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Re: Best moments?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:16 pm
by MoogleDee
These aren't the best moments I had per se, but they do stand out.

Emi: A tie between "We're never doing that again." and "I need to use your window."
Rin: "I'm giving you a hug." so much hhhhnnnggg.
Lily: The whole route. It's like reading a fairy tale.
Shizune: F#$k yeah! Yukatas!
Hanako: Shrinking violets don't really do it for me, but I thought the gift she gives to Hisao at the end was amazingly d'awwwww.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:47 am
by DeZyphred
Althamus wrote:Heh, it's now been a while since I've played some of the arcs (Emi's was first back on like 8th Jan, followed by Shizunes like 13th Jan, followed by Lilly like 1st Feb, followed by Hanako like 5th Feb). I figure I'll post exceptional good and bad scenes I remember from each arc, although bear in mind my memory ain't great, so if I forget bits I apologise.

Emi - Best
"If you're still alive, you can keep going."
The track meet, when Emi was at her Emi-est.
"I need to use your window."
Confession v2 in the cemetry (I really liked it)
"...Anal." + "...we're never doing that again."

Emi - Worst
Hisao utterly unable to work out that Emi's father was dead.
Getting thrown out of Emi's house (bad route /wrist)

Shizune - Best
Love triangle
It tore me apart, but Shizune's bad ending.
Winning the cat doll for Shizune <3

Shizune - Worst
Jigaro bringing a sword into school (wtf?)
The fishing trip with Lilly. Just felt a bit weird.
The fact that I really can't remember anything from acts 2, other than there was a festival somewhere in it, and Hisao confessed at the end of Act 2.

Lilly - Best
Akira really shone in this one.
Lilly + Hanako really had some chemistry
Dat music box.
Going shopping with Lilly for Hanako's doll.

Lilly - Worst
the bit before Dat music box
Healthy Adolescent Sex Drive (just felt... wrong for her)

Hanako - Best
In the park (although again, it broke mah heart in twain >.< HANAKO) And I'm actually tearing up IRL just thinking about it again now.
Playing snooker with her.
Neutral ending. It makes me rage more than any other ending, but it was well done and entirely fitting.

Hanako - Worst
Hulk rage. It felt a bit like Hisao was being purposely dumb. I counted about 5-7 signs which I would've noticed which were very obvious "BACK THE FUCK OFF" signs. Having said that, the rage scene itself needed to be done, and worked very well.

In defence of Hanako's arc, I played it starting at like 1am when I had insomnia, and finished at about 6am, then again the next day, which maybe explains why I didn't get the feels as much as other people said I would, and why I don't remember so much of it. I didn't find it as insipid and forgetful as it appears :P

I forget why I wrote all this out now. I'm pretty sure people aren't that interested :P
The part in the park made me cry.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:47 am
by Mysterious Stranger
In my earlier post, I didn't mention this scene specifically (instead I just said "Shizune's bad ending"), but while reviewing my library for 100% completion, I accidentally replayed Look Aside (where Misha confesses her love for Shizune and explains what happened between them.)

I still cried like a bitch. And it wasn't just because Shadow of the Truth was playing. Though that didn't really help.

"I wasn't thinking that it would be better if Hicchan had never come to this school. I was thinking... wouldn't it be better if I just died?" I can't even bother to try to translate feels into words at this point. Just...good fucking God.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:50 am
by DeZyphred
Nobody in Particular wrote:Too many "best moments" in this VN, so I'll do one for each character:

Emi: I need to use your window
Lilly: Confession scene
Hanako: Last scene on good ending.
Rin: Second porn scene. It was so full of D'aww that I forgot I was watching cripple porn.
Shizune: Grape scented cologne or any scene with Jigoro
Kenji: Manly picnic
LOVED THE "I need to use your window"

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:30 pm
by themocaw
DeZyphred wrote:LOVED THE "I need to use your window"
Someone on 4chan made an animated gif of Rin running out on Hisao during lovemaking to go look at clouds, and a pissed-off Hisao deciding to go have a manly picnic with Kenji and bitch about women.

I just about died.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:29 pm
by Eraser35
themocaw wrote:
DeZyphred wrote:LOVED THE "I need to use your window"
Someone on 4chan made an animated gif of Rin running out on Hisao during lovemaking to go look at clouds, and a pissed-off Hisao deciding to go have a manly picnic with Kenji and bitch about women.

I just about died.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:28 pm
by Althamus
Mysterious Stranger wrote: "I wasn't thinking that it would be better if Hicchan had never come to this school. I was thinking... wouldn't it be better if I just died?" I can't even bother to try to translate feels into words at this point. Just...good fucking God.
I read that shortly and/or the scene where you talk to Misha on the roof (I'm pretty sure it's the same scene) after I'd gotten the manly picnic and I spent the whole scene silently yelling "OH GOD NO!! MISHA!!!" when she was leaning. You'll either know EXACTLY what I mean and have been shouting it too, or not get me.
This so much.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:55 pm
by MoogleDee
Althamus wrote:
Mysterious Stranger wrote: "I wasn't thinking that it would be better if Hicchan had never come to this school. I was thinking... wouldn't it be better if I just died?" I can't even bother to try to translate feels into words at this point. Just...good fucking God.
I read that shortly and/or the scene where you talk to Misha on the roof (I'm pretty sure it's the same scene) after I'd gotten the manly picnic and I spent the whole scene silently yelling "OH GOD NO!! MISHA!!!" when she was leaning. You'll either know EXACTLY what I mean and have been shouting it too, or not get me.
I did the same god damn thing. In fact I'm pretty sure I allowed myself a whispered, "No..." when I was reading that portion.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:51 am
by Snow_Storm
Brogurt wrote:The rape scene, obviously
Poor Hisao. Who would had guess that Hanako and Lilly slipped roofies and a few drops of Everclear in his tea?

Anyway, my favorite moments from the game

Jigoro's screen time - He such an asshole and he take himself so seriously he winds up being funny rather than egoistical.
Misha's love confession. You actually feel sorry for the girl.
Misha screen time in general
See Shizune "talk" to Hisao.
Shizune and Lilly being friends again

"Anal. Try it." and the events that followed.
Emi taking Hisao to her fathers' gravesite and telling him why she pushed him away for so long.

Rin trying todestroy herself
Hisao and Rin smoking the blunt in her art studio while star gazing
Rin standing up to her art teacher
Rin's neutral ending
Rin finally understanding that she can be herself and don't have to follow other people's standards

Akira's screen time

The Jazz club scene
Her birthday party scene
Drunk and Flirty Hanako
Her bad ending. Why? In a sense, she stop having Hisao's white knighting bullshit and stands up for herself.
Her best ending.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:39 am
by themocaw
Althamus wrote:
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
This so much.


Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:25 am
by Titus
Hanako park scene and the end! (just did it)

Lilly confession scene

Shizune's "closer" scene

Emi's good end

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:55 am
by alien.marksman
On the roof during the fireworks at the festival
Shizune wearing a Yukata
During the Act 2 Intro Video.

Laying on the floor of the studio sharing cigarettes.

Holiday in Hokkaido

Jazz Bar

Emi mentioning her Career choice as a Pirate

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:47 am
by Nekken
I'd have to put Crescendo, Under a Bright Sky, and Instant Replay as my three favorite moments, and two of those are in Lilly's arc.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:29 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
themocaw wrote:
Althamus wrote:
Mysterious Stranger wrote:WHERE IS THIS GIF?!?!!
This so much.

Your quotations are flawed, good sir. I never expressed any interest in seeing this GIF of yours. Although it is pretty funny.

Re: Best moments?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:31 pm
by AnotherKatawaShoujo
A few of my favorites:

Lily: Her "confession" of love to Hisao. It was a really lovely moment.

Hanako: The moment with Hisao in the park. It was very poignant and touching

Rin: Actually, this moment just made me laugh. A lot. It might be my overall favorite bit, even though Rin's arc was not my favorite personally. The conversation about "our relationship is not such that I could ask you to pull down my underwear in the girls' toilet even if you offered to" was just.. xD I loved Rin's dialogue there - it was perfect.