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Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:57 am
by bhtooefr
Actually, was that canon that she went back to her old school?

It was implied (via the old friends thing), I thought, but not outright stated. (For that matter, I recall it being able to be read in a way that she could have made NEW friends, and then they turned on her, too.) Myself, I've got a headcanon of her going to a specific orphanage that has school facilities on site, but very close to her old school, so she could still try to meet her friends (considering that she had a few very close friends and all).

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:57 am
by Guest Poster
It's not stated outright, but she mentions that she was bullied by the children who were her closest friends before her accident and that's when she stopped believing in friendship altogether. That kind of makes me doubt she'd make new ones. The orphanage was probably close enough to her old school to allow her to continue going there.

Hanako names elementary school as the point where she stopped believing in friendship, so it probably happened at school. She also states she liked the orphanage and says it felt a bit like Yamaku, so it's not extremely likely she attended orphanage school facilities after her hospitalization.

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 6:07 am
by bhtooefr
And, Children's Town is about 300 feet from Sakuragawa Elementary, so maybe there was some sort of setup where they let her continue attending her old school if she went there.

From the Children's Town website:
In order to support the re-integration of the family and self-support of children, we will work in close cooperation with other institutions and people of school, kindergarten and regions.
So maybe... If nothing else, it would be incredibly easy for her to try to maintain her friendships there, and they might encourage her to try it.

Edit: Hmm, I missed this in previous read-throughs. My emphasis:
Nursery room of the park 1.2-year-olds (one class staff Part 3)
3-5 year-old going to kindergarten gas private kindergarten in the city (2 places)

Elementary and junior high school []
Elementary and junior high schools Kasukabe City

[High School]
Prefectural High School (full-time, part-time) Prefectural special needs schools
Friggin' Google Translate, implying that there's schooling there, when they actually use the local schools it seems... So, yeah, you're right.

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:14 pm
by Atario
Answer according to my experience: Could be. I went to public school, and there were people with various disabilities amongst us, and they weren't excluded or anything, having normal amounts of friends as far as I could tell. However, this was in California, which leads me to…

Answer taking into account we're talking about Japan: Dunno. I've heard tell that there's definitely a certain amount of exclusion of people who are different over there, so… [shrug] Maybe not. Could be sad-but-true. (Though this tendency is apparently is decreasing with the generations.)
RandomPerson wrote:Lilly […] fall in with the wrong cloud
No no, Rin is the one who falls in with clouds.
Misha would be the girl that everyone likes, she's the most normal and would hit me as one of the pops (a name my freinds at school made for the popular kids)
Someone forgot Misha's entire back-story… (But I would like to treat her like a (lolli)pop.)

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:43 pm
by SpunkySix
Atario wrote:Someone forgot Misha's entire back-story… (But I would like to treat her like a (lolli)pop.)
Yeah, it's hard to say based on my experience. It could be that she just had an unlucky break at her old school, because I knew a girl sort of like her, and she seemed to have friends. She was kind of a love her/hate her person. The only problem is, she was meaner than Misha too, and I'm not sure how softening her up would affect things. You'd think it would make Misha more popular because she's nice, but with kids I'm sorry, people in general... not always the case.

I feel like Misha would be cotton candy flavored, with a delicious, chewy bubblegum center. This is now my head canon.

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 6:11 pm
by Potato
SpunkySix wrote:I feel like Misha would be cotton candy flavored, with a delicious, chewy bubblegum center. This is now my head canon.
You did this.

But yeah, Misha...Would either be popular or everyone would long to punch her in the face for a moment's peace. :lol:

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 6:12 pm
by metalangel
Atario wrote: (But I would like to treat her like a (lolli)pop.)
Stick something up her butt and then lick her?

Re: What if the 6 girls had attended Hisao's high school?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:59 pm
by Atario
SpunkySix wrote:I feel like Misha would be cotton candy flavored, with a delicious, chewy bubblegum center. This is now my head canon.
I thought the same, except liquid cherry center (à la Gushers).
metalangel wrote:Stick something up her butt and then lick her?
This guy gets it.