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Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:59 pm
by DanjaDoom
Total Destruction wrote:There's like two Suzu stories going on at the same time, and you're at the helm one of them. This is interesting. Hahah.

Yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on ya. :twisted:
Scissorlips and I are at war over a cute narcoleptic girl. It's crazy yo.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:39 pm
by griffon8
While it's nice of Molly to stand up for Yuuko, there is no tipping in Japan. :?

Very enjoyable. More love and attention for the side characters. Even if one of them should be punched out.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:11 pm
by DanjaDoom
griffon8 wrote:While it's nice of Molly to stand up for Yuuko, there is no tipping in Japan. :?

Very enjoyable. More love and attention for the side characters. Even if one of them should be punched out.

Ah well, I'll chalk it up to Molly still being relatively new to Japanese culture.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:47 am
by DanjaDoom
Welp, here we are, the part I'm sure you were all waiting for. The trick is to listen to Sexual Eruption by Snoop Dogg to achieve maximum arousal. Not that I would know or anything...Anyway it's really goddamn late and I don't know what I'm talking about. Enjoy.

Tale 3:
“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gau-”

She pauses and studies the unfamiliar word. “Gowdy?”

I giggle and underline the phrase with my pointer finger. “ Gaudy, Miki. It means tacky, tasteless, no sense of style, that sort of thing.”

“So, your wardrobe then?- Ow, I was kidding!”

I remove my fist from her arm. “You’ve know about this english exam for at least a week. It’s not my fault you put everything off until the last minute,” I chastise.

Miki chuckles nervously and rubs the back of her neck. “Well, what can I say, I have such a busy schedule!”

I begin to count off on my fingers. “Running, sleeping, eating ice cream, rotting your brain with television, more sleeping-”

“Alright, alright, I get the picture Mols!” she groans.

I push the notebook towards her.“Fine, then keep reading.”

With much grumbling, she continues.

“- to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!”

She finishes with a flourishing bow. I humor her and clap in congratulations.

“Not bad at all, Miki!”

“You think I could pass now?” she asks with excitement, leaning in closer to me.

I subconsciously notice how hot her breath feels. I quickly shake away this weird thought and answer her.

“It’s possible, but you’ll have to know a lot more about Lord Byron if you want to pass. He did write more than one poem, you know.”

Her face falters, and she collapses onto the floor with a thud. Sheesh, she can be a baby sometimes.

I try to yank her up with an agitated grunt. “Miki, stop being such a drama queen and get up!”

“Leave me here to wallow!” she mumbles through the floor.

“You don’t know where that carpets been!”

“It tastes like loser! It’s the perfect flavor for me!”

“That doesn’t even make any sen-WAH!”

Miki’s iron tight hold on my carpet had loosened at the same time I utilized all my strength to pull her up. The result is the two of us now sprawled haphazardly on the floor, my braid somehow finding itself in between her teeth.

Neither of us make a move to get up, curiously. I consciously note how warm Miki’s breath feels. It smells pretty sweet as well. She must have eaten more ice cream recently. If I had to take a guess I’d say she just ate Rocky Road recently and-

Wait. Why am I smelling my best friends breath? And why am I enjoying it?...

Miki rolls my braid around a bit in her mouth, spitting it out once she’s gotten a taste of it.

“What shampoo do you use? Your hair tastes pretty fruity.”

“Why are you tasting my hair in the first place?”

“Because it’s in my mouth.”

I attempt to squirm my way from underneath, but to my surprise my progress is being blocked by a hand on my shoulder. Miki edges closer towards me, her legs straddled around me.

“Is there anything else you can teach me, sensei?” she asks with a sultry tone. My arms, my legs, my entire body buckles underneath her frame. I’m at a loss for words.

“Miki, wh-wh-”

She places her finger to my lips. “Just let mama Miki do all the work...”

As she says this, her face inches closer and closer to mine. I never told her this, but I love the way her face morphs when she play-flirts. I also never told her how much I wish our play flirting was real.

Now, though...

Fuck it.

I wrench my arms free from underneath me and pull her down, locking her lips to mine in a desperate clash of tongues. I feel like mine’s winning.

Not yet done, I roll her over to her back, my primal senses overtaking my body. Before I can go any farther, I’m flung from my dominant position and, for the second time today, find myself in a heap on the floor.

Rather than the pleasure I expected Miki to have on her face, she looks thoroughly confused, and more than a little taken aback.

“Molly, what the hell was that?” she sputters, gasping for breath. I bring my hands to my chest, mortified by my actions.

“I-I thought...”

“You thought what, that you’d just climb on top of me and lock lips?!”

“Y-you came on to me, Miki, how was I supposed to know?” I counter angrily.

Miki looks at me with incredulous eyes, wiping away some remnants of my chapstick from her mouth. “Molly, I was joking! Jesus, how was I supposed to know you would jump on me like some...some lesbo sex-hound?!”

Our exchange comes to an abrupt and unpleasant halt. Already I can feel the sting from the salty liquid at the edges of my eyes.

Miki’s face softens as she moves towards me. “Look, Molly, I...”

“Just go,” I whisper harshly.

She reels her hand back to her side, and I know from her face that she’s hurt.
Well, it’s good to know I’m not the only one.

I turn to face her. My eyes probably look swollen to hell, but I don’t care. I can’t let this all end without at least looking at her.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen Miki without her usual mirthful smirk. It’s unsettling, to say the least.

“Listen, I’m just gonna head back to my room, alright? I have a lot of studying to do.”

I nod in response, resigned to the fact that salvaging this conversation would be a wasted effort.

She turns and exits through the door. Once she leaves, the tears flow freely.

I collapse on my bed, and if I had enough energy to punch myself in the head I would.

What was I thinking? That Miki would just jump at the chance to live out some schoolgirl lesbian fantasy? That Miki was a lesbian in the first place? That whatever I felt for her was mutual?

Either way, I’m an idiot. An idiot who probably just ruined her dearest friendship. A stupid lesbo idiot...

“What’s the matter, sweetie, you don’t like me?”

The cold brick of the alleyway is the only obstacle to my escape. He slams his left arm into the wall next to me, producing an echo that sends a chill up my spine.

There’s a girl next to me, surrounded by his two friends. I’d only just met her earlier today. Suzu, I think her name was.

She’s one of the first people I talked to once I got to Yamaku. A nice enough girl, if a bit loopy. Now, I’ve led her into this situation, accosted by a couple of street thugs hungry for gullible young schoolgirls.

Why, why did I follow that guy asking if we wanted to come meet his friends?

Friends...that’s all I wanted. Just to meet some friends. Now these guys are going to do something to us that I don’t even want to think about.

“L-look, please just let us go, we’ll give you whatever money we have-”

He puts a hand up to stop my desperate pleas. “Whoa there, sweetie, it’s not like we’re criminals or anything! We’ just want to show you girls a good time, is that so much to ask?”

His breath stinks of nicotine.

“W-we don’t want your good time, alright?! Just let us go!”

He begins to squirm uncomfortably, peeking over his shoulders with worry.

“Hey, will you stop yelling like that, you’re gonna bring some unwanted attention-”


I’m not sure where I pulled that yell out from, but I’m glad I found it. Visibly frightened now, he reaches a grimy hand over my mouth to stifle my yelling. Feeling especially brave, I bite down on his hand with all my force. It’s enough to draw blood, I proudly notice.

“GAH! STUPID CUNT!” he yells out, sending the back of his hand into the side of my face.

I fall to the filthy concrete, my cheek stinging from the impact. Suddenly, I hear him laughing, a cruel and mocking laughter.

“HAH! Hey guys, check this. Girl’s got metal legs!”


Sure enough, the fall caused the nylons hiding my stocking to tear a bit , exposing them.
I move to cover them, but he quickly swats my hand away and begins toying with the metal appendages.

“Ohhh, I see now! You two’re from that cripple school out in the country, huh? What, you down here for the circus?”

The rest of his gang laugh stupidly as I lay there, humiliated. Suzu is looking down at me, pity and helplessness in her eyes. We’re outnumbered and easily outweighed. We have nowhere to go. Maybe if I just lay here, they’ll take it eas-

All heads in the vicinity turns towards the source of the voice.

A tall, bronzed girl stands at the entryway of the alley, hands crossed over her chest.

Well, hand, I should say. Her left arm ends in a bandaged stump. Her uniform indicates that she’s another Yamaku student, and I recognize her as being from my class.

The head thug glares at her, agitated at her interruption.

“Who the fuck are you, queen of the gimps or something?” he growls. His two cronies are flanked on either side of him like guard dogs.

Her stern face breaks into a wily smile that’s severely unfitting for the current situation.

“Nah, just your average, everyday gimp passing by,” she replies. I cringe at her choice of words.

“Well, why don’t you keep passing by and stay the hell out of our business?” he threatens.

I work up the courage to get a look at him. Shaved head, tattoo on his neck, piercings all around.
He’s certainly an intimidating sight. This girl, however, doesn’t seem all too intimidated. Neither does Suzu, but she isn’t really...all there.

“Hmm...nah, I’d rather not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure a few charming guys like you only have the best intentions for these two girls, but you’ll forgive me if I just want to make sure.”

He straightens his back out into an intimidating pose.

“We take care of all the girls we meet. We were just about to take these ones out for a nice walk through the city...until you came, that is,” he growls.

The girl still looks as collected and cocky as ever. “Well, what can I say, I’m just a regular ol’ cockblock!”

“ENOUGH! I’m done fucking around here! You either get the hell out, or I’ll throw you out myself!”

He brings his fist to her face for emphasis, and before he can blink she grabs his wrist and flings his hand back into his nose.

He lets out a comical squeak as he falls back into the arms of his waiting henchmen.


Scowling, the delinquent trio make their way away from the scene.

One of them turns towards his embarrassed boss.

“Dude, I think your nose is bleeding...”


Once they round the corner, the dark-skinned girl helps Suzu and I to our feet.

“You alright?” she asks us.

Suzu’s clothes are a bit rustled, but otherwise she appears perfectly healthy.

“I’m fine, just a little shaken up,” I answer as she turns to me.

She pats me on the shoulder, a satisfied smile on her face.

“Good to hear! I couldn’t just sit there and let those punks have their way with you!”

She pulls the both of us into a team hug of sorts. It’s a little awkward, what with all the scrapes and bruises we have on us.

“You can call me Miki Miura!”

The vibration of my phone startles me out of my nap.

I snatch it up before it tumbles over the edge. A familiar name flashes over the rabbit themed wallpaper.

“Hey Suzu,” I answer groggily. I hope she understands that I’m not in the best mood to talk.

“You have a bad day, Pablo Honey?”

I chuckle at her affinity for giving me weird nicknames. “What gave it away?”

“You sound like me. Really tired. I’m the only me, so if someone else sounds like me, that’s a little weird don’t you think?”

“I suppose,” I answer. I’m really in no mood for her cryptic antics, but I’m trying to be polite.

“Plus, Miki called me and told me.”

My ears perk up at this. “Did she now?”

“Yepyep. Believe it or not, she’s a teenage girl too. We tend to call people to tell them about this stuff.”

Somehow, I now feel even worse than before. Now not only does Miki know I’m a freak, so does Suzu.

“You’re not a freak.”

“What?” I ask in surprise.

“I mean, it’s pretty obvious how you feel about Miki. I can see it every time you look at her.
I’m not stupid, you know, just a narcoleptic.”

I smile at her quip. My joy is soon overshadowed by my lingering sense of dread.

“I’m scared, Suzu. What if I ruined everything?” I whimper.

Suzu doesn’t respond for a while. I worry that she may have hung up on me, but her lazy drawl on the other end pipes up again.

“It wouldn’t have been a very good friendship if one little kiss is all it took to end it, right?”

Her words impact me like a freight train. She’s right. My God, she’s right.

“So, I should go talk to her then, right?” I ask giddily. The melancholy and tiredness have all but evaporated from my body.

“That’s the gist of it, yeah.”

Suzu may not have much emotional range, but I can definitely tell that she’s smiling over the other line.

“Suzu, I’ll talk to you later, alright? I’ve got some stuff to do!”

Not even waiting for her to hang up, I make a mad dash out door and down the hall. No sooner do I exit the door that I ram headfirst into another occupant of the hallway.

“Sorry, sorry! I wasn’t looking where I-Miki?”

My athletic friend rises to her feet, shaken but no worse for wear. She helps me to my feet as well.

We stand in the middle of the hall, saying nothing for a while. Miki taps her feet against the carpet, antsy as usual. She’s never been one to be at a loss for words, so this must be a whole new experience for her.

“So, I guess you had the same idea as me, huh?” she says after a while.

I nod, happy to see some of her smile return.

“Mols...Molly, I’m sorry about what I said. It was wrong, I know, I was just...I mean, you kissed me.”

I bite my lip and listen to her. Suddenly this seems much harder than it should be.

“I know, Miki...I know. It’s just-”

Now comes the hard part. There’s just one more foot of mountain left until the peak.

“-I just like you Miki. As more than a friend.”

My words shoot out in one satisfying breath. Already I feel like a great weight has been lifted off of my back.

Miki looks at me with understanding. As I look down, expecting her to turn away, she holds me.

The feeling of her arms at rest on my shoulders reddens my face. Her hair is skimming against my cheek; it’s silky smooth, and smells like a fresh shampoo. Suddenly, I feel her lips dance across my neck.

I reel back in surprise, hampered a bit by her firm grip on me. I’m overcome with a wave of confusion and pleasure. This is something I’ve been waiting for for months now.

She finally lets up; a whimper of protest escapes my lips.

We seem to be in a trance as she leads me towards her room. A few girls talking stop to look at us. Frankly, neither of us care too much what they’re thinking about.

Once the door to Miki’s room is shut, our spell is broken.

She pounces on me, lips attacking every exposed area of my neck with gusto. With her knee, she dexterously begins to play with the hem of my skirt, inching it farther and farther up my leg. After a while, it reaches a rather sensitive area of my anatomy, bringing out a hoarse whimper from me.

Miki’s wandering mouth reaches mine, her tongue eager to explore its recesses. For my part, I’m eager to let her.

I get a taste of her for the second time today. She still tastes as amazing as ever.

We waste no time in unbuttoning our respective blouses. I hear Miki grunt in frustration. Her lack of a hand must be making it difficult to work the buttons while...distracted.

I gladly help her out, guiding her hand in mine as she fumbles with the lining of my shirt.

With one swoop, we both remove our garments, flinging them carelessly to the floor.

As we stop for a minute to admire each other, I notice a flickering in Miki’s eyes. A hunger. A desire.

She wants this just as bad as I do.

“Confession time, Molly,” she says breathlessly. “The way you feel about me? I’ve felt the same way. For a while now.”

Through her short rasps of breath, I can sense her sincerity.

“Molly, I love you like a fat kid loves cake,” she adds with a smile.

I laugh and stare into her eyes. “Miki, that was the worst line I’ve ever heard.”

She shrugs and smirks as she takes in the sight of my upper body. She licks along my naval, savoring in the delighted whimpering it elicits from me.

“What can I say, I’ve always been better at the physical part of the relationship.”

She moves over to my crumpled mess of a skirt. My panties are shamelessly exposed, a fact which delights Miki to no end.

She looks to me, almost begging for my approval to go further. I give the go-ahead with a bit of trepidation.

I’ll admit, I’ve sometimes ventured “down there” late at night, wondering what the sensation is like.

About to experience it now, I’m wondering if-OH GOD, yes, that’s amazing!

Miki flicks her tongue with masterful agility, taking in the sweet and strange taste of my walls.

My cries are so loud I’m forced to muffle my mouth for fear of someone hearing them.

Miki is unsympathetic to my struggle, if anything going harder than before. I feel like I’m about to burst.

Mercifully, she stops just short of my lungs bursting. As she stops to catch her breath, I notice a tell-tale dripping on my bed. Well, that’s embarrassing...

“Getting a little excited there, Mols?” Miki mocks.

I hit her hand away. “Shut it, you!”

She pouts and moves farther up my body like a cat. “You really want me to shut my mouth?” she inquires playfully, flicking her tongue for extra sexual emphasis.

God, I hate when she does that. It makes my hormones go crazy.

“It’s a tempting offer, but I think I’d prefer it stay open, for now,” I answer, locking lips with her for a third time. Rather than the hormone fueled tongue war of earlier, this one is of a sensual nature.

Deciding it’s time to take the driver seat, I run my hand over her bra. It’s black lace, rather uncharacteristic of Miki. Maybe she was expecting something like this to happen today? Nah, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Tugging away at the edge of the cloth, I successfully expose her impressive bosom. Her pink tip is already peaked and bumpy, begging for something to stimulate it.

Our lips separate with a satisfying smack. I begin work on her collarbone, peppering it with light quick smooches as I make my way towards my destination. Channeling Miki’s antics, I flick my tongue every which way around her areola. Across the tip, around the edges, I leave no spot of her breast untouched.

“P-please,” she gasps. She sounds like she’s just run a marathon.

Content with my foreplay, I engulf her nipple with my mouth, gnawing and pulling at her tip.

And yet, there’s so much more I can can do. I begin to tug away at her skirt with a vengeful determination. The one thing that’s been denied to me all this time, now mine. Wadding up her skirt and panties, I toss them into a heap on the floor. Reaching down with my fingers, I caress Miki’s now drenched nether regions. They’re unbelievably soft.

Her eyes threaten to roll back into her head in ecstasy. It gives me a sadistic pleasure to watch, to be in control.

I quicken my pace, twirling my fingers around and around until my fingers burn.

The wet sloshing is music to my ears. Miki’s back is arched at an angle I couldn’t hope to replicate. With a final thrust of my fingers, I feel a warm rush of liquid overtake my hand.

“Ohhh, God, Molly!”

Yes, yes, yell it out!

“Molly! Molly!...”



I jolt upright in my bed. Miki stand above me, disarray on her face.

“Holy crap, are you alright?” she asks with concern.

I take a look around. It’s my room. Light’s shining through the curtain. What time is it anyway?

“Why wouldn’t I be alright?” I ask wearily.

“Just look at yourself, you’re covered in sweat!”

Sure enough, the cotton of my shirt is drenched with perspiration. The hair on my forehead is in a tangled, stuck mess.

“Must’ve been something I dreamed about,” I mumble.

Miki grabs a nearby cloth and begins to clean my forehead off. “What were you dreaming about, anyway? I heard muttering something in your sleep.”

“...Nothing, really. What’re you doing here anyway?”

She places a green notebook into my hand, opening it up to a page littered with poorly scribbled margin notes.
“You promised to help me study today, remember?”

I look into her eyes and smile weakly.

So, it was all a dream? Well, that was a cheap ending. Just when it was starting to get good, too...

Then why did it all feel so real? Maybe it was my subconscious talking to me in some warped and twisted dream dimension. If it means what I think it means, then...

Ah. My face grows into a cheshire cat grin.

Miki waves her stump in front of my face. “Molly, you all there?”

I snap from my stupor and join her.

Time to make some dreams come true.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:48 am
by Finn Solomon
I don't usually read girl/girl fics but I love how you've portrayed both girls. I wish there was more Miki fic, she is awesome.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:36 pm
by # 2
Huzzah for crack pairings! Wait... what? Um, nevermind.

I'm enjoying the story so far, keep up the good work.

(On a minor side note, did you notice that Miki spits out Molly's braid twice?)

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:14 pm
by DanjaDoom
# 2 wrote:Huzzah for crack pairings! Wait... what? Um, nevermind.

I'm enjoying the story so far, keep up the good work.

(On a minor side note, did you notice that Miki spits out Molly's braid twice?)
She's a wizard like that

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:59 pm
by DanjaDoom
Finn Solomon wrote:I don't usually read girl/girl fics but I love how you've portrayed both girls. I wish there was more Miki fic, she is awesome.
That she is my friend, that she is.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:08 am
by Total Destruction
Truly, truly delicious.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:46 pm
by DanjaDoom
Total Destruction wrote:Truly, truly delicious.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:03 am
by DanjaDoom
Surprise surprise!

Didn't quite feel like letting my delicious lesbo tale just go to waste, so I decided to update right quick.

Hope you enjoy it (but not too much) and please comment.

Tale 4:
I remember the first time she kissed me in public. It was an out of nowhere thing, something you never really have time to prepare for. I remember it like a video. I was with Miki, one year ago, at the annual school festival. I remember the sounds of frying food, the smell of flowers and freshly cleaned kimonos. It was like a poem come to life. There were stares. Lots of stares. Most shocked, a few disgusted, and more than a few boys with a few choice thoughts on their mind. We didn't pay attention to any of them. We just stood in the center as the fireworks went off around us. It was like life itself rewrote its script just for us that night.

The world was our theater that night.

A week before that I told Miki how I felt about her. She said nothing at first. She said she needed “time” to digest what I was telling her.

I waited. Waited, waited, and waited again for good measure. For almost a week I heard nothing from her; just a few awkward smiles and quick conversations.

I began to feel ill. I remember throwing up one day, I don’t remember which. Days of all the ugly thoughts building inside of me, making me think I would lose my best friend, began to flood to my mind.

There I was, crying above the toilet, at the most miserable point thus far in my life, when I heard the creak of the door behind me. It took me a few seconds to register the warm arms around my neck, cradling me against a soft chest.

I didn't know who the arms belonged to, nor did I care. All I did was cry, cry until there were no tears left in my body.

Only when the arms spoke did things begin to clear up.

You OK, Mols’?” Miki asked, her nurturing voice alleviating the pains in my stomach.

“No... I’m not.”

“Want me to take you to the Nurse?”

“No,” I answered quickly, my throat aching. “Just let me stay here... please... don’t take me out there.”

Miki looked almost on the verge of tearing up herself. Luckily she held it together. I don’t think her breaking down would have done us any good.

“You can’t stay here Molly.”

“Why not?”

“If you’re going to cry, cry in my room. I love you too much to leave you in a bathroom in front of your own vomit.”

My red, puffy eyes met her tired brown eyes. Her breath caught in her mouth, as if cursing herself for not choosing her words more carefully.

“Come one, I’ll take you up.”

She pulled me to my feet like one would a crying infant, hooking a supportive arm around my waist. As we made our way out of the bathroom I hid my eyes away in her shirt collar, desperate to avoid the prying eyes of my classmates. I could hear their whispers, their laughter. Miki’s shoulder tensed, which always happened whenever she was glaring. The sounds died down quite a bit after that. When we finally made it to her room, I could barely keep my eyes open.

She gave me some soda, cleaned me up and put me to bed. My body felt weak, numb, like I was in a car accident. I never knew what it was like to be so mentally and physically exhausted until that moment.

All I could do was listen to her talk. She talked about what was going on in school, about what was on television, the latest game of soccer, everything. It was as if she wanted to make up for all the talks we missed out on this week. Regardless of her intention, I enjoyed it.

I enjoy every moment with Miki. Every stupid, dirty joke she makes, every time her face creases when she laughs (which is often),every wink she gives to assure me that sometimes all you need in this world is to laugh. At Miki’s stupid, dirty jokes, preferably.

“I’m sorry, Molly,” she said. I turned my eyes to her. Salty, biting liquid was forming at the corner of her eye.

It took a bit of effort, but I managed to mumble a sentence.

“What do you have to be sorry for?”

She looked at me again. I knew that look. It’s the look she gives when she thinks she’s being pitied.

“You fucking know what, Molly. This happened because of me. Because I didn’t talk to you! We’re friends, goddammit, we’re not supposed to avoid each other! But no, I had to be the bitch and just walk away... I’ve never walked away from anything in my life, Molly. You were the first. I...”

I reached out and held her hand. I chalked it up to being delirious at the moment, but I don’t believe that was really the case. I just threw up, cried my eyes out, and was already in Miki’s anyway. Subtlety wasn’t on my priorities list then.

“Miki,” I said weakly. “If you want to make it up to me...let’s go to the festival. Next month. We can go as friends, or... something else. I don’t care if we go as cross dressers, i just want to go with you Miki.”

Miki reeled back a bit, but smiled and slowly eased her hand into mine, until we both just layed next to each other, beat after a long and arduous week. Before long my head went to rest on her shoulder, drifting to sleep as stroked the slender fingers of her remaining hand.


That moment was the biggest smile I’d had all week.

“Happy to... hear that,” I yawned. “Now, Miki?’


“Do me a favor and shut up.”

She laughed softly.

We didn't say anything after that. We didn't need to.

It took us the better part of a week to sneak those cigarettes in here. In a little less than an hour, we burned through them like fat kids eating candy. By the time we’re done, a faint layer of filtered smoke lingers, and our breaths stink of cheap alcohol; the best we could afford on the budget of two schoolgirls. Thankfully the clerk didn't ask too many questions, though that may have had to do with the particularly low-cut top Miki had on that day.

I take time to admire my handiwork. She’s slumped over, panting like she’s been shot through a pipe. It’s exhilarating, wondrous.

With devilish delight I take note of her stained panties, shamelessly exposed to me. I edge my prosthetic leg closer towards the soiled undergarments, utilizing the padded end to trace her red and swollen ridges.

She gasps and begins to sweat like a fever patient. My sadistic and perverted grin grows wider with every moan, every bead of sweat from her forehead. After a while she tries to form a sentence, but the words die at the tip of her tongue.

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” I tease.

“S-stop it, Molly...” she pants through gritted teeth.

Pouting, I oblige her request. She feigns relief, but I can tell from her face that she’s disappointed.

“What a little slut,” I sing with a girlish giggle.

She looks up in surprise at me, leaving her lips open for mine to meet them. I feel like a vampire, only instead of sucking up blood I’m taking breath and cigarette smoke from her lungs.

I soften up my kiss a bit, lulling her into a false sense of security; at that moment, I perform one of our favorite “activities”; my knee goes full force against her crotch, offering no reprieve as she begins to moan.

“You tired yet, Miki?” I growl like a hungry lioness toying with her kill.

“F-fuck off,” she growls, her eyes a tantalizing combination of passion and frustration. I know Miki; she hates not having control. Every time we make love, she winds up taking control. Not today, I’m afraid.

“Fuck you off? Well well, aren’t we frisky today! How about I get something a bit more... potent?”

I keep eye contact with her as I move backwards towards a secret compartment in the corner of my room, hidden away underneath a Chemistry textbook and three pairs of socks. If the beer and cigarettes were hard to sneak in, this was damn near impossible. But it’s worth it to see the look on Miki’s face as I pull out the elongated purple appendage.



She takes another drag of her cigarette, as she is apt to do when she’s thinking. At first I was mortified at the idea of her smoking in my room, fearful that someone would smell it. Now, though, I’m too spent to give much of a shit. Some strange part of me actually wants someone to find us. We’ve been talking about bringing in a third partner for a little while now...

“What are we?”

I pause for a second, raising my head up from her sweat stained chest. “We are...we’re something special, Miki.”

“How long did it take you to pull out that gem, Mols’?”

I punch her in the shoulder half-heartedly. “Bitch,” I tease.

She smiles at me again. I hate that smile. It’s like Miki’s trump card to exert her dominance over whatever situation she’s in. One look at it and my body goes hot. my head starts to spin. I lose control.

Miki turns to me, delivering a soft, sensual kiss to my forehead that sends a shiver down my bare back. “You ever get the feeling we’re going in way over our heads here?”

I smile right back at her, and suddenly the mood’s taken a much hotter turn. “I kind of like being in over my head. Keeps me on my toes.”

“As long as it keeps me on top of you, I’m all good,” she says, caressing the ridge of my spine. As I shiver even more, she breaks into a pseudo-evil grin. I’ve fallen into her trap, and we both know it.

“Just to let you know, though,” she begins, turning me onto my back and placing her hot lips over my chest. “I’m taking charge this time.”

“You always do,” I answer hoarsely.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:25 pm
by Total Destruction
Holy dammit. Ho-lee-dammit.

I totally called there being a purple dildo coming in to the mix. I just never posted it 'cuz I didn't wanna ruin momentum or, heaven forbid, give you ideas.

Still delicious after all this time.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:32 pm
by DanjaDoom
Total Destruction wrote:Holy dammit. Ho-lee-dammit.

I totally called there being a purple dildo coming in to the mix. I just never posted it 'cuz I didn't wanna ruin momentum or, heaven forbid, give you ideas.

Still delicious after all this time.
It's good to know someone around here appreciates the fine art of cripple brown-skinned lesbian porn. It's a dying form, indeed. Thank you for the input, I love comments on my stories.

And for the record it was a purple and green dragon dildo

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:00 pm
by Helbereth
DanjaDoom wrote:Yeah, I figured even in Japan art students would be insufferable.
Sweeping generalizations aren't very becoming of a writer. Beware characterizing based on cliche, or you risk having your creative integrity questioned.

Your Takashi is rather insufferable, and that's fine; as long as it's because he has good reason to act that way - or at least thinks he has good reasons. The brief scene hardly has enough time to see any other aspect of his abrasive personality. Don't get caught up in that one-note approach, though, especially if you plan to revisit him later in the tale.

Re: M&M: A Tale of Two Delicious Brown Girls

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:42 pm
by The Hero Hartmut
DanjaDoom wrote:
Total Destruction wrote:Holy dammit. Ho-lee-dammit.

I totally called there being a purple dildo coming in to the mix. I just never posted it 'cuz I didn't wanna ruin momentum or, heaven forbid, give you ideas.

Still delicious after all this time.
It's good to know someone around here appreciates the fine art of cripple brown-skinned lesbian porn. It's a dying form, indeed. Thank you for the input, I love comments on my stories.

And for the record it was a purple and green dragon dildo
...Great. Now I'm imagining a Barney brand dildo. Thanks a lot.