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Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:44 am
by Guest Poster
This is still a non-profit game and animated cutscenes require an animation studio...even if you go with old saturday morning cartoon frame counts (like 12 frames a second), which results in very crappy animation, it's still like 10 times as much work for the artists. I'd rather see this game before doomsday.

As for voice actors, yeah, you'd need talented ones, who'd have lots of commitment and the ideal time to add them would be right at the beginning before every John and his mom play Act 1 and form their own (and highly diverse) opinion on how character X should sound. Even then it'd be a crazy amount of work directing the voice actors, splicing the lines and inserting them into the game.

You're entitled to your opinion, but the most promising non-profit internet-based games are not made by teams who have the largest amount of ambition, but by teams who do a good job juggling ambition with common sense. Yeah, we all want to make games filled with lands crawling with hundreds of NPC's and dozens of different endings. We all want voices and animated cutscenes. But that kind of thing is already hard when you have a budget. Most teams that try to make the game they've always dreamt of never get past the dreaming stage. I applaud this team for their insistence on staying realistic.

Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:13 am
by EmP|ty
Aura wrote:Frankly, I can't even begin to imagine the retardation that has brought upon this thread to litter my already shitty forum. I just spent about three and a half minutes contemplating the most concise way of illustrating the issue from our point of view to the OP (and anyone else in this thread who missed the point), and I feel largely disappointed in myself as I not only failed to come up with something adequately witty but also wasted three and change minutes of my life, which I could've better used to make myself a nice cup of steaming hot battery acid.

I refrain from commenting on what is the "main influence of games which partially connect the imaginary field with the normal one" because just copypasting that phrase made me dry heave twice. So, I assume that the key issue here is that OP never considered where animation keyframes and atrociously hammed voice acting actually come from? From the magical land of rainbow-farting unicorns of course, as most other things on the Internet. It's not that we are TOO GOOD to have either in our game or that it's an oversight, to be honest we'd fucking love to have KS fully animated and voiced. The problem lies in that we are, in fact, not unicorns; we are a bunch of fags on the internet. Stringing words, bits of scripting or pictures together in a way that fakes pro quality decently is not beyond our capabilities; orchestrating a professional-quality voicing of a story the length of Lord of the Rings or spending a year or two animating a few odd cutscenes are.

tl;dr it's impossible, you are delusional. If it's any consolation, you can imagine Shizune is voiced.
You deserve a fucking Nobel prize in everything for that post.

Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:03 am
by Notguest
I'm surprised this thread wasn't locked immediately.

Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:23 am
by coldacid
How would be skewer the OP's dumb opinions if it were locked, though?

Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:46 pm
by Smoku
Guest wrote:I don't know what you're talking about, the game's already going to be voiced.
yay for April Fool's!

Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:21 pm
by Blue123
Notguest wrote:I'm surprised this thread wasn't locked immediately.
That's because I didn't get to this thread first : (

Also, actually replying the topic now:


Re: Opinion

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:26 pm
by TheHivemind
Your inability to use your imagination is not our problem, OP. I assume you don't like reading books without pictures in them because it is TOO HARD. Let me know when you move up from Horton Hears a Who and then get back to me.