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Re: Jung-Myers-Briggs psychological types for KS

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:58 am
by DrSkulk

Re: Jung-Myers-Briggs psychological types for KS

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:57 pm
by Brasse
It never occurred to me to view Rin as an INTP before. Your case is very convincing, and I cannot find any apparent problems with your observations. It seems likely that the main reason that it seems counter-intuitive at first is that art is not a field which INTPs are traditionally associated with - myself, I think of philosophers, logicians and mathematicians. As for Lilly, I think AnotherKatawaShoujo's description of Lilly is very accurate, although she seems to fit the INFJ description better.

Being an INTJ myself, I long for a VN with one of my kin with whom I can team up with and rule the world in a semi-belligerent sort of relationship - imagine Agent Starling and Dr. Lecter, or perhaps even more amusing, Gendo from Evangelion and Balalaika from Black Lagoon, teaming up.

Re: Jung-Myers-Briggs psychological types for KS

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:47 pm
by newnar
Gendo Ikari is my favourite male anime character. Followed by Okabe Rintarou.

Re: Jung-Myers-Briggs psychological types for KS

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:50 pm
by Nekken
Myers-Briggs tests never work out for me. They've only ever agreed for me on the NF part: the other letters always change, and once they actually all came back inconclusive at the same time.

Re: Jung-Myers-Briggs psychological types for KS

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:46 am
by DrSkulk

Re: Jung-Myers-Briggs psychological types for KS

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:22 am
by irksomesloth
I'd like to share my view on this subject.

Lilly - ESFJ: Lilly is a confident individual that handles directing large numbers of people fluently, and loves to help people. these factors are some of the main reasons she wants to become a teacher. her outward empathy and need to care for everyone around her point directly to her being an EXTROVERT that uses FEELINGS heavily in her decision making. these also attribute to her almost motherly relation to Hanako. Lilly dominantly takes in her surroundings with her senses. she often has to touch or hear or feel things before moving forward (metaphorically) or processing a situation. This leads me to believe she is the SENSING type. Lilly understands things in a concrete and orderly fashion. She has a great sense of order. This is why i believe her Judging is the more dominant trait. ESFJ's are the caregivers. they seek to love and protect all of those around them. They seek deep connections to those they are close to, and have a warm and friendly demeanor to those they care about.

Rin - INFP/IsFP: Rin is a quiet and often misunderstood girl. She neither seeks company nor does she thrive around extended company. Still, occasionally she'll attempt to explain exactly whats on her mind, no matter how much trouble she has putting it into words. Rin is often very aware of how she FEELS about everything around her. The world in rin's mind isn't a world of blacks greys and whites. It's a world filled with brilliant hues and gradients no one can see much less even imagine. This is how rin PERCEIVES the world. She seems to have well developed SENSING, but often follows gut feelings and rarely understands how she feels well enough to externalize it, leading me to believe she is more dominantly INTUITIVE.

Misha - INFJ: This decision may be quite confusing to the others reading it. INFJ can be an odd mix and is often misread, because while INFJs do not directly seek out large groups, or heavily rely on their THINKING trait, INFJs tend to externalize many of their non-dominant traits forming almost a shell to protect themselves. Their shell allows them to interact with and experience the world and effectively come to understand people in a general sense while being able to seperate themselves from much of the world and internalize many of their feelings and organize them in a concrete fashion. INFJs tend to misinterpret one another's actions and intentions and often form fairly coercive relationships with eachother if any at all.

While Misha may seem very extroverted and springy, this exterior is a front for the most part. The real Misha is very fragile and for the most part on confides with Shizune and rarely has little to no real emotional connection to the rest of the world. She can be manipulative and often chooses what and what not to accept in conversations with outsiders. Misha's inner-self is very down to earth and tends to seek a routine and orderly atmosphere where she can enjoy her time with Shizune and Hisao(if you take Shizune's route).

Hanako - ISFJ: Hanako is obviously very sensitive to the feelings and needs of those around her. She often takes in a lot of information about her personal relationships and creates for herself a safe little world for herself and the ones she cares about. Everything outside of her world however is unsafe and unorderly. In terms of her relationship with Lilly she fills the introverted half of the relationship. their sensing traits tend to mesh which allows them to understand eachothers feelings and provide emotional support to one another.

Emi - ENTP: Emi is always energetic and ready to tackle any and every obstacle in her way. When she sets a goal for herself she doesn't really take time to examine the situation. She knows what she has to do to accomplish her goals and she has the drive to do it no matter how hard. The reasoning behind Emi's goals and their practical prupose are relative to her. As long as she keeps moving forward not a whole lot else matters.

Shizune - ENTJ: Shizune's need for a mental opponent and logical order are 2 of her most defining traits, and her constant outgoingness and need to lead others are often the bane of many players and bystanders existence. Even with that said she is an effective leader, and understands what is important to both herself and those shes leading. She often acts instinctively, Bulldozing through others lives without any regard for personal feelings or resignations.

Hisao - ISTJ: While you choose Hisao's route it's ofter very clear that he dictates how he reacts to your choices and his personality for the most part remains fairly consistent throughout the game. Hisao tends to focus on only 1 or 2 relationships at a time. While he does make a number of friends early in the series, many of the meetings are coincidences that he goes along with for the most part. Hisao is very logical, often unknowingly trampling on others feelings while wading though conversations he has with others. he often relies on his gut in most situations and can be very impulsive. If things seem out of order to Hisao he tends to become irritable or even angry.

The main things to understand about the MBTI is that no result is simply black and white. Our non-dominant traits are still represented in us, but some of us more than others. The MBTI also doesn't say everything about a personality; it only predicts how a person processes information around them and the manner in which that person reacts to said information. There are many details and quirks in a personality that this doesn't account for, and because of that 2 people with the same type and sometimes seem drastically different. The test is not 100% accurate and is also affected by how one sees their self, which may not be very accurate at all in some cases.