much to enjoy it at the time. Going sledding (not in the car) down the embankment behind the house and then sliding half way across the frozen pond was also quite entertaining -- we made a game of seeing who could get the farthest. Winter was a world apart from the rest of the year, and it helped me forget what else was going on somehow.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:06 pm
by Beoran
Kouryuu wrote: Hate to sound defensive but you'll never convince me. Not only could I not handle it, I dont want to put the time into it. They'd get in my way, same goes for a significant other. I have decided I dont have time to do what I want and have a family, I prefer being alone and free, I can do what I want when I want and not have to check with someone else. Tied down if you will. Incredibly selfish but then I think it would be more selfish to have a family and spend no time with them.
Heh, tell me about it? It's true kids take up a lot of time. And yes, I'll admit I am a bit "selfish" at times. I can't spend /all/ my time with my daughter. For example, my daughter sometimes want to come down and play in the middle of the night, but I don't let her. Because we need some time of our own and some sleep too. And I'm not always playing with her when she's at home. But she likes to play alone just as well as she likes playing with us.

I disagree with the idea that parents have to spend 100% of their free time with their children. My parents didn't do that either and I didn't mind that at all. How to say, I think the key is to give children what they need (which may not be what they want at a young age). That may be attention, but also time to play alone, sometimes spoil them a bit, and sometimes be severe and not let them do what they want, etc, as the situation demands it.

But if you feel that you don't want to spend any time with children at all, then of course, it wouldn't be wise to have children. However, you sound so concerned and thoughtful that I have no doubts about your capabilities of handling children. I'm sure you'd be a great dad if you had the time for it. And with that, I'll rest my case. :)

ShinigamiKenji, thanks for yours story. It's ,normal to have periods when you have less drive. Try to do new things, or just take a walk once in a while, to find a way that cheers you up a bit.

Ghotiheads, hope it turns out well with the doc. Isn't there a bus, or failing that, someone who'd be willing to borrow some money for a taxi?

Camoufrage, good to hear things will probably work out for the least bad, however, I'd say that he isn't a "disturbing fuck". Juts a man for who commited relations and monogamy are impossible. I think there's no shame in that by itself, there are many men and women like that. I think as long as you don't hurt others in the process it's perfectly fine to live a "swinging" life style. I think the problem is that your dad for some reason can't admit he isn't cut out for monogamy, and tried two times to do something that is impossible for him... Your anger is understandable but I fear just anger will not help him change his ways. No offense intended, of course, I hope you get the drift of what I mean.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:30 pm
by Thespian
Okay, I have some catching up to do, so here goes.

Seems like you needed this, just a little peace of mind. There's nothing pathetic about it, it's actually perfectly logical and healthy. Hopefully this leads to more good things for you.

I really hope this works out for all of you, except your dad of course, he'll hopefully get no less than he deserves. I wonder though whether his wife doesn't have her supsicions as well, seeing as he's not being very covert about it, or at least not nearly enough. Anyway, it's probably for the best, especially in the long run, to get the truth out. Still, good luck.

So, with these posts, and Ghotiheads being insured, it seems to me like things are actually looking up a little bit for the HBHC'ers. Let's hope it stays that way.

I think I know how you feel. I've been living my past seven years without any goals or motivation, because I had planned to end things at exactly 30. Thing is, life goes on, whether you enjoy it or not. Just going through life (I'm purposely not using the word "living") without any interest in anything gets really tedious, which in turn leads to more unhappiness and depression. Now, I'm really not sure if I should be giving advice about this, since I'm still not yet out of it myself, but just try to find some things (or just one) that you enjoy doing and simply live for those. Life is too long to just wait for it to end.
Let me know if you succeed, though, so you can tell me how you did it. (I'm so inspirational, aren't I?)
gragon wrote:is there anyone else that enjoys the winter and autumn more then the spring and summer?
I actually love rain, people always look at me like I'm crazy when I say it though...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:53 pm
by ShinigamiKenji
Thanks for the replies. I think my problem is something that's been developing in the past years, now that I think back. I hope it will disappear over time. I think I'm feeling bad because Katawa Shoujo made such an impact I'm beginning to realize I also should start changing, but I can't do it overnight. I guess I may be pretty much like Rin. Hope I can get to my own good ending, too.

Well, Camoufrage and Ghotiheads had much more serious issues in my opinion, and are getting over them. Can't fall behind now, can I?

(Yeah, I'm competitive, too. That's why I didn't like Shizune at first.)

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:05 pm
by Xanatos
ShinigamiKenji wrote:I hope it will disappear over time.
It will. Always does...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:07 pm
by Thespian
ShinigamiKenji wrote:Thanks for the replies. I think my problem is something that's been developing in the past years, now that I think back. I hope it will disappear over time. I think I'm feeling bad because Katawa Shoujo made such an impact I'm beginning to realize I also should start changing, but I can't do it overnight. I guess I may be pretty much like Rin. Hope I can get to my own good ending, too.

Well, Camoufrage and Ghotiheads had much more serious issues in my opinion, and are getting over them. Can't fall behind now, can I?

(Yeah, I'm competitive, too. That's why I didn't like Shizune at first.)
There's no reason to change overnight, you've got all the time in the world. Here, I'll throw something cheesy at you, and for free no less: "The first step is admitting you have a problem". It's way too dramatic, I know, but the stupid thing is that it kind of works.
Funny how you can be competitive though. My lack of interest also includes the results to any competitions involving myself. Or maybe it's just because I never win anything. Yeah, that's probably it.
I would like to close with a joke, but I don't have any. Talking about this makes me a sad panda. Find Xanatos for levity.

EDIT: Oh look, he just posted before me. Some wishes do come true.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:12 pm
by Xanatos
Thespian wrote:There's no reason to change overnight, you've got all the time in the world.
More like all the time in a handful of decades...

Anyway, here's a sad panda who enjoys murder.

And I always check the forum after my daily hour of KS. :mrgreen:

Joke: "That would be cool if the earth's crust was made out of graham cracker. It would disappear just like the ozone layer, but for completely different reasons."

Shit, this one's better: "I went to a restaurant, and I saw a guy wearing a leather jacket, eating a hamburger, drinking a glass of milk. I said, "Dude, you are a cow. The metamorphosis is complete. Don't fall asleep or I will tip you over!""

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:42 pm
by Unforgiven
gragon wrote:
just a random question
is there anyone else that enjoys the winter and autumn more then the spring and summer?
Well... I really hate cold weather. I dont really enjoy the hot summer days either, but still better than cold in my opinion.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:33 pm
by Myshina
Camoufrage wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Camoufrage wrote:@Xanatos and gragon
Anyways, what could be more encouraging than a bunch of broken people having fun and joking around?
Admiring the glory of an ass portrait drawn by a crazy French Misha? :mrgreen:
LOL was not expecting that for a response :lol:
By the way, I'm originally Russian; just so you know.

And Don't make fun of my drawings~!

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:42 pm
by Xanatos
Myshina wrote:By the way, I'm originally Russian; just so you know.

And Don't make fun of my drawings~!
Whatever you say, French Misha. :mrgreen:

And I can't make fun of drawings. I can't draw. XD

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:48 pm
by Helbereth
Xanatos wrote:
Myshina wrote:By the way, I'm originally Russian; just so you know.

And Don't make fun of my drawings~!
Whatever you say, French Misha. :mrgreen:

And I can't make fun of drawings. I can't draw. XD
And I haven't seen your drawings, so I'd have to make up projected insults based on your posting history.

Let me try that:

That isn't how you draw a duck.

Was that accurate?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:03 pm
by Xanatos
Helbereth wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Myshina wrote:By the way, I'm originally Russian; just so you know.

And Don't make fun of my drawings~!
Whatever you say, French Misha. :mrgreen:

And I can't make fun of drawings. I can't draw. XD
And I haven't seen your drawings, so I'd have to make up projected insults based on your posting history.

Let me try that:

That isn't how you draw a duck.

Was that accurate?
Very accurate indeed. I saw a drawing she did of Hisao and it was absolutely the wrong way to draw a duck. :lol: