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Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 2 up)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:23 pm
by bronko
They're married and Hisao 's a man. "I want you now" should do the job. When it comes to this, he'll do anything to fulfill everyones desire.
Hanako is overthinking this :?
Of course, without her conflict there would be no story to tell at all.

How many parts do you plan?

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 2 up)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:33 pm
by Roamin12
Dammit Hanako! A simple "Let's do it" generally should be enough, Hisao's a man, you're a woman, and you're married. For the most part it shouldn't be this complicated. But that's what make the story interesting.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 2 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:30 am
by lolawesome
little complaint, the dialogues are hard to follow if they're all in the same paragraph with both people talking back and forth to each other

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 2 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:28 am
by Oddball
This is just really cute.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 3 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:25 am
by Beoran
Heh, glad to see everyone is getting impatient. :lol: For us westerners it may be easy enough to say it, but as I discuss in the story, in Japan it really can be a problem. The stats are a bit old, but that pie graphs says it all: ... y-sexless/
I did hear that as of lately, things are getting a bit better, but still...
I don't know how many parts I will need, but I think it'll need at least 2 more, if not 3 to tell the whole story.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 3 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:29 am
by Beoran
And another part, this is mostly comedy and romance.

Part 4 - Concord

I hand my camera to an old man and let him take a picture of us with the Triumph Arch in behind us. He returns it to me with a friendly handwave and I bow to him in thanks. We cross the street, pay for entrance, and climb the stairs up to the top. We get a lovely view of the surroundings as the gentle sun pours down it's warm rays on the city. In the distance, I see the Eiffel tower.

I point it out to Hisao.
"Impressive, isn't it?" I say. It does remind me of ... something. I take a breath.
"Yes it is." he says.
"From here, it looks a bit like like a p-penis, huh?" ...There, I said it!
"Well, now you mention it, yes it does... it's even a bit thicker at the top." Hisao says.
"Mine is a lot smaller though, it's not so impessive, I guess" Hisao says with a look of regret on his face. Oh no, I didn't know he was self-conscious about his! It's true that Hisao isn't... that big, but...
"I-- It's fine Hisao, you are plenty big enough!" I say apologetically.
"That's a relief to hear." he says with a smirk. I understand now, he was joking!
"D-don't make me worry like that." I laugh out loud and punch him gently in the arm.
"Ow!" He says with a mock pained face, then he also laughs.

Well, that went well. The mood's not right now, though, so I'll have to talk more seriously later. We walk down the stairs and stand under the Arch.
"Where you want to go next?" Hisao asks.
"I want to take a look at the shops!" I say. I take his hand and we stroll back to the Champs Elisees. We pass by many shops and I stop many times, gazing at all the lovely items on display. Vuitton, Dolce&Gabanna, Lacoste, ... all the famous brands have a shop on this street. Hisao offers to buy an expensive hand bag for me but I decline. His teacher's salary is not that high, and besides I prefer just to windowshop with Hisao by my side.

We continue along the road. I'm getting thirsty, so we go sit down on the terrace of the cafe. We order tea. From my purse I pass Hisao a little box with his daily ration of pills, which he swallows dutifully. Then he goes to the toilet. While he's away, I also take my pill. They are not very popular in Japan yet, but it regulates my flow, and I want to us to have fun together without worrying about protection. When Hisao's back, I head to the toilets too. Not today, I think, I have to keep my energy for this evening!

When I return, I read the guide book a bit more. I can find a tasty looking restaurant for dinner. But it's a bit far, so we'll probably have to take the metro to go there. And it's a bit too early for dinner yet.
"Why don't we take a long walk up to there?" Hisao says as he points to the map.
"All the way up to the Place de la Concorde? That's quite far... Will you be OK?". I worry.
"I'll be fine. You know I've been exercising in the morning. And this will be a good exercise too." he says. So we pay, get up and start waking again. All the time Hisao gallantly carries the big paper bag for me as I holds his other hand.

I enjoy the sun, the trees, the parks, and after half an hour or so we find ourselves on the Place de la Concorde. Hisao points to the column in the middle of the square.
"Do you think that also looks like a penis?" Hisao grins.
"Y-Yes." I smile at his joke. "There are so many of them here..." I joke.
"Maybe that's why they say Paris is the city of love?" he says. We both break out in laughter again. I turn to Hisao, and take his face between my hands.
"And I love you Hisao..." I kiss him on his lips, intensely, and lick his lips with my tongue. "Hanako..." he whispers flusterdly as I break away. Slighlty embarassed, he rubs the back of his head. But then he smiles again.

"Well, this IS the city of love, so...." he says. He steps forward, lifts my chin up with his free hand, and returns my kiss. He even pushes his tongue in my mouth for just a second. Yes! Like that, Hisao, please! Then he breaks away again.
"I love you Hanako!" he says as he looks me in the eyes.
"That's what they call a "F-French Kiss", right?" I giggle.
"Yes, I think so." Hisao smiles back.
"Since we are in F-France, let's a-always kiss like that." I say and blush a bit.
"Well, it would be embarrassing if we did that in Japan, but here... it will be OK. So, it's a promise!" he says with a solemn nod.
"It's a promise." I nod back.

The restaurant is actually not far from the Place de la Concorde. So we decide to keep on walking through the Tuilleries Garden. We sit down there for a few minutes to let Hisao catch his breath and to enjoy the view. Then we go on to the Garden of the Royal palace, where we can see the restaurant. We enter, and an older man in a waiter's uniform greets us. With a look at the rings on our fingers and an understanding smile, he leads us to a small table in a discreet corner. I take out the guide book again. It has a Japanese menu for this restaurant, and small photos of the dishes available here. With them we're able to point out our order. It's our honeymoon after all, so we both decide to have the lobster. With a bottle of white wine to go with it.

The waiter gets the wine and lets Hisao taste it. Hisao approves it with a nod. The waiter then fills my glass and Hisao's and retreats to the kitchen. I put my hand left on top of the table, and Hisao puts his hand on top of mine. A little candle flickers in a vase between us. I enjoy the mood and just stare into Hisao's eyes, and quietly sip at my wine from time to time, until the waiter comes back and announces that our meal is ready with a respectful <Pardonnez-moi>. He puts the large plate with lobster in front of me, then he goes and returns again for Hisao's.

We both tuck in, and I savour the delicious lobster. Hisao breaks a part off and noisily slurps the meat out of the shell.
"You know, it's not polite to slurp in Europe!" I chide him half-jokingly.
"Now you mention it, I remember reading something like that." he says, "but it must be hard to drink hot soup without slurping though." he ponders.
"That's why they blow on their soup here." I tell him.
"Blowing? How is that any more polite than slurping?" he says.
"It's just the a cultural difference, I guess". I say.

Slurping, blowing... I'm reminded of what I saw on TV a few hours ago. A cultural difference... maybe that will excite Hisao?
"Hanako?" Hisao suddenly says.
Surprised, I spill some wine over my lobster. My hand has stopped in mid air, holding the wine glass.
"I'm f-fine, I just z-zoned out a bit."
"You seem a bit distracted today." Hisao wories.
"N-no, it's not that, I enjoy being with you so much I'm over the moon." I say and I put the wine glass down.

Well, it's not a lie! The mood is so romantic. I look into Hisao's eyes, and again I am flooded with happiness. In this moment, everything is all right and everything is perfect. Finally I feel, I can forgive myself.
"Hisao, I love you so much, more than words can say..." I say.
"I love you, I love you!" I whisper as warm tears roll down my face.

Wordlessly I pray in my own mind. Father, mother, thank you so much for saving my life! You sacrificed everything, but all I did was blame myself. But now, I am grateful for what you did for me. You must be happy too to see my life turned out so well. I promise I will never be bitter again! ... But still ... still there is one thing... I know I am selfish and lewd ... but will you please grant me my wish? Will you guide me tonight, if only so you can have grandchildren later?

I notice Hisao looking at me with concern.
"And these tears, these are tears of happiness!" I say. Hisao wipes my tears away with his handkerchief, and kisses it.
"Then I will take good care of them." he says with a sincere face.
"Because, here and now, with you, is the happiest moment of my life." he says as he closes his eyes. A few tear flow down from his eyes as well. I take his hand again, and squeeze it, and we both lean over the table. I close my eyes too, our tongues lock in a deep, passionate kiss.

We go on Frecnh kissing like for a breathles eternity. Then I can hear the waiter cough discreetly behind me. <Monsieur, votre cravatte...> I open my eyes and and see that Hisao's tie is hanging right in the middle of the sauce! We both become as red as lobsters.
<Ah, T-Thank you!> I say. The waiter helpfully passes Hisao a cloth and some salt to clean it up.
<I am sorry to have disturbed you Madame, Monsieur. But I am glad to zee you are enjoying our etablissement.> the waiter jokes to break the awkward mood.
<With my lovely wife, how could I not enjoy?> Hisao replies.
<Of course, your wife is zo very lovely. My congratulationz to both of you! But I shall bozer you no more.> the waiter says as he smiles kindly, and then leaves us to our privacy.

Lovely... the waiter clearly saw my scars, and yet he said such a thing. He might have been joking, but then again.... They say love makes a woman beautiful... perhaps that is why? I see Hisao still is smirking a bit at his own clumsiness, and I giggle a bit again in return.
"Yet another good memory." he says. And I just nod, and smile the the biggest smile I ever had.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 4 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:31 am
by bronko
Slurping, blowing... I'm reminded of what I saw on TV a few hours ago
I burst out laughing :D
The more i read, the more i like your story. Looking forward for the upcoming parts.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 4 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:49 pm
by lolawesome
Glad you took my advice in the separation of dialogue, though if the same person is continuing you done have to separate it

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 4 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:07 pm
by Mealforthree
So heartwarming.. Please, continue.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 4 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:23 pm
by Beoran
Part 5 - Dessert (Warning, this part is very explicit. And the writing may be not as good as before, sorry about that.)

We finish our dinner. We both had three glasses of wine, and I'm feeling a bit tipsy. Hisao's face also looks a little red. Hisao asks for the check, and puts the money on the silver platter. And since it's not uncommon to do so here, he leaves a generous tip for the kind waiter as well.
"Do you still want to go to another place?" Hisao asks.
"Well, I want to go back to eat our D-desert" I say as I hint at the bag. "But from here we have to change trains once at the Opera"
"It must be beautiful now, " Hisao says like he reads my mind, "So why don't we go up once to see it." he suggests.
"OK!" I nod happily.

We step outside of the restaurant, and the waiter bids us goodbye with a wave and nod. Outside it's already getting darker, the sun is setting, our two joined shadows are long. Hand in hand we walk to the Metro station, go down and take the train. Then at the Opera station, we make our way up. We go up the stairs, I turn around and immediately see the Opera building in front of me. Already it's lit up with spotlights, gold and white glistening against the deep purple of the evening sky.

I shiver a bit from the cool breeze, and Hisao hugs me from behind around my waist. I enjoy his warmth, and put my arms under his. Slowly, I slide up my hands, so Hisao's fingertips are pushed against the underside of my breasts. Maybe he doesn't notice what I'm doing? I stand just like that, for a few minutes. I amaze at the building and take in the smells of the city and the feel of Hisao's body, until I feel something hard poking in my back...

"Eh, well, let's take a picture then." Hisao says quickly as he lets go of me. Is it just my imagination or does he look even more red than before? I take out the camera, and take a picture of the building, then I look for some helpful passerby. An older lady accepts to take our photo, and I hug Hisao closely from the side, smiling widely.
<Alala, les amoureux! Amusez vous bien cette nuit!> she smiles.
I don't know what that means, but the wink she gives us tells me enough. I get my camera back and thank her with a bow.

Hisao still seems a bit embarrassed, so I just take his hand and we walk down the stairs into the metro. We take the train towards our hotel. Hisao sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder. Unfortunately the ride is quite short, so I don't get to do that as long as I would have liked. Silently, we leave the metro, and head back to the hotel, up to our room.

I feel a tension in the air as Hisao opens the door for me and lets me in. It's now or never! A cultural difference... I have to show it to him now! Before Hisao is well and good inside the suite, I turn on the lights, step out of my boots, and go sit on the bed.
"Gimme the chocolate, Hisao." I say with a smile.
"Oh, you can't wait to eat your dessert?" he smiles as he walks over and hands me the bag "You really love chocolate, huh?"

I take out a bar and peel open the wrapper.
"Y-yes... but today... H-Hisao.... Today, this bar is your... thing." I start to lick the top of the bar, first slighlty and then with big licks. Then I take part of it inside my mouth and suck on it, slurping quite noisily.

I look up at Hisao, but his face looks is puzzled, so with my left hand, I start rubbing the bulge in his pants. I keep rubbing and sucking on the chocolate for a minute or so, Hisao quietly gasping, until I feel he is getting hard. I switch the bar to my left hand, and with my right, I open his zipper, and reach into his pants.

"Hanako, you don't have to..." he starts, as he finally understand what I want to do, but my hand finds what I am looking for and grabs it tightly. The rest of his words are lost in a groan. I carefully pull Hisao's thing out, and I stroke it slowly, as I suck on the chocolate. Hisao puts up no more resistance and drops his pants and briefs. I blow on Hisao's thing, and then give the tip a quick lick. Then I lick the chocolate bar, then again Hisao and over and over again. Hisao's breath becomes ragged and he puts his hands gently on my shoulders.

The bittersweet taste of chocolate mixes with the salty taste of his skin and the drops of ...liquid that drip out. I put the bar aside, my hand sticky with molten brown cocoa. I kneel down on the floor next to the bed, and turn Hisao towards me. Then I grab his thing at the root with both hands and take the tip in my mouth, sucking and slurping. I never did this before, so I don't know what I'm doing. But I try to copy what I saw on TV. Oh yes, I should do more, right?

By now I'm getting very excited myself. I move my head backwards and forwards with Hisao's tip in my mouth and his groans become louder and louder. I don't worry anymore about the stickness of my brown hands, and I put them on Hisao's hips. I feel a bit nervous whether I can pull it of, but I'm determined. So I push him all the way in until my lips kiss his golden balls. His tip touches the back of my throat and I cough a bit. But he is not that big, so it fits without much discomfort.

Hisao suddenly pulls away, I look up and see his face looks worried.
"Hanako, you really don't have to..." I raise my chocolate covered finger and put it on his lips...
"P-please don't say anything, Hisao..." I silence him. More, I have to do more for my husband! Maybe then he can finally be excited about me!
"J-just fuck my mouth!" I almost shout. Then I take both his hands and put them on the back of my neck. I put my hands on Hisao's bottom and take his thing completely into mouth again. Yes, that's how they do it, right?

Ardently I slide my head forward and backwards, sucking and slurping as much as I can. At first Hisao is reluctant, but then I feel he pushes my neck and thrusts his hips in response to my motions. I look up and see that his face is one of extacy. "Hanako, I love you!" he shouts with a breaking voice.
"Hisao I love you! I want you! Fuck my like this every day!" I want to shout, but because Hisao keeps on moving my head and my mouth is full, it just comes out as
"Hmmma hahmm hamma hammah hamahamm hahamam hamm". And then suddely Hisao stiffens, shouts again, and fills my thoat with his salty seed.

I cough a loudly as I swallow half of it. No, I overdid it! He came, but I still want to do more! And he didn't understand what I said! Hisao quickly pulls away, looks for a tissue and and gently wipes my mouth clean. He must have noticed my disappointed look, because he bows to me.
"I'm so sorry Hanako, I shouldn't have!" he apologises. No, I don't want him to apologize. I wanted this!
"I-It's OK." I say. No! Why is that all I can say now!? I must do something quickly...

I stand up and take off my skirt, stockings and panties in one go. Then I take the chocolate bar again and rub it against my lips down there. "D-dont you want dessert too?" I ask. Hisao seems to cheer up a bit at this, and kneels in front off me.
"I'll humbly partake." he says, with a strangely serous look on his face. I pass him the chocolate and he rubs it on a bit more. Then with gentle flicks of his tongue, he slowly licks it off. I gasp wordlessly as I feel the warm pleasure shiver though my body. I go to sit down on the bed, and open my legs widely. Hisao accepts my invitation, and licks more eagerly and more deeply now.
"Hisao!" I shout as he turns his tongue in circles around my sensitive spot. I feel overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure that rises from my hips. I trust my pelvis up and down to ampify the motion of Hisao's tongue, rub his hair with my hands, and wrap my legs around his neck, as he keeps on licking and slurping.
"Hisao I aieeee!" I shout, and then my body shudders and shakes and I see nothing but heavenly whiteness as I come.

I lie back and close my eyes. Hisao, today, I also wasn't able to say what I wanted to say. Or at least, I didn't say it in a way you could understand. But I'm glad we could be together like this. I feel so happy and content... Tomorrow I will try again! I will take him there and then I will tel him! But now... because of the wine... and the love making... I feel so tired now... And I just fall asleep.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 5 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:35 pm
by Mahorfeus

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 5 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:06 pm
by insert_name_here92

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 5 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:19 pm
by Sniper6133
Hehehe. I couldn't help but laugh being the immature kid I am. How many more chapters will you do?

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 5 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:34 pm
by Guest
"Gimme the chocolate, Hisao." I say with a smile.
I see what you did there.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 5 up)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:38 pm
by Brogurt
>Food play
if this doesn't end with multiple infections I'll be disappointed