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Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:10 pm
by Ry74
I may re-do all of them eventually- one thing I noticed is that what a character says in another's route has more weight if you've also done their route, such as Rin mentioning "Emi at her Emiest" in Emi's route.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:11 pm
by alabaster
If I'm randomly trying to find something to do? Never. They're too long and emotionally straining to just take on when I'm a little bored. That said, I don't doubt for a moment I'll go back and replay all of them, probably a number of times. Like someone else said, it's like going back and rereading a favorite book.
Harco wrote:I have completed 4 routes now, Rin's is the only one left. I hesitate to play her route, though, because her character doesn't really interest me. I'd rather play Emi's route again. Lighthearted and fun, and I really missed Nurse in the other paths. After that, I will probably go for Hanako's route again.
Um, are you sure about that? I know the early stuff is pretty lighthearted, but I can't take it as such knowing what's really going on behind the scenes.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:12 pm
by V2Blast
alabaster wrote:If I'm randomly trying to find something to do? Never. They're too long and emotionally straining to just take on when I'm a little bored. That said, I don't doubt for a moment I'll go back and replay all of them, probably a number of times. Like someone else said, it's like going back and rereading a favorite book.
Harco wrote:I have completed 4 routes now, Rin's is the only one left. I hesitate to play her route, though, because her character doesn't really interest me. I'd rather play Emi's route again. Lighthearted and fun, and I really missed Nurse in the other paths. After that, I will probably go for Hanako's route again.
Um, are you sure about that? I know the early stuff is pretty lighthearted, but I can't take it as such knowing what's really going on behind the scenes.
Hers is definitely the most lighthearted (or least super-emotional) of the routes, even considering that.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:52 pm
by shin0bi272
Id play Hanako's any day of the week. Emi's was good too because it feels like that's where Id honestly end up if it were really me...Love her bubbly attitude especially if you get her good ending.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:55 pm
by Zerix
After I 100% the game, I plan on playing Hanako's path again and again and again... and again...

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:56 pm
by Guest
I don't think I'm likely to play full paths again, to be honest, but I've been getting some use out of the Library. "Crescendo," from Lilly's path, is amazing.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:21 pm
by Pata Hikari
AdventChaos wrote:I'm playing all of them again.
Doing this once the emotional crushing recovers a bit.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:27 pm
by Kyou_kun
Hanako, Lilly and Shizune

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:30 pm
by Smoky
I'm going for Hanako again..and then Lily, if I feel up to it.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:48 pm
by shadowbb
I'd go Lilly, Hanako, or Shizune, with the first two already revisited. Rin is too much of a rollercoaster for me to go through again for a while, even knowing what's going to happen, and I slightly dislike Emi's attitude.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:58 pm
by scoopnokes
Snelx wrote:
scoopnokes wrote:I have to agree
I would pick up the scenes i would like to view again like Lily's wheat field scene
maybe Hanako's billards scene

But that's jsut at this poitn where I just finished not too long ago. Maybe if I were to wait a while and wanted to go back and reread everything I would pick Lilly's and Hanako's

Can you tell who my favorites are lol
didn't u mentioned Lily? followed by Hanako? =P
yes yes yes :)

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:02 pm
by Rveniss
I'm working on my second play-through of Hanako's path right now. It was the first one I had done, originally--her being my favourite character and all.

I'm enjoying it a lot, knowing all I do from the first run of it, as well as the tidbits of information picked up from the other four routes. It's kind of like being this third person--an overarching observer--rather than trying to slip into the role of Hisao. My first time doing the route I ending up getting caught along with Hisao in the whole white-knight-complex thing, though I still managed the good ending. This time, I'm thinking more about how Hanako must feel about Hisao's actions, and what's going through HER head. I'm in the billiards scene right now, and I physically winced when he says, "Even while Lilly's away, I'll be around to protect you, right?" Like, it was really painful for me to imagine what Hanako's thoughts about that were. Hence why I find myself in this thread, having gone to the forums to collect my thoughts.

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:06 pm
by shadowbb
Rveniss wrote:I'm in the billiards scene right now, and I physically winced when he says, "Even while Lilly's away, I'll be around to protect you, right?" Like, it was really painful for me to imagine what Hanako's thoughts about that were. Hence why I find myself in this thread, having gone to the forums to collect my thoughts.
I did the same thing. :lol:

Also, the next few lines afterward, where she smiles, Hisao notes to himself that something seems rather off with it. What a big hint to give us, especially now that we can appreciate it. :shock:

Re: Paths you would play again?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:07 pm
by Nightydreams
The only path I would play again for any reason other than to remember and conjure again those feelings I felt before would be Lilly's path.

The reaons are varied and complicated at best but...

If I had to find a way to explain it with words that made sense it would go along the lines of;

"Do you need a reason, to love the person you love, for everyday of your life?"

"Does a best friend become that by expecting something in return or because that is the natural place for them to be?"

I don't feel the reason to see Lilly again would be anything other than the fact that I want to, I want to see her, I want to hear her (in a manner of speaking), I want to once again feel like I know her.

then again it makes me sad thinking like that, as If I missed one of my greatest chances in life and I'm only seeing the replay of my greatest mistake over and over again, maybe to comfort myself, or maybe i'm chastising myself.

Lilly is the only path, I would "Play" Again.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:12 pm
by Rveniss
shadowbb wrote:
Rveniss wrote:I'm in the billiards scene right now, and I physically winced when he says, "Even while Lilly's away, I'll be around to protect you, right?" Like, it was really painful for me to imagine what Hanako's thoughts about that were. Hence why I find myself in this thread, having gone to the forums to collect my thoughts.
I did the same thing. :lol:

Also, the next few lines afterward, where she smiles, Hisao notes to himself that something seems rather off with it. What a big hint to give us, especially now that we can appreciate it. :shock:
I can also see more of why the next choice determines whether you can get the good ending or not. After having said something like that to her the night before, she's probably not very happy with you, so it would take something like asking her to do something she definitely wouldn't do normally to make her be able to think of you as something other than a white knight.

On top of that, just calling it a day when you have all that time to hang out with her makes it seem like you were mostly just there for Lilly and the fact that Hanako tagged along was just an afterthought.

Now that I think about it, neither choice really seems like something Hisao (or myself) would say in that situation. There should have been a third option, to play chess with her, or go to the tea shop, or something that guides you towards the neutral ending.