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Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:46 am
by Shaddox
Sanjiyan wrote:I'm sure it's been brought up before, but it seems a little unfair (if not somewhat inconsistent) that Rin doesn't have arm prosthesis though the technology on them is as good as leg ones. It's at least enough for someone to pick up a shirt or a paintbrush. If it's because Rin chooses not to use them, then it should be specified somewhere.
I'm sorry but you are terribly mistaken. Leg prothesis aren't that good, much less the arms one (an robotic arm can't reproduce even 1/10th of your original dexterity, and I'm talking about the really expensive ones). The reason why Rin doesn't wear any prosthetic arms is because she can't. She doesn't have any developed muscles. Her arms have been like that since birth.

Emi lost her legs in a car accident, hence she could still have hope.

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:17 am
by Lon
Sanjiyan wrote:Well I meant that with just a plastic arm, Rin would have some way to deal with her period problem. I also tend to think they would use pads instead of tampons.
But whatever, I'm complaining for the sake of complaining. True, it isn't far-fetched for Rin to just get help from Emi.
This has also crossed my mind as well and I also figured she'd use pads. Having a friend or nurse insert/remove tampons would be a hell of alot more awkward and those cup things Onisake mentioned would probably be worse. A pad, however, Rin might be able to remove herself and a new one would probably just require help getting it in the right place, folding down "wings" and whatnot. Less yucky-touching. Hell, tampons might feel less bulky but they also carry a risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome if left in too long. A nurse might be a little uneasy giving them to someone who needs help changing them.

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 12:45 pm
by Onisake
Lon wrote:This has also crossed my mind as well and I also figured she'd use pads. Having a friend or nurse insert/remove tampons would be a hell of alot more awkward and those cup things Onisake mentioned would probably be worse. A pad, however, Rin might be able to remove herself and a new one would probably just require help getting it in the right place, folding down "wings" and whatnot. Less yucky-touching. Hell, tampons might feel less bulky but they also carry a risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome if left in too long. A nurse might be a little uneasy giving them to someone who needs help changing them.
Being somewhat familiar with how healthcare works in japan, I'd been very surprised if a nurse even made a recomendation. And even if they did, it's still up to Rin to decide what she wants to use. Also, because rin user her feet for doing daily activities, her crotch region is fairly high traffic. Aka, there's nothing to prevent chaffing, slipping, or any other movement that would cause discomfort. A tampon would provide a greater range of motion without frictional discomfort to the user. I don't think TSS could happen within the course of a day. And it dependson Rin's 'Volume' but i'm sure she wouldn't leave a tampon in for more than a day. She may be pretty tomboyish, but she doesn't seem like that much of a slob.

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:49 pm
by DuaneMoody
Remember, Yamaku is ridiculously overstaffed in the nurse department, and it's conceivable that there's orderly staff always at the ready for hygiene issues.

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:09 pm
by abscess
DuaneMoody wrote:Remember, Yamaku is ridiculously overstaffed in the nurse department, and it's conceivable that there's orderly staff always at the ready for hygiene issues.
I don't know why, but I immediately thought of Kenji.... I can't help but imagine his room smelling weird and full of dirt and.... tissues....

Anyway, the tampon discussion made think of her going to the toilet. How would she wipe?

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:11 pm
by Roxius
abscess wrote:
DuaneMoody wrote:Remember, Yamaku is ridiculously overstaffed in the nurse department, and it's conceivable that there's orderly staff always at the ready for hygiene issues.
I don't know why, but I immediately thought of Kenji.... I can't help but imagine his room smelling weird and full of dirt and.... tissues....

Anyway, the tampon discussion made think of her going to the toilet. How would she wipe?

............................Let's just hope Hisao and Rin don't participate in anilingus.

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:35 pm
by vaen
abscess wrote: Anyway, the tampon discussion made think of her going to the toilet. How would she wipe?
screw wiping, how would she get out of her pants in the first place. and in them again.
the wiping problem might be solved with a bidet though.

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:59 pm
by Bara
vaen wrote: screw wiping, how would she get out of her pants in the first place. and in them again.
the wiping problem might be solved with a bidet though.
I think the scene with Rin and Hisao pretty much sumed it up; Rin has to have someone to help her. Buttons and zippers are just not designed to be manipulated with the toes instead of fingers. I would imagine if Rin had her way she would wear mostly t-shirts and sweatpants/shorts with elatic waistbands.
While bidets might work where availible; they aren't everywhere. :|

Re: question about Rin and Lilly

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:08 am
by Lon
I have no idea how quick TSS can happen, though they say not to leave them in for more than 8 hours. I wasn't think of her being a slob, or anything, more that it might slip her mind since it's not as noticable as a pad. I supose you have a point about the chafing and moving around, though so, maybe, tampons. I also forgot that they have those ones you just "inject" with a applicator. I guess that would make it less weird for both parties. Needing a second person EVERYTIME you make a stop to the can? Guh...what a hassle.

I'm actually a little curious now, how the bathroom stuff works for a person without arms who who lives alone. Not really the sort of thing you can ask a stranger, though.

I poked around and all I found was this article on an armless pilot.
"Going to the bathroom is actually one of the trickier things she does — she uses a suction cup hook on a wall to help pull up her pants."
Doesn't answer the question but it's pretty clever.

Yamaku would totally have bidets. They probably have enough kids with issues that something like that would help that they could justify that.

We can't see Rin's waistband. Maybe it IS elastic, at least partially? She said she only had problems getting shirts on, so maybe her pants are modified.