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Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:10 pm
by Blackmambauk
This fic is something I'm surprised that hasn't been done before overall. Since the VN in Shizune's and Lilly's route gave us enough details to be expanded upon, but enough ambiguity to make you wonder how Shizune did drive off the rest of the council apart from being a bit too bossy and trying to get it to do more than it wanted to do.

For your first chapter, the grammar and spelling were correct. Shizune felt in character for what I feel she might have been like at the start of her life at Yamaku. The oc character has potential, let's see where you go with that.

I would say you are off to a decent stat, Shizune is now at a place that is unfamiliar to herself, and probably very different from what her home life is. Namely having to deal with her very eccentric and stern father. Who may or may not know how to do sign language. Like a lot of things in Shizune's, this was left ambiguous to a certain degree, since we see things from Hisao perceptive and the guy depending on your view may have been acting up to test to see if Hisao was worthy of his daughter.

Considering Shizune's high standards in general, it wouldn't be surprising if she got most of her traits especially her analytical ways from him (since when Hisao first meets him he seems to be studying him, the lunch may have been the first test of his). Since her brother has that same trait as well. Not to mention how Japanese in general tend to deal with people with disabilities. His approach to her might have been some twisted form of tough love to make her a contributing member of Japanese society. Of course it's all in the eyes of the beholder and your interpretation of him and the other characters is what's most important for your fic, not the opinion of an opinionated person like myself.

Since his later visit to her at Yamaku shows on some deep level he cares about her, even if he shows it in a bad way. Jigoro is one of those characters in Katawa Shoujo that is almost cartoony in general, Kenji being the other one though Kenji is given enough moments to show his more human side. I hope if you include Jigoro your portrayal of him will be balanced.

Same with Lilly and Misha once you get round to portraying them, I look forward to seeing how your portray Shizune's reactions to Misha's confession and how it affected the two. As Shizune in her route never really said how she took the confession and how she feels about it in general.

As well as how she came to forgetting her original goal in the first place, to make people happy. Some of this as Hisao puts it in her route was down to her tenancy to compartmentalize events of her life and I get that's what she did with Misha's confession.

I really look forward to how you will portray Shizune and Lilly's relationship and fallout. How the two communicated with each other when Misha wasn't there or was struggling (as I believe she said in the VN she found it hard at first to pick up Japanese sign language), I believe the Shizune/Hisao fic Graduate had a scene where they used blind/deaf language to communicate by hands. Which for Shizune is a big deal considering how often she touches Hisao's hands in their H scenes. Tvtropes page for KS (especially the fridge pages explains quite well why).

Little details like that would help to make your fic even better, have you looked into a bit of JSL, just so you have an idea of how conversations go in general for deaf people and for how Misha learned it, the game gave some details. But it's just so that Misha's development to where she was with JSF in the game is shown to us as in understandable details as possible. Again this is just my view.

This is a fic I think has a lot of potential to it. You have set yourself quite the task and challenge. good on you and I look forward to seeing where you go with all of this. As Shizune's background is something I have always found interesting and seeing someone expand on it is something I have always wanted to see.


Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:21 pm
by Blank Mage
Blackmambauk wrote:I hope if you include Jigoro your portrayal of him will be balanced.
Hahaha haha no. :twisted:
Blackmambauk wrote:As well as how she came to forgetting her original goal in the first place, to make people happy.
Who said she forgot?

Okay, I have to stop replying to every comment.

Chapter 2 will be up soon. Like, really soon. Like tomorrow morning.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:04 pm
by Blackmambauk
Blank Mage wrote:
Blackmambauk wrote:I hope if you include Jigoro your portrayal of him will be balanced.
Hahaha haha no. :twisted:
Blackmambauk wrote:As well as how she came to forgetting her original goal in the first place, to make people happy.
Who said she forgot?

Okay, I have to stop replying to every comment.

Chapter 2 will be up soon. Like, really soon. Like tomorrow morning.
Allow me to expand, Shizune forgot her original goal of making people happy and wanting friends by coming to focus too much on wanting the student council to do more stuff than they did, and to achieve something in her time as president. This drove off most of the council and eventually Lilly when their personalities started to clash with each other.

She also came to take Misha for granted as a friend and unintentionally hurt her a great deal by insisting they remain friends after turning down her feelings for her. Of course Shizune didn't mean for these events to happen, but unfortunately due to her bossy attitude and as well her tenancy to compartmentalize events, which to some people comes off being cold, insensitive etc. is why when Hisao comes to Yamaku, it's just her and Misha on the council and Misha is her only friend.

In that way she unintentionally forgot her original goal of wanting to have friends and make people happy. Of course it doesn't mean it went away, as she says to Hisao she did what she did at the start of Act one to get him out of his depression. And the results were positive not just for her route, but for all the routes as Hisao was forced to get out of his self pity stance thanks to Shizune's actions.

Of course Jigoro isn't a balanced person, what I meant was don't just have him be just a one dimensional jackass, as the VN definitely hinted there was more to him than just being a jerk. Of course we don't want to hide the fact he is a nobhead and isn't a very good parent overall.

Hope that makes what I said in my first post more clear. As always with me it's just my opinion and you can ignore it as you please.


Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:16 am
by Blank Mage
Chapter 2: Blitz

I blink awake. My room is lit, and though my vision is blurred without my glasses, I can tell that my alarm clock has gone off at the set time of 7:00 AM, tuning on my lamp in the process. My first day of classes will begin in two hours. I've allotted one of those hours for breakfast, being unsure of the expected wait times in line or the distance from the cafeteria to homeroom, and the other to ensuring I look my absolute best. These first few days will be crucial, both for establishing my reputation and forming positive habits. I allow my excitement for the coming day to burn off any thoughts of sleeping in, like a child eager to run downstairs on Christmas.

Starting today, my decisions will go unchallenged and unopposed. My fate is firmly under my own control. My efforts will be evaluated, my accomplishments will be celebrated, and I will lay waste to anything that dares stand between me and total victory.

Today, I begin my glorious conquest.

Okay, well, first pants, but then conquest.


The matter of my outfit has already been settled, thanks to the crisp school uniforms in my small closet. I ensured they fit before going to sleep, and though they're a bit more form fitting than I'm used to, I'm satisfied with the result. My form of late is deserving of no small praise, after all. I dislike makeup, but I do understand the basics, and on this all-important first day, I avail myself of its services. My hair is trickier. After spending more time than I'd have liked, I strike a balance; nonchalant without coming off as sloppy or informal. While I might not be the most beautiful girl in the school, I have at least ensured I won't be left behind. But more news on that as it develops.

Grabbing the bag I've left packed by the door, I depart for the cafeteria right on schedule, despite my earlier setbacks.

There is a small line, but it moves quickly enough, and I notice a wide variety of foods available. I suppose dietary restrictions must be a concern. I thank God that I'm not under any such obligations. I order the least healthy item they have to commemorate my first cafeteria meal, and sitting in a seat far removed from the crowds, I take my first real look at the student body of Yamaku.

...It's not as bad as I thought, to be perfectly honest. The majority of the students have nothing visibly wrong with them. I wonder if they sound weird. Aside from the occasional wheelchair, an assortment of canes, and the rare missing limb, the crowd could easily be mistaken for any other. I do catch a glimpse of a girl sporting an intricately wrought prosthetic leg, smiling as her neighbor admires the craftsmanship, and I'm happy to see a large group at a distant table using sign language, although there's little point in trying to eavesdrop at this distance. I create a little game out of it, keeping a tally of visible afflictions. Like a 'spot-the-difference' game of human misery.

(Guide canes, 6. Support canes, 9. Wheelchairs, also 6. Amputations, 4. And one case of albinism.)

As I finish my meal, however, I see something wholly unexpected; a girl who stands almost a head taller than her peers, her blonde hair shining like a beacon in the crowd. (Guide canes, 7.) I smile mischievously, happy to have the element of surprise on my side. I wait until she taps her way out of the thickest section of the cafeteria, sight down my fingers, and snap with all the force I can muster. Lilly flinches instantly. Bull's-eye.

Composing herself, she turns to face me, a strained smile on her perfect features. {Hello, Shizune,} she mouths, and I give a smaller snap to confirm her suspicion. It's a small contest we've had whenever we met, Eyes vs Ears. Lilly seems to know where I am if I so much as breathe, but also has little chance of telling which direction I'm facing at any given time. In either case, neither of us is very good at sneaking up on the other, but I gained the upper hand when I developed sonic weaponry. (I occasionally worry she might blind me one day. Escalation.) Our little ritual over, Lilly reaches out, allowing me to take her hand. I would typically be embarrassed to hold hands with an Amazon princess, but I'm sure the cane in her other hand will dispel any rumors.

[Hello, Lilly,] I write onto her palm. It's a lengthy and tedious process, and difficult to learn, but Lilly and I had a lot of spare time on our hands once. {I didn't realize you were attending Yamaku,} she continues, keeping her words simple and direct, giving me ample time to lip read each one, even jotting the same words on my palm as she does.

[Father's orders.] She grimaces, knowing how I feel about him. {I'm sorry. How have you liked it so far?}

I shrug, though it goes unseen. [It's nice.] Lilly's smile shifts gears, taking on nigh-impossible levels of gentle warmth, and she gives a heartfelt nod. [I will rule over it benevolently.]

Lilly's smile breaks as she bites back a laugh, and shoots me an exasperated look. {You haven't changed.} Of course not.

[Reasonable people change. Unreasonable people change the world.]

Lilly sighs heavily. {Then I guess it's up to the reasonable ones to accommodate them, isn't it?}

I smile at her. [I'm counting on it. Let's have a good year.] That's what I like about Lilly. It's so easy to drag her into things. I change my grip to a handshake, and after pointlessly bowing in her direction, I head out to dispose of my lunch tray. It's about time I got to class. I'm already dangerously close to being average.


I'm not exactly the first one in the classroom, as Sonohara has already taken her seat. She gives a small wave as I enter the room, and gestures to the desks. [Take your pick.] I settle for one in the second row, just off center. It's close enough to the front to remain attentive without distractions, without being directly beneath the watchful eyes of authority. I don't plan on slacking off, but I'd like to retain the option.

[I see you liked the tour,] she comments once I've finished settling in, keeping an eye on my reply as she organizes her own desk.

I give a minute shrug. [It wasn't what I expected.]

She chuckles. (I think.) [Let me guess. You thought we'd have medical histories and IV poles attached to the desks?] When she puts it that way, I realize how ridiculous it sounds, but I try to keep my expression neutral. [More or less.] Sonohara looks comically exasperated. A lot of that going around today. [You and all the other first years. Well, it's not like it's unfounded. If you thought your kid could die at any time, you'd want to lock them in a hospital, too. It takes a lot of trust to send them here.] Or in my case, a lot of frustration. I nod regardless, but my curiosity is nagging at me.

[Are there many...] ah, [...death-prone students around here?] I sign it with all the tact I can muster, which isn't much, considering the fact that I've just used the words death-prone in a sentence.

Sonohara's demeanor changes, and her signs become heavier and sharper. [Not many, no. But we're not at liberty to tell you which ones are.]

I pick up on her meaning instantly. [So, assume the worst and hope for the best,] I summarize.

Her expression softens. [More or less,] she echoes. [I've got my own problems to worry about. Heck, if I make an exam too hard, I risk giving someone a heart attack.]

[Have you considered lowering the difficulty of your exams?]

She gives me a wicked smile. [Let's just say I'll keep the defibrillator handy.]


The rest of my class begins filing in, and I give a nod to acknowledge their presence, at least until enough of the classroom has filled as to render me (temporarily) anonymous. Sign has already broken out around me as social circles being establishing. I glance around at a half dozen conversations in progress, but I have trouble matching up who's talking to whom. Sign can, after all, be read at quite a distance, meaning conversation can be held from across the room. I eavesdrop for a bit, as I doubt any of these discussions are meant to be kept private.

[-with tutors, but when you think of it as a package deal, it's actually pretty cost-efficient. They have all kinds of stuff here, you know?]
[-nice, but you never really know. ...She can probably read sign, she's teaching the deaf class. Honestly, Mitsuki...]
[-really didn't like the last season. The first one was so good, and once they brought in N, it just got dumb...]

As I turn my attention back to the front, however, the student to my left catches my attention with a quickly signed greeting. [Hey. You weren't saying anything, so I'm guessing your hearing is pretty bad.] (Bed hair, moderate posture, and his signs are adequate but lack confidence. He's also somewhat tactless, although his look of general discomfort leads me to think it's due to inexperience rather than his default personality. Average, pending more information.)

I give a curt nod, and reply. [It's more accurate to say it's nonexistent, and has been since birth.] He gives me a blank, vaguely panicked expression in return. I sigh, and sign more slowly. Not everyone is on my level, it seems. [Yes. I am deaf. I'm guessing that you are new to sign language?]

He calms down a bit, nodding. [I only started learning a few months ago. My name is Kouki Sakai. Nice to meet you.] He leans over to shake hands, and I do so, crushing his hand slightly. (Handshakes are battles. Only the weak disagree.)

[Shizune Hakamichi.] I smile. You should remember that name. It'll be important later. He gives a small bow.


I receive a number of similar greetings from students all over the classroom, each with a different level of familiarity with sign, although I begin to notice an air of general unhappiness among some, contrasting the lively atmosphere around them. Before I have any time to think on it, Sonohara captures the attention of the class by turning the half of the lights off, and on. Clever. Walking back to the board, she writes her name in both kanji and hiragana. Turning back to us, she begins signing, speaking at the same time. [Hello, and welcome to Yamaku's school for the Slightly Less Abled. My name is Harue Sonohara, and I'll be your homeroom and math instructor. I'm sure you've guessed, but it you have any questions about the school, the staff, or math, you can contact me between classes or in my office after hours. Now, I know it's a bit cliche, but I'd like to spend this first class introducing ourselves and getting to know each of you. To that end, I'd like each of you to write a one-paragraph essay about your study habits and goals for the year, as well as three things about yourself. As for the introductions, I'll go first.]

[My name is Harue Sonohara, but I was actually born in fall, so my nickname ended up being Aki. You're not allowed to call me that. My hearing is fine, so if you're talking in the middle of class, I'll know. I took up sign because my daughter was diagnosed with severe sensorineural hearing loss, and teaching here as part of an arrangement for when she eventually enrolls. I like manga and anime, although I really don't watch or read all that much of it these days. I also like math, of course, because you can do a lot of neat things with it when you know how. I dislike late submissions, incomplete work, and proper fractions. They're not proper, is all. No one decided that.] She looks genuinely unhappy at the thought.

With that, the introductions begin. My name comes rather early, so I hold off on the essay and watch the first several students march up front. Although not all of them are proficient enough with sign to use it, Sonohara translates on request, signing or speaking as needed.

Average. Boring. Far too nervous. Average. Average.

Before long, it's my turn. I've already prepared my speech, and the lackluster showing from my classmates only strengthens my resolve to leave an impression. I stride confidently to the front, delivering my signs with the force and finesse of a martial artist. [My name is Shizune Hakamichi. I like challenges, contests and competitions. I dislike apathy, excuses, coddling and retreating. My hobby is victory. And I enjoy my hobby. I hope to have an exceptional year.] I cross my arms for a moment and survey the class. I'm fairly certain that's 'stunned silence'. I don't see any hand movements, anyway. Sonohara seems unable to sign anything intelligible as she stifles laughter. I cooly raise an eyebrow and wait for her to recover. Eventually, she manages to compose herself. [Oh I am going to like you, Hakamichi.]


After returning to my seat, I watch the rest of the introductions with passive interest, and return to my previous observations. Many of the students decline to introduce themselves, although this only makes them stand out all the more, in my opinion, and I turn to focus on them in more detail. They seem upset, judging from the subtle facial expressions and body language. I could be misinterpreting it. I consider the information, and quickly think of the solution.

Oh, I see. They're basically just me from a month ago.

They're crippled. It's a fact, not an opinion, and though I've made peace with the things I can't do, it stands to reason that many of my classmates have yet to accept their hearing loss. For them, this school isn't so much a ray of hope as it is a grim reminder of their limitations. I suppose that's understandable. Well, sucks to be them. I just hope they don't get all weepy on me. The last thing I need is a sob story about how terrible life is from someone who only just figured it out.

Satisfied with my analysis, I begin my essay.


The flickering lights pull my attention from my idle schedule rearrangements.

[Okay, that's enough socializing. Before I let you head out, though, there is the matter of class president. Do I have any volunteers or suggestions?]

All eyes turn to me, my hand being the only one raised.

Sonohara looks as surprised as I do.

[Well, that was easy.]


Name: Shizune Hakamichi

Goals and Methods: While I recognize that a literally perfect grade is unrealistic, I see no reason not to achieve at least a ninety or higher on any graded assignment. The central tenets of my work ethic are strict scheduling, as well as proper prioritization and organization. Additionally, math has always been one of my stronger subjects, as answers are absolute. There are no subjective interpretations in math. There is always a clear, defined answer, even if that answer is 'no possible solution'.

I've taken an interest in taiko performances, and I'm looking forward to attending one soon.
I dislike modern art. It requires little skill, and banks on the interpretation of the viewer to compensate. Anyone can hand over a blank canvas and say 'imagine a masterpiece.'
I learned contact sign language so that I could argue with my blind cousin. It was a lot of effort, but I was really upset at the time.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:21 am
by Blank Mage
Expect a delay for chapter 3. It's around this point I have to start worrying about continuity, and chapters are about to get significantly longer.

Well, let the author without sin cast the first sto- *Dewelar throws rock*

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:32 am
by azumeow
Sorry, but I'll be throwing that rock. Despite the fact that, being a very sinful pseudo-author, I have no stones to throw. Not unlike my supply of fucks to give at any given moment. Though I always keep emergency rations for when SHTF.

ANYWAY, on to the thing. It's a nice thing, and I am enjoying it. I like what you're doing with this. Also part of the reasons I have no stones to throw: I'm not a critic. I would feel too terrible to say anything disparaging about someone's work. Usually. Unless it's like "BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA EVERY CHARACTER YOU LOVE SUCKS AND SHOULD DIE" and they're serious about it.

Sorry, I am a bit loopy. Your avatar would like me where I am at the moment. Fuckin' CERN.

Might have laid the crazy on a bit too thick. But that's okay, because I AM crazy! :D

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:02 am
by AntonSlavik020
Really liked Shizune's introduction speech. I'm not surprised pretty much the entire class(teacher included), were so caught off guard by it. Not that I expect anything less from her. Yamaku won't know what hit it.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:40 pm
by Gajzla
Two small things.
she echoes. [I've got my own problems to worry about. Heck, if I make an exam too hard, I risk giving someone a heart attack.]

Would you use a word like "Heck" in the middle of sign language? Seems more something you would do in verbal speech.
He leans over to shake hands, and I do so, crushing his hand slightly. (Handshakes are battles. Only the weak disagree.)

I might be wrong, but don’t most people in Japan bow in greeting?

Otherwise liking this so far. Shizune has never been my favourite character, but I think a lot is gained from seeing things through her eyes.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:28 pm
by Blackmambauk
Second chapter was good I felt.

All grammar and spelling correct apart from what was pointed in previous review.

As Gajzla said above, Bowing especially to elders is much more of the norm in Japan, hand shaking tends to be rarely done. Plus Shizune would not likely do handshakes anyone considering how hands in general are to her. Namely quite an intimate matter, remember when Hisao accidently touch her hands in the game of carrying Kenji's box and she dropped it. For her it was like Hisao accidently kissing her. It's one of the reasons why she touches his hands often in their h-scenes. Hands in general for Deaf people are like lips are for normal people. It's their way of communicating with the world, and their senses in them are much stronger than usual. neural plasticity being the word here.

Liked Shizune's interactions with Lilly and the students, as well as her tenancy to make everything a game. I never got tired of that in her route, but it would be annoying trait to deal with at times in real life.

Take your time doing each chapter, you want to do it right so take as much time as you need to get it right.


Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:47 pm
by Mirage_GSM
Shaking hands is becoming more common in Japan I think.
When I was there, most people offered their hands even when I started bowing first - though that may have been partly because of me being a gaikokujin...

As for sign language - I don't "speak" (any) sign language myself, but from what I've read about them, if you're aiming for "realistic" sign language you'd have to abandon a whole lot of grammar as well - it's probably not something one should try to emulate without being at least passingly familiar with it.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:02 pm
by Gajzla
Mirage_GSM wrote:Shaking hands is becoming more common in Japan I think.
When I was there, most people offered their hands even when I started bowing first - though that may have been partly because of me being a gaikokujin...

As for sign language - I don't "speak" (any) sign language myself, but from what I've read about them, if you're aiming for "realistic" sign language you'd have to abandon a whole lot of grammar as well - it's probably not something one should try to emulate without being at least passingly familiar with it.
Remember all this happens 10 years ago. I agree that realistic sign language would be jarring to the reader, but I think its important to show a difference between verbal speech and sign language with more than "Speech marks" vs. [Brackets]. This could be harder to achieve here because there will never be verbal speech unless we change PoV.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:33 pm
by dewelar
Blank Mage wrote:Well, let the author without sin cast the first sto- *Dewelar throws rock*
Notice that it wasn't a stone, it was a rock. Big difference.

Anyway, allow me to say right now that Sonohara is on my radar as a character I'm probably going to enjoy. I loved the line about the defibrillator :D . Also, the fact that Shizune might be even more competitive here (at least outwardly) than in the original game makes a lot of sense for various reasons.

A couple of minor things:
Okay, well, first pants, but then conquest.
Should be "skirt", I think, since she mentions uniforms in the next paragraph. Otherwise this was a cute line.

Also, you've got a stray quote tag at the end of the chapter. Otherwise, we're still in "so far, so good" territory!

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:02 pm
by Blank Mage
dewelar wrote: Should be "skirt", I think, since she mentions uniforms in the next paragraph. Otherwise this was a cute line.
Let it be known that I will sacrifice accuracy for comedic impact.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:33 am
by Leaty
Gajzla wrote:I might be wrong, but don’t most people in Japan bow in greeting?
I really can't even begin to articulate how much this criticism aggravates me. It comes up constantly on these boards and it's the most pointless pedantic annoying thing ever.

When I was writing the earliest chapters of my fic (Back when MTtB wasn't meant to be anything more than a proof of concept, and I wasn't putting a whole lot of thought into plot arcs) I wrote a chapter that borrowed fairly liberally from one of the scenes in the VN ('Gateway Effect'), because the chapter was nothing more than an AU version of that scene. That scene, from the VN, literally has Hisao shake hands with Mutou. When I replicated that in my fic, I got a PM saying "um, I really think they should be bowing instead."

It's literally in the damn game. PM the devs about it, not the writers emulating them.

Anyway, having gotten "Leaty is such a bitch" out of the way, let's quote-point:
Blank Mage wrote:My form of late is deserving of no small praise, after all.
Oh, Shizune. You're going to be blowing so much of your allowance on quickly-outgrown bras.
Blank Mage wrote:My hair is trickier. After spending more time than I'd have liked, I strike a balance; nonchalant without coming off as sloppy or informal.
Actually, this has gotten me wondering: how long has Shizune worn the hairstyle she exhibits in the VN? I know that girls wearing the same hairstyle forever and ever is an anime trope because faces get drawn so similarly, but it's not one I felt needed to be paid homage in KS fic (and, in fact, I quietly spoof it in my fic--Iwanako's worn her hair differently every day of the week so far.)
Blank Mage wrote:I wait until she taps her way out of the thickest section of the cafeteria, sight down my fingers, and snap with all the force I can muster. Lilly flinches instantly. Bull's-eye.
I underestimated how cathartic this scene was going to be. It's really nice to see them during these early days when they were still getting along. I friendShip Lilly/Shizune so damn hard. It's going to be heartbreaking to watch their relationship disintegrate later on, though at least that gives me an excuse to reread Developments so I can feel better. (Total side note: fic idea. Hanako Bad End continuation, friendless adult Hanako makes friends with friendless adult Shizune.)
Blank Mage wrote:(I occasionally worry she might blind me one day. Escalation.)
Now I want to write a ficlet where Lilly swipes Shizune's glasses.
Blank Mage wrote:The rest of my class begins filing it
Typo there.
Blank Mage wrote:[-nice, but you never really know. ...She can probably read sign, she's teaching the deaf class. Honestly, Mitsuki...]
I can't articulate exactly why this line tickles me so much, but now I really want Mitsuki the Deaf Airhead to become a thing in this fic. (Another total sidenote: My KS headcanon is becoming rather large, like a Morrowind playthough with hundreds of gameplay mods, and I can already tell that it's going to bother me that I know inductively that much of the cast of Tomorrow's Doom would theoretically be in Sonohara's class if that fic is canon, but that none of them will appear because, obviously, this is not a Helbereth fic. I think I'm just going to pretend that Aiko is constantly floating around offscreen.)
Blank Mage wrote: I took up sign because my daughter was diagnosed with severe sensorineural hearing loss, and teaching here as part of an arrangement for when she eventually enrolls.
Typo here.

I wasn't expecting Sonohara to be a mom. I always sort of take it for granted that none of the Yamaku faculty have any children of their own, for some goofy reason.
Well, sucks to be them. I just hope they don't get all weepy on me. The last thing I need is a sob story about how terrible life is from someone who only just figured it out.
Ouch, Shizune.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this installment, and I look forward to the next one, whenever it comes.

Re: Lost in Translation - A Shizune Prequel

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:25 am
by Blank Mage
Leaty wrote: Hanako Bad End continuation, friendless adult Hanako makes friends with friendless adult Shizune.)
I jot a line down on the notepad, sliding it across the table to Hanako. So, what happened to Lilly? I can't help but notice the thinly veiled anger as she writes her response. She stole the only person I ever loved and then booked it to Scotland. I give a sympathetic shrug. Hey, I tried to warn you. I mean, sure, I'm a horrible person, but at least I'm up-front about it.

...You're right, this is a thing that needs to happen.
I think I'm just going to pretend that Aiko is constantly floating around offscreen.)

I considered asking for permission to borrow a character or two, but then I would have to finish TD to get a better idea of how to write her, and since I'd like to write chapter three sometime this year, I'll just have to pass.