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Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:39 pm
by Megumeru
encrypted12345 wrote: It's undeniably story based even if it has a few more H-scenes than usual. I honestly didn't care much for them since I prefer my H-scenes to be relevant to the plot and characterization and not absurd. Well, it was more justified than in most other eroge because the girls were clearly unstable and the guy is the type to just coast in life.
Ah, the guy is the 'I'll raep u all for me fun and get a way with it cuz I'm the MC kehehehe'-type.'s like Kenji, but with more 'drive'?
I don't know, I still think it's even more unjustifiable considering they're unstable--gave me that general view that the MC (main character) is just using them.
encrypted12345 wrote: Even before you take her route, it becomes quite obvious that Mizuki's bitchiness is all self-amusement. :lol:
Welp, there's the answer. No need to analyze Mizuki further.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:43 pm
by encrypted12345
Megumeru wrote:
encrypted12345 wrote: It's undeniably story based even if it has a few more H-scenes than usual. I honestly didn't care much for them since I prefer my H-scenes to be relevant to the plot and characterization and not absurd. Well, it was more justified than in most other eroge because the girls were clearly unstable and the guy is the type to just coast in life.
Ah, the guy is the 'I'll raep u all for me fun and get a way with it cuz I'm the MC kehehehe'-type.'s like Kenji, but with more 'drive'?
I don't know, I still think it's even more unjustifiable considering they're unstable--gave me that general view that the MC (main character) is just using them.
Nah, it's the MC that gets sucked up into the girl's unstableness. The MC is really lax and unmotivated at least in the beginning, so if the girl wants hardcore sex, he does it without putting too much of a fight. :lol:

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:12 pm
by Nobody in Particular
rydiafan wrote:The problem is we are trying to be objective about YMK on a KS fourm so of course every one is gonna so YMK is not as good as KS on here ... i'll be honest i found both Lilly's and Rin's arcs (KS) and Mizuki's arc ( YMK ) boring as fuck ... well Shizune's and Emi's arcs ( KS ) and Aeka's arc (YMK) well writing , sad and yes even a little over the top in most .... i never played the third arc in YMK yet and Hanako even though the story is slow i cant help but love because of the writing ( at first i wanted to hate hanako's arc) so thats my honest opinion on both games ... one is not really better then the other its just what your taste is
I suppose you are right, Katawa Shoujo is more character development whereas YMK is more romance and H-scenes. I agree with what encrypted12345 said, I prefer my h-scenes to actually be relevant to the plot (I thought both KS and YMK did badly in this aspect) and so I felt a lot of the ones in YMK were forced, especially down Mizuki's line. They are quite difficult to compare since they are both different.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:46 pm
by zanger
I started playing YMK recently and the MC in YMK comes off as a giant insensitive dbag to me

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:56 pm
by Nobody in Particular
zanger wrote:I started playing YMK recently and the MC in YMK comes off as a giant insensitive dbag to me
I think his heart is in the right place, but he makes some really idiotic decisions and says stupid things. The Mizuki good ending had me laughing pretty hard because of how stupid he was.

Kohei: What's the number to 119?
Aya: Just dial 119!

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:11 pm
by encrypted12345
Nobody in Particular wrote:
zanger wrote:I started playing YMK recently and the MC in YMK comes off as a giant insensitive dbag to me
I think his heart is in the right place, but he makes some really idiotic decisions and says stupid things. The Mizuki good ending had me laughing pretty hard because of how stupid he was.

Kohei: What's the number to 119?
Aya: Just dial 119!
He really does make Hisao look competent. :lol:

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:47 pm
by themocaw
All I know about YMK is that apparently, at some point in some route, a high school girl will be choked to death by two of her classmates and I'll think it's a good thing.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:05 pm
by Guest Poster
All I know about YMK is that apparently, at some point in some route,a high school girl will be choked to death by two of her classmates and I'll think it's a good thing.
Not to death, but they come pretty darn close and yes, given the insane amount of dog kicking she's done up to that point, you probably won't feel much pity for her.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:16 pm
by zanger
Nobody in Particular wrote:
zanger wrote:I started playing YMK recently and the MC in YMK comes off as a giant insensitive dbag to me
I think his heart is in the right place, but he makes some really idiotic decisions and says stupid things. The Mizuki good ending had me laughing pretty hard because of how stupid he was.

Kohei: What's the number to 119?
Aya: Just dial 119!
I mean, he goes out of his way to act like a jackass to his sister for no apparent reason (his obsession with her sexual underdevelopment is pretty creepy, too), is homophobic.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:39 pm
by Megumeru
zanger wrote: I mean, he goes out of his way to act like a jackass to his sister for no apparent reason (his obsession with her sexual underdevelopment is pretty creepy, too), is homophobic.
One thing that always irk me with most VNs out there is how the MC is this 'innocent, just-going-along, normal' guy turned into a sex-crazed level 5 offender. (thank the creators for actually 'killing' these kind of characters in bad endings *cough*Makoto*cough*)

They didn't grow up, they just become worst creatures than what they already are. Now, you saying that he also comments on how her sister is underdeveloped is downright creepy.
Hell, anyone sane or normal holding the title of 'older brother' would not have that kind of thought--that's just downright disgusting and morally unacceptable.

...Hisao's probably one of the more 'sane' main characters I've seen in an eroge-centric visual novel. The other being Okazaki from CLANNAD (this also includes his persona in Tomoyo After) and 'that guy' from Amagami.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:41 pm
by Nobody in Particular
zanger wrote:
Nobody in Particular wrote:
zanger wrote:I started playing YMK recently and the MC in YMK comes off as a giant insensitive dbag to me
I think his heart is in the right place, but he makes some really idiotic decisions and says stupid things. The Mizuki good ending had me laughing pretty hard because of how stupid he was.

Kohei: What's the number to 119?
Aya: Just dial 119!
I mean, he goes out of his way to act like a jackass to his sister for no apparent reason (his obsession with her sexual underdevelopment is pretty creepy, too), is homophobic.
Siblings always tease each other, Aya did it to him too. Also he's certainly not homophobic, I mean one of his best friends is gay and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:09 pm
by NoOne3
zanger wrote:I started playing YMK recently and the MC in YMK comes off as a giant insensitive dbag to me
Amen, brother.
zanger wrote:I mean, he goes out of his way to act like a jackass to his sister for no apparent reason (his obsession with her sexual underdevelopment is pretty creepy, too), is homophobic.
That's the second thing that creeped me up the most. This kind of events in the plot gives a bad rep to Japanese culture, justifiably or not. Even if he don't consider the girl his real sister, the only reason he acts this way is him being a duche.
encrypted12345 wrote:He really does make Hisao look competent. :lol:
As I said in a different topic here, Hisao is subtle, understanging, and a perfect gentleman when seated next to this guy.
Guest Poster wrote:All I know about YMK is that apparently, at some point in some route,a high school girl will be choked to death by two of her classmates and I'll think it's a good thing.
That was the bomb for me. That's when I considered for a moment not reading the story any further. Up to this point I counted four situations the cops should've been called over the events in the plot, and most of all I realised the emotions the plot evoked in me reading was the lowest ones, resulting with nothing but anger. That was the point when I felt really stupid.
Not to death, but they come pretty darn close and yes, given the insane amount of dog kicking she's done up to that point, you probably won't feel much pity for her.
Well, I did. Not exactly a feeling of injustice towards the girl, but more of a general wrongness of the situation. The only thing positive in the whole mess, was the way how much it was unrealistic and phony (I mean the situation as a whole, the realistic rendition of girl's agony was terrifing).
It really made me appreciate how plausible the plots were done in KS. Not totally realistic, but just enough tinted with metaphorical for them to work, and kept to the ground most of the time.

And I know that as an European I have no right to complain about h-scenes in a Japanese eroge, but I found all the scenes unjustified, meaningless to the plot, prolonged too much and too obviously constructed with "crossing the list" in mind.
After plaing KS you could imagine devs brainstorming: "We decided it to be an ero. We should have erotic scenes. When, how, and why should they do it".
Then I saw with my mind a special division in YMK team, with a long list of fetishes the're gonna put into the game, not considering what the rest of the team are doing with the plot.
Yup, "buckets of the white stuff" was at the top of the list.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:47 pm
by rydiafan
I don't think YMK was made to be taking as seriously as a Kana or a KS took serious life situations and took it way over the top .... it has a little charm in the way it was made ... alot of the time in KS you get beaten over the head with how serious and depressing the game is and it become a bitch to play ( hanako and rin's arc are the worst ) .... YMK is light hearted once and a while to ease the tenison ... and i dont find it a bad thing

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:50 am
by SplendidClaw
I'm just about to finish Nekkoko's arc, and have finished both Mizuki and Aeka's arcs. Here's my thoughts on the game so far.

I understand that it's meant to be more light hearted when compared to something like KS. It's just that a combination of how unrealistic the game is (As has been stated before, mainly Aeka's arc and a GIGANTIC part in Mizuki's) and how liberal the H-scenes were really sort of killed the immersion. I really didn't care that much about any of the characters. Sure I wanted Aeka to stop being bullied, and I wanted to help Mizuki sort her shit out. It just seemed like right before the plot really started going somewhere in addressing these issues, either something totally asinine would happen or one of them would suddenly just want to have sex for no reason.

Oh, and the main character. As previously stated, I found his fixation on his sister kind of creepy. I'm guessing it was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek referance/homage to Kana: Little Sister, but still I found it a Not to mention the main character kind of annoyed me in most of the arcs. In Nekkoko's, he really seems to be grasping at straws as to why he wants to be with her. I get that opposites can attract, but his thought process seems to be "Well hey, she's really wild and free and I'm not. She is obviously bat shit crazy, but we should hang out". In Mizuki's path, it really didn't seem like he had much of an impact on her problems. He was mostly there to be a good lay or something. I get that he couldn't (and shouldn't) try to White-Knight her problems away, but I just thought some more interaction between the two or a better developed conflict would have helped this arc. Finally, I thought the main character was pretty cowardly in Aeka's story. I'm surprised how long it took for him to start standing up to the bully (and not the "I'll help you out behind everyone's back" crap he pulled early on). If you really have feelings someone, romantically or not, it's a hard sell to try to convince them that you care about them without actually doing anything about it.

Put into perspective though, it might be a difference of cultural viewpoints. It seems like individualism isn't really praised in Japan(or at least just in the story, if I'm full of shit with that last statement), whereas it's looked upon very favorably in the US. Still doesn't mean I like it though lol.

Again, I guess I need to add the same disclaimer I did to my other post about YMK in the past. I actually like the game, I just didn't like it as much as KS. I just downloaded Kira-Kira, so maybe after playing that I'll have something to compare YMK to since as of now I can only really compare it to KS.

Re: Yume Miru Kusuri

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:23 pm
by bluephoenix
The way Aeka is treated, right from the beginning of the novel,getting freaking TAZERED in class put me right off reading any further. If there's a fast-track to the LSD trip/ Nekoko route, I might continue. But an hour in, I fail to see any resemblance to KS and it just feels more like torture porn.