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Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:04 am
by Xanatos
Coleman wrote:
Xanatos wrote:As for those who call Emi a slut...So? She is (or was) a slut. She had a history of using sex to emulate relationships without ever becoming truly invested in them. She continues this habit with Hisao for quite a time as well. I don't know what world you're living in but that's pretty slutty around here in reality. Those people are absolutely correct. Prior to the (good) ending, Emi is indeed a slut.
Slut is a pejorative term with negative connotations. Promiscuous maybe. I personally read her motivations differently.
"Promiscuous" is just a pretty word for "slutty" in most usage. But I guess one is okay because it sounds nicer despite the exact same meaning and stigma...Oh wait. That'd just be ridiculous.

And her motivation is to maintain distance and emotional investment by keeping any relationship at the 'friends who fuck' level for fear of losing whoever she grows attached to and subsequently enduring further pain (as well as maintaining her 'live in the moment' independence). But motivation aside, the behavior itself is that of a slut. That's not a negative critique, just a fact of Emi.

It's worth noting that I got over the stigma tied to that word long ago. For the negative connotation, I use the term 'whore' which has a similar but distinct meaning as per my usage. I see 'slut' as no worse than 'vegan'. Just a factual label.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:16 am
by Fiandra
MishaAtHerEmiest wrote:
Fiandra wrote:Oh noes butthurt. Hey, it's the internet. You can't expect all the people on the internet to be "nice".

Xanatos, I choose you !
Why is it that whenever someone on the internet has a negative opinion that differs from someone else's, they're automatically labeled "butthurt?"
I wasn't being serious. Like Oddball said, I think the word "butthurt" is very silly. I use it for silly threads like this. Jokes are jokes. You're over reacting.

And hi, Xanatos.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:17 am
by ShadeHaven
Well that most definitely escalated quickly.

I'm on the fence about this. While I don't think that most of the jokes are meant to have harmful intent, I also think it's pretty disappointing for a character such as Emi and her story to be defined by a single scene. Calling her a slut is pretty demeaning too, since I doubt she went into relationships with the sole intent of pleasuring her sexual desires.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:22 am
by Xanatos
Fiandra wrote:And hi, Xanatos.
That new avatar gives me the giggles.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:24 am
by pandaphil
You'll never hear me using that word. I've got too much respect for her.

She just has a "Healthy adolescent sex drive" is all.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:33 am
by Umber
pandaphil wrote:You'll never hear me using that word. I've got too much respect for her.

She just has a "Healthy adolescent sex drive" is all.
Support. Anything healthy 'aught to be a good thing.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:36 am
by Xanatos
Umber wrote:
pandaphil wrote:You'll never hear me using that word. I've got too much respect for her.

She just has a "Healthy adolescent sex drive" is all.
Support. Anything healthy 'aught to be a good thing.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:39 am
by Fiandra
Xanatos wrote:
Fiandra wrote:And hi, Xanatos.
That new avatar gives me the giggles.
Awesome, right ?

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:50 am
by Tang
I think that the whole sequence of:
"you're offended man you're butthurt"
and then "butthurt is for people who are new to trolling"
and then "stop trying to be offensive it's so old and overdone"
... is really pointless.

The premise of this thread isn't inherently bad, but I don't like the wording of the title, because right off the bat, it sets up a rude attack of words back and forth. Wouldn't it be more constructive to say "Some observations about the fanbase" or something like that?

Back to the topic, in my opinion, Emi is promiscuous because it shows more contrast between how she (paradoxically) holds people more at bay but can engage in this activity with others, while others (like Hanako) are quite opposite in this area.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:18 am
by Guest Poster
As for those who call Emi a slut...So? She is (or was) a slut. She had a history of using sex to emulate relationships without ever becoming truly invested in them. She continues this habit with Hisao for quite a time as well. I don't know what world you're living in but that's pretty slutty around here in reality. Those people are absolutely correct. Prior to the (good) ending, Emi is indeed a slut.
Sorry, but this is nonsense. A slut is a way to refer to a female person who is sexually promiscious and unlike the male varieties of the word, it's used in a negative context, since everybody knows having lots of sexual partners (sometimes at the same time) is a God-given male right. (yeah, it's a bit of a double standard) There's nothing in the game that suggests Emi sleeps with people she's not dating or that she's had many sexual partners before Hisao (she hasn't...she's had ONE boyfriend before and yeah, she probably slept with him, but that's hardly enough to earn the label of slut) or that she cheats or even that she starts relationships purely for the sex.

Yes, Emi enjoys the act and isn't shy about engaging in it with her boyfriend. Yes, she invited Hisao to a session of spelunking that was partially out of curiousity and partially because they didn't have birth control at hand at the time. And yes, it was an epic failure. Yes, she uses sex as a compensation mechanism and distraction to make up for her fear for emotional closeness. But she didn't drag Hisao into the sack the moment or even before they started dating (only Hanako sleeps with Hisao before they got into a relationship...or maybe Rin, their relationship is never officially started), nor is sex the only thing she seeks in a relationship. Emi's genuinely in love with Hisao and would like her relationships to be more than just physical bonds, but can't help but push boyfriends away when they get too close. There's a difference between sluttiness and trauma-induced fear of emotional bonding.

I'd argue that those who call Emi a slut and actually mean it are either:

a) Unaware of the meaning of the word
b) Intimidated by girls who have more sexual experience than they do
c) Intimidated by girls who are forward enough to take the initiative rather than letting them do the seducing
d) All of the above

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:28 am
by Xanatos
Guest Poster wrote:There's a difference between sluttiness and trauma-induced fear of emotional bonding.
There is a difference between sluttiness and fear. True.

But her mechanism for handling that fear leaves her behaving in a slutty manner. And "nonsense" would imply no sense can be made of it. The poetry of Lewis Carrol is nonsense. A series of sentences expressing a clear idea is far from it.

I'd argue that those who call Emi a slut and actually mean it are...Well, people who think she is or was a slut. That is, I believe, a more sensible conclusion than unsupported speculations about hidden intimidation issues and such. Miraculously enough, some people do just say what they think. Why assume there is deeper reason without evidence?

I'd point out that the 'negative context' is entirely your own projection as I do not use the term negatively but I already mentioned that...Well, and I mentioned it just now too. :P

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:00 am
by Selim Bradley
I don't think you should hate an entire fandom due to the actions of a few individuals.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:16 am
by Sgt Spice
Selim Bradley wrote:I don't think you should hate an entire fandom due to the actions of a few individuals.

The H-scenes in Emi's route didn't define the whole. Yeah it was a part of it, but it wasn't the general focus. I don't think she is a slut, I think she had a normal sexual realtionship with Hisao that most people who are infatuated with each other experience. A normal boyfriend/girlfriend activity. So she got a little adventerous in the shed, so what? Some people make jokes about it and it's humorous to me, but it doesn't degrade my respect for her.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:31 am
by Umber
This has escalated for quite a while. Damn. Might as well bring in some personal experiences.

Deep breaths, wall of text, here we go.

My [significant other] and I had sex often, until I met Katawa Shoujo. Since then, my sex drive died faster than Romney's dreams on election night. Feels weird talking about this so openly, even if this is the internet. Bleh.

I'll be straight to the point. It's a nice feeling (being modest here), and I'm pretty sure my opposite could agree. There are times when it's lackluster, and sometimes...Well, anyways, I take Emi's side on the matter. She obviously enjoys the act, and so do I. I'm often curious about it, so was she. However, I don't believe sleeping with numerous people numerous times is a good thing, and I can't see Emi as that type of person. When I hear the word 'slut', Emi doesn't come into mind at all. Emotional intricacies? Yes, a sex life (or maybe just mine) involves quite a bit of that. Definitely. Using it as an excuse to avoid a serious relationship? No.

It's hard what to think, as I went from a serious to a sexual relationship first, rather than the other way around, as Emi and Hisao did. Either way, it was...casual. Not many ways I can describe it. Sex for my own sake isn't necessary, but sex for a relationship's sake is quite important. To me, at least, but I know everyone's different. In my book, it's just one of those things you can't put off for long, but nothing to complain about.

Thank you to Guest Poster for fixing the facts in this bottom paragraph. Editedit.
Emi had sex with Hisao after their relationship was official (as official as they get by description in KS, anyways), yet she used it as a mechanic in an odd way. Does it define her as a slut? In my opinion, no. Her motivations might not have been, but her actions had a bit of it. Still, if we put everything there in a Rin-ish run-on sentence, something like "I like this guy and somewhere in my heart I want to love him but I can't no I can but I feel like I shouldn't because I'll lose what I love just like my father and I lost him and I don't want to lose this person so I'll go all the way without going the full distance because it'll hurt too much if it ends when we get serious yes this I think this will work but I love him like my father and he wants to help but he shouldn't I'm so confused I hope this is okay for me and for him but is it for him I don't know-" and so on, so on. Now, that's hardly the context of a slut, is it?

Emi had a boyfriend. There's a high chance of sex, this is Emi this thread's about. I'd bet on it in a back-alley casino. She's in high school, I'm in high school, and I've had sex (that sentence took a while to type, no idea why). She didn't let go of Hisao completely after they had sex, and she didn't slip a number going "Another time, call me." Her context implied that she still wanted to be close friends, but wasn't willing enough to go to 'that stage' at the time. It wasn't until Hisao convinced her that they could be more that she really opened up to him. A slut simply comes and goes. Literally speaking. Well, maybe not all the time.

Emi is hardly a slut. She was adventurous in a track shed, I was adventurous on the porch in a rainy backyard (regrettably). Casual, sure. Even if sluttish people don't have emotional sex, well, if you want emotional, go to Hanako's or Rin's first H-scene. I respect Emi, we share a bit in common. A lot, if you compare us to the other KS characters. She is far from deserving such a degrading title as a slut.

My opinion's out there. Going to lurk the forums for a bit now, phew.

P.S To the OP:
Selim Bradley wrote:I don't think you should hate an entire fandom due to the actions of a few individuals.

Re: Why I Hate This Fandom

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:43 am
by Guest Poster
There is a difference between sluttiness and fear. True.

But her mechanism for handling that fear leaves her behaving in a slutty manner.
It's implied she and Hisao do it quite a few times between the time she gets into a wheelchair and the time she and Hisao visit the cemetary, but in what way is having lots of sexual activity with your committed partner in any way slutty? Slutty, by my definition, is being promiscious, being overly quick to engage in purely physical relationships with others, sleeping around or being a cheat. Emi is none of those things. She and Hisao have been dating for a while before she starts sleeping with him, she was genuinely in love with him when they started dating, she doesn't sleep around, doesn't have sex outside of a committed relationship, doesn't cheat and had one boyfriend before Hisao.
And "nonsense" would imply no sense can be made of it. The poetry of Lewis Carrol is nonsense. A series of sentences expressing a clear idea is far from it.
I'd argue that those who call Emi a slut and actually mean it are...Well, people who think she is or was a slut. That is, I believe, a more sensible conclusion than unsupported speculations about hidden intimidation issues and such. Miraculously enough, some people do just say what they think. Why assume there is deeper reason without evidence?
No need to get defensive. :) That previous statement was somewhat in semi-jest and in no way a serious assessment of yours or anyone else's comfort level with girls who are comfortable with their own sexuality. And yeah, some people do just say what they think. Or, more commonly, say stuff before actually thinking it through.
I'd point out that the 'negative context' is entirely your own projection as I do not use the term negatively but I already mentioned that...Well, and I mentioned it just now too. :P
Are you telling me that slut has no negative connotions? As far as I know, it's very much an insult and is hardly ever used in anything but a negative context. Perhaps you know a lot of girls who take kindly to being called a slut. I certainly don't.

But yes, Emi did have sex with Hisao before their relationship was official (as official as they get by description in KS, anyways)
Actually, they didn't. Emi and Hisao started dating after that kiss on the rooftop. Their first time was several scenes after that and it was implied some time passed between the two.