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Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:03 pm
by Bollocks
Huh. Lilly never struck me as being particularly intellectual.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:50 pm
by Jeo
Lilly. She would be able to teach me more patience and understanding then I do now. Would do me good to slow down.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:20 pm
by dwarduk
themocaw wrote:Given my romantic history, I'd probably wind up with unrequited love for Akira.
... Yup. *Sighs*

Though if I ever got to meet Shizune, I'm pretty sure we'd hit it off. I'm a ridiculously competitive and hypercritical person, albeit who is slightly happier to take the back seat, and all her challenges and little games just got me so interested even in the VN. Kind of an, "oh, it is on!" feeling :D.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:22 pm
by Bathunter07
Hmm....I never actually dated anyone, so this should be a fun little mental exercise. GO!

Emi- Friend only. I don't like the idea of the whole casual sex thing. I would get invested in the relationship too quickly. But since she doesn't want to get into serious relationships, we could come to a halt there. We might be able to be friends, but I only like to do physical exercise when it part of my work or my games (ex. Paintball. I love me some Paintball.)

Lilly- Once again, friend only. She someone who I could hang out with from time-to-time when I want to hang out with someone quiet, but I don't like to be mothered. I REALLY DON'T LIKE THAT. :evil:

Rin- Friend. I can understand her, and I think I could have some very interesting converstations with her. Plus, I would like to have a friend who could paint. I need someone to paint my Skaven Army. I don't care if they Rainbow-Colored Skaven (Actually, that would be hilarious. You see, there was an accident with some dye and warpstone.) But I feel no reason to be in a romantic relationship with her. I don't see benefits she or I (besides the obvious, sex, but that isn't really a concern for me right now) would get from being in a romantic relationship with that we couldn't get with just being friends.

Hanako- probably would be my pick, if I could build up the courage to approach her. She is ADORABLE! I don't feel a need to mother/white-knight for others, and I need my own time and space as she does. But if she ever does needed some support, I can listen for hours. On the other hand, I don't think Hanako would like me all that much. I can be aggressive and I have a bit too much of a fascination with fire. I think the scene would go something like this.

[Me] "Hey Hanako, want to learn how to play Magic: the Gathering? I need someone to test out my decks against."

[Hanako] "O-Okay..."

[Me] "Blah Blah Blah Rules Blah Blah Blah. I summon a Goblin Fireslinger."

[Hanako] * Suspicious Look* "I summon an Elf!"

[Me] "Giestflame!"

[Hanako] "...."

[Me] "Brimstone Volley!"

[Hanako] "...Why...?"


[Hanako] "..m-must you hurt me so?"

[Me] "You're only down to half-life. I got 3 more Fireball in this deck with your name on them."

[Hanako] *RAGEQUIT*

[Me] "We could try Warhammer 40K." (I plan on trying out the new Sisters of Battles when they come out. Oh, the joy of nuns and tanks with flamethrowers).
(PS: I also HATE chess.)

Shizune- Probably the best choice for me. I enjoyed turning minor things into little games, and I don't mind doing things for her. She just need to knows that A) You ask me to do something, you don't order. My rebellious nature will reject your order, no matter how reasonable! B) Don't trick me into doing anything outside of a game. I don't like playing mind games outside of games. C) Come on, Risk? No No, Shizune, you would enjoy Magic and Warhammer so much more.
Plus, ever now and then, I could use a good kick to motivate me to do something that I need to do.
Bonus- I already know Sign Language.
Con- I know sword-fighting, and I wouldn't take shit from her father. That can only end in one way... (Hint: It involves my Bastard Sword and his Katana).

Misha (Let us presume that she bi-sexual, not lesbian.)- I enjoy her almost never-ending happiness (Yeah, I know a good chuck of it is false, but if we dating, I think the problem been mostly solved in that regrad), and like Shizune, she knows when to give me a kick when I need to do something.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:37 pm
by Synthus
Bathunter07 wrote: Shizune- Probably the best choice for me. I enjoyed turning minor things into little games, and I don't mind doing things for her. She just need to knows that A) You ask me to do something, you don't order. My rebellious nature will reject your order, no matter how reasonable! B) Don't trick me into doing anything outside of a game. I don't like playing mind games outside of games. C) Come on, Risk? No No, Shizune, you would enjoy Magic and Warhammer so much more.
Plus, ever now and then, I could use a good kick to motivate me to do something that I need to do.
Bonus- I already know Sign Language.
Con- I know sword-fighting, and I wouldn't take shit from her father. That can only end in one way... (Hint: It involves my Bastard Sword and his Katana).
A) If someone orders me to do shit I generally do the opposite out of sheer stubborn contrariness.

B) Are you me?

C) Dude, Warhammer and Magic are both bloody expensive. Diplomacy is clearly where it's at! If you play the global edition (good luck finding enough players), you can even get Australia!

Bonus - No luck there. My sign language vocabulary is limited to flipping the bird, air-wanking and telling them to blow it out their ass. Plus maybe that 'slapping the open end of a fist' motion.

Con - Nigga, you did not just call a longsword a bastard sword. That's D&D-level BS. >:U I wouldn't underestimate the bugger though, some kenjutsu guys can be pretty damned intimidating to fight (cleanly i.e. without double hits) because they don't give a shit about little things like eating your sword point as long as they lay a motherlovin' cut on you.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by Bathunter07
Synthus wrote: B) Are you me?
I don't think so. Unless you are me when I'm sleeping. Which would explains why I've been so tired lately. However, I was awake when you wrote that. So, that puts a bit of a damper on my theory. Unless, you're my twin that was seperated from me at birth. But I doubt that too. There is only so much of me that this world can handle.
Synthus wrote:C) Dude, Warhammer and Magic are both bloody expensive. Diplomacy is clearly where it's at! If you play the global edition (good luck finding enough players), you can even get Australia!
There are ways around that. I often convert cheaper smaller toys (aka, anything that I can hijack from my brother, or if I was in the game, anything that I can hijack from Emi and Misha)

Think goodness I'm not in the game. Disabilities: Burnt his right arm on molten cheese after tripping on a carpet. I immediately become a comedy character. Saddening. I already play that in real-life.

As for Magic, its only really expensive if you play in tournaments. Which I don't. By Azathoth, the attitudes of the people in those make Shizune seem bearable to the haters. Seriously, Shizune's haters, you don't know competitiveness till you gone to a Magic tournament.
As for Shizune's isn't an issue for her.
Synthus wrote: Con - Nigga, you did not just call a longsword a bastard sword. That's D&D-level BS. >:U
I don't even want to get into this. Just be glad this isn't /v. The rest of you that this isn't directed to. I been known to de-rail entire forums! (And if you believe that, pro tip: I lied. Another flaw of mine that Hanako probably wouldn't enjoy. Or anyone for that matter. Except Misha. Misha would laugh...BECAUSE SHE KNOWS BETTER!).
Synthus wrote: I wouldn't underestimate the bugger though, some kenjutsu guys can be pretty damned intimidating to fight (cleanly i.e. without double hits) because they don't give a shit about little things like eating your sword point as long as they lay a motherlovin' cut on you.
I highly doubt Jigoro has much training. He's the sort of guy who started trying to tell the sword-master how to fight properly, even when he doesn't know jack.

[Sword-Master] "First off, I shall teach you about proper footwork."

[Jigoro] "Hmph! Back in my day, we started off training by duels to the death!"

[Sword-master] "I'm older than you are!"

[Jigoro] "I doubt that! If you read my auto-biography, you would know that little fact. Since you don't, you are clearly younger than I am! But I doubt you kids can read as high level as my book requires. Perhaps if I beat you with it, it shall sink into your skull."

Of course, he probably got at least a foot on me, if not more, and probably is double my weight in muscles. He doesn't really need skills to hurt me, since his longer arms cancel out the range on my sword. Even if I got the Dwarven Trance ability [If I'm 5'6, where did I get that?].

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:43 pm
by Zerero
Which of the girls would I date in real life? I would want to date Lilly, but I don't think I could handle her. The gentle personality, golden locks and healthy adolescent sex drive, damn. I definitely couldn't handle Hanako or Rin. Maybe with some extra energy I could handle Emi. And I imagine I could build up a tolerance with Shizune. Either way, the answer is Lilly.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:00 am
by Synthus
Bathunter07 wrote: There are ways around that. I often convert cheaper smaller toys (aka, anything that I can hijack from my brother, or if I was in the game, anything that I can hijack from Emi and Misha)

Think goodness I'm not in the game. Disabilities: Burnt his right arm on molten cheese after tripping on a carpet. I immediately become a comedy character. Saddening. I already play that in real-life.
There are, but a large chunk of the fun is in assembling, converting and painting the miniatures. Also, in my experience, playing the game is fucking boring compared to fantasizing about playing. There's a reason I have around a thousand bucks worth of minatures sitting around gathering dust.
Bathunter07 wrote: As for Magic, its only really expensive if you play in tournaments. Which I don't. By Azathoth, the attitudes of the people in those make Shizune seem bearable to the haters. Seriously, Shizune's haters, you don't know competitiveness till you gone to a Magic tournament.
No tournaments, but I live in Asia. I know that feel. Lawyers have nothing on Magic players.
Bathunter07 wrote: As for Shizune's isn't an issue for her.
Girl's going to show up with a shitload of Legacy era stuff, isn't she?
Bathunter07 wrote: I don't even want to get into this. Just be glad this isn't /v. The rest of you that this isn't directed to. I been known to de-rail entire forums! (And if you believe that, pro tip: I lied. Another flaw of mine that Hanako probably wouldn't enjoy. Or anyone for that matter. Except Misha. Misha would laugh...BECAUSE SHE KNOWS BETTER!).
I do the exact same thing.

And I didn't lie.
Bathunter07 wrote: I highly doubt Jigoro has much training. He's the sort of guy who started trying to tell the sword-master how to fight properly, even when he doesn't know jack.

[Sword-Master] "First off, I shall teach you about proper footwork."

[Jigoro] "Hmph! Back in my day, we started off training by duels to the death!"

[Sword-master] "I'm older than you are!"

[Jigoro] "I doubt that! If you read my auto-biography, you would know that little fact. Since you don't, you are clearly younger than I am! But I doubt you kids can read as high level as my book requires. Perhaps if I beat you with it, it shall sink into your skull."
Sounds a lot like a certain cock I'm acquainted with in real-life. Bugger was disillusioned with historical fencing (instructor didn't pander enough to his ego) and went to join an Oly fencing club. He got kicked out for attempting to boss the coaches around. :D
Bathunter07 wrote: Of course, he probably got at least a foot on me, if not more, and probably is double my weight in muscles. He doesn't really need skills to hurt me, since his longer arms cancel out the range on my sword. Even if I got the Dwarven Trance ability [If I'm 5'6, where did I get that?].
'If it was not art, then the strong would always win.'

/mahoosive derail

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:24 am
by TheCuddlyCommie
Without a doubt, Hanako.
I enjoy making people feel better. So I could just imagine sitting down and having a nice chat with Hanako over some tea.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:44 am
by Helbereth
Let's see...

Rin and I would probably be great friends, but it wouldn't go beyond the platonic. I have fits of dreamy introspection myself, but I'm usually on the lucid side of things. I'd love to work with Rin artistically, but I'm afraid I'd constantly feel like i wasn't quite up to the task.

Emi is just too much energy for me. I'm much more likely to spend a day meandering around a park or sitting on a sidewalk rather than running around in the rain.

Shizune would be something to consider. I can be just as competitive and direct - blunt, one might say - when dealing with people. I think, like Hisao, I'd be able to temper some of her harder edges and help her lighten up when she starts getting too serious. I could also see myself learning sign language just to talk to her.

Lilly might actually drive me nuts considering the amount of pretense she brings to a conversation. Still, I'm especially fond of intelligence in my companions, so I might be able to forgive the pretenses in favor of feeling like I could be out-witted at any moment.

Hanako is simply adorable. It would probably be difficult for me to overcome the instinct to try and protect her, but her hobbies (reading, board games, singing, and pool) align quite well with some of mine, so we'd have plenty to talk about, I think. We'd also have a lot of common history surrounding being teased/bullied early in school and deciding to shut the world out as a defense.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:02 pm
by TheBrotasticBrony
Emi- Nah, a bit too high strung for me. I'm more of the person that wants to chill at a park or play a board game rather than going out for a run.

Hanako- Burn scars aren't THAT unpleasant in real life and we both share a love of chess and pool, so definite possibility there.

Lilly- Yeah she likes chess, but she seems a bit too reserved and ladylike to be of any interest to me.

Shizune- Not a big fan of getting bossed around, too competitive in her games, and I'm too lazy to learn and practice Sign Language

Rin- Surprisingly, this might actually work out well. I've only been able to communicate through words and I don't have much artistic merit, the contrast would be interesting. Plus I have a thing for girls with ties.

Yukko- A bit too uptight and skittish for me to ever really be comfortable around her. Pass

Miki- NOW we're talking! Chill enough to have pleasant conversations with and a great body too. Only wish we'd have seen more of her in game.

Meiko- Any chance for a relationship would be shut down by an outraged Emi. Plus, she probably is dating the Nurse.

Kenji- No.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:24 pm
by dwarduk
What does "high-strung" even mean? From how it's been used in this thread, it's clear I don't understand the phrase as I had thought I did.

And which I would date in real life? None of them and yet any of them. Each of them, were I to meet them in real life, would remind me so strongly of past relationships, crushes and friendships whose demises have now become a bitter sting. Having said that, it's also proof that I would date them, as I have dated extremely similar people in the past. Who knows, but I still love the Lilly who lives both on my computer and in my imagination.

Oh, and were I to meet Shizune, it would go like a pillow fight with Emi. The challenges and mind games, well... ^^

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:34 pm
by Helbereth
dwarduk wrote:What does "high-strung" even mean? From how it's been used in this thread, it's clear I don't understand the phrase as I had thought I did.
Its meaning gets skewed a lot, but it generally refers to being uptight, pretentious and having a propensity for overreaction.

Lilly is high-strung because of the pretense in her speech, as well as being rather conservative (uptight).

Emi is high-strung because she's unusually active, but also because she's quick to overreact to changing circumstance.

Shizune is somewhat high-strung because her obvious competitive streak often leads her to overreact.

You could also say that Hanako is high-strung because she tends to overreact to the mere presence of people, but, since she's so different with people she knows, I'd give her a pass.

Rin is about the farthest thing from high-strung as you can get, but she might actually cause the people around her to imitate high-strung behavior.

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:47 pm
by Megumeru
The things I'll do with Shizune...
<convo taken using an iPad, notebook, or something along that line. Sign language is still in the works>

me: you score more points, and I'll do whatever you ask for a day. But if I win, then you do what I ask you to do for a day.
Shizune: Is that a challenge?
me: yes, it is. Scared?
Shizune: not a chance!
*game on*

me: If I score higher than you in this test, you'll listen to what I'll ask you to for a week. But if you win, I'll do what you say for a week.
Shizune: You're challenging me?
me: why not? You're up for it?
Shizune: Bring it!
*game on*

StarcraftII/Company of Heroes/DotAII/Command and Conquer 3
me: If I beat you in this 1 on 1, you'll listen to me for a month. But if you beat me, I'll listen to you for TWO--how's that sound?
Shizune: Oh, are we gaming now?
me: Hell yeah!
*game on*

Seriously, if I date her I'll challenge her in almost everything I do. That's enough motivation for almost everything to push me into 'try hard'-mode. Heavy risk...

But the PRIIIIIIIIIIIIZE........:wink:

Re: Which of the girls would you date in real life?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:12 pm
by metalangel
Way to make her into a one-dimensional character.

Can't you see beyond that one facet of her? If you can't, that'd be one huge reason why she'd never date YOU.