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Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:48 pm
by Valtameri
Megumeru wrote:Technically, as long as this forum is still crowded with lurkers and users we're still trapped in that loop of 'not being able to forget about the game'.

I don't know, but maybe reading/writing fan fictions might help a little I guess...? (or make it worse in certain cases)
This pretty much sums it all up.
Tho i don't understand why would you want/need to forget about this game? If it gives you painful "feels" like it did (still is)to me, you'll just have to work your way to find out how to just live with it.. everyday.

But there is no way i'll ever could or even would want to forget about this masterpiece!

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:02 pm
by cantataria
i think i will probably know this feel very soon ;__;

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:44 am
by Eclipse
I feel so heartless..
After I finish a route, I just continue on to the next one, as if it was a story instead of an actual relationship.
But I can't stop, and I'll be darned disappointed once I'm finished all the good endings.

But, finish it.
Finish the game, you'll feel much better.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:37 pm
by ElCarl
First time I played it, got Emi's good ending; left the game alone for a few months, not really many feels.

Few days ago started playing through the remaining bits, and man, I cried through most of it :cry:
Currently on 93%, only got Emi & Lilly's bad endings to go, and a few other scattered scenes... But seriously, not any other book, game, film or anything similar has made me feel like this for so long :(
Shizune & Lilly's good endings are probably my favourite.

Think I'm going to try and complete the rest tonight, if I can... Even hearing the music makes me really sad now :(

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:40 am
by Mysterious Stranger
I got Lilly's good ending on my first playthrough, and I cried like a bitch. Yeah, I know, I cried at the good ending. Needless to say, my level of emotional attachment to this game (i.e. to Lilly Satou) was rather high (it still is). But I find that just plowing through every route and all the endings (100% completion is optional, of course) is probably the most therapeutic way of dealing with the feels. I don't want to say you'll become desensitized, but I suppose the best way to describe it would be that you're diluting your feels across a greater range of characters and stories. So it's less overwhelming, if that makes any sense.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:14 pm
by bleh
Now, after a few days (and sadly, at the end of my holidays) I feel "The Feels" leaving my body, despite doing Emis path and re-doing Hanakos path and generally chilling in KS threads on 4chan.

Feels... relieved man? I've started enjoying my other games again and I've been laughing a lot more lately Katawa Shoujo shoop of Piccolo dick, my sides still hurt and my apetite is coming back, gradually.

I guess school on monday will be the killing blow to The Feel. And with those words I leave you forever who am I trying to fool, one experience richer.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:26 pm
by ivegottogodosomthing
The general "feels" and depression should go away once you stop playing for a week or so. I'll probably replay it some time in the future, once I've forgotten a few things, but for now I'm pretty much back to normal.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:44 pm
by Xerxes
Daitengu wrote:
bleh wrote:
Daitengu wrote:I personally STILL can't play other games. Feels like I played the ultimate emotional game. None of the other VNs, RPGs, etc got me emotionally invested into it like KS did. I think I'm permanently done with MMOs. So instead I ended up deciding to learn sign language lol.

So.. all I can suggest if pick up a new hobby?
How long ago was it since you started playing KS? I'll get real depressed if you haven't regained intrest in other games after a couple of weeks ;_;

3 weeks since I've got 100% complete. That's just the completionist in me. After having done most of the bad and neutral ends, I was GLAD my first play though(which was blind) was Hanako's good end.

Honestly, I'm not really sad that I can't muster up motivation to play other games. I feel like, "Life Complete" on the game front.

If I don't play another game ever, I'm happy KS was my last. I admit I used games as escapism in my hikkikomori like life. I feel the urge to do something with my life instead of waste away or suicide, which has been on the table for... 15 years now. Man, I've been depressed for over half my life (30 yr old) I don;t even remember what happy feels like <.<

The story of my life, basically.
Although I still play games, but not as much as I used to be.
After playing KS I feel kinda of empty.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:23 pm
by CarnivalNights
It's been three weeks, going on four and I finished every good ending branch once, replayed two and have every intention of doing the other three. I don't have the heart to do the neutral or bad endings.

If you think you've gotten enough entertainment from this game, I say stop now. Going further will just continue to emotionally vice grip you. I'm having a horribly difficult time getting over this game because it feels like a break-up if I did. Too much feels. Way too much.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:20 pm
by Draetheus
Just got 100% completion today. I think I will play through Lily's path once more since she was my first path and feels, then I'm going to wean myself off onto other VNs and possibly some lighthearted anime. Here's hoping it actually works.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:29 pm
by Snow_Storm
Drink a whole bottle of Everclear. Down that shit and you'll forget more than just this game.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:34 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
Draetheus wrote:Just got 100% completion today. I think I will play through Lily's path once more since she was my first path and feels, then I'm going to wean myself off onto other VNs and possibly some lighthearted anime. Here's hoping it actually works.
Ah, you beat me to it. That's my game plan as well. Let me know how it goes.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:25 am
by encrypted12345
Draetheus wrote:Just got 100% completion today. I think I will play through Lily's path once more since she was my first path and feels, then I'm going to wean myself off onto other VNs and possibly some lighthearted anime. Here's hoping it actually works.
If you want a hilarious, comedy VN with a decent plot. Try My Girlfriend is the President. Most other translated VNs are engineered to make you depressed.

... No seriously. It exists....

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:19 pm
by Draetheus
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Draetheus wrote:Just got 100% completion today. I think I will play through Lily's path once more since she was my first path and feels, then I'm going to wean myself off onto other VNs and possibly some lighthearted anime. Here's hoping it actually works.
Ah, you beat me to it. That's my game plan as well. Let me know how it goes.
I have been watching K-ON! and its been doing a pretty good job so far. Haven't gotten any urges to play since Sunday, and I deleted the icon off my desktop (though I did keep it installed). If I can manage I might not get the urge to play Lily's path again.

Re: Help me forget/get over this game

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:23 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
Draetheus wrote:I have been watching K-ON! and its been doing a pretty good job so far. Haven't gotten any urges to play since Sunday, and I deleted the icon off my desktop (though I did keep it installed). If I can manage I might not get the urge to play Lily's path again.
Oh, you mean you're avoiding playing Lilly's path again? I don't know about you, but once I hit 100% I'm definitely planning on replaying at least Lilly's route, if not Hanako's as well just for good measure. Though Lilly's will come last. Got her good ending on my first playthrough, so I'd say it's only appropriate to say goodbye to Katawa Shoujo on the same note.

Can't get ahead of myself though, still have to brace for all of Rin's endings...