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Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 9:11 am

Re: Ahem...

Post by RecoiL »

Helbereth wrote:You don't need vocal cords to moan, sigh, or even whistle because they don't use the vocal cords so much as the tongue, lips, aperture of the mouth and the passage of air - like any wind-instrument. The problem is that she can't hear herself making them, which can make controlling them very difficult. Ask a singer about not being able to hear yourself over the din of the music, and they'll explain; it can cause even the most pitch-perfect singer to sound awful. That's why in a lot of stage shows, the singer will actually wear an earplug or block one of their ears - so they don't lose their own voice. In Shizune's case, she can't hear it at all, and would likely be embarrassed or frustrated if she wasn't doing it right, so she avoids making noises - even laughing.
This guy has a way of explaining things.
Image Gluehuffers, all of you.
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