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Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:27 pm
by finalizer
I think y'all are just reading into this too much. In Gelbooru specifically, it looks like only the recent influx of Hanako CGs + some prior images are subject to all the downvoting, and is likely just backlash from some of the KS haters.

Also, I've got to admit that Sankaku article is really ticking me off now, what with so many people assuming that the Japanese reaction has been wholly negative when they've only got one sensationalist article to go by.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:29 pm
by Ukotaku
Kyou_kun wrote:Isn't there a Japanese translation going on right now?
Im not too sure if its still going or cancelled, but im certain it will be translated into Jap by next year-ish
Panty Supervisor wrote:
the_phenom wrote:Apparently, the Japanese don't like the game.
Does this claim come from Sankaku Complex? I know they had an article on that and I'd recommend not to take it seriously. The blog author of SanCom likes these kind of shitstorms and half of the articles on his site are intended to stir up hatred against random nationalities. He knows that such articles always manage to get a reaction from the audience and makes them stick together. He'll just go "Look what the stupid Japanese/Koreans/Chinese/Americans/... are doing now" and the readers will join in and start ranting in the comment section.
Sadly, the article is kinda true. Many Japs have been critiscising the game for a long time.

I will post the japanese article for those who can read moonrunes

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:33 pm
by Yubiseiharukana
Probably because it doesn't have the hardcore raging nonsensical sex material that they live off of. What? Sex scenes that make perfect sense to advancing the story but aren't really much in the regards of turning you on? -10000000000000HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:34 pm
by Kyou_kun
Yubiseiharukana wrote:Probably because it doesn't have the hardcore raging nonsensical sex material that they live off of. What? Sex scenes that make perfect sense to advancing the story but aren't really much in the regards of turning you on? -10000000000000HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE.
Or maybe because it wasn't made in Japan?~

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:37 pm
by Yubiseiharukana
Kyou_kun wrote:
Yubiseiharukana wrote:Probably because it doesn't have the hardcore raging nonsensical sex material that they live off of. What? Sex scenes that make perfect sense to advancing the story but aren't really much in the regards of turning you on? -10000000000000HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE.
Or maybe because it wasn't made in Japan?~
They liked Powerpuff Girls and Power Rangers. Non-Japanese creations.

It confuses me a bit why they don't like it though. I mean, how is it so different from their own upper-echelon visual novels that it deserves such negative attention? Maybe it's just hate for the sake of hating, like a lot of people seem to do on t34 interwebz.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:38 pm
by scoopnokes
Yubiseiharukana wrote:
Kyou_kun wrote:
Yubiseiharukana wrote:Probably because it doesn't have the hardcore raging nonsensical sex material that they live off of. What? Sex scenes that make perfect sense to advancing the story but aren't really much in the regards of turning you on? -10000000000000HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE.
Or maybe because it wasn't made in Japan?~
They liked Powerpuff Girls and Power Rangers. Non-Japanese creations.
power rangers is a play off their super sentai which is started first, it's orginally was japanese.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:42 pm
by Yubiseiharukana
True, but regardless there are things that the Japanese anime fandom seem to like that aren't originally created in Japan. Though maybe they have to have a Japanese-made version of the series (as was done with PPGirls) to admit that.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:46 pm
by scoopnokes
Yubiseiharukana wrote:True, but regardless there are things that the Japanese anime fandom seem to like that aren't originally created in Japan. Though maybe they have to have a Japanese-made version of the series (as was done with PPGirls) to admit that.
but it still needs to break through their beliefs and how their society is. Things you may be referring to need to be socially accepted before it can be transferred over in some form, like anime. If the community were to explain the meanings behind the story rather than try to show that it's ok. The social acceptance could grow to something more.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:50 pm
by Kyou_kun
scoopnokes wrote:
Yubiseiharukana wrote:True, but regardless there are things that the Japanese anime fandom seem to like that aren't originally created in Japan. Though maybe they have to have a Japanese-made version of the series (as was done with PPGirls) to admit that.
but it still needs to break through their beliefs and how their society is. Things you may be referring to need to be socially accepted before it can be transferred over in some form, like anime. If the community were to explain the meanings behind the story rather than try to show that it's ok. The social acceptance could grow to something more.
But someone would have to translate it to Jap since not all Japanese know english. (or broken english)

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:52 pm
by scoopnokes
Kyou_kun wrote:
scoopnokes wrote:
Yubiseiharukana wrote:True, but regardless there are things that the Japanese anime fandom seem to like that aren't originally created in Japan. Though maybe they have to have a Japanese-made version of the series (as was done with PPGirls) to admit that.
but it still needs to break through their beliefs and how their society is. Things you may be referring to need to be socially accepted before it can be transferred over in some form, like anime. If the community were to explain the meanings behind the story rather than try to show that it's ok. The social acceptance could grow to something more.
But someone would have to translate it to Jap[anese] since not all Japanese know english. (or broken english)
that's that easiest feat to do, but first the message of what katawa shoujo really is should be considered.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:59 pm
by Benkei
Consider the demonstrated literacy of the average person who has played KS, registered on this forum, and has engaged in discussion about the game. Now consider the demonstrated literacy of the average person who is hating on KS on Gelbooru. Rinse and repeat by substituting out "literacy" for other concepts like "politeness," "intelligence," and "civility."

You should not allow the opinions of crude, black-hearted, twisted individuals to ruin your experience with Katawa Shoujo. If people like Lilly were to come along by the thousands and to say, "Katawa Shoujo is a terrible game," it would be one thing. But when instead it's an army of failures at life, a band of brothers composed entirely of World of Warcraft-enslaved, Cheetos-inhaling basement dwellers, it's quite another. Some of these individuals are consumed with envy. Envy of the writing staff's brilliant script when the best that they themselves could produce is another My Immortal. Envy of the art team's wonderful character designs or gorgeous CGs when they can barely manage to scribble up something might pass for a poor xkcd comic. Envy of the talent that went into making the stunning soundtrack which fills our ears with honey as we play this exquisite game when all they've ever managed is to produce one or two ditties that, upon uploading them to Youtube, achieved less than 100 views within a year, with one pitiful self-upvote and three or four hollow downvotes from random strangers. The Katawa Shoujo staff have produced a real treasure here, and so it is not surprising in the least that there would be people, many people, who would happily hate it.

Pity those people. And then move on with your life. Katawa Shoujo isn't going anywhere. With any luck, many of the staff will work on future projects; and Katawa Shoujo will demonstrate to aspiring minds all throughout the English-speaking world, "You can do this. Ignore the haters and the naysayers who say it can't be done or that it can be done but that it can't be done well. You can do it well. We've proven that. It isn't easy. It took us five years. It might take you even longer. But it can be done. So go do it. Try. And leave your mark upon the world."

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:04 pm
by Guest
X-SAM wrote:I decided to go on Gelbooru today to see if any fan art had been uploaded, and, amongst the spoilerific cgs, it seemed that EVERY pic related to Katawa Shoujo had been downvoted severely, some as low as a -22 score, maybe even higher. Not only that, but comments praising the game had been marked as spam and comments hating the game had been marked up as positives and helpful comments. All the negative comments about the girls hurt as well... people calling Hanako a "Crisp Freak" really struck me hard. :(

What in the world is going on. To be honest, this... kind of hurts my feelings. I love KS, and seeing people attack it like this is heartbreaking. :(

It's just one troll, if you didn't notice, all the pictures get the same amount of downvotes, 6-7.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:09 pm
by Guest
Guest wrote:
yuastnav wrote:
X-SAM wrote:I decided to go on Gelbooru today to see if any fan art had been uploaded, and, amongst the spoilerific cgs, it seemed that EVERY pic related to Katawa Shoujo had been downvoted severely, some as low as a -22 score, maybe even higher. Not only that, but comments praising the game had been marked as spam and comments hating the game had been marked up as positives and helpful comments. All the negative comments about the girls hurt as well... people calling Hanako a "Crisp Freak" really struck me hard. :(

What in the world is going on. To be honest, this... kind of hurts my feelings. I love KS, and seeing people attack it like this is heartbreaking. :(
People are offended.

Do not care about such things. Maybe some people will have their own, personal reasons for why they don't like the game. Others are just superficial and shallow. There are most likely as many positive reactions as there are negatives ones but people in general tend to to concentrate more on the negative aspects, which can be sometimes a shame.
Pretty sure all the reasons are 'superficial and shallow' since the majority of comments are "Leave Japanese things to the Japanese stupid Americans!" and such.
Actually, it was just a bunch of hate comments Artefacts picked out from between normal, good comments.

If someone could actually translate a 2ch discussion about KS, it would solve alot of misunderstandings, i think.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:20 pm
by mountainshouter
As I'd mentioned in the other thread, it's fine if they don't want to play it; if they would rather pass their expert armchair opinions on a game they've had no experience with, that's fine, too.

No skin off our backs. It's a great VN and it set out to do what it planned to do, with astounding results.

Re: What's up with all the hate?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:43 pm
by Deltamon
Trust me.. If this game was made in Japan, most likely it would've never been published and it would've been strictly underground thing that only few would've known of.

And that's the sad fact of Japanese culture, no matter how much I like their culture and how much awesome stuff Japan has done for rest of the world, I can't still be but disgusted by some of their taboos and ways of seeing things. The hatred runs really deeply there, especially when taking up things that could move away the image of perfect society such as "disabled people being heroines of a story", it's a huge no no on a japanese market. Why is it so? That's really hard for me to answer even if I have been watching and following Japanese culture for years, it's just always been so.. Thankfully however, the Japan has been opening up slightly during the past few years for example to mention couple things: Haruhi Suzumia or Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (Rumbling Hearts), both of those stories are really different from what Japan usually has been producing especially for what it comes on the Heroines of the story, the later mentioned one even having somewhat similar storyline than Katawa Shoujo.

But however, when the Country's porn industry is 90% based on suffering and uncomfortable women constantly being harashed by males, I wouldn't expect much of appreciation towards strong but disabled women from their part. But at least things like that are slowly opening up there and in this sense Japan is slowly "westernizing". But we are talking about a country with a very long personal and isolated history from rest of the world, you can't expect that everything there works like it does here, no matter how odd it might sound..