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Re: AkiraheartsHideaki

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:51 am
by griffon8
Mirage_GSM wrote:One thing: 44degrees of fever means Dead. Full stop.
Anything above 42 degeees will result in permanent brain damage.
I suggest changing that to a more realistic 40 or 40,5. Anything more is life threatening and should be treated by professionals.
Hmm, nice to know how close I came to death when I hit 40.38° (104.7° for my fellow US readers). With a white blood cell count of 27k. Burst appendix.

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *ACT III ADDED*

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:29 am
by Mirage_GSM
Well, I guess with a burst appendix, they sent you to a hospital regardless of your temperature...

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *ACT III ADDED*

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:16 pm
by griffon8
I was actually at the hospital when it burst.

A week before, the doctor at the health center at the college I was going to told me I had a muscle cramp and to put a heating pad on it.

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *ACT III ADDED*

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:09 am
by Lux
Sorry for the wait.

"That'll be 11,000 Yen a body, Ms. Satou."

I pull out my chequebook and write one for 16,000Y and hand it to the officer.

"I'm so sorry about this officer, They get a little rowdy when they drink together. Here's another 5,000 yen, I'd like to make sure nobody in the press hears about this."

"You have my word."

Just then I see a beaten up and ragged looking Hideaki being escorted out of one of the drunk tanks. I give him a stern look, but all he manages to do is laugh. I stare him down and state,

"We'll talk when we get home."

He replies with a smirk,


"Where's Niko?"

Just then we hear yelling coming from the second drunk tank. Niko is walking out backwards, yelling at the officer all the way.

"I don't give a fuck who you are, let me catch you on the street without that badge, Ima smack the piss right out'cha mouth, YA PUNK."

He see's us looking dumbfounded in the main hall and instantly replies,

"Fuckkkkiinnn EH! Thanks Kira, we had a rowdy night!"

"Shut up and get in the car."

"Geez, fine. No need to be all rustled."

we quickly walk out of the station and towards my old 2012 Lancer Evo. I start the car and start pulling away from the curb before the passengers doors are even shut.


Hideaki doesn't even have the chance to reply, for Niko starts yelling from the backseat,

I look to Hideaki to see if he can confirm this,


"He didn't call me gay. He called me a Gaijin, but Niko misheard. I tried to explain, but he leapt over my shoulder and one punched the guy in the face. That started the shitstorm."

I try to keep an angry face but the laughter keeps building up inside me. before I know it I'm laughing as hard as a can. Even Hideaki and Niko join in. I calm myself down and wipe the tears from my eyes.
"Wow, now that's just over the top. Well, you're lucky I found out before the Press did. Remember, dipshit, your meeting with Mitsubishi and the press conference is in 6 weeks. You wanted to come back to take care of the Company for this FIRST and LAST time. If I knew you were going to just be getting into bar fights with random people I would have never even mentioned it. You have to be ready and be able to capture the public eye if you want the Zaibatsu to survive. So, to prepare for this we are taking a vacation. You guys are way too much of a heat-score in Tokyo."

Niko yells from the back,

"YO! we finally heading to Amsterdam?! I wanna get fucking RIPPED OUT OF MY MIND."

I reply with a sigh,

"No... Not Amsterdam, We're heading to Kamakura. We're staying at a resort that's on the beach and near some good clubs. I think that we all need a break. Plus Lilly wants me to check up on Hanako. She and Hisao are living down there now. We're heading there by train in the morning. We won't need a car because once we reach our destination everything is in walking distance. Is that okay with you, Hideaki?"
"Shit seems fine to me, Seems like a chill vacation. Leaving the hustle and bustle of the city for something smaller."

"Good, I'm glad you agree."

Niko suddenly replies with dissent from the backseat,

YO! what about me? I didn't say shit!"

I calmly state,

"love you too, Niko."

It takes about half an hour, but we finally reach my apartment. Niko takes his place by passing out in the guest room. Hideaki takes a shower while I change into my Pjs and climb into bed. Once he's ready he climbs in as well, I put my head on his chest and am out like a light. The trip should be good for all of us.

The rush in the morning was the same as always, Niko and Hideaki were scrambling for clothes while I simply waited and counted down the minutes. We raced to the station and barely caught the train. We had to hurdle over other people and almost bulldoze through security. But when we arrived in our first class cabin and settled down, we returned to our normal selves. Niko passed out, a usual characteristic of him while on long trips. I decide to take advantage of this time and ask Hideaki something which has been bothering me since our time in Vancouver. I get his attention by waving my hand in front of his face. He takes off his headphones and faces me.

"Yo, whatsup?"

I take a deep breath and get straight into it

"Hideaki, why do you want to take control of the Zaibatsu? You said you hated your father yet you want to take over the thing which he loved most? If it's because of me mentioning it, I'm sorry. I di-"

He cuts me off abruptly

"Kira, It's not because of you that I want to take control. I'm doing this for personal reasons."
"What kind of personal reasons?"

"With my time in Vancouver I've seen people's lives been destroyed by the greed of the companies that employ them. When Harper was still in government he demolished the Unions, he gave the companies the ability to do whatever they want but with the promise that they would still lookout for their employees. That was fucking bullshit. They took away benefits one by one, and once they had regained every piece of money that was once used for employee benefits they sold away the company to the Americans to be scuttled. Men who were once able to provide for their families through this one job now had to find two or three just to compensate."

"That's horrible."

"That's exactly why I want to get at least some grip on the company. I'm doing it for those men who have families to support, not just because I want the Zaibatsu under my belt."

I was about to ask more questions but Hideaki quickly put his headphones back in and started staring out the window. His passion for this mission of his is amazing. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but at least it is noble. I didn't want to pry any further into it, so I decided to take one from Niko's book and take a nap.

Before I knew it I was being awakened by a exuberant Niko.

"Yoyoyoyoyoyo wake up! we're here!~"

"What are you, five?"

Hideaki is already at the door of our cabin and I quickly gather my things and head out the door with Niko close behind. As we step off the train and off the Platform I instantly spot Hanako and Hisao. Hanako has matured quite a bit from that delicate little flower that once was. She kept her sense of style though....unfortunately so has Hisao. I run up to her and give her a bear hug.

"It's been too long! Look at you! all grown up!"

"Thanks Akira, I'm glad to see you too."

It seems that Hanako has grown out of the adorable stutter that she used to have. I guess that is a good thing because it means she's been speaking to others and socializing more. I then hear Hideaki greeting Hisao with 'cheer' as he likes to call it.

"Fuckkkinn eehhhh you still wear sweater vests? give me a hug you stylish motherfucker."

I look to my right and see Hideaki lifting Hisao off his feet and squeezing the life out of him. Once he puts him down Niko goes in for what they call a 'bro-hug'. However, when Hideaki sees Hanako his demeanor changes completely. He calmly walks over and gives Hanako a very slow and delicate hug.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Hanako."

"Same to you, Hideaki. I remember when you were up to my waist and now your taller than me and bulkier than me and Hisao combined."

Even Niko showed some kind of civility, with a raising his hand and calm,


I take a few seconds to collect myself and motion everyone that we should get going to the hotel. It's a nice day so none of us are complaining. during the walk we just end up talking about old times and the new chapters in our lives. Apparently Hisao is in the process of obtaining his Masters in Theoretical Physics and Hanako is a Kindergarten teacher. Hanako was always a caring individual and I'm glad she found a job that would nurture that characteristic. Hanako has become a lot more outgoing. She suggested that we go to a resto-lounge in the evening because a trance group from the UK was going to be there, Above and Beyond. I've only heard a bit of theirs sets but I'm pleased with the quality of their work. Within 15 minutes we reach the hotel. Checking in is a breeze and our hotel rooms are quite nice. Hideaki, Niko and I are sharing a 3 bedroom suite while Hanako and Hisao are sharing a single kingsize room. Once our things are unpacked and we finally sit down on the furniture I explain to Hideaki that we will have to make time every day while we're here to discuss the future meeting with the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu.

"We must go through our own board of directors before even touching their emissaries, Hideaki. remember that"

"yeah yeah, let me handle that. besides, 51% of the shares are in my name right? they gotta listen."
I really worry about him, his overconfidence is really cute but it could get him into trouble. Just as we were about to discuss the marketing of this discussion we hear a knock at the door. I look at the time on my phone,

"Crap, It's 8pm already! we should get going, Hanako and Hisao and are probbably at the door."

We all get dressed as quick as possible and head out the door at the same time, Completely suprising Hanako. As we exit the hotel and get onto the street Hanako informs us of where we are headed.

"It's a place called Moana Makai. It's on the waterfront and they've set up a dancefloor outside the main restaurant. We can have our fill of dinner and then get straight to dancing. It's go going to be soo much fun~!"

Hanako begins giggling like a schoolgirl and Hisao only has a look of dread on his face. Looks like she picked up another hobby besides chess since the time we last met and knowing Hisao, He probably can't dance for shit.

When we reach the place we are seated quickly and immediately begin ordering. Hanako and Hisao order a light Ahi Tuna Salad with Spanish rice and a seafood pasta. I just get a nice Sashimi platter. Hideaki and Niko order more than all three of us combined with Wagyu steaks, muscle and scallop pastas, and butter chicken curries. Apparently they gained the ability to eat like this by doing a 6 month protein blast combined with constant graveyard shifts at the docks. Our food was given in a timely matter and Hanako, Hisao and I took our time eating. It was Hideaki and Niko who ate like hungry pitbulls, literally inhaling the food, yet doing it in a polite manner. Once we had finished eating, Niko and Hideaki began ordering drinks. They called down a bottle of Crown Royal and a $700 bottle of wine for Hanako and Hisao. We all toasted to each other's health and well being and began drinking. Hideaki and Niko we're ordering Coke after Coke for something they called 'chasing'. It was about 11pm when the restaurant announced that the dance floor had been opened and that A&B had arrived. We had finished most of the bottle of Crown and Hanako and Hisao had finished their wine. While Hanako and Hisao had already started hiccuping, Hideaki and Niko did not look fazed at all. As for me, I was getting a heavier and heavier buzz. Hideaki and Niko were the first to get up exclaiming,

"Come on~! let's go! they got a bar downstairs too, right?"

With that we were travelling down the stairs of the main floor's back entrance to the dance area parallel to the waterfront. There were tiki torches all along the beaches from the various restaurants, some even going into rock enclaves that were being coaxed by the waves. Hideaki and Niko were at the dancefloor bar ordering more drinks. I would have asked for more but that Crown was now beginning to kick in real good.

It was then that A&B began their set and the neon lights hit the dancefloor.


the crowd erupted into cheers and catcalls and as I looked to my right I see Hanako dragging Hisao giggling all the way,

"Come on honey~! Don't worry, It'll be fun~"

Suddenly I have another Crown and Coke thrust into my hand by Niko.

"Drink up Kira!"

I was never one to refuse a given drink so I chugged it and tried my best to keep it down. I'm really starting to get shitfaced now. Hideaki then comes by and motions me to dance.

The entire floor is in a state of euphoria, people are swaying from side to side in unison and people are swinging glow sticks to and fro. Even Hideaki grabs some off a table and starts freehanding. He stops for a moment to point me in the direction of Niko, who is now grinding with a random female. With a laugh he gets back to freehanding. I'm really feeling the alcohol now, my mouth is feeling heavy and im beginning to sway beyond my control. I try to keep my balance and keep moving with the crowd by focusing on Hideaki. I never noticed how extremely handsome he is. His features are that of an ideal male and his smile could melt the heart of any woman. I'm surprised he hasn't got a girlfriend yet. I get closer to him. Every step I take he gets exceedingly handsome. I was about to hug him when i was taken aback by A&B announcing,

"ALRIGHT! everybody pair up! this one is for the lovebirds! LOVE IS ETERNAL!"

Hideaki stop. He goes over and puts the glowsticks on the table, when he returns he says he's going to go to the washroom. I say I might as well too, I had to get the liquor out of my system one way or another. Once I had finished I began to walking back to the floor. I saw Hideaki at the entrance to the floor, but instead of heading back onto the floor he takes a left and heads towards the beach. Where is he going? I better make sure he is okay.
"Every fucking time, Why do they always have to have a couple's dance at these things. I should really drink more next time in case something like this happens again."

I walk down on to the beach and yet i can still hear the music from the club,

♫Slipping sideways, silver stars collide
And fade away just like our love that died
And there is nowhere in this universe to hide
From you tonight ♫

♫I've wrestled with angels all my life
Its always the haloes and the wings that keep you blind
And if I'd fought with all the strength I held inside
I wouldn't be out here
Alone tonight ♫

"Seriously?! fuck off."

I need to get the sound out my head. I walk into an enclave and begin taking my clothes off. Once I have nothing but my boxers on I begin walking into the water. A good workout usually clears my head, but this will have to do since I don't have weights around. I get out a couple of meters by butterfly stroking and then go from side to side. The water going in and out of my ears is good for drowning out the music. I was there for a good five minutes before I started hearing someone from the shore every time i surfaced. I stop and look back to shore. It's Akira. how did she know I'm here. I begin swimming back to shore. Once I'm back I walk back to where my clothes are and begin putting them back on my back is still wet and my shirt is new, so I keep it off.. Akira runs over to me and in a breath asks,

"H-hey! W-why'd you run off like that?"

"I didn't like the song."

"What are you talking about?! you love all kinds of Electronic music! you told me so yourself?"

I can't look at her without giving some kind of look of being troubled, so I look to the sea and immediately sit down with my hands over my knees and Akira immediately joins me.

"It's nothing"


"Seriously It's nothing! I'm fine!"

"I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. Spill it, Kiddo."

at this point the alcohol has already hindered my ability to handle my emotions so they begin to overpower me. With tears welling up in my eyes i state,

"Akira..... I-I'm alone."

"What do you mean? We're all here."

"I mean I have no one to love..... to call my own.... When the Dj called out the couple's dance, i just couldn't handle it."

She doesn't reply, my walls are beginning to crumble.

"It just really hurts, Sometimes I even stayed up all night so I don't have to go to bed. I've worked a graveyard shift or something so I don't have to go to sleep alone. Sometimes I just want to punch a wall and scream. No matter how hard I try can't find someone. I'm sorry ruining the good mood of the night, I just get like this sometimes."

Akira still doesn't say anything. She leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

"You're not alone"

"Thanks for the sentiment Akira."

Suddenly she jumps on me. I fall back and get the wind knocked out of me. That with the combination of my drinking causes my head to spin. When my vision focuses again Akira is sitting on my waist and holding down both my arms. I am completely taken a back. She leans forward and kisses the ring scar on my chest, and then kisses her way up my neck, on to my cheek, I push her away so she stands up again.

"K-kira. What the hell are you doing?"

"You said you we're alone Hids. You arn't. You have me, You've always had me."

"Akira, thats diff-"

She cuts me off,

"Don't you love me?"

"This is compl-"

"Hideaki, Do you love me? yes or no?! give me the truth."

"Yes. I always have and always wi-"

She leans in and kiss me full heartedly on the lips.

"I don't want you to be alone."

"Kira, We shouldn't do this."

"Really? cause I can feel the bulge growing in your pants. It's telling me we should."

She leans in and kisses me again.

"Let's begin shall we?"

She sticks both hands insider her t-shirt and begins shaking left and right. Just as she pulls out her bra from her sleeve she loses her balance and falls back onto my legs. once she stays there for a few seconds and doesn't move. All I hear is a tired groan. It seems as though she can't get up. I raise myself up and take a look at her.

"Kira? you okay?"


seems as though she already passed out. I put my hands on my temple and take a deep breath.

" Исус Христос(Jesus Christ)"

I'd be lying if i said that I haven't thought about Akira in that way, But I don't know if travelling down that path is the right thing to do. there are an abundance of thoughts travelling through my mind. My phone begins to ring. It's a text from Niko. he's asking where I am for Hanako and Hisao have left and A&B's set is over. It's time to head back to the hotel. I put my phone back in my pocket and then procede to lift Akira off my legs and on to the sand beside me while i put my shirt back on. I also grab her bra and stuff it into her back pant pocket. I scoop her up into my arms and look down at her face.

"I will always love you, but the path you suggested is an uncertain one."

After delicately planting a kiss on her lips i begin walking back up to the club, by the time i reach there she has her arms around my chest and lightly groaning. I see Niko at the lounge entrance,

"Yo, Hanako and Hisao just left. I told them we'd catch up. What happened to kira?"

"She couldn't keep up with the CvetoJevic boys."

"Who can?!"

Niko and I share a laugh and we begin to walk back to the hotel. It's going to be a long six weeks.

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *ACT IV:I ADDED*

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:09 am
by NovaForce
Yeah, because you know, they're cousins.

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *ACT IV:I ADDED*

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:35 am
by Banda
There is a distinct lack of bonk in this story, but great otherwise.

AkiraheartsHideaki ACT IV:II

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:43 pm
by Lux

I run as fast as I can from the kitchen to the living room to watch hideaki give his final remarks on the Evening news regarding the Zaibatsu. He is being bombarded as he is leaving the Mitsuibishi headquarters and walking to his car.

"Mr.Hakamichi! what can you tell us about the demand of the board compared with those of the shareholders?!"

Hideaki stop mid stride and looks the directly into the camera.

"I have always stood by the workers of this world, and I will not stop now. Shareholders and their families are far more important than the personal wants of a few."

"But what does this mean for the future?!"

without even answering the next question Hideaki walks away as more questions are hurled at him. He raises his arm to his shoulder and then procedes to flip off the camera. It is at this point that niko beings flipping out and punching his hand rapidly.


I begin blushing and shaking my head in a mixture of embarrassment and laughter.

"He's a feisty one thats for sure."

I get up and go to the TV and hit the button to turn it off. Niko yells in disagreement.

"COME ON! only 10 minutes more!"

"you said that half an hour ago. Now get! you said you would buy some ingredients for goulash."

Niko drudgingly gets up and i smack his ass as he walks by.

"Get! make sure you get some proper buns too!"

"yeah yeah."

as Niko leaves the apartment i finally have some time to myself. I walk into the master bedroom and then into the ajoining washroom. I wash my face with warm water and soap to get the grease and sweat from cleaning and attempting to cook. I wipe my face and head back into the bedroom. I take a seat on the bed before eyeing my closet and going through it to pass the time. As I reach my favorite pair of jeans I am reminded of that night. I can't believe Hideaki brushed it off like it was nothing.... and I can't believe I was drunk enough to do something like that. The way everything came back to me still shocks me as well. I was asking him where my favorite bra was, and he calmy stated while reading a magazine,

"It's in the back pocket of your black pants."

to this day, I still think I should talk to him about it directly, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I shut my closet door to end my train of thought and return to the kitchen. Niko should be back soon and he's the one who's help I truly need. Before I knew it Niko had turned with 5 pounds of ground wagyu beef and plenty of vegetables. We made haste and got right to work, Hideaki would be home soon and I want him and Niko to have a proper meal together like they did in Vancouver. Besides, Hideaki acts particularly cute when he's had a good meal, kinda like a sleepy pup. As time goes by I try my best to follow Niko's instructions. For the most part I was doing well, but I almost added an entire cup of vinegar to the goulash when I thought it was water. Luckily Niko stopped me and pointed me towards its proper use.
We had almost finished when Hideaki comes storming through the door. I call out to him as he walks but he doesn't respond. I turn to Niko,

"you can finish up right? I'm gonna go check up on him"

"Aight, It should be ready in a couple of minutes, make sure he gets it while it's hot."

I wash my hands and head towards the master bedroom. Hideaki is just sitting on the bed and rubbing his eyes. I take a seat beside him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey there buddy, stressful day?"

"you don't know the half of it , Kira. the board is full of greedy fucks, I have to fight for every inch."
"We'll its time for dinner, get cha-"

It's then that I notice the odour of Cigar smoke on him.

"You've been smoking again haven't you!?"

Hideaki tenses up, I've caught him.

"I-It was just during the meeting I swear!"

I grab him by the ear and pull as hard as I can, causing him to shriek.


"Promise me you'll quit.


"Now say you love me"


I let go of his ear and pull his face closer to me so i can peck him on the cheek. I then procede, to walk out of the room. I turn around at the door way, wink and state.

"You're a good kid, you just need a little discipline! Now hurry up the food is getting cold!"

as I walk back into the kitchen, Niko is already setting up the table. I help and we are done within seconds. Niko get some butter from the fridge and begin pouring goulash in some bowls. As soon as Hideaki sat down we begin devouring everything in front of us. Although I'm going strong at first, I barely finishing my portion, meanwhile Niko and Hideaki are already going in for Thirds. Once we finish eating, hideaki motions that he has something to say.

"Mistuibishi has invited us to a gala Downtown. It's at the Imperial. It's a Formal Gala, so we all gotta go shopping for some new threads tomorrow."

Niko cuts me off before i have a chance to start speaking

"kickass, we gonna get smashed or what?"

Hideaki gives him a stern look.

"We have to be on our best Behaviour. Everyone important in the city and even people from out of town will be there."

I finally get a word in.

"Sounds good, But I still say we come in our own cars. That way we can leave whenever we want and even go somewhere else if we still feel like partying."

Hideaki nods in approval.

"Alright then. Look, I got really stressed today so any of you want to get a drink at the bar down the street?"

I nod and Niko replies,

"I'm down."

We clean up the table and put away the dishes and change into our casual clothes. I don't think we are going to party hard tonight, but I bring my dancing sneakers just in case.
The bar is quaint little place. A jukebox filled with alternative music and plenty of activities ranging from pinball to darts. We find a booth to sit down and we all immediately order a bottle of Crown. I have about three drinks before i start feeling a slight buzz. By this point Niko has left the table to go play pinball, but not before putting some eerily calming music on the Jukebox. Me and Hideaki are still are the table relaxing and ordering light bar snacks. It takes 3 more drinks and I begin to feel my mouth feel numb. My thoughts begin to speed up and I'm swaying to the music. as I look to my right I see Hideaki calmy bobbing his head to the music. Suddenly I begin thinking of that night all those weeks ago where I came on to him. It was a moment of weakness caused by love and alcohol. I need him to know I'm sorry. I finish the drink I'm holding in a one gulp and take three deep breaths before beginning.


His concentration on the music breaks and he looks over to me

"yeah, wassup?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Remember our first night in Kamakura?"

"Yeah, It was a fun night. Hanako and Hisao were there."

"Yeah that part was fun, but I mean afterwards.... when you went down to the beach and I followed you."

Hideaki grabs his drink and takes a light swig, but once he's finished doesn't say anything. I take this as a queue to continue. I'm getting more and more distraught over this as I try to explain.

"I w-was drunk and y-you know I care about you. I just wanted to show you that you weren't a-alone. That I l-loved you. I know what I did was u-uncalled for and I just want to apologize. I-I-I'll understand if you don't forgive me."

Once again he doesn't respond. He just takes another swig.

"Anyway, I-I'm gonna go to the washroom"

As I was about to shuffle away, I feel Hideaki's arm go around me and pull me close. I feel his warm lips against my cheek. He then pulls me close and into his chest. It was at this point I put my hands around him as well and started sniffling, his hand was rubbing my back all the while. I tried to talk but I all could do was gasp for air.

"Sssshhhh, Kira, It's alright. Nothing will ever change my opinion of you."

I felt like full out balling, but I forced myself to keep my composure. I just held on tight to him and tried to breath normally. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine. We stayed like that for the rest of the time in the bar. We left around 1am so that we could wake up in the morning. Out of respect for Hideaki I slept in a different room. However, I woke up in the middle of the night to discover his head lying on my breast and his arm around me. I pulled the blanket over the parts of his body that were uncovered and went back to sleep, but not before I kissed his forehead and stroked his head.
"Jesus man, these suits are kickass, Hideaki."

"Nothing BUT Hugo boss, Bruv."

The elevator door opens and we walk towards our apartment. As we enter I notice Akira's shoes are already here. She's always ends up home first, and I don't know how she does it. before I can say anything Niko calls out to her,

" Хеј лепа! Ми смо кући!"

We hear nothing at first but then she responds,

"I'm in the bedroom, Don't come in! I'm changing into my clothes to see how they fit for the party."
With Niko's mind at ease he procedes to the fridge and begins chugging down a two litre of chocolate milk. I respond for the both of us,

"Hugo boss!"

"Again? Come on, Hideaki!"

"Heim Ins Reich!"

"Whatever, anyway i'm coming out now, I hope you like it!"

I hear the door unlock and expect to see a black pinstripe suit to go along with ours. But I what i see shatters my current knowledge on Akira's likes in terms of style. She walks out of the bedroom wearing an all white dress with floral design mesh from above the bust, a jewell encrusted belt, and a an opening in the front that is large enough to show off her legs. To top everything off, her face is beat red from the embarassment.

"I-is this n-nice?"

I am speechless, but Niko's reaction was entirely different. He looked down from chugging his chocolate milk and nearly choked. He ran to the sink and spit up. His first words were

"God DAMN!"
Niko's enquiry breaks the silence during our drive to the banquet in a Rolls Royce

"So, when the hell did you get this car man?!"

Hideaki chuckles a little bit and states,

"It's the Zaibatsu's, I can take it out whenever i want. But technically i'm only supposed to use it for Business."

"That's real gay, bro."

That was enough to satisfy Niko then then started to light a cigar. Meanwhile my heart was beating so fast from the thought of myself actually following through with wearing this dress. I thought i was going to thrown up, but then I felt Hideaki's arm go around my shoulder and heard him wisper into my ear,

"I've never seen you look so beautiful and classy, Akira."

I could feel my face turning beet red as I punched Hideaki in the arm. When we arrived at the Hotel, it looked as if the entire thing was rented out for this function. There weren't even other cars waiting for the Valet. We exited the Royce and headed through the front doors and towards the main ballroom. Inside was about 200 people. The size intregued me, if there were only these many people here all of them must be important. As we sat down to the table a waiter came by and offered me a glass of champaigne. I hastily agreed and took a sip. Hideaki and Niko suddenly both gave me a strange look, I replied that at a occasion such as this a LADY must have beverages more suited to her. Niko began to chuckle heavily, but that soon stopped as i kicked him in the shin from under the table.

As the night went on, we were entertained by greeting those who reckonized Hideaki by his resemblence to Jigoro, and the endless supply of Shrimp and booze. I had to admit it was quite a fun time. Suddenly we heard music, we looked to the center of the hall and saw that a live orchestra had set up and there was even a singer. The first song they started playing was quite slow and soothing, soon couples started swiftly walking towards the dancefloor. I had to admit, I've always wanted to slow dance, so I tugged at Hideaki's sleeve as he was talking to some fat guy with a monocle and a cigar.

"H-hey, do you think we could.... know.... d-dance?"

Before I knew it Hideaki was leading me by the hand to the dance floor. We didn't start dancing right away, he stopped by the Conductor of the orchestra first and pulled out his smartphone. The conductor then did the same. When he returned to me we walked hand in hand to the floor. The conductor then stated that the next song was a special request. The orchestra started playing "Counting Stars" by Nujabes. Hideaki had had to have slow danced before, because he wasn't the one making the mistakes. Every time I would step on his wingtips I would apologize and he would tell me not to worry. Eventually I got used to the rhythm and leaned up against him. Suddenly a man tapped Hideaki on the shoulder and then he told me that some Mitsubishi executives want to speak to him in a separate room. We separated and i was about to leave the dancefloor when Niko comes up to me.

"May I have this dance?"

That's probably the most polite thing he's ever said. I agree and we begin dancing to the next song. I can see Hideaki walking off into the distance and can't help myself from glancing over to where Hideaki exited every few seconds. I hear Niko's voice as I look over for the 7th time,

"Kira, He's going to be alright"

"I know Niko.... It's just that I really worry for him somtimes."

"I used to do the same thing when we still in highschool. I thought that he would be eaten alive if i wasn't there, but he proved me wrong time and time again."

"I just think that we shouldn't be here. It's my fault for bringing us back, i should never have mentioned it."

"You may have mentioned it in conversation, Kira, but It was his decision to come back."

As I hear Niko's last sentence I embrace him and place my head on his chest.

"I'm just scared for him."

"Look, I told you already! I'm NOT selling the Zaibatsu!"

I'm close to punching out this Mitsubishi executive at this point. He won't take no for an answer.
"Think about the profits! What would your father say!? He'd be turning over in his grave if he found out you refused a deal such as this."

I stand up and using all my energy keeping the rage inside of me.

"My.... My father was a bastard and an alcoholic. I'm glad I'm nothing like him. I stand firm on my decision. Good day to you, Sir."

As I begin walking to the door I hear the executive call out to me,

"Mr. Hakamichi! Have a safe ride home. The streets can be dangerous at night!"

I stop and reply as I push the door halfway open ,

"Хвала на савету, стари дебели, говно једно!"
Me and Niko are enjoying our 5th Tiger-shrimp Cocktail when we see Hideaki swiftly marching towards us. I get up to see what's wrong but he only tells me one thing,

"We have to leave, NOW."

He walks over to Niko and whispers in his ear, he also gets up and puts on his suit Jacket. I try to talk to them, but they just tell me to keep quiet and follow. We exit the hall and turn towards the parking garage. Hideaki shouts for our ride but the Valet tells him that we'll have to go underground to get in the car as there is a VIP arriving and there needs to be room. Hideaki gives the Valet some Yen and once again we are off. I keep trying to ask what's going on but all Hideaki tells me is that we are "too hot to be staying here.". As we walk down the ramp and turn a corner, I feel a hand go around my waist and over my face. I try to scream, but everything became blurry. The last thing I saw was Hideaki and Niko trying to hold their own against 5 armed men in white suits.

My head is spinning, It feels as though I'm walking out of an ocean with 3 layers of clothes. I can hear Laughter followed by grunts and muffled screams. I try to get a hold of myself by raising my head and trying my best to open my eyes and focus. All I can see is a figure suspended and being illuminated. It's then that I hear it.

"Boss! looks like she's awake! Her Gaijin friend is still out cold though."

I hear another voice coming from another direction,

"Don't worry, The fun is about to begin!"

Suddenly cold water is splashed in my face, i wasn't expecting it and it caused me to jolt upright. As shook my head side to side to remove any excess water, my vision cleared. I was in a warehouse of somesort and tied to a chair. There were piles of scrap iron everywhere. Niko was beside me aswell, Tied up and out cold. There were several cuts on his face and neck. I then noticed the illuminated figure right in front of us. It was Hideaki. He was tied to a giant steel girter and every piece of clothing except his necklace, dress pants and shoes had been removed. His face was bloody and his chest was littered in bruises. Someone in a white suit then walked in front of me brandishing a box cutter.

"Glad you could awaken for our performance! My name is Arata. I've been dispatched to deal with you today"

I try to scream at him, but I'm still weak. My body must still be awakening. I ask him,

"W-what do y-you want with u-us?"

"Nothing Ms. Satou, I've just been hired to get some information and deal with a pest."

"Who h-hired y-you?"

"As if you really have to ask!"


"That's the one!"

"What is it t-that they w-w-want?!"

"They want the password!"

"What p-password?!"

He winds up and slaps me across the face.

"DON'T PLAY STUPID WITH ME! I want the password to your holdings! now what is it!?"

"I d-don't know"

I see him wind up to hit me again, but he stops when a voice yells out to him from behind. It's Hideaki.


Arata stops an inch away from my face and turns around to reply

"Well then Mr.Hakamichi if she truly doesn't know anything then I guess i get to play with you some more."
He turns around to me and winks and says,

"you're going to love this!"

He reaches into his suit jacket pocket and pulls out some headphones and a boxcutter. once he puts them on he starts bobbing his head and humming. I can hear some of the music emitting from them. It's some kind of weird electronic music. He then pops up the boxcutter blade and lunges at Hideaki, Slashing him across the chest. His slashes are in tune with a rhythm, like some kind of sick dance routine. Hideaki tries to hold in his screams as best he can, but eventually he starts loosing strength. The floor below him starts becoming red from his blood. Arata stops and then grabs him by the hair.



Arata slashes him once again across the chest causing the necklace with the ring I gave him to fall to the ground. He lunges at Hideaki's neck but then stops before he hits his neck. He then turns to me again. A grin comes across his face.

"Well Mr.Hakamichi, This is unorthodox for me, but I think I will have to do it to get an answer out of you."

He commands one of his lackeys to come and grab Hideaki's head and turn it towards me. He walks behind me and grabs me by the neck.

"Don't worry Ms.Satou, I'll be gentle"

Suddenly another groan comes from beside me. It's Niko. I call out to him and he responds, but His body is still awakening. He is too slow. Arata grabs me by the hair and whispers in my ear,

"The task at hand, Ms.Satou"

I hear Hideaki call out to Arata,


Arata lets go of my hair and begins walking back to Hideaki, but not before slapping Niko across the face. The jolt from the slap apparently also woke him up completely. Niko swore at him in Serbian and tried to get his arms loose.

"GOOD! Now both of you are awake!"

As he gets back to Hideaki and punches him in the face.


Hideaki barely raises his head and his voice is clear.

"The password is.....Akira."

Arata starts laughing manically,

"WOW, can't believe one of my idiot co-workers of here didn't try that. Welp, Since we are done here do you have anything to say to your two friends over there?"

Hideaki raises his head and calls out to Niko, who instantly replies,


"N-no, I don't think that may be wise. Listen to me please. Ово неће завршити добро, брате. Гет кући безбедно. Без обзира на све, напусти ово место и држи њен безбедан. Не дозволите јој изглед. То је игра готова. Волим те."

"Bullshit! It's going to be okay."

I'm frantically looking at Niko to try to decipher what the fuck they are talking about, When I hear him Scream "No". I turn to see Arata with an m1911 pointed at Hideaki.

"Shows over folks, get the car around, and put your sharpest knife in the girls hands. It won't matter what they do at this point. Let's finish this."

then turns to us, bows and says one last thing,

"You have half an hour."

Several Nissan GTRs come screeching into the warehouse and many of his henchmen begin getting inside of them. One of them comes around me and puts a knife in my hand and whispers,

"best start cutting slowly now, if you want a chance that is."

It's then that hear the shots. One after the other. The ringing in my ears and the sight of Hideaki Cringing in pain causes me to be still in shock. Niko is screaming uncontrollably. Bang.Bang.Bang.Bang.Bang. Five shots. It's then that Arata takes his leave. I frantically begin cutting at the ropes. One rung after the other they come loose. I'm shedding tears all the way. I finally get loose and work on Niko and get him loose aswell. I can't get Hideaki loose by myself. We run to him and I tilt his head up with both my hands.


All Hideaki can do I gasp for air. Niko works on the ropes holding Hideaki in place, and as he cuts them, He falls foreward on to me like deadweight. I try my best to keep my balance and lower him down, but we both end up crashing down. I reposition him so his head is in my lap.


the bleeding from the gunshots are intense. I begin ripping pieces of my dress's skirt in order to make a kind of makeshift bandage to at least try to get the blood to coagulate. although Hideaki still isn't breathing, He's just gasping and convulsing.


He reaches for somthing at his waist and then looks up to me with a smile on his face and tries laughing, but blood begins spilling from the sides of his mouth.


Niko begins crying beside me. He's saying prayers in Serbian. Hideaki then raises his hand and caresses my cheek. The ring I gave him is in his hand. I take hold of it along with his hand. With a final gasp he becomes limp. I let go and it comes crashing down onto the cement. Niko puts his arm on my shoulder, but I'm in shock and I keep shaking him.


It finally hits me.... He's gone. I hold his his head up to my breast, his blood is seeping down turning my already dirty white dress a full scarlet.

"Hideaki..... No...."

I begin sobbing uncontrollably, but Niko finally grabs me and made me focus on him




I get on my knees beside Hideaki and lift his head high enough so that I can kiss his forehead. Niko places his hand on his shoulder and says a prayer. We then get up and start running. In fear I ask Niko,

"Where are we going?!"

He replies,


AkiraheartsHideaki ACT V: Epilougue

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:46 pm
by Lux
I awake from the couch when i hear the clink clang of porcelain cups from the kitchen. I immediately get up and run towards Akira who was trying to lift down a teacup. I embrace her and settle her down on the nearest chair.

"Woahh now! relax, Kira. I told you that if you needed anything that i would be on the couch. you could just text me.
We only arrived back from the hospital yesterday! you still need rest!."
she tries to give me back a stern reply,

"I'm not a weakling, I can handle my own. I just..... I didn't want to bother you while you were sleeping. You're cute when you curl up into a ball. Niko the kitty."

I can see her beginning to blush.

"Oh really now? because even the strongest woman needed a break after somthing you've just been through."
I place my hands on the sides of her cheeks and plant a soft kiss on her lips. They seem alot softer than before and as I pull away I can see that her cheeks have a healthy glow. I can't help but state,

"You know you're really beautiful, right?"

I feel a light elbow to the thigh and i begin to chuckle. I look behind her to the door leading to the master bedroom. I ask,

"So hows our Prince doing?"

Before I can even pursue the conversation further, Akira begins panicking. As if the world is about to collaspe. I tell her to calm down and as I help her up we both walk to the bedroom. As we reach her side of the bed we peer into the crade. Sound asleep. I look at the Blue label on his wrist for the millionth time. It says,

"Hello, I'm a BOY! and my name is Hideaki CvetoJevic!"

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *STORY COMPLETE 09/08/2012*

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:25 pm
by OtakuNinja
This story is beautiful. Different, but beautiful. :cry:

Re: AkiraheartsHideaki *STORY COMPLETE 09/08/2012*

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:45 am
by Banda
It's nice that you finally finished it.

But why would they give their son a girl's name?

Also, my face when it's finally updated.
