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Re: Crippled/Heart

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:56 pm
by frumplstlskn
I could probably do all the graphics and animations, especially by the time we are done with this game. I sure as hell would not want to do that much work, though. And the programming/balancing is an even bigger headache. Wait to see if everyone likes the game first...

Re: Crippled/Heart

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:06 pm
by Sessha
The fighting game could be the group's version of "Tsukihime 2"

Re: Crippled/Heart

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:44 pm
by Otaku Dash
Sessha wrote:
TcDohl wrote:This has been discussed in the IRC channel, and here are some ideas I remember we have.
Sessha wrote:Rin can apparently do gravity-defying kicks and jumps all over the place.
She'd also have a special move where she paints your death... and it happens.
Sessha wrote:Lily has turned into a crazy yandere girl with a rabid dog and a beating cane
She is wearing her Chinese dress and is using T'ai Chi, and uses her cane in the same way as a Chinese sword.
Ah. So you guys like it more of a fighting game. I was liking the idea of a MB-ish plot where everybody is as muderous as hilarious, but I like the idea of Lily in a Chinese dress a lot.
*poofs from nowhere* TYPE-MOON FAN HERE! (including everything related to it.. aka Melty blood)

... chinese Robe... mmm... sounds good, though that looks too Kohaku-ish ;P

*starts imagining something like "unlimited prostetic works" for Emi... notices he's been waiting for the translation of UBW for too long XD*

As for MB being open source... I don't think that's the case. However, there are tools for opening code lines and cracking the engine... I mean, Mirror Moon+Revolve aren't translating most of Type-Moon's projects out of nothing (so far Melty Blood and Melty Blood Re-ACT have been done).

Still the idea sounds funny and awesome in it's own way... I was learning pixel art up util a while ago, but RL never let me continue foward with it.. so.. yeah...

Dunno why but I always get te efeeling this would turn into a spoof where Hisao played Don-Juan and everyone wants revenge on him... in the end Hisao would be all Badass Boss waiting... and if you get a time out with Hisao when he's battling you and you have more HP...

"*hisao's eyes go white and he starts foaming out of his mouth*"


Yeah sorry for being away... Illness sucks...

*poof's back to the shadows*

Re: Crippled/Heart

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:19 pm
by RustyBlood2000
i dont know about you guys but i think that we shouldn't really copy melty blood but YES!!! a fighting game sounds awesome and i can see each character having a awesome new cool way of attacking people. this is a good idea because there hasent really been any game out there with characters who are disabled. however we need a good storyline to back all this up and i have no ideas....well one but its crazy. anyway i would hate to see this game no go into a fighting catogory. who ever reads this please share what you think about this comment and lets see if we can't get a fighting game roll'n

-RustyJet2000 :wink: