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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:18 am
by Enemy |
Yeah, I'm resting for the weekend, and then starting Week 4 Monday. Good (?) news is I got a headache Saturday just by walking in the cold so it's probably not because of the running.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:09 am
by Akros
ZXRN wrote:Wow, I envy you guys. I couldn't run at all this whole week due to my job and not waking up last morning.

To Gandara who just lost 50 lbs. congrats dood :D !
to Enemy, give it a day and you'll be okay. (cool, it rhymed wahaha)
to jmeks, good job on finishing week 5 dood, (damn..i'm gettin' left behind again!)
and lastly, advanced congrats to Walrusfella who's almost finished with his goal.

no updates from me...sad.
You are not the only one, I've been really busy the last couple of days so no time to exercise at all :(

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:51 pm
by Pseudogenesis
I started running before I started Emi's route, and wasn't particularly affected by it. However, since this is basically the exercise corner, I thought I'd drop in. I'm quite surprised at how well I've been doing. Until now I've been leading a sorta sedentary life. Since I got my PE credits out of the way sophomore year, I didn't have any regular exercise schedule all Junior year, or for the first half of summer. I'm a very skinny guy though, so it hasn't been a problem. However, about a week ago I started running. Every other day at around midnight I'll go out and run until I decide to stop. Even before PE ended I was never good at distance, which is why I'm so surprised at how well I'm doing.

The distance around a block for me is over a quarter of a mile.

The first day I could barely even run 2 times around the block in a row. I probably ran around 4 blocks.

The second day I ran 5 times around the block, the last 2 being consecutive.

The third day I ran 10 times around the block, with the last 6 being consecutive.

Yesterday I ran 9 times around the block consecutively, with the last lap being basically a sprint.

So why the hell am I improving so quickly?

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:42 am
by HurricaneHarvey
Pseudogenesis wrote:So why the hell am I improving so quickly?
Could be you were in relatively good shape already from some other activity and getting used to running is all it is rather than building any muscle or endurance that was not already there so its faster.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:58 am
by HurricaneHarvey

I tried my hand and making a Rin version. Any obvious blunders?

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:04 am
by Xanatos
HurricaneHarvey wrote:Any obvious blunders?
"lend a hand"

:P Insensitive!

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:04 am
HurricaneHarvey wrote:Image

I tried my hand and making a Rin version. Any obvious blunders?
friggin' awesome mate! I love this. wahaha~ To be Rin's arm model is gonna be my inspiration on this one.

(my only correction is the wrong grammar at the first paragraph I think... the one with "more push-ups than you could before" part. Coz you put then. (then again, if i'm wrong then ignore me lolz.)

@Akros: it's ok dood! at least it's only a couple of days. Look on the bright side, your still more fit than I am. wahahaha. (ohoho Must take this advantage to catch up!)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:33 pm
by Gandara
Awesome Rin push-ups chart! I'm glad my idea got legs.


Small update

Good news. I've been sticking to my diet and light exercise pretty okay for the past few weeks, a few slips due to injury but nothing terrible. However, I tried jogging on the way to work today and did amazing! I still can't get very far, but I can jog farther then I was before and I don't lose my breath as easily. Improvement has been observed. My trek to work, a 1.5 mile excursion, normally takes me 30 minutes. By my math, that means I normally walk about 3 mph. Today, I made the trip in 23 minutes, which averages out to about 3.9 mph. I am quite pleased with this.

On top of it all, I'm experiencing other noticeable changes too. I can bound up stairs 2 at a time, something I haven't been able to do since I was a child, and even though I have to hold the railing as I do so (these old bones ain't what they used to be) I am not winded at all by the top of the 22-stair flight. My feet hurt less every day, I'm experiencing less digestive problems, and I managed to fit into a 2X shirt. It didn't leave much to the imagination, but I wasn't tearing out of it Hulk-style by simply moving.

I don't want to get a big head or anything, but if I am indeed a "success story" of this thread, if anyone can take anything away from my journey, let it be this - it IS possible. It's not easy, it's not quick, but it is absolutely doable as long as you dedicate yourself to the pursuit. Do it for Emi, do it for yourself, do it for your future. Get in shape!

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:36 pm
by Enemy |
Didn't manage to run the full 5 minutes of W4D1's last run. At 2 and a half minutes I had to turn off the treadmill and lie on the floor for one or two minutes, 'till my heart stopped pounding. A bit disappointing, but I'll try to do it properly on the next days, or, if needed, re-do Week 4. On a good note, my blood pressure didn't drop.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:10 pm
by Althamus
Wahahaha!~ Nice work HH, I've been working 11 hour days 5-6 days a week lately, so my free time was dropping right down, and in addition I couldn't think of what Rin'd say ^_^ You managed to capture the wording for her pretty awesomely :D

"Anyway" should be one word at the bottom, and a couple of the pushup figures that're in the lowered position have been slightly misformed with the paint bucket, but otherwise you did a great job :D

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:43 pm
by HurricaneHarvey
Now that I look at it and its not 4 in the morning here I see not only the mistakes pointed out but a couple more in the wording and picture coloring. I will make an fixed update soon but next time I think I will just post the link so it doesn't take so much space in the thread.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:24 pm
by Akros
Ok, so leg's getting better now :D
Did a 20 min run today with a friend, surprisingly enough, I had to stop because of him, anyway, it was ok and I don't wanna overdo myself like last time.
Also, some sit ups and W3D2 push-ups :D
and tomorrow first thing in the morning there's a football game I have to play :D
the break is over for you ZXRN hahahahahaha ( saying your nick like that makes it sound like you are some kind of evil guy, well, at least on my mind xD )

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:11 pm
by Pseudogenesis
HurricaneHarvey wrote:
Pseudogenesis wrote:So why the hell am I improving so quickly?
Could be you were in relatively good shape already from some other activity and getting used to running is all it is rather than building any muscle or endurance that was not already there so its faster.

I've had no other outside activities.
I've never, ever been good at running distance. (Wheezing and welcoming Death's warm embrace after a mile run were always my specialty.)
And I'm a scrawny little bitch with barely any muscle. :p Not that I'm weak, though. I can do 20 pushups easily, so I think I'm basically on par with strength given my weight.

I actually broke my every-other-day schedule yesterday because I've been enjoying it so much. I ran 6 times around the block at a relatively brisk pace and barely even broke a sweat, then did some light muscle group resistance training on my lawn. The routine I tried (Basically just mixing in whichever exercises I thought of next) was 10 pushups to 20 lunges to 10 clap push ups to 60 bicycle kicks to 10 fist push ups to a 2 minute plank, if anyone's wondering. It's great to just do things like that, always mixing the muscle groups up so they don't get too worn out.

Seriously, this is AWESOME. I've never had so much fun just with exercising before. It's a bit like meditation. I think, I relax, I mentally compose bad prose and I wear off the runner's high by sitting on the car staring at the stars for half an hour. Why haven't I done this before?

The only problem is, I've been eating a lot more than I have in a while. I've actually gained 5 pounds since I started exercising, up to 135 lbs. This is especially odd for me, considering my weight almost never deviates from 130. It's either muscle (Unlikely, given I've only exercised maybe 8 times since I started) or fat, which seems more odd than unlikely to me. I've always seen it as healthiest to just eat when I'm hungry, but now I'm more often hungry than not. Wat do.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:20 pm
by Xanatos
Pseudogenesis wrote:
HurricaneHarvey wrote:
Pseudogenesis wrote:So why the hell am I improving so quickly?
Could be you were in relatively good shape already from some other activity and getting used to running is all it is rather than building any muscle or endurance that was not already there so its faster.

I've had no other outside activities.
I've never, ever been good at running distance. (Wheezing and welcoming Death's warm embrace after a mile run were always my specialty.)
And I'm a scrawny little bitch with barely any muscle. :p Not that I'm weak, though. I can do 20 pushups easily, so I think I'm basically on par with strength given my weight.

I actually broke my every-other-day schedule yesterday because I've been enjoying it so much. I ran 6 times around the block at a relatively brisk pace and barely even broke a sweat, then did some light muscle group resistance training on my lawn. The routine I tried (Basically just mixing in whichever exercises I thought of next) was 10 pushups to 20 lunges to 10 clap push ups to 60 bicycle kicks to 10 fist push ups to a 2 minute plank, if anyone's wondering. It's great to just do things like that, always mixing the muscle groups up so they don't get too worn out.

Seriously, this is AWESOME. I've never had so much fun just with exercising before. It's a bit like meditation. I think, I relax, I mentally compose bad prose and I wear off the runner's high by sitting on the car staring at the stars for half an hour. Why haven't I done this before?

The only problem is, I've been eating a lot more than I have in a while. I've actually gained 5 pounds since I started exercising, up to 135 lbs. This is especially odd for me, considering my weight almost never deviates from 130. It's either muscle (Unlikely, given I've only exercised maybe 8 times since I started) or fat, which seems more odd than unlikely to me. I've always seen it as healthiest to just eat when I'm hungry, but now I'm more often hungry than not. Wat do.
In my (admittedly minimal) experience, a sudden boost in activity can lead to more frequent hunger. It's less of a "You need to eat" thing and more of the body going "This out-of-shape guy's suddenly running a lot. WAT DO." :P

I'm going to try to start working on Emi's running schedule in another week or so, after I've ironed out various other details in my schedule.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:48 pm
by Pseudogenesis
Xanatos wrote:
Pseudogenesis wrote:
HurricaneHarvey wrote: Could be you were in relatively good shape already from some other activity and getting used to running is all it is rather than building any muscle or endurance that was not already there so its faster.

I've had no other outside activities.
I've never, ever been good at running distance. (Wheezing and welcoming Death's warm embrace after a mile run were always my specialty.)
And I'm a scrawny little bitch with barely any muscle. :p Not that I'm weak, though. I can do 20 pushups easily, so I think I'm basically on par with strength given my weight.

I actually broke my every-other-day schedule yesterday because I've been enjoying it so much. I ran 6 times around the block at a relatively brisk pace and barely even broke a sweat, then did some light muscle group resistance training on my lawn. The routine I tried (Basically just mixing in whichever exercises I thought of next) was 10 pushups to 20 lunges to 10 clap push ups to 60 bicycle kicks to 10 fist push ups to a 2 minute plank, if anyone's wondering. It's great to just do things like that, always mixing the muscle groups up so they don't get too worn out.

Seriously, this is AWESOME. I've never had so much fun just with exercising before. It's a bit like meditation. I think, I relax, I mentally compose bad prose and I wear off the runner's high by sitting on the car staring at the stars for half an hour. Why haven't I done this before?

The only problem is, I've been eating a lot more than I have in a while. I've actually gained 5 pounds since I started exercising, up to 135 lbs. This is especially odd for me, considering my weight almost never deviates from 130. It's either muscle (Unlikely, given I've only exercised maybe 8 times since I started) or fat, which seems more odd than unlikely to me. I've always seen it as healthiest to just eat when I'm hungry, but now I'm more often hungry than not. Wat do.
In my (admittedly minimal) experience, a sudden boost in activity can lead to more frequent hunger. It's less of a "You need to eat" thing and more of the body going "This out-of-shape guy's suddenly running a lot. WAT DO." :P
That made me grin. I guess I'll just have to say "Screw you, those Cheez Its aren't nearly delicious as you'd like me to believe" now then.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I feel as though everyone's my senior here.