I know that it can be difficult (or even impossible) to gauge tone from pure text, but even so, I completely fail to see any hostility in my reply. Certainly none was intended, so first of all, I apologize for the misunderstanding. I'll also quote my message, to keep everything straight and on record:
Silentcook wrote:Also, kindly keep commercial links out of the forums, for reasons that should be self-evident.
If I may, some keys to interpret when I'm actively annoyed at someone: I tend to use
italics, CAPITALS, profanity, and four-letter words aplenty. Any writer on these forums who ever had me as an editor is free to confirm or deny, just do it through PMs.
That aside, about the rest of your points:
-Like I said, I'm not talking about in-game DLC, but about any DLC at all. 4LS has sold physical copies of artbooks at Comiket for years now, sure... for fairly unusual definitions of "4LS" and "sold", since I, for example, have never seen one red cent from that, which works anyway as I've always been in fact assured that the things are sold at production cost. Relatively recently the JP translation team has been acknowledged by us as
"4LS Japan", but I haven't the faintest idea about their policies.
In any case, 4LS as a group is just not set up to handle sales and distribute profit, which is a major reason why this kind of thing will never happen. Add to that our avowed no-profit policy, and it becomes a double never.
-The joke was clear, it's just that it's... old. Very old. Years and years old. Uninterrupted years and years old, even. I don't think it's very strange to expect that I'm tired of laughing, or even chuckling, at it...
So yeah, the question remains: who benefits? And given the above, I'll also add that any answers of "Valve" can go fuck themselves with a rusty rake, sideways.