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Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:36 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
C'mon, we've all seen that Hanako doesn't have a nose.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:38 pm
by random
she also possess a magical right eye that can disappear when most of it is covered by hair

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:37 pm
by Tomate
Tis a clever trick, see? She just closes the eye hidden by her hair.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:29 pm
by Total Destruction
Burn victims are hawt. Unfortunate, but hawt.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:07 pm
by Helbereth
random wrote:she also possess a magical right eye that can disappear when most of it is covered by hair
To me, it's the most functional use I've ever seen for that type of manga/anime hairstyle.

What I wondered about her burn scars is how her developing body (she was 6 or 8 when the accident happened, if I recall right) altered and perhaps shrunk the scars as she grew.

I have a scar on the base of my thumb from a nasty cut I got falling on a broken shard of glass when I was 5. Now, as an adult, the scar is no bigger than it was at age 5, but the hand itself is about 4x bigger, thus making the scar appear much smaller. I wonder if the scar area visible on Hanako now was much more extensive soon after the accident.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:53 pm
by inquisitivenegro
Beoran wrote:As the posted image show, Hanako's particular burn scars would be realistic enough. The bullying because of them, even though she isn't severely disfigured and all in all is very pretty, is just as realistic, seen this is set in Japan where conformity is sometimes overvalued to the point of absurdity, especially amongst children.

A little anecdote to illustrate this: in most schools in Japan there are hot lunches, and if so, all children get them, even if the parents cannot pay for them. Why? It would lead to bullying if the school started to exclude children whose parents couldn't pay from the meals. To complicate things further, some parents abuse this situation to refuse to pay even if they can...
What...that is no where near absurd -.- How is providing food to growing children equally no matter their financial status absurd? It's a good thing that the school is putting their students in front of losing some money because of a few dishonest parents. Plus, you know thats the exact same reason is why some schools enforce compulsory uniforms right.. -.- And your anecdote has nothing to do with conformity anyways.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:25 pm
by Beoran
Hmmm, actually, when I you state it like that it does sound much more like a good thing... I have some other better examples of conformity, I think, such as the existance of /some/ schools where it's mandatory to have black hair /even if/ your natural hair color is not black, etc... but you're prbably right that I put my previous story under the wrong category.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:05 pm
by inquisitivenegro
Beoran wrote: /some/ schools where it's mandatory to have black hair /even if/ your natural hair color is not black, etc... but you're prbably right that I put my previous story under the wrong category.
wow... thats F*cked up :O
Actually I remember reading that somewhere, either on MAL or tv tropes

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:58 pm
by ArazelEternal
Whether Hanakos injuries looks like the picture of the guy posted, or the girl, Id still fall in love with her the same.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:40 pm
by inquisitivenegro
ArazelEternal wrote:Whether Hanakos injuries looks like the picture of the guy posted, or the girl, Id still fall in love with her the same.
Yeah, but now look at
or Image

These are much worse than a few squiggly lines that can easily be hidden with bangs, and it would explain how a lot of people would (including hisao at first) would have been uncomfortable approachiing Hanako (T.T)

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:51 pm
by ravenlord
This has been bounced around before, and here is my take on it:


Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:46 pm
by ArazelEternal
inquisitivenegro wrote:
ArazelEternal wrote:Whether Hanakos injuries looks like the picture of the guy posted, or the girl, Id still fall in love with her the same.
Yeah, but now look at
or Image

These are much worse than a few squiggly lines that can easily be hidden with bangs, and it would explain how a lot of people would (including hisao at first) would have been uncomfortable approachiing Hanako (T.T)
Not a problem. Niether one would turn me away.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:14 pm
by Xerxes
Those two real life chicks from above are ugly even without the scars. My two cents.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:16 pm
by Brogurt
I'm certain there are people who are rendered unlovable through the ugliness brought on by burnscars, but posting pictures of extraterrestrials won't prove a whole lot.

Re: Hanako's burns

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:33 pm
by ArazelEternal
Brogurt wrote:I'm certain there are people who are rendered unlovable through the ugliness brought on by burnscars, but posting pictures of extraterrestrials won't prove a whole lot.
I highly doubt that. In this world of 7 billion (give or take) I am sure there is one person out there who could love them. That does not necessarily mean they will find them, however.