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Re: Evil plot twist, good plot twist

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:15 am
by cpl_crud
The whole "audiophile" thing was really jsut a cop out on my part.

I wanted to give Hanako some kind of odd hobby that would set her apart from everyone else.
Originally, people suggested having her designing clothes for Lilly, but that just seemed a little... lame.

I decided to go with the audio nerd thing as it's second nature to me (that is, it's my job), and it's something that not everyone really gets into beyond buyign a fully sick subwoofer for their car.

It's only going to be a small part of her path, basically an excuse to team her and Lilly up on occasions. Having Hisao trying to learn an instrument doesn't really fit in with the path we've written for Hanako.

On the subject of recorded/live music:
Yes, there are speakers that can come close to reproducing a recorded sound, they're called ATC monitors, and the cheapest versions cost about US$8k/speaker. For a 5.1 setup at the high end, you'd basically have to sell your house.
That being said, in a studio, it's a lot easier to isolate the sound you want to record, and control every little detail, like cable length and so forth.

There are about a million facctors that you can use to quantify which is better, however it's not really a fair competition. Both have their advantages. I perfer live sound as it makes more work for me, allowing me to buy more random crap. Anyway, I'm basically just stalling now, as I shold be writing more of hanako's path...

If you wish to continue this discussion, please start a new thread, and I'll be happy tro participate

Re: Evil plot twist, good plot twist

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:21 am
by Penguinmayhem
Originally, people suggested having her designing clothes for Lilly, but that just seemed a little... lame.
zomg Tomoyo