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Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:34 am
by LordDarknus
“Umm...” is all she utters while slowly shrinking her rehearsed postures and.. stands normally again. Miss Cat-Girl also fails to notice another umbrella-table catching on the wind and soundlessly fainting onto the sand behind her.

“Okay...” Rai slowly takes control of the conversation, trying to steer the titanic exchange of information-- as it sinks --after having struck metaphorical ice-bergs after glaciers after the Frozen Throne.

“What's the event about?”

“Err.. it's about rowing boats... and.. playing volleyball.. and other manly things like that. But the winners are never ever manly, since ninety percent of the contestants are otakus who never ever had a girlfriend... it's like Otaku Survivor, you know? That American TV show? I watch that a lot on my lunch breaks, since it's the only good show that's on-- during my lunch breaks...”

We stare at her... we just-- stare --at her.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:35 am
by LordDarknus
“Ah! I'm sorry! Err... errm.. Ahem! It's about sportsmanship and camaraderie! Exercising for good health and challenging your limits! A healthy body makes a healthy mind! --Or so I'm told to say...”

I can actually feel the conversation madly screeching and scraping on, desperately begging to be stopped, as it excruciatingly drags along the ocean bottom. ...In the Bermuda Triangle. Lost forever in the Jurassic Era. A plesiosaur swims by, not believing its eyes. “How did this pathetic species outwit, outplay and outlast us!?”

“Umm, okay.” Rai --very carefully-- acknowledges Miss Cat-Girl.

“You can join any competition you like, and you get to spin the 'Wheel of Love' over there for your prize. --If you win the final round of a competition, that is.-- Umm.. there's an entry fee of course, though I should tell you it's a little bit high, but! It's for a good cause!: Raising funds for disabled students' educations... Oh! Are you all from that special school?”

“YES.” Hanzou suddenly snaps. “Yamaku Academy. Perhaps you've heard of it?”

“N-no.. not really..” Miss Cat-Girl --very timidly-- answers to Hanzou's fury. “..I'm sorry.”

Hanzou tries to explain further or maybe apologise for making her apologise, but he.. just quietly and warmly utters “Thank you for your services.”

Slowly.. Miss Cat-Girl's spirits rise to a smile, and she deeply bows. -- Unintentionally drawing our attentions to her cleavage again.., this time even Hanzou can't stop staring at her lovely supplenesses.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:37 am
by LordDarknus
“Wait-wait-wait a sec, what did you say about that giant pink thing being?” Kaori asks with a piqued tone.

“Huh?.. Oh! The Wheel of Love!” Miss Cat-Girl answers with a smile, sweeping a wide gesture towards the small podium and its wheel, when her gaze suddenly notices that every umbrella-table has toppled over. “Oh..”, she utters in discouragement, her demonstrative posture losing its vigour.

“What does this 'Wheel of Power'-- bestow --exactly?” Kaori persistently pursues.

“She said wheel of 'love'.” Lionel quietly corrects her.

“It's a prize wheel! A lucky draw where...” Miss Cat-Girl explains, but her enthusiasm suddenly drops again, “-where if you win a competition, you get to spin it. Once for every winner.”

“Aaaaannnd?” Kaori pressures persuasively.

“And you get a random prize out of it.” Lionel quietly plays Captain Obvious- “Shut up, Lionel!” and Kaori tells him to keep quiet.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:38 am
by LordDarknus
“Umm, d-don't fight, children..” Miss Cat-Girl speaks with a very kind and concerning tone, almost reminding me of my kindergarten teacher... Except her clothing does not at all let me imagine her as my kindergarten teacher.

“I.. I'm sorry...” Lionel apologises, almost.. like a kindergarten schoolboy, ….., aww~!

“Errm.. about the wheel.. if you really want to know..., err......” Miss Cat-Girl starts her explanations but trails off with her hesitations.

“What kind of prizes come out of the Wheel of Power?” Kaori presses pointedly.

“Ahh! Err.. sometimes, really nice things. Like, a three-in-one kitchen appliance that-- no one really needs. Since obviously they already have all three to have survived this far in life.”

This conversation has gone so deep, that it has struck a tectonic plate. And sunk.

“Uh-huh.” Yuki speaks. --Maybe she has life experience with three-in-one kitchenware.

“But! Err! Err... other times, you get a free trip! A lot of those are for the local five-star “hot springs health spa centre” place, since we're doing a business-partnership of some sort with them. They give us all those nice discount-coupons, that I sometimes take without anyone knowing, and-- we supply them with quality coffee... and quality tea, ..and quality sandwiches.... and quality crackers.... and.. other quality things that you can qualitatively eat.....”

Even Yuki looks like she's just staring in disbelief.

“ a quality hot spring.”

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:39 am
by LordDarknus
I wonder if Miss Cat-Girl was ever in a debate team? I can imagine it: The power comes on, spotlights fire to life, casting brightness; strong white beams fall upon rising dramatic shadows. Miss Cat-Girl steps up to the podium... 'the championship finals', she whispers assuredly to herself, 'the very last round of debates...' While in the dark, the audience goes wild, waving lighters that become an endless sea of swaying stars, cheering her on and singing power ballads. The judges start the match, the iron bell sharply rings, and Miss Cat-Girl starts talking! And immediately, all her opponents start to pull their hair out as her valid arguments and key points slowly... very slowly..... very, very, very slowly but surely, ...are made.

As my vain daydream vanishes, fading and washing away with the tides, I find Rai has wandered close beside me, amusing himself in the shade of my shadow, building a tiny sandcastle at his feet, with his feet, complete with a moat.

Lionel, Acair and Yuki are hanging their heads... Kaori is waiting intently for the point to come. And Hanzou is fanning himself with his gloves.

“So... those are some of the prizes...” Miss Cat-Girl says as a profound epilogue, to her long, long speech. Of “information” that we could have known by just walking over to the wheel and reading what's on it.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:40 am
by LordDarknus
“And what are the OTHER prizes? The ones that are just big red hearts with animal ears on them?” Kaori keeps on asking.

Why don't we just leave? ...Pleeeaase!?

“Well... errr, the other prizes are... 'Love Tickets'.”

“'Love Tickets'?” Lionel's curiosity peaks with a question.

“'Love Tickets'.” Miss Cat-Girl's low-spirits drops as an answer.

“Love Tickets?!” Kaori's intensity echoes the wisdom spoken.

“Ahem: Love Tickets.” Rai clears his throat and enunciates flatly. “...what? Everyone was saying it. I just wanted to be poplar.”

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:40 am
by LordDarknus
“Err... the Love Tickets... let you... err,”

“Go on..” Lionel eggs her on, with a rather smooth voice, earning a furious glare from the jaguar named Kaori. ..Maybe she'll bite him to communicate her intentions.

“Ahhh! The Love Tickets let you 'date' me! Or my co-workers! We're all catgirls, doggirls, foxgirls, bunnygirls, sheepgirls, spidergirls, batgirls, you name it! We hold hands but we can't kiss you! Because we DON'T want to! So stop trying to bring us home! We would NEVER follow you home and we would NEVER want to be your pet! I'm sick and tired of babysitting grown men! I can't stand it anymore! If I'm going to give my precious time and what's left of my youthful-beauty to a man, please! Let him be... oh~ Excuse me handsome-sir, but may I ask your name?”

“Eiii.. I'm Acair.”

“Would you like to date me tonight, Mr. Acair? And every night? Until the beach event draws to a close? I think I can manipulate the Wheel of Love to accommodate your 'destined victories' for this little pussy.”

The boys stare at her, while the rest of us glare at her.

“Err.. I meant pussycat, ..sorry.”

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:41 am
by LordDarknus
“Well,” Acair abashedly says, blushing like a little schoolboy. “I would love to, but-”

“No, 'Mr. Acair' is TAKEN! I'm sorry, I'm very sorry!” Yuki interjects furiously, clawing her fingernails painfully deep into Acair's bare biceps as she suddenly grabs onto him. --That could hurt. For Yuki I mean. Those sharp fingernails seem pretty delicate.

“Yeeeoww-! YES! TAKEN! What she said!” Acair happily agrees with Yuki.

Well, now that we've wasted so much of our time; maybe we can finally leave?

“Well.. I guess we've wasted enough time here, standing in the sun and getting hot, and a barbecue of a tan, on just one side.” Rai stretches as he speaks carelessly, ..realising what he said just as Hanzou and I gaze at him.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:42 am
by LordDarknus
“I-I'm sorry, Hanzou... I didn't mean-”

“No offence taken.” Hanzou says kindly.

Hanzou.. has changed a lot. I half-anticipated he would-

“But I am tall enough to actually stand out from Iwanako's shadow and get a tan.” Hanzou.. heckles Rai.

“Up yours, Hanzou. With a French breadstick. Just the way you like it.” Rai.. rebuts Hanzou.

“And a toast to you too, Rai. If you would kindly raise your refreshing glass of delicious iced le~mon tea..?”

“I'll raise it far up your delicate ass, Hanzou!”

“Oh my.., I didn't know I was an object of your gay~ passions. And my my, how bold and direct you are with your intentions... But this is hardly the time and place for such honesty. You must refrain yourself, my dear Rai.”

“...I hate you, Hanzou.”

“I thought you loved me.”

“I really, really hate you.”

“Hey, the two of you lemonists! Shut up!” Kaori snaps at the lovebirds, “Can't you see the injustice that is happening right in front of us?!”


Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:42 am
by LordDarknus
We're all rather dumbfounded as to what's even happening anymore. Why are we here? Spouting inanities?

Did God create us to guard a flag? Against our fellow men who choose to guard a different flag? We're all stuck in the same canyon box, building up strongholds and driving Pumas that have six pedals, and then fight each other and argue endlessly for no real reason, trying to defend our flag. Our flag is meaningless. It billows beautifully in the wind, like a sonnet, but that's all it does, and it does so on and on, and we keep staring at it, admiring it. When it's just a flag. Billowing in the wind. I'm not making sense.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:43 am
by LordDarknus
“N-No, please, don't..” Miss Cat-Girl is begging a fired-up Kaori to calm down.

“Oh I swear! By the moon and the stars and.. however that English song goes,” Kaori is.. swearing something.

With an excited smile, Lionel immediately sings it from the bottom of his heart:

“I swear~ by the moon and the stars in the sky
And I swear~ like the shadow that's by your side

I see the questions in your eyes
I know what's weighing on your mind
You can be sure I know my part

'Cause I'll stand beside you through the years
You'll only cry those happy tears
And though I make mistakes
I'll never break your heart

And I swear~ by the moon and the stars in the sky
I'll be there~
I swear~ like a shadow that's by your side
I'll be-”

“Okay okay, that's enough, Lionel!” Kaori interrupts him. Aww.. it was so beautiful... I felt like I was in a music video...

“It's called 'I swear', by 'All 4 One'.” Lionel makes sure to inform Kaori.

“Okay, Great! Shut up!” Kaori profusely thanks Lionel for his valuable information.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:43 am
by LordDarknus
“Ch-Children.. please.. don't-” Miss Cat-Girl meekly asks again.

“Don't you worry! Miss Kitty-Cat!”

“Err.. I have a name-tag...”

She does? I can't quite read-

“I promise you!” Kaori loudly interrupts my thoughts, “I'll march straight up to the manager and tell him off! We're women! Not animals! Women are people too! And we're going to speak for ourselves! We've had to fight for our rights only because men fear us! Because they know women are born superior! They want LOVE? They think they're entitled?! They want SEX~?! WELL THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE FAIRER SEX!”

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:44 am
by LordDarknus
“Oh no... not this again.” Lionel mutters as he rubs his temples in agony.

“What?” Rai asks over the noise of Kaori's top gung-ho propaganda speech.

“Don't you remember?” Lionel unhappily responds to Rai, “Kaori is a bit of a-”

“Lionel! If you say the “f-word”, I'm going to walk all over you. Because these boots are made for WALKING!” Kaori gently warns Lionel.

“F-word? ..Oh, Feminist! 'F' is for Femin-IIIEEEE!” Rai speaks but is silenced. ...By Ronin X.

“Don't.. don't fight, children..” Miss Cat-Girl meekly begs of them, but doesn't interfere with Ronin X's dark business. --A wise decision.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:45 am
by LordDarknus
Having congratulated Rai on his alphabets, Kaori continues.. talking about making a change, and not actually doing any of the things she says she will definitely do. “In the name of the moon I will punish your manager! What's his name? Tell me! So that I can fix a curse on him! I'll use my voodoo puppet-dolls! I have name-birthday graphs and instruction charts that teach me how to accurately put hexes on MEN!”

She does? I don't quite remember...

“What is your manager's EXACT time of birth?” Kaori loudly interrupts my memory, “Tell me! At least his name! Who is that low-life pimp-”


Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:45 am
by LordDarknus
The dark dread crawls out from the oceans to grip us, a festering shadow of things that should be left dead and alone, kept forever lost and entombed from light of day.

What is that black shape under the waves? Why is it staring back at us? That.. living abyss that calls out: “Cthulhu fhtagn...” --It has a voice that isn't a voice, it is but a chaos dancing upon the senses, only mad fancy is allowing it a sound: “Cthulhu fhtagn...” --A guttural noise clawing its way into our minds, vile words echoed by strange chants and shrill laughs in the distance: “Cthulhu fhtagn...”

The unholy guardian of the Necronomicon controls this place, his presence must be the summoning cry for that vast face, looming impossibly in the waters, casting insanity upon us.

We must escape, we must flee from the forgotten horror rising again, sloughing up from unholy depths, but it's too late, our muscles betray us convulsing, our sanity breaks in understanding-- that phrase, that twisted phrase..: “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.” ...Our minds rot apart hearing the chantings of unnatural figures, shambling towards us on defiled sands, as the foul behemoth lifts its mass fully against the sky and spreads its infinite membranous wings, walking over the slimy waters and drowning us in abject darkness....

“From his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu walks starving.”