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Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:35 am
by carbonartistmonked
Deimos wrote:I slightly disagree with you here. Mankind may be arrogant and its hubris may know very few bounds but we are far from considering ourselves perfect. We surely cosider ourselves superior to animals and probably certain other humans but the realm of perfection is something only religion can explore - for now.
:lol: further arguments may flood the topic
but yeah, your words seem right
better in common sense compared to mine
Deimos wrote:The anthropomorphization is done to better identify ourselves with an object or to shower it with affection or other emotions - just like we anthropomorphize 2D pictures and text into people called Shizune, Rin, Emi, Hanako, Lilly or Misha. :wink:
=_= anthropomorphize.... anthropomorphize....
i love hanako
my life is perfect already :lol:

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:05 am
by Guest
Bara wrote:Now, please remember this is out of the time period for KS. Don't bug the devs with a bunch of comments about, "Why can't Rin have these arms." and crap like that. Hell, the program to develop these is newer than KS.
That reminds me, when exactly is KS set?

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:43 pm
by cpl_crud

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:26 am
by Aura

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:35 am
by Caesius
[insert year]

as much as you try to be modest, you can't help but play with your new toys, eh?

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:58 pm
by Bara
cpl_crud wrote:2007
☆♥Aura♥☆ wrote:1973
Are we all using the same caledar? :lol:

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:12 pm
by Seroanth
It's set in the year it's set in.

Re: Cybernetic implants

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:19 pm
by CindehQ
Would Hanako gladly shed off her old, burned out skin to replace it with a new one made of synthetic tissue that you wouldn't be able to tell apart from the real thing? Would it heal her psyche aswell?

Hanako would come rushing to get a skin transplant. However, she would still have the emotional scars. The extent of her shyness makes me think she was either bullied or was responsible for the fire that took her father. If it's the former, it'd be one of those "fat-kid-loses-weight" situations where they still believe they're unattrative even after removing the source of torment. If it's the latter, the she'll most definitely be reluctant to get close to most people. Not to mention her shyness is what makes her moe, so there goes her appeal if she loses it.

Would Emi dare to risk her promising running career by switching her existing prosthetics to new ones that might, or might not have a negative impact on her running performance?

If the legs slowed her down, she would switch back to her old legs in a heart beat since she strikes me as a speed demon. Emi would be the least affected the change. Unlike the other girls in the series, she's not held back by her disability. She can do everything a normal person can, the only thing that makes her different is that her legs don't look natural. Emi doesn't strike me as someone bothered by her prosthetics, so she wouldn't really care what they looked like.

Would it make Lilly more pessimistic and less sweeter person, if she'd gain the ability to actually see the evils of this world with new, mechanical eyes?

She wouldn't show it, but she would be more reluctant to get close to people. And even though she can't help it, like everyone else, she's gonna subconciously judge people based on appearances, which she would uncomfortable with. I can imagine the first time she "sees" Hanako she might be taken back or maybe stare, and would feel guilty for it.

How would it affect Shizune if she'd be able to hear the nasty things people might be saying about her behind her back with high tech hearing aids?

Don't forget she'd be able to speak. Shizune's strong and probably wouldn't give a rat's ass what peopl thought, or atleast wouldn't show it. Without a doubt she'd take advantage of her new voice to chew people out, and would probably feel empowered with letting the world hear her presence.