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Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:17 am
by CoffeeDrive
Mirage_GSM wrote: No, I'm certain it has to be "C", because [insert random reasoning that is in 99% of all cases not based on having studied 5+years of psychology]
Does 2 years count? I have that.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:21 pm
by Aura
She's an awkward child going through an "I'm weird and no one understands me" phase. She'll be fine after growing up a little.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:24 pm
by CoffeeDrive
Aura wrote:She's an awkward child going through an "I'm weird and no one understands me" phase. She'll be fine after growing up a little.
The dreaded "Omg im soooo random" phase.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:00 pm
by Zarys
Aura wrote:She's an awkward child going through an "I'm weird and no one understands me" phase. She'll be fine after growing up a little.
Ah ! thanks to stop this stupid thread, I am tired of all these kind "ALL KS CHARACTERS HAVE ALL MENTAL ILNESS EXISTING IN THE WORLD".
And I still laugh at the "Rin has aexthymia" when it's associated to be creatively sterile. :lol:

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:45 pm
by CoffeeDrive
Zarys wrote:
Aura wrote:She's an awkward child going through an "I'm weird and no one understands me" phase. She'll be fine after growing up a little.
Ah ! thanks to stop this stupid thread, I am tired of all these kind "ALL KS CHARACTERS HAVE ALL MENTAL ILNESS EXISTING IN THE WORLD".
And I still laugh at the "Rin has aexthymia" when it's associated to be creatively sterile. :lol:
Zarys, Im pretty sure Aura was joking.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:09 pm
by Zarys
And how you knows i'm not joking too ?

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:19 pm
by Khalego
akineru wrote:- possibly hallucinations? (in the opening to act 2 of Rin's route, you see Rin painting and there is a brief moment where her body is replaced by what seems to be a dragon and other nonsensical shapes)
Wouldn't that mean Hisao has the hallucinations?

@Zarys: Nobody has ever said that "ALL KS CHARACTERS HAVE ALL MENTAL ILNESS EXISTING IN THE WORLD"...So...Calm down.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:10 pm
by Broomhead
*Comes barreling out of a warp pipe*

Hello and welcome to the foru- Ah, I'm too late! Damn. Oh well.

People here have a strong aversion to giving characters psychological traits beyond directly stated ones (Emi/Hanako's PTSD, etc.)

I relate to Rin a lot and have some of the traits you mentioned (Word Salad, Dulled emotions, and to an extent seeing things not as they are.) and I'm not schizophrenic/DID/ or anything. The word salad and dulled emotions can be explained by her being an introvert, or a T (If you use MBTI).

I often say things that don't make any grammatical sense or dislike how I word things. This is because I find words inefficient and untrue often. Refer to Madame Vastra's "One Word" policy on questioning. This is not the sign of a psychological defect/disorder, but (not to toot my own horn) intelligence or simply being introverted. I also rate in the 99.9th percentile for GATE in the U.S. (Basically I "think" differently than the norm for other people.) and teachers have commented on my doings being "strange yet effective."

Dulled emotions are simply just a sign of being in control of yourself. Sometimes this is not healthy, but it's never a direct sign of insanity. When my Great grandparents both died, I didn't cry. Barely even felt anything for a week. After that, I moved slower and was less social, then got back up again within the second week. When I transferred into a different district due to bullying causing major chronic migraines, or got my first date, I simply smiled for a bit and was internally more happy. I didn't gush or screech when I found out. I have no named psychological conditions that would explain it. I'm just reserved. Now, I was bullied a lot and my family in general is very quiet, and I burst on people occasionally, but that's just being an introverted human.

As for hallucinations/seeing things differently, I have some insights on that. But first, I'm going to sound absolutely insane. Take a picture of yourself without shoes. Get a note card and draw a line against your chin and the top of your head in the picture. Further measure how many heads are in your body. It should be 7-8 if you are an adolescent or adult. Look at your face and imagine an outline. No eyes, ears, or mouth, or even wrinkles etc, just how your head is shaped. This is how an artist can perceive things (speaking from familial and personal experience). Engineers and architects have similar modes of viewing the word. They often don't realize it, but it is an alternate way of processing the information. When I look at someone's face in artist mode, I don't see the colour of their eyes or the emotions on their face, I see the lines that make up their chin and hair. Rin may have a similar mode of seeing to that, or it may just be how she sees in general and our viewing method is the alien one. This can also further split into seeing what shapes fit into something else's lines, hence the dragon in her painting.

TL;DR: Nope. She's just an introvert who can view things like an artist.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:00 pm
by Khalego
Broomhead wrote:The word salad and dulled emotions can be explained by her being an introvert
What part of the definition of "introvert" says anything about word salad tendencies or dulled affect? That wouldn't explain any of it. Hanako is an introvert and has no such tendencies. And not wording things quite right isn't a sign of intelligence. It's a sign of communication difficulty. Nobody has ever listened to someone spout off a jumble of word salad and said "Wow, he must be intelligent!" because that is a nonsensical correlation. If you're not out to "toot your own horn" don't go out of your way to do exactly that.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:33 pm
by Broomhead
Khalego wrote:What part of the definition of "introvert" says anything about word salad tendencies or dulled affect? That wouldn't explain any of it. Hanako is an introvert and has no such tendencies. And not wording things quite right isn't a sign of intelligence. It's a sign of communication difficulty. Nobody has ever listened to someone spout off a jumble of word salad and said "Wow, he must be intelligent!" because that is a nonsensical correlation. If you're not out to "toot your own horn" don't go out of your way to do exactly that.
(/Sarcason) Not being able to communicate well due to not talking to other people much? Hmm, can't think of anything that'd point to practice making someone better at that thing, must've been wrong about that. (/sarcasoff)

Being intelligent makes you more aware of the implications and differing meanings of what you say, and also further aware of how it might affect others. (depends on your definition of intelligence but meh.) I find it hard to talk to strangers because I don't want to inadvertently offend them or bring up a painful topic. A simpler person may neither notice nor care for these, nor are they aware of the majority of more precise words that could be used. For example, "I am starving." is one that sets some literals off. You're not nearly dead, are you? I don't get set off by it, but I don't use that word. Other examples include using descriptors as derogatory when they aren't intended that way (Calling someone "gay" or something "retarded"). A wiser/more socially tuned person may not ask about Hanako's scars right off the bat, but children and simpletons would. Also, may I remind you of "I'VEGOTTOGODOSOMETHING!" in Hanako's case? She can barely get the words out until they explode, and even then it's an excuse for leaving not an explanation of why.

Being an introvert makes you less likely to pick up those social cues due to inexperience, or alternately over-aware of them. Ask any of us.

Perhaps our definitions of "word salad" are slightly different, but I took it as saying things that don't make grammatical sense. Like I said, I do that all the time (in both my opinion and other's), or simply dislike how I have to word things due to inefficiency in language.

Not expressing emotions? That's an introvert thing. Because you don't want someone getting all up into you at the first meeting. E's are more open about that sorta thing, even if they have their secrets.

Edit: I am defensive about the subject, and apologize. Perhaps I am tired from my trip. It is a matter of opinion how to define "Introvert" and you may be more popularly correct than me. It's just how I use the word. :|

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:26 pm
by Liminaut
Rin is thinking very hard about some very difficult things, stuff the vast majority of people never give a thought to.

She wants to use art to communicate. How is this even possible? What is the shape of anger, or the color of despair? If you think that question makes no sense, then how is it possible that a painting lets us feel anger or despair?

This is all really hard stuff. Additionally, she is emphasising the nonlinear, alogical, averbal parts of her brain to a fairly spectacular extent. In a lot of ways, she is exploring mental spaces that most people never get anywhere near. As a result, she kind of has difficulty with stuff that most people do fairly easily.

That's my take, anyway.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:23 pm
by SpunkySix
Aura wrote:She's an awkward child going through an "I'm weird and no one understands me" phase. She'll be fine after growing up a little.
This one almost got me. I almost had to rebel against God for a second there.

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:18 pm
by Khalego
Broomhead wrote:Not being able to communicate well due to not talking to other people much?
That isn't why Rin has communication problems though. She could be a right social butterfly and she'd still have issues because that's just how her brain works. She doesn't talk funny because she's an introvert. She does it because her mind operates on a different level than is common or expected, as Liminaut has helpfully explained.

As for all that about "intelligence" making people more aware of different words and all that...Really? First off, you're talking about vocabulary size which would be a measure of knowledge, not intelligence. Secondly, countless intelligent people still say they're starving when they really aren't. Hyperbole isn't limited to lesser intellects. Nor is using derogatory terms. And a lack of tact is not a sign of being a simpleton. It's a sign of lacking tact, whether by accident or on purpose for a number of possible reasons. And not being irrationally fearful of treading over painful topics is not a sign of being simple. It's a sign of not being irrationally fearful. Not always walking on glass around other people is hardly a sign of lesser intelligence.

Seems to me you're stretching things past their logical ends to fit your pre-made conclusions about people, in a way that conveniently allows you to laud yourself as the "wise and intelligent" one versus all the "children and simpletons". It comes off as smug at best and quite disgusting at worst, I have to say.

But to the point of the thread, Rin certainly does not have schizophrenia. Nor does she have hallucinations. Still wondering where OP pulled that one...

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:36 am
by Munchenhausen
brythain wrote:
Megumeru wrote:Everybody wonders what's going on inside her head :lol:
Everyone should just follow theiRintuition.
But nobody expects the Spanish Rinquisition!

Re: Does Rin have schizophrenia?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:25 am
by Black Sheep
Rin isn't mentally ill or anything of the sort, she is just a human being with a complex inner self, and like many people she has multiple drives, creating a fragmented personality which causes her to be unsure of what she wants to do, because while a part of her may want to do something, another part may be against it, think about it as having multiple small personalities, something which is quite visible in people with artistic personalities and possibly one of the reasons why so many artists appear to be weird, confused, unable to communicate and everything else you may find "odd", since it's something that is very hard to be at peace with, since some of the "fragments" may have destructive impulses (again, something visible in people with artistic tendencies), which is seen in her route multiple times, additionally this is also why Rin appears generally irrational and not very logical most of the time but still has very logical and philosophical moments.

Maybe I should have written more, oh well...