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Re: Zade Wither (My own KS story) *Chapter 2 uploaded*

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:26 am
by AlphaWarMeister
Chapter 3

Class didn’t take too long. A long lecture about balanced equations and different chemicals. Pretty basic stuff, though some people can’t seem to find it impossibly difficult. The bell calls for a lunch break. I’m not really hungry, but I welcome the break from school work. The only problem is that I have nowhere to eat lunch. I would ask Kenji, but he booked it out of the room faster than sound when the bell rang. I look over to Lilly, carefully and concisely getting up from her seat and packing her stuff up. I wonder where she goes. Well I have no other options easily available so I might as well ask to join her. Hope I’m not being too pu...*SLAM* I bash my knee into the top of the desk as I’m getting up, not paying attention.

“Damn depth perception,” I curse under my breath, looking down at my now bruised and swelling knee.

“Is something the matter?” the concerned voice of Lilly asks from behind.

“I’m fine, apparently just trying to take out my own kneecaps,” Getting used to having 1 eye is a difficult process. Your peripherals are minimized, and nothing has any depth. Navigating something as simple as a classroom becomes a challenge, requiring a lot of forethought.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Lilly inquires.

“Ya I’m good. Actually can I ask you something, if it’s not too intrusive?”

“Of course, go right ahead,” she responds

“Well I’m just wondering where you go for lunch. I don’t know my way around the building at all, so I’m kind of lost in that sense,” She gives a smile.

“Well today I’m headed up to the roof to eat with a friend of mine. You are welcome to join me if you wish,” I almost don’t believe the words.

“Really? Awesome!” I reply with a delighted smile. We both head off in the direction of the stairway, Lilly’s cane tak-tak-taking along, bouncing off walls, doors, and anything on the ground. It’s interesting to see a blind person navigate. She closes her eyes and lets her other senses guide her along, almost effortlessly. It’s rather graceful, as each step is smooth yet calculated. I’m paying so much attention to her walking that I don’t even notice the wall coming up at me at tremendous speed.


I slam against the wall with tremendous force. Enough in fact to knock me flat on my back. Lilly appears to have heard it and is nervously looking around.

“Zade? Zade are you alright?”

“Ya, ya I’m good. My face and this wall were just having a formal disagreement and it appears the wall has won,” This actually receives a small chuckle.

“I’m almost scared to take you up to the roof,” she jokes.

“Ehh, walls and I just have a formal agreement to disagree,”

“Well you should be fine on the roof, there aren't any safety rails if I remember correctly,”

“Oh thank god, a safe haven,” I say with mock joy. Lilly giggles and we continue. after a few minutes of stair walking we make our way to the top. As I open the door, a wave of warm air meets me. It feels fantastic, as the school is relatively cold inside. As I wait for my eyes to adjust to the light I begin to look around for Lilly’s friend, wondering who it could be.

...Oh boy.

Well this lunch is going to be interesting.