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Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:45 pm
by Pyramid Head
Enemy | wrote:
Guest Poster wrote:
She slowly opens up to her therapist and by the end of the year manages to function normally.
I doubt that. Trauma of that kind doesn't go away that quickly.
Function normally by her standards, as in "not freaking out in class on a somewhat constant basis"
I actually more got the impression she hated the therapist. I have some theories that the therapist was trying to touch subjects she didn't want people to talk to her about possibly he knew that she has a mentality that could turn into suicidal thoughts if not managed, but still, i don't think the therapist was improving things and that it was having someone that she could talk to that helped her improve more than the shrink.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:54 pm
by yummines
obviously she discovers the joys of lesbian sex and then becomes a huge sadist so she tricks Lilly into doing kinky stuff with her.

what did you expect, she opens up to people and gradually becomes a better person?


Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:00 pm
by Xanatos
yummines wrote:obviously she discovers the joys of lesbian sex and then becomes a huge sadist so she tricks Lilly into doing kinky stuff with her.

what did you expect, she opens up to people and gradually becomes a better person?

And then she burns Lilly to match her.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:03 pm
by Pyramid Head
yummines wrote:obviously she discovers the joys of lesbian sex and then becomes a huge sadist so she tricks Lilly into doing kinky stuff with her.

what did you expect, she opens up to people and gradually becomes a better person?

I thought you were supposed to be in despair. Do you want me to post your phone number on the internet so that Meru finds you again? No? Then improve your logic! You and i both know she'd be more manipulative than sadistic! She'd probably target Misha, find out Shizune's secrets through her, and take control of the student council through blackmail.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:09 pm
by yummines
Pyramid Head wrote:
yummines wrote:obviously she discovers the joys of lesbian sex and then becomes a huge sadist so she tricks Lilly into doing kinky stuff with her.

what did you expect, she opens up to people and gradually becomes a better person?

I thought you were supposed to be in despair. Do you want me to post your phone number on the internet so that Meru finds you again? No? Then improve your logic! You and i both know she'd be more manipulative than sadistic! She'd probably target Misha, find out Shizune's secrets through her, and take control of the student council through blackmail.
suddenly i feel like writing fanfiction

@Xanatos and then they do the fusion dance to become Hanlilly, the blind, burnt girl with the power to use the word "ara" 5 times in one sentence

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:49 pm
by Disguised Kenji
yummines wrote:@Xanatos and then they do the fusion dance to become Hanlilly, the blind, burnt girl with the power to use the word "ara" 5 times in one sentence
Don't forget, always stuttering a bit. I remember a avatar somewhere of Hanako using Lilly's hair... Sorry, I really don't remember the person.

More seriously, I think Hanako would continue with her "healing", though much slower than in her and Lilly's route. Perhaps that newspaper club thing would happen in university, but not likely at Yamaku.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:49 pm
by Oddball
Hell, if anything Shizune would have done a better job than Lilly because Lilly never challenged her to improve even though we see she can be competitive.
Shizune is far too confrontational and lacks empathy. Shizune would have utterly broke her.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:10 pm
by yummines
Disguised Kenji wrote:
yummines wrote:@Xanatos and then they do the fusion dance to become Hanlilly, the blind, burnt girl with the power to use the word "ara" 5 times in one sentence
Don't forget, always stuttering a bit. I remember a avatar somewhere of Hanako using Lilly's hair... Sorry, I really don't remember the person.

More seriously, I think Hanako would continue with her "healing", though much slower than in her and Lilly's route. Perhaps that newspaper club thing would happen in university, but not likely at Yamaku.
possibly. however remember how she blows up in her bad ending? while there was some build up it really isnt explained why until after it happens, and since she was just doing fine the previous day it seems slightly random.
never know if it can happen again.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:33 pm
by Snow_Storm
She becomes mayor of a major city who slowly becomes corrupt by her own sense of passion for gettin' rid of crime in her city to the point people calls her "Two Face" because of both her scarring and her politics. After having a mental breakdown in office and a flashback of watching her parents dying in front of her, she slowly grow insane and creates a dual persona, one side for justice by legal means, the other is justice through violence and corruption. Soon after this, Hanako kidnaps the Police Commissioner's son and kills him in front of the commissioner. Hanako is later killed by Batm- Hisao, a rookie hot head police officer turn detective.

All joking aside, Hanako would basically learn how to heal from her past somehow get over her social phobias. Perhaps she winds up going to a pool hall with Akira from time to time, the blonde lass helping her heal or whatnot.

txalolrn9 wrote:She puts an argyle swaggervest over a long pillow and furiously rubs the lower region of it against the inside of her legs until she climaxes and screams out Hisao's name in ecstasy ... then cries herself to sleep.

Why do I want fanart of this? It's fucked up to the point it's actually fun but still...

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:38 pm
by Xanatos
Snow_Storm wrote:lass
Misread this without the 'l'. Demand HanakoXAkira.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:17 am
by Guest Poster
I kid. Well said, and you are right, Hanako does need some support but not a rescuer, though maybe you'd also agree with me that it could have been anyone to help her climb out of her rut, not Hisao or Lilly specifically. Hell, if anything Shizune would have done a better job than Lilly because Lilly never challenged her to improve even though we see she can be competitive. Maybe you'd want to put Misha on Ritalin before trying that mind...
Hmmm, I don't think anyone would have done. Fact remains Hanako runs away from most people due to her discomfort around them and the reason she ended up getting to know Hisao at all was because Lilly befriended him and thus they got to hang out together until Hanako got used to him. Like Oddball said, Shizune is too agressive and confrontational and not nearly emphatic enough. That single scene in Shizune's route where Hanako and Shizune play chess is pretty telling about how well a friendship between the two would work out. Shizune's biggest flaw is that she's blind to the emotional turmoil of her messed up her friendship with Misha already and it would certainly mess up a friendship with Hanako. Also, Shizune's slightly manipulative nature would not work well at all with Hanako's distrustful nature. Misha would be a much better friend to Hanako, because we see in Emi's path that her sense of empathy is much more developed than Shizune's and her loudness notwithstanding she's easy to get along with, even for someone with the tendancy to often assume the worst about people. (which is a disasterous attitude to take with Shizune) In fact, what little we learn of Naomi in KS, she's pretty much Misha-lite; slightly loud and tiring, but also easy-going and helpful.

People like to say Lilly wasn't really helping Hanako. I think that deserves some nuance. I think Lilly was a very positive influence in Hanako's life, it was just the matter of Lilly on her own not being enough. Lilly's main contribution was to supply Hanako with comfort and stability...Lilly was Hanako's home base in unfamiliar (and hostile) territory. Especially since Hanako does not have a family, I'd say that's still really important. She'd still need someone to challenge her on occasion, but ideally, that would be an additional friend rather than someone to take Lilly's place. That way, she could face challenges into uncomfortable territory, knowing that if they went wrong, she'd always have Lilly to fall back on. That last part, I think, is pretty important as an additional motivation.
I actually more got the impression she hated the therapist. I have some theories that the therapist was trying to touch subjects she didn't want people to talk to her about possibly he knew that she has a mentality that could turn into suicidal thoughts if not managed, but still, i don't think the therapist was improving things and that it was having someone that she could talk to that helped her improve more than the shrink.
Lilly mentioned Hanako saying therapy was helping a bit, so there's no reason to believe Hanako disliked her therapist. Contrary to popular belief, lying on the couch and talking about your traumatic past is only a part of therapy and not even the most prevalent.

Funny you said that, btw. In the fanfic epilogue I recently wrote, Hisao briefly meets Hanako's therapist and Hisao makes the exact same remark. ("Maybe instead of therapy, she just needed friends.") The therapist replies that she most likely benefits most from having both. Neither is mutually exclusive to the other.

Friends and therapists play different roles in someone's life and in healthy situations, those roles don't ever overlap.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:46 pm
by Nyzer
Oddball wrote:Shizune is far too confrontational and lacks empathy. Shizune would have utterly broke her.
Shizune is quick to apologize and try to make amends if she does something that bad. But, yeah, that probably would have been the case. That said, Shizune and Misha are probably the only people in the school who don't treat her differently than they do anyone else. They challenge, they toss out light banter, they (or at least Misha) try to get some laughter.

Which kind of shows how this quote isn't completely correct -
Did a single one of you actually read her route, or were you just not paying attention?

She doesn't need Hisao's, nor anyone else's, influence to learn to deal with the world. Therapy, perhaps, but lots of people need that; more than can usually admit it, truthfully. Perhaps without a solid friendship or two, it may take a little longer, but she isn't a porcelain doll fit to be shattered at the slightest inconvenience - she says as much more than once.
because Hanako can't deal with those girls, despite the fact that they are the people who treat her the least differently out of everyone she seems to know. Not being able to deal with them around Hisao's arrival makes some sense, because apparently Shizune is irritated enough at the confrontations with Lilly that she's taking it out on Hanako a bit, but Shizune visibly warms up to Hanako again as the story unfolds.

She obviously needs help to recover from her issues, or else she'd at least be able to interact with the two girls, if not warmly. Never mind how she shrinks away from others. She is fragile, just not nearly as much as she thinks her friends think.

So, no, she wouldn't be dealing with the world the same way she does if not for Hisao's friendship. The friendship is a clear help to her that gets her where she's going more quickly than she would otherwise. She's obviously pushing and improving herself in any route that she appears in, but she does it to a greater degree if Hisao is her friend, and an even greater degree if he's her boyfriend. I don't think she'd walk out of the school exactly as she is at the start of the game, but she wouldn't be at the same level that she would in her two main routes.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:53 pm
by ojamamask
She becomes a chef in a 5 star restaurant and does occasional underground rapping.

Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:33 pm
by Karl_Ravech
she gets miracle skin graft and become as beautiful outside as she is inside


Re: what do you think life for Hanako is like in

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:01 pm
by Helbereth
Oddball wrote:Shizune is far too confrontational and lacks empathy. Shizune would have utterly broke her.
I don't agree there. If anything, Shizune could have been an extremely positive influence on Hanako because of her automatically assuming the other person is similarly intelligent, capable and valuable. In their chess game(s), Shizune didn't pull any punches (except in the first game when she was testing her ability), and Hanako responded quite well to the competition. Shizune may be hard-edged, but she's not that obtuse, nor does she lack empathy. Recall the panic attack in science class: Shizune snapped into a motherly mode as soon as the situation was realized.

Hanako, I think, would benefit greatly to have both Lilly and Shizune as friends since they would function as the yin and yang of support systems; Lilly being the accepting, diplomatic, quiet friend, while Shizune assumes the role of the determined, questioning, loud(heh, yeah... the mute girl is loud) friend. It's really too bad Lilly and Shizune don't get along.