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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:08 pm
by Enemy |
It's raining and cold in here too, but at least I got a treadmill. If I move though I'm gonna have to enter a gym to keep running.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:15 pm
by Pseudogenesis
Nullc0de wrote:It would be even better if I said 283 to 285 K, but no one but scholars likes using Kelvin.

Also, dat Parity+Space Jam in your sign.

Agreed. On both points. I should learn to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin so I've got another pretentious and bothersome way of doing an everyday task. ;P

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:46 am
by dwarduk
Pseudogenesis wrote:
Nullc0de wrote:It would be even better if I said 283 to 285 K, but no one but scholars likes using Kelvin.

Also, dat Parity+Space Jam in your sign.

Agreed. On both points. I should learn to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin so I've got another pretentious and bothersome way of doing an everyday task. ;P
K = (F + 459.4)/1.8, I believe :D. I'm gonna do the pushup challenge in 5 minutes or so; planning this close to the actual event is the only way I can get myself started :lol: Oh well...

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:02 am
by Pseudogenesis
dwarduk wrote:
Pseudogenesis wrote:
Nullc0de wrote:It would be even better if I said 283 to 285 K, but no one but scholars likes using Kelvin.

Also, dat Parity+Space Jam in your sign.

Agreed. On both points. I should learn to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin so I've got another pretentious and bothersome way of doing an everyday task. ;P
K = (F + 459.4)/1.8, I believe :D
Oh good, I was expecting something arbitrary and hard to remember. sarcasm

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:05 am
by dwarduk_mobile
I just prefer the simpler formula, myself, rather than K = 9(F-32) + 273.15...

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:25 am
by Althamus
Pseudogenesis wrote: (Had to plug "Stones" into a converter btw, I live in the US and thus have never heard of that unit. :p)
Huh, never realised that pounds and stones don't always go together. Over here, they're as linked as feet and inches, or metres and cms.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:25 am
by Nullc0de
Fortunately, we don't use Fahrenheit here, Celsius to Kelvin is far easier: K = ÂșC + 273. Also, I'd rather just do Fahrenheit to Celsius [C = 9.(F-32)/5], then Celsius to Kelvin, which is the way I learned in school back in the day.

Also, we're starting to derail the thread .-.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:17 am
Gandara wrote:Awesome Rin push-ups chart! I'm glad my idea got legs.


Small update

Good news. I've been sticking to my diet and light exercise pretty okay for the past few weeks, a few slips due to injury but nothing terrible. However, I tried jogging on the way to work today and did amazing! I still can't get very far, but I can jog farther then I was before and I don't lose my breath as easily. Improvement has been observed. My trek to work, a 1.5 mile excursion, normally takes me 30 minutes. By my math, that means I normally walk about 3 mph. Today, I made the trip in 23 minutes, which averages out to about 3.9 mph. I am quite pleased with this.

On top of it all, I'm experiencing other noticeable changes too. I can bound up stairs 2 at a time, something I haven't been able to do since I was a child, and even though I have to hold the railing as I do so (these old bones ain't what they used to be) I am not winded at all by the top of the 22-stair flight. My feet hurt less every day, I'm experiencing less digestive problems, and I managed to fit into a 2X shirt. It didn't leave much to the imagination, but I wasn't tearing out of it Hulk-style by simply moving.

I don't want to get a big head or anything, but if I am indeed a "success story" of this thread, if anyone can take anything away from my journey, let it be this - it IS possible. It's not easy, it's not quick, but it is absolutely doable as long as you dedicate yourself to the pursuit. Do it for Emi, do it for yourself, do it for your future. Get in shape!

I dunno how people got this topic into beards buuuut, I praise thee Gandara for an awesome job at that. True, ya can do it if ya keep trying. (They used to call me chubby, but now that my diet was a success, who's fat now eh!? wahahaha) Though I'm not really proud that my 2 moths of diet was starving myself by not eating breakfast. (at least I was successful dood!)

@akros: dang! (I'm glad yer back to normal though.) Looks like I gotta start gettin' my ass in gear again. I'm still planning to catch up, you mean person! (my nick does sound like an evil robot. lol)

Didn't manage to run the full 5 minutes of W4D1's last run. At 2 and a half minutes I had to turn off the treadmill and lie on the floor for one or two minutes, 'till my heart stopped pounding. A bit disappointing, but I'll try to do it properly on the next days, or, if needed, re-do Week 4. On a good note, my blood pressure didn't drop.
It's ok mate, we all have our bad days. I experienced that at some point when those annoying stitches in mah stomach kept bothering me to the point where I had to stop halfway...Look on the bright side, your definitely gonna feel some runner's high when ya feel better. (at least, that's what happened to me.) Oh yeah, running out doors are fun too, helps ya relax while running.

lastly, an update: I did surprisingly well on Althamus's push-up guide. looks like things are starting to look up for me!

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:48 pm
by dwarduk
Tried pushups this morning; couldn't do one today because I could not manage to keep my back straight :/ Probably just technique; I hope so.

As for my alternative F-K converter, I forgot to include the divide by 5 xD. Yeah, that one does convert to Celsius, then subtracts 273.15 to go to Kelvin.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:07 pm
by Xanatos
I feel dumb. It never occurred to me that I can tell the weather to go fuck itself and just get a treadmill. XD

On the other hand, my room lacks space for such a thing unless it were a particularly small one...Eh, I'll fit it in somehow and NO, that is not what he/she said.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:50 pm
by Enemy |
Did W4D2, all the way
Gotta go at-a-slightly-lower-speed-than-I-was-before

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:02 pm
by Thespian
Xanatos wrote:I feel dumb. It never occurred to me that I can tell the weather to go fuck itself and just get a treadmill. XD

On the other hand, my room lacks space for such a thing unless it were a particularly small one...Eh, I'll fit it in somehow and NO, that is not what he/she said.
Heh, your posts so often make me smile. I love your sense of humor!

Anyway, I don't really like running, so I'm not going to do that. I chose to go swimming instead and found out that I really am in poor shape. I've always had poor stamina and probably always will, but I hadn't expected it to be this bad. After some serious stroking (har har) my heart was pounding way too fast, so I took it easier and spent about two hours there. It felt good overall though, so I'll most probably make this a weekly thing. Was pretty sore the day after though...
I didn't do this for Emi though, thinking of her didn't encourage me to push harder. Thinking of all you guys (and gals?) making an effort did, though. So thanks and let's keep going!

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:17 pm
by Xanatos
Thespian wrote:
Xanatos wrote:I feel dumb. It never occurred to me that I can tell the weather to go fuck itself and just get a treadmill. XD

On the other hand, my room lacks space for such a thing unless it were a particularly small one...Eh, I'll fit it in somehow and NO, that is not what he/she said.
Heh, your posts so often make me smile. I love your sense of humor!

Anyway, I don't really like running, so I'm not going to do that. I chose to go swimming instead and found out that I really am in poor shape. I've always had poor stamina and probably always will, but I hadn't expected it to be this bad. After some serious stroking (har har) my heart was pounding way too fast, so I took it easier and spent about two hours there. It felt good overall though, so I'll most probably make this a weekly thing. Was pretty sore the day after though...
I didn't do this for Emi though, thinking of her didn't encourage me to push harder. Thinking of all you guys (and gals?) making an effort did, though. So thanks and let's keep going!
Heh. My humor tends to be rather dry (or just offensive) to many. For a professional example of either, look up Mitch Hedberg or George Carlin, respectively.

And I can't swim. Lack the muscle control on my right side so I just steer in circles like a fish with food flakes stuck on its ass. xD

I started and continue (albeit VERY infrequently until I can get the equipment and scheduling figured out) for Emi. My connection to her is simply more than my connection to any real people. Hell, my connection to characters in far more perverse games is more than my connection to real people. With the move away from this crummy redneck area, I'm hoping to try to repair my various damages a bit...Though even if I don't, the simple fact of more distractions in an urban area will suffice.

Completely unrelated, a teppanyaki place is being built in town. I've never been to one...

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:15 pm
by ook
Just an update, pushups are going well so far. I've been able to complete every day (w1d1-w2d1) just barely. I'm curious as to what day will finally do me in and I'll have to repeat it. W2D3 looks like a big jump, so I'm guessing that one.

However, I also share some weather-related woes with you guys. I've got a 5k run coming up this sunday (my 2nd one ever!) but it's been so hot these past few weeks that I haven't ran much. Right now I can barely run 1 mile without dripping sweat and feeling exhausted. :(
To make it worse, the race is in the morning, and I have to work until 4 am the night before, so I'm not gonna be able to get much sleep.
I'm a bit nervous about this one, but I still gotta give it a try.

In times like these, I'm reminded of the 3rd verse of Eye of the Tiger:

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, staying hungry
They stack the odds
Still we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive

whoever wrote that song was a genius.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:44 pm
by Nullc0de
Weather is being relentless, went for a quick walk to buy something to eat, 30 seconds later I start feeling needles being pulled through my feet and legs.

I blame feminists.