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Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:11 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
Seriously, we have to settle on which country(ies) we're talking about here. I imagine, say, Germany has different standards for this than the US or Japan. I imagine US standards are more lax since car ownership is almost an economic necessity here (unless you live in a city where the taxpayers blessedly think like adults and actually invest in where they live). Germany and Japan might have stricter standards to deter people.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:54 am
by Megumeru
Wouldn't blindness and arm-amputee be the 'prime disability' that limits you from driving?

Being deaf doesn't stop you from feeling the vibration around--and I even heard some cars are equipped with such aide that makes deafness to be less of a problem to be considered. Leg amputees wears their 'automails' (I prefer to call em' that) and with some training and getting used to, you can drive as good as anyone else.

So my take, it'll be:
-arm-amputee (unless 'augmented')
-Blindness (unless riding a tank)
-Deafness (in certain countries)

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:42 am
by Oddball

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:27 pm
by metalangel

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:04 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
Very informative! Google image searching most of the terms brings up better pictures.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:09 pm
by Snow_Storm
There's a urban legend that Stevie Wonder knows how to drive and in fact, he drove for a taping of the Oprah Show.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:49 am
by Nekken
As long as you can pass all the tests, you can drive. If you need some sort of device to help you pass the test then you also need it to drive, but you can still drive: the most common case here is people who need glasses to pass the vision test (which, incidentally, I do).

At least in the US, I don't know of any state that has a hearing test, so Shizune wouldn't face any problems.
Rin and Emi would both need devices to help them with parts of the controls, but those devices do exist, so the only real question is whether or not they can get what they'd need.
The only thing that might prevent Hanako from passing the test would be if she panicked in the middle of the DMV or something and could not finish it. But even if that were to occur, presumably it wouldn't happen every time, so she could still pass eventually. Hisao's situation is similar.
Lilly is out of luck.
Kenji is probably out of luck, even with his glasses. Technically it depends on exactly what he can and cannot see, but I can't imagine a vision test that he could pass.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:38 am
by Helbereth
I'm not exactly sure if this is common or not, but I do have a friend who's bipolar and manic-depressive (the actual clinical kind, not the rubber-stamp diagnosis). He's been told that, because of the condition of his mental state can change suddenly and violently (truly bipolar), driving could be as dangerous for him as it were for someone who's been out getting plastered.

There's a very real possibility that he could decide to drive himself into a tree (or oncoming traffic) while on an excursion to the convenience store to buy milk. As I finished writing that sentence, I'm hit by the realization that he wouldn't be buying milk due to his lactose intolerance, and I'm only not changing it because it allows me to lighten the mood - I did just say he might involuntarily decide to kill himself, after all.

All that said, I don't think there's a regulation in place that would actually bar him from getting his driver's license (I don't exactly have the state or federal laws in front of me though, so don't quote me) - he merely sees it as taking a precaution against disaster.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:35 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
Hanako actually might find driving to be really relaxing. It's people that get her jittery, and people aren't cars (per se). She might experience it the same way she experiences the floor-tile game.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:32 am
by Oddball
At least in the US, I don't know of any state that has a hearing test, so Shizune wouldn't face any problems.
I suppose that all depoends on whether she gets failed for not listening to the graders instructions during her driving portion or not.

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:11 am
by Megumeru
I want to see Lilly drive a car.

It's like teaching a Llama how to drive!

No, Llama noooooo~~!

Re: What Disabilities Do Limit You From Driving Anyway?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:48 pm
by Helbereth
Megumeru wrote:I want to see Lilly drive a car.

It's like teaching a Llama how to drive!

No, Llama noooooo~~!
I remember reading something or seeing a Discovery Channel thing about developing a car for a blind person to drive.

I'm not sure how that would work, really; but, when the cars drive themselves in a few years, it won't matter.