100% Completion Step-by-Step

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Re: 100% Completion Step-by-Step

Post by geekahedron »

With the release of KS on Steam, I copied over my flowcharts and walkthroughs to the Steam Community guides section, and replayed to make sure everything still works there as it should.

It does, of course.

But as I was playing through these steps I noticed a lot of unecessary overlap in Rin's route particularly. I don't recall exactly what I was thinking an eighth of a century ago; that may have been intentional for story flow reasons, but I'm now inclined to think the redundancy unnecessary and have modified the walkthrough accordingly. You do need the choice from "In Her Own Image" in Act 2 to decide whether you end up in "Rose-Tinted Glasses" or "BADAAN!" in Act 3, but where I had previously played the entirety of Act 3 through to the bad ending before going back, the walkthrough now resets immediately after "BADAAN!" and goes back to finish from "In Her Own Image" (with a new save point in "Things I Hate" to make the first two endings much faster).

And just like that, this walkthrough has its first update in almost 13 years.

I also updated the walkthrough on Steam to include optional extra steps that will reveal and mark every checkbox in the game, as that is a particular achievement on that platform. Also of note, for anyone reading here but playing on Steam, the 100% Completion badge is not awarded until you click the unlocked image on the last page of the gallery (that took me a couple frustrating days to figure out).

Lastly, a small request: my update guide has been public for about a week and, while it's the most "popular" guide the "rating" is actually somewhat lower than I would expect. So, if anyone hanging around here has appreciated my guides and flowcharts, and also has access to Steam, it would be great if you could head over there and give a quick thumbs-up to the two guides over there:

Would you come with me if I ran off to be a pirate?

Scene-by-scene flowcharts: Image 100% complete [ 100% completion walkthrough ]
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