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Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:13 am
by Smoku
this D&D session would be a cool material for a fan fic.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:46 am
by EternalLurker
There isn't any evidence in KS for Hanako's Int and Ale being so high, while Lilly's Ale isn't high enough. But eh. :P

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:41 pm
by Minister of Gloom
Smoku wrote:this D&D session would be a cool material for a fan fic.
Would have totally started one, but my English isn't good enough.(Can't draw, can't write... I am not good for much fan work am I?)
But if anyone ever gets stuck without ideas, I am totally cool with you taking this one and making something funny of it.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:20 pm
by Csihar
Believe it or not, the characters already have D&D stats.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:30 am
by ThreeStep
EternalLurker wrote:There isn't any evidence in KS for Hanako's Int and Ale being so high, while Lilly's Ale isn't high enough. But eh. :P
Yeah, I threw together the whole list in twenty minutes' time. Doesn't help that if I want to be true to what we know, the KS cast is pretty useless as movers and shakers in the 'Verse. I'll just toss up the last few.

Agi d10
Str d6
Vit d8
Ale d4
Int d6
Wil d6

Init: d10+d4
Life: 14

Amputee (Major Complication)
-No explanation here.
Athletic (Running) (Minor Asset)
-She's good at moving fast.

Agi d8
Str d4
vit d6
Ale d18
Int d6
Wil d8

Init: d8+d10
Life: 14

Amputee (Major Complication)
-Serenity RPG doesn't come with a "Thalidomide Baby" Trait
Reader (Major Asset)
-This one's a little out of left field. It was this or "Leaky in the Brainpan," which is far less useful.
Talented (Painting) (Minor Asset)
-She knows paint.

Agi d6
Str d6
Vit d6
Ale d6
Int d8
Wil d12

Init: d6+d6
Life: 18

Deaf (Major Complication)
Intimidatin' Manner (Minor Asset)
-Compromise? Tact? Never heard of them.
Leadership (Major Asset)
-Bit of a stretch; chose to interpret her personality and position on the Council as a knack for getting people motivated.
Mute (Major Complication)

Continuing the KS cast and their RPing preferences, how about DMing styles?
-Kenji: Runs FATAL. He's crazy enough it might make sense to him.
-Shizune: She'd run Tomb of Horrors.
-Lily: Something dice/rules-lite and geared to more narrative styles perhaps. I'm not familiar with any such games though.
-Hanako: No chance.
-Misha: Co-DM with Shizune
-Emi: No clue
-Rin: Doesn't matter, it probably wont' last long. Very free-form style though I'm sure.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:13 am
by Minister of Gloom
Kenji runs FATAL: I laughed so hard, because it's simply so true :lol:
Shizune runs Tomb of Horrors: Absolutely what I was thinking. And she would run it with first edition rules, so that nobody would be able to get anything.
Lilly: well, there is not exactly a lack of rules lite systems out there. The only questions is which of them will interest her.
Rin: Don't Rest Your Head, Over The Edge, Girl from the Blue City. All of those surreal, freakish, madness inducing horror games where you fight policeman with clocks for heads.
Emi: Runs fast(sorry, couldn't resist). Also Exalted, Scion, something with a lot of furious kickass action in it.
Hanako: errr... World of Darkness?...

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:01 pm
by Goldilurks
I would lol hard at seeing Yuuko run a game of Paranoia.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:51 pm
by Pimmy
ThreeStep wrote:I never quite got the appeal of RPing as established characters. More fun to make up your own stuff to me.
I'm the opposite. I couldn't give a crap about someone's original characters, and I don't feel I should expect people to care about mine. I remember looking for some RP groups based on a game I like, but it was all original character stuff. I don't want to play with "baddie species #3 given a personality and sword and blue hair", I wanna play with the characters! I'd rather play as characters I already know and love, and have them interact with others. It's also a fun challenge to stay in character and think "what would she/he do in this situation?" It's especially fun when the game allows characters from other series, and clashing personalities meet.

As for DnD stuff, stats are kinda a bore. Well, when it comes to LJ RP, the focus is character interaction and story. KS characters don't really need stats if it's a regular, modern setting.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:16 pm
by Scarlet Fox
...What's Ale mean?

You know what, I shouldn't ask.
Pimmy wrote:I'm the opposite. I couldn't give a crap about someone's original characters, and I don't feel I should expect people to care about mine.
True, true, but if you have a group of friends and you already know their characters, it's easier. Though there's always someone who tried to over power his in ones with battling and stuff. Plus, if I ever read through an RP with original characters, I generally get bored... I never really thought about it like that. I think I should stay indifferent. :?

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:48 am
by Minister of Gloom
A respectable, logical opinion. Yet I stick with my own :)
I may try your way once, though, just to see how it works.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:47 am
by ThreeStep
Pimmy wrote: Stuff
I get what you're saying. It's just to me, using other characters has this feeling of having to follow someone else's rules when I'd rather create my own. Probably has something to do with bad fanfiction experiences growing up.

I play RPGs partly for the dice and the stats, which gives a structure to (hopefully) keep things from getting crazy. There is a fair share of generic but that's what good GMs are for, to weed out the lame characters.

Re: Katawa Shoujo LJ roleplay?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:55 pm
by EternalLurker
Scarlet Fox wrote:...What's Ale mean?
ThreeStep wrote:Attributes are Agility, Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence and Willpower.