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Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:19 am
by Althamus
Revvy wrote:Would anyone else not be able to resist punching Jigoro in the face?
Watch yourself, dude carries a sword into a school. Can't mess with that kind of crazy.

And Emi, I really liked her personality and honesty, but she's far and away too outgoing for me to actually date. I aspire to be more outgoing, but it'd be like tethering a donkey to a racehorse :P Much better to just be friends.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:46 am
by Axelownz
Let me see

Rin - She would be a cool friend, would work out if i didn't think she is so i would probably end up trying to get with her anyway...and fail at it too.

Emi - I could see her being an ok friend, but i am too laid back, she is too energetic, and i am not really athletic. I would love her for a running partner to push me into it though

Misha - doubt i could be friends with Misha, she is nice and i would be nice to her, but she is too loud an obnoxious for me, it would annoy the crap out of me.

Shizune - No way would this work, she is so competitive, and i am not competitive at all, we would but heads all the time.

Hanako - Probably she is the one i would work best with as friends. I am somewhat like her, quiet and reserved, but not nearly as much, so i think our personalities would be similar enough for it to work.

Lilly - She is very nice, and i would be nice to her, but id ont really have anything in common with her....and i hate tea.

Kenji - HELL NO! I know a guy like Kenji in real life, not as bad, but i hate hanging around him already, a worse version of him would be awful.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:51 am
Emi would be my best choice, but I want her more as a girlfriend. Coz that's just how I roll with'em.

So I guess I'll agree with ravenlord most as Rin being a kick-ass friend to have. Hangin' on a peaceful quiet place. And Lilly is a nice choice as well even though she's so darn attractive and I want her as a gf as well. But yes, she would make an excellent very helpful and mature friend.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:22 pm
by Total Destruction
These three in this image would prolly be the most kickass people to hang out with.


Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:45 pm
by Surreal-mind
Rin- She's pretty cool. Would be nice to hang out with her, but I don't think it would work out that well.
Even though we are similar in some ways. I am way too talkative for her, I would probably get her nervous pretty fast.
So basically: I would love to hang out with her, but she would probably avoid me. :?

Hanako- Similar problem here. She would surely go into "Igottadosomething"-mode all the time.
Doesn't matter much though... I don't think I would enjoy hanging out with her.

Shizune- We would probably end up having an argument and becoming enemies.

Misha- As weird as it might sound I would get along with her just fine. She's a pretty cool person.
Our constant WAHAHAs would damage your ears ! :lol:

Emi- She's cool. It could work.

Lilly- She's an awesome friend, but she's better as a girlfriend.

Miki- OH YEAH !

Kenji- Ah crap... I'd enjoy hanging out with him.
The problem is that after a couple of manly picnics I would make him even more paranoid about things, and then he would make ME more paranoid in return. In the end we would just make each other even crazier. :lol:

So... I would end up hanging out with Misha and Miki ?
That's cool :D

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:15 am
by mysterycycle
ZXRN wrote:Emi would be my best choice, but I want her more as a girlfriend. Coz that's just how I roll with'em.
That's pretty much how I feel. The woman I'm in love with should be my best friend, or one of them.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:42 am
by Helbereth
Let's see...

Peripheral characters?

Every so often, I like being splashed in the face with a cup of crazy, so I think I'd keep Kenji around as a friend. I don't think I'd tell him my address or where I worked (I don't need that shit-storm kicked up all the time), but we'd hang out and go bowling and I'd listen to him recount his disturbing theories and paranoid musings. I think it might be more of a guilty pleasure than a friendship, though. Maybe he'd grow on me over time.

Mutau, I said here somewhere before, reminds me of a teacher I had in High School. He was a cool enough guy and listening to him lecture his specialties was a trip, but a conversation with him outside of class was usually one long string of uncomfortable silences followed by strained excuses to exit the room as quickly as possible. Maybe it was the student-teacher deal mucking things up, though.

Nurse. No. Absolutely not. I don't think you could put two people dripping with that much sarcasm and bad jokes into the same room without something awful happening. We'd be like positively charged ions trying to share the same space - we'd both end up shooting away from each other the second we came near (was watching Big Bang Theory reruns, okay? Geeze, damn inquisition). That and doctors -medical staff in general- tend to creep me out.

Yuuko. I had put her in the same light as Hanako, but I could see myself dating Hanako where Yuuko would kinda drive me up the wall. Granted, every time you meet her in the game I just wanted to wrap a hug around her and tell her to calm down (her being adorable helped with that), but that's not where love starts. With Hanako I was genuinely curious why she was always so skittish, whereas with Yuuko, the reasons didn't make sense. I'd want to try and help her out, but I'd be too afraid of being swept up in a constant storm of apologies - not to mention I'm pretty sure most of my witty sarcasm would just leave her dumbstruck.

Meiko Ibarazaki. Emi's mom has got it goin' on! That's a horrible thought. Lord, I apologize, and be with the pygmies in... how's the rest go? Anyway, what little I know about her - which isn't a whole lot, she's not exactly fleshed out in the VN very well - she seems like a nice lady and she's great at rolling with the punches around Rin. I think she'd be cool to know, but I can't really say much about why.

Jigoro Hakamichi. This guy was my next-door-neighbor. Not completely, but close enough. Vietnam veteran with three purple hearts. He had long hair, a grizzled expression, unkempt beard, terrible fashion sense, an indignant, dismissive tone and a twisted sense of humor. All he was missing is the sword, really. He and I got along well enough, though. It was great fun getting into an argument with him because you always knew there was no way to win the argument even if you won the argument, but there was no way to get out of his favor unless you did something unforgivable - like not argue. He died a few years ago, unfortunately.

Hideaki Hakamichi. I have absolutely no idea what I could possibly have in common with Shizune's little brother - unless I was dating Shizune, and Hideaki was in my life by proxy, similar to Hisao. I think he might need to grow out of the particularly awkward stage the story catches him in before we could come to any semblance of an understanding. Kids these days...

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:08 am
by EyesOfLilly
The Characters I would befriend are more than likely:

Miki - I love her tomboyish personality and that she is pretty much one of the guys, I feel like she'd be the girl I could talk about games and stuff to and just hangout.

Akira - I'd love to be one of Akira's friends she's just so damned cool and that suit is just fantastic, personality wise I think I could get along with her for almost the same reason I could with Miki her tomboy nature makes her easy to talk to and it'd be cool to just sit aroundd in the park or in a Jazz Club with her and have a few beers.

Rin - Another girl I feel I could get along with she just has that eccentric artist nature and her all out randomness is amazing, she doesn't talk much but when she does it's differant to any normal conversation, I feel like I could just lie down on the grass and watch the clouds with her for hours on and and never get bored.

Nurse - The Nurse is very similar to many of my friends it's unbelievable, his playful jokes and the fact that he's there when you need someone to talk to is a quality that alot of my friends possess so just simply based on that I feel like I could get along with the Nurse straight away.

Lilly - Lilly strikes me as that one friend you have when you need a shoulder to cry on and need advice or just a simple quiet chat to take your mind off of things, she really is the mother figure of the girls in KS and everyone needs that kind of friend every now and then when you're upset but she is also a good, kind person to be around I would love to spend days out walking through parks and heading to town with her close to my side.

And that's all I can think of atm but those are the main five I would love to befriend out of everyone in KS.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:09 am
by Other Self
I could see myself getting along with Lilly, Akira, Emi, Hisao, and Rin, all quite well.

Lilly being that friend thats always there to support you, Akira just seems fun to hang with, Emi would keep me on my feet and looking forward, Rin would just confuse me but would be interesting non-the-less, and Hisao would be a pretty cool guy.

The following not so much: Misha similar to Emi but way too loud, Kenji is too Kenji, Shizune is too uptight and competitive, and Yuuko is way to nervous but we'd get along alright.

Hanako though... I can personally relate to, so I can't help but want her to not be alone, because I know that pain. Everything about her just makes me want to be there for her. Not even because of her problems either. She just pulls me in.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:04 am
by Kouryuu
I would love to hang out with Hanako. I think it would be so chill, then again in Hisao's position I probably would have never approached her ever... and she would never approach me so realistically we'd never meet. xD

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:49 pm
by dunkelfalke
Emi, absolutely. Wouldn't want to date her, but she would be the ideal best friend.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:36 pm
by ThistlewickVII
I think I'd get on best with Emi, Miki and Hanako. Kenji is obviously an awesome best friend candidate.
Given that I'd be trying it on with Hanako, I could get along quite well with Lily and Akira.
Mutou and Nurse are cool too. Misha has an immense likeability about her, but I wouldn't suit Shizune, Yuuko or Rin

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:59 pm
by Pseudogenesis
Other Self wrote: Hanako though... I can personally relate to, so I can't help but want her to not be alone, because I know that pain. Everything about her just makes me want to be there for her. Not even because of her problems either. She just pulls me in.

This. This this this. Nice Otacon avatar btw.

Really, the only main character I'd want to be friends with would have to be Lilly. She's just so... kind. And understanding. An all around attractive personality, even if I never really had any desire to pursue her romantic storyline. Her as a best friend would be perfection.

Other than a main character, probably Miki. I was almost disappointed that she wasn't a storyline-possible character, because I really liked her. She was just approachable and nice.

Damnit I love this game so much.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:54 am
mysterycycle wrote:
ZXRN wrote:Emi would be my best choice, but I want her more as a girlfriend. Coz that's just how I roll with'em.
That's pretty much how I feel. The woman I'm in love with should be my best friend, or one of them.

That's a pretty good understanding. If your best friend was your is your girlfriend then it'll surely work out coz you'd know a lot abt each other. Didn't think of that one.
I feel ya mate, I feel ya.

Re: Characters you would like better as friends

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:38 pm
by Royale
Shizune, Emi, and Hanako.