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Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:47 pm
by ginywiny
I get that. I'm almost done with Rin's path now, and every time Emi shows up, it feels kind of weird because everything her and Hisao did on her route is just sort of gone.
Exactly! Damnit, I have to convince myself that it's a game, and not real life!

And yet, it is still hard to be convinced.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:42 pm
by Potato
ginywiny wrote:What I find "unrealistic", is that you cannot meet every girl, and all of them have the same affection for Hisao.
Because all of these girls simultaneously falling for one guy who just showed up halfway into the school year would be realistic...? :lol:

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:53 pm
by ginywiny
Potato wrote:
ginywiny wrote:What I find "unrealistic", is that you cannot meet every girl, and all of them have the same affection for Hisao.
Because all of these girls simultaneously falling for one guy who just showed up halfway into the school year would be realistic...? :lol:
Well, what I mean is that it feels as if the story is all broken down. You can't meet one person and then another later on, because it's as if every character is part of their own universe. After you like one, the others are all left out.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:04 pm
by Potato
ginywiny wrote:every character is part of their own universe
That's exactly it. It's perfectly realistic if you subscribe to multiverse theory. :lol:

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:35 pm
by Atario
Potato wrote:Because all of these girls simultaneously falling for one guy who just showed up halfway into the school year would be realistic...? :lol:
"Falling for" ≠ "being open to", m'friend.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:58 pm
by Potato
Atario wrote:
Potato wrote:Because all of these girls simultaneously falling for one guy who just showed up halfway into the school year would be realistic...? :lol:
"Falling for" ≠ "being open to", m'friend.
...Okay. And? Nobody said anything about those being synonymous.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:01 pm
by ginywiny
Potato wrote:
Atario wrote:
Potato wrote:Because all of these girls simultaneously falling for one guy who just showed up halfway into the school year would be realistic...? :lol:
"Falling for" ≠ "being open to", m'friend.
...Okay. And? Nobody said anything about those being synonymous.
I think he means that they girls would still notice Hisao even if you dated somebody else.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:13 pm
by Atario
Potato wrote:
Atario wrote:
Potato wrote:Because all of these girls simultaneously falling for one guy who just showed up halfway into the school year would be realistic...? :lol:
"Falling for" ≠ "being open to", m'friend.
...Okay. And? Nobody said anything about those being synonymous.
You said they all simultaneously fell for him. They didn't. They were simultaneously open to him. Thus my terse (in)equation.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:35 pm
by Potato
ginywiny wrote:I think he means that they girls would still notice Hisao even if you dated somebody else.
Well, perhaps.

But would the depressed, feet-dragging sadsack that is Act One Hisao notice them all or would he zero in on the first one to really grab his attention, in a desperate bid for some good thing to come of his crippling uprooting, to the exclusion of them? Judging by the game, the second one. And that being the case, whether they notice him or not (we really can't say what they're doing because he doesn't notice them), he's not exactly showing any major desire to know them much. That can easily turn people away before they even approach (as can being a depressed feet-dragger). And they each have excuses, really.

Emi runs. A lot. If Hisao gives it up, without that time together, they simply don't catch each other very often.

Hanako's a traumatically shy recluse. Without basically forcibly inserting himself into the group, obviously nothing comes of that.

Shizune can't be bothered if he doesn't join the council. Misha can't be bothered unless Shizune can be bothered. Really, Shizune does notice him from the very beginning and for a fair length of time but after he blows them off so many times...Well, yeah, she quits. They got paperwork, man!

Rin's far too self-centered (in an artist's "I'm super fucking focused on my mural and nothing else" way) to notice him unless he forces his way onto her radar and keeps himself there.

And unless he goes out of his way to interact with her, Lilly may just never know when he's about. :lol:

Plus, it's far from unheard of in reality for friends to fall a bit by the wayside for the much-better-friend-who-also-fucks-you. :lol: Sad but true...

I'm reminded suddenly of a really really shitty movie in which the main characters park in front of a store and, for a split second, we see a man running out of the store with money, a gun, dressed in drag (a floral print dress) with pantyhose on his head. A side-story that shall never be told...

@Atario: Never said that, actually. Lrn2hypotheticalscenario. :P And they weren't all simultaneously open to him. They were each open to him in succession, and then again at varying points with some closing off and others opening more based on choice. :wink: (My disability is being pedantic! ...I'm joking here, of course, but a weirdly-pedantic mind is actually common for my condition. XD)

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:48 pm
by brythain
Potato wrote:*detailed exegesis of why girls have no time for Hisao*
Clap clap clap…

That done, I've always been curious as to how the other relationships turned out — the ones we never see. That's why I appreciate fanfic writers who try weird (to us) routes and experiments with characters like Suzu and the rest.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:36 pm
by Potato
brythain wrote:
Potato wrote:*detailed exegesis of why girls have no time for Hisao*
Clap clap clap…

That done, I've always been curious as to how the other relationships turned out — the ones we never see. That's why I appreciate fanfic writers who try weird (to us) routes and experiments with characters like Suzu and the rest.

I've seen that word used before but it's so rare that I still had to google it. :lol:

I've got a few experiments on the backburner. :twisted: :mrgreen: :? :wink: :twisted: :mrgreen:

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:00 am
by brythain
Potato wrote:
brythain wrote:
Potato wrote:*detailed exegesis of why girls have no time for Hisao*
Clap clap clap…

That done, I've always been curious as to how the other relationships turned out — the ones we never see. That's why I appreciate fanfic writers who try weird (to us) routes and experiments with characters like Suzu and the rest.
I've seen that word used before but it's so rare that I still had to google it. :lol:

I've got a few experiments on the backburner. :twisted: :mrgreen: :? :wink: :twisted: :mrgreen:
Maybe I should italicise it so that people will know it's not English… :D (Okay, that was a terrible joke.)

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:08 am
by Banana132
Kibaro wrote:So i was wondering if you guys feel like you've gained something or..lost something after finishing kc, well not necesarily finishing the whole vn but after playing different routes of those too good to be true lovely characters.

personally i feel that after most routes i gained different urges, for example, emi's route gave me an urge to start and do jogging, lili's route made me want to be more understanding and a nicer person, shizune's route gave me an interest in sign language which i heard around here thats it's really hard but havent checked it on my own, hanako's route made me want to be a better person with those around me and help them whenever i can, rin's path made me want to try and become better at drawing which i ... used to be, quite decent at, misha made me want to be a more positive person in day to day life, kenji....kenji just gave me headaches...

while i gained alot of emotions and urges and motivation to do good stuff, i also had a big loss regarding private life which i'm not sure i want to confess at the moment, besides that i lost touch with reality, the yamaku world, small as it is, was just too perfect for me...irezistible, made me depressed for a while, scaringly so(i think thats a word, right?), i may be overreacting but i really felt like i lost it for a moment

so yeah, thats what i gained and lost after playing this masterpiece, now's your turn, you dont need to say what ever route gave you, just overall^.^
I gained the will to speak more properly. I've been trying to cut back on swearing for a while now, but after I finished for some reason I really got a drive for. I feel that I lost something, but I can't put my finger on it. It's like after you finish watching your favorite T.V. show and you just feel empty or hollow.

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:41 am
by SpunkySix
Banana132 wrote:I gained the will to speak more properly. I've been trying to cut back on swearing for a while now, but after I finished for some reason I really got a drive for. I feel that I lost something, but I can't put my finger on it. It's like after you finish watching your favorite T.V. show and you just feel empty or hollow.
First of all, good for you. Swearing is okay, but not something to be tossed around lightly and constantly. That being said, I feel like Emi has been a bad influence on me in the sense that I swear ever so slightly more now. Coincidence? Maybe.

As for the underlined part... ... Withdrawal

Re: Gain/Loss after finishing KS

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:52 am
by Potato
Banana132 wrote:I gained the will to speak more properly.
There's an improper way to speak?

Huh. When did that happen? Well, outside of England, anyway.