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Re: New found interest in learning sign language

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:58 am
by Althamus
metalangel wrote:I wonder if there'd anything in using Skype or similar to have video calls and just sign to each other?
I'm interested in learning British sign language, and kept scanning this topic for anyone else who was with a hopeful aim to using skype to learn with them.
As Emi says, trying something new with someone else helps to encourage you both to learn, plus it's a darn sight easier practising with someone else as opposed to on your own.

Re: New found interest in learning sign language

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:58 pm
by metalangel
Try doing a search for 'talk in ASL/BSL over Skype' in Google, I found lots of threads from the Skype community forums of people interested in doing just that.

Started today, I've decided we should try and learn a new word or phrase every day if we can. So far the other half and I have learned:
How are you?
I am/are you happy
I am/are you hungry
I am/are you okay/cool
I love you

It's fun, and a lot of the signs makes sense when you think about what they mean (welcome, for example, looks not unlike a gracious sweeping of the hand). I've decided tomorrow we need to figure out the most crucial everyday question asked in our house: do you want a cup of coffee? :lol:

If anyone else is trying ASL, this site is an invaluable resource as it has a dictionary and a video demonstrating the sign for each word:

Re: New found interest in learning sign language

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:32 pm
by Althamus
That... is a very good idea actually. I shall go google and report back with my success (or not as the case may be).

Re: New found interest in learning sign language

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:51 pm
by johnmalkovich
metalangel wrote:Try doing a search for 'talk in ASL/BSL over Skype' in Google, I found lots of threads from the Skype community forums of people interested in doing just that.

Started today, I've decided we should try and learn a new word or phrase every day if we can. So far the other half and I have learned:
How are you?
I am/are you happy
I am/are you hungry
I am/are you okay/cool
I love you

It's fun, and a lot of the signs makes sense when you think about what they mean (welcome, for example, looks not unlike a gracious sweeping of the hand). I've decided tomorrow we need to figure out the most crucial everyday question asked in our house: do you want a cup of coffee? :lol:

If anyone else is trying ASL, this site is an invaluable resource as it has a dictionary and a video demonstrating the sign for each word:

I have a few books you might be interested in reading as well. Due to my job the printed book serves as an invaluable asset when I want to practice in my down time. The book is titled "Talk with your hands, listen with your eyes" It is very informative and touches up Deaf culture as well.

Unlike you, I've got a slightly more grounded base in ASl, though Shizunes route has certainly motivated me to take it more seriously and actually center me enough so that I take the whole affair and my circumstances more seriously.

Re: New found interest in learning sign language

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:05 pm
by metalangel
Just wanted to add,

The other half and I are continuing to learn, I got an awesome iOS app called 'Sign 4 Me' which has a 3D character who will sign anything you want, at any speed you want, from whatever angle you want. It's working as a dictionary for us. We took a train for a day trip and had lunch, had a few very basic conversations together, mostly, 'I want another beer' and 'where is our food?' and 'it's really hot in this room' and 'our train is here', and my personal favourite: 'why bring babies to a museum?!'

We've both got fingerspelling memorized and need to work on both signing and reading it faster.

(I won't say any more, as I'm thinking of putting all this into a blog or something anyway, HOWEVER....)

...this all relates to KS how? The very early stages of Shizune's route, when Hisao has just started learning and so when Shizune signs and "[...]" is now replaced by "[... do work ... help...]"? I think I'm getting to there. If I watch people signing on Youtube I am only picking up every tenth or so word, but I made that little connection in my mind and it's really cool.