Gah, I keep getting beaten to the author's notes!
If it's not obvious, it's Akira POV. (I had trim some more obvious cues to make the story fit in 100 words.) Yes, Lilly bad end.
The title apparently translates to "seed of copulation". (I'm using Scottish Gaelic for Lilly-related story titles for whatever reason. The last one translates to "dividing".)
It's tricky as hell to write an aftermath fic, when someone else is writing a continuation fic that defines my headcanon.

(Not as tricky as trying to write Shizune (because I'm honestly not sure what direction to take it yet) or Rin (because I don't understand her character enough, and I'm not sure which end is actually the worse one) bad end aftermath fic, though.)
Ended up setting my story within dewelar's timeline, but covering something that could've occurred off camera (I have no idea if it would occur or not, and this very much isn't official and isn't part of the canon of Developments). It occurs a few days after her phone call with Hisao, in Chapter 16 of Developments. But, it's not based on Developments per se (other than her
having told Hanako to pursue Hisao, hence her being mentioned). Why it'd hurt Hanako is because the last thing she'd need when pursuing Hisao is for his ex to call him up and say, "hey, you're gonna be a baby daddy!" (OK, Lilly wouldn't say those words, but...) And, Hanako would actually probably be OK with it, I suspect, but Lilly doesn't know that.
Before someone says, "but Lilly's in a Catholic family", they certainly don't seem to follow many of the Catholic virtues. They'd want it to keep up appearances. And, Lilly doesn't necessarily want it, but feels she has to. I won't get into the political debate, but I will note for AntonSlavik020's sake, you might want to consider that we're talking about Catholic parents that would encourage their daughter to have an abortion for the sake of keeping up appearances, they're massive hypocrites at the very least.
BTW, I did explicitly give Lilly a line saying that she
lied about her protection.
And, yes, I'm aware that this story makes Lilly look like a colossal bitch. I could see her doing that, though, so I wrote it.
I actually started kinda hating Emi after That Guy's Emilogue,
where she did something similar to Hisao after Yamaku. (Let's just say that sabotaged contraception is a very deep-seated fear of mine.)
Now to try something different for now, because Shizune and Rin continuations aren't going anywhere for me. Won't be a drabble, and won't be off of any existing storyline (well, I guess it could be off of Shizune, Emi, or Rin's Hisao route, but Hisao isn't involved at all).