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Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:12 pm
by Zarys
Broomhead wrote:
Kibaro wrote:off above topic, i was just wondering and i'm pretty sure this was already discuseed but maybe someone can tell me as well, wouldn't a heart transplant fix hisao's problems?
That's actually how I thought Lilly Neutral Ending would happen when I heard about it.
What ?

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:15 pm
by Broomhead
Zarys wrote:
Broomhead wrote:
Kibaro wrote:off above topic, i was just wondering and i'm pretty sure this was already discuseed but maybe someone can tell me as well, wouldn't a heart transplant fix hisao's problems?
That's actually how I thought Lilly Neutral Ending would happen when I heard about it.
What ?
Spoilers inbound: During act 4, Lilly leaves for Scotland "forever" (in the good ending she comes back for you) which causes Hisao to get all depressed. In both endings, he runs to the airport and chases after her, leading to a hheart attack which leaves him in the hospital. Good end has Lilly coming back to sit by you at one point, and you live happily ever after, etc. before I finished, I guessed neutral end was that Hisao had a heart attack and Lilly gave him her heart, metaphorically and literally. Sounds like a crap romance novel, but the brain does what it does.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:20 pm
by Megumeru
SpunkySix wrote:
Can we move past the jimmy rustling to something a little... not that? Like, okay, who do you think legitimately stays in contact after Yamaku?
Legitimately stays in contact as in...

'continuously be in touch for a very-very long time?'

That's quite a sad subject to look upon, really. Just look back to your own post high-school experience and count how many friends from high school you still legitimately keep in touch (unless of course, you're going to the same university; even then, are you still in touch with them?). High school is just a small step in life until you meet new people in university, make new friends, etc.

Time for a dissection!


Let's pull up a scenario based on what we know from the endings/bad endings. After graduation, they will most definitely go their separate ways (unless hinted otherwise such as in Shizune's good ending, where it is given a clear cut how Hisao plans on attending the same university as Shizune)

Between 'x' KS-girl and Hisao? It might last for awhile before it vanishes. Let's be real here. Ever watch 'Five centimeter per-second'? Read it? This is how I imagine the relationship/communication of most girls will end up in.

What I can think of is this:
- Hanako and Hisao's relationship might start to brittle in time. Once Hisao goes to his choice of university, Hanako would insist on following her own choice of university (she's not a weak girl; she's stronger than what she shows, and it's evident on her good ending). In the end, depending on how it goes, Hanako and Hisao might go their separate ways OR actually remain in touch for quite a time before it 'ended'.
- Lilly's. Sure, happy ending in the main story--again, it ended on Summer Holidays and she still has a lot to answer from her parents (what? You think sending Akira there so she'd take the brunt would solve everything? She only dodged a bullet and a problem--it wasn't solved). What could happen is Lilly returning to Scotland to finally settle everything while Hisao remains in Japan to pursue his degree, and what follows is a long-distance relationship that will start to brittle by the time their personal life starts to interfere. IF it survives, they'll come out strong--but will Lilly return to Japan or Hisao going to Scotland to confront her parents is up to speculation.
- Emi's and Hisao's would last post-graduation; again, just like what happened in the events of 'Five Centimeters per-second', if they decide to go on separate universities, chances are they'll split up BUT they'll leave each other a lasting memory and maybe--in a reunion or something--they'll rekindle their relationship again. I actually have good hopes for her and Hisao's relationship.
- Rin's, sadly, may not last long post-graduation. She may wonder around with her own shenanigans, doing whatever she wants and going wherever the wind blows the dandelions and maybe achieving great things. Hisao will go to a university and become Mutou 2.0, but unless he still has intent to pursue Rin as she goes on the trip to 'enlightenment' and self-discovery, Rin might eventually bury Hisao underneath her train of thoughts and he'll disappear.
- Shizune's the only one where I see Hisao persistently state in the ending that he has the intention of going to a university she will attend, thus extending the lifeline of their relationship even further. Probably will be the longest-lasting continuous relationship compare to the rest (with the exception of Emi--THAT will make a good fic). Same university? Check. Old acquaintances? Check. Boyfriend/girlfriend duo? Check. What comes to be the problem would be keeping in touch with Misha. They'll be in touch for a few months after embarking on their separate ways, but they'll probably stop contacting each other soon after. Although, just like Hisao and Emi, once they meet again--accidental or not--they'll have a lot of catching up that will surely push Hisao to the corner for a good while. A particular fanfiction by TheMocow actually covered this little dissection of Hisao/Shizune/Misha which, I believe, isn't actually too far off from what it will be like post-Yamaku.

Between each other? They'll probably stop keeping in touch (Hanako and Lilly will probably remain the same, albeit the frequency will decrease; Emi and Rin will be similar, but the frequency will degenerate even faster before it 'dies'). Shizune and Misha--well, I've explained that, didn't I? They'll probably stop talking for a long time, but once they meet again you'll have them talking for hours on phones with lots of catching up (Hisao might actually be left in the dust when this happen). They WILL, however (all the KS girls), be your regular 'chatty group of women in that corner of a bar/coffee shop/tea shop' if they happen to meet each other post-graduation.

Now then, let the rustling begin!

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:25 pm
by Zykes
Broomhead wrote: Spoilers inbound: During act 4, Lilly leaves for Scotland "forever" (in the good ending she comes back for you) which causes Hisao to get all depressed. In both endings, he runs to the airport and chases after her, leading to a hheart attack which leaves him in the hospital. Good end has Lilly coming back to sit by you at one point, and you live happily ever after, etc. before I finished, I guessed neutral end was that Hisao had a heart attack and Lilly gave him her heart, metaphorically and literally. Sounds like a crap romance novel, but the brain does what it does.
What in the world?!

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:27 pm
by Zarys
Megumeru wrote: Legitimately stays in contact as in...

'continuously be in touch for a very-very long time?'

What rustling ? it's seems credible, even if I don't see why things would be better with Emi and Shizune than with the others. (Why only Emi might meet again with him and after trying a new relationship with him ? it does not make sense)
I agree with the general idea, but you're so pessimistic to Hanako and Lilly only because you don't like them : Why Hanako would ABSOLUTLY choose an another unnivertisy than him ? that they may do so, but not just to piss him off, and again the scenario of "5cm per meter" could happens with each girl and not only Shizune and Emi.
Lilly's story is farfetched

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:32 pm
by bhtooefr
Lilly route spoilers: That is... not where the bad and good endings diverge (and there's no third ending where Hisao chases Lilly but fails to stop her). The bad ending, he never goes to the airport in the first place, and the VN simply ends the night Lilly leaves Yamaku. The good ending, it continues into the next day.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:33 pm
by dewelar
Zykes wrote:
Broomhead wrote: Spoilers inbound:
What in the world?!
Yeah, it's not really a spoiler if half of it is wrong. To begin with, that's not even where the two endings diverge.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:35 pm
by Zykes
dewelar wrote:
Zykes wrote:
Broomhead wrote: Spoilers inbound:
What in the world?!
Yeah, it's not really a spoiler if half of it is wrong. To begin with, that's not even where the two endings diverge.
I know that, I just thought that was such an turn for how the pacing of Lilly's story takes. Even if it was just person's assumption.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:38 pm
by Broomhead
That was an assumption on the bad ending as well. The original assumption was made in act 2 scene 2, so it was understandably wrong.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:40 pm
by Megumeru
Zarys wrote:What rustling ? it's seems credible, even if I don't see why things would be better with Emi and Shizune than with the others. (Why only Emi might meet again with him and after trying a new relationship with him ? it does not make sense)
There is always that one person in life that will leave such a lasting impression that changes you from 'A' to 'B' (in way of thinking, lifestyle, etc.)

Some of you might have this person, be it a teacher, a friend, a lover. No matter how far you go or how you never actually talk to them post-high school/graduation, you'll always remember them as someone that changed you.

Remember Emi before she goes out with Hisao? How she runs away from her problems concerning her attachment with her father? Now, remember Emi after she goes with Hisao and how he helped her face her fears? The scene in the graveyard, Hisao's persistence...all of that left a serious mark that Emi will remember for a very-very long time. Their relationship will brittle and will end once they go their separate ways past yamaku, but once they have a reunion again who knows? They'll actually more likely to go back together again--it's an on-off relationship, so to say, but one that will last a very long time.

Shizune pretty much has a similar effect to Emi's; rather, it's Hisao whom she has rubbed to and change. In the good ending, although stated subtly, it is hinted that Hisao decides to follow Shizune and attends the same university as hers--frankly, considering how confident he is both of them have their route into the future firmly secured.
Zarys wrote:I agree with the general idea, but you're so pessimistic to Hanako and Lilly only because you don't like them : Why Hanako would ABSOLUTLY choose an another unnivertisy than him ? that they may do so, but not just to piss him off, and again the scenario of "5cm per meter" could happens with each girl and not only Shizune and Emi.
Lilly's story is farfetched
I don't have anything against the girls, but that's just how it might go.

Look on Hanako's route for a second and look at the girl herself. One, she isn't as weak as she is often portrayed in her route (remember, she's capable of making friends on her own in Lilly's route) and two, she doesn't want to be protected/babied. Hanako survived fire, death of her parents, getting ridiculed by her friends in her former school, and living everyday with a burn scar--if she is as weak as most people think she is, she'd be hanging on the ceiling in a dormitory somewhere way before KS took place. Hanako is a strong girl; she's just lacking self-esteem and confidence, which isn't even supported considering how much Lilly babied her most of the time.

Hisao's presence only serve as a catalyst in bringing out Hanako's lack of self-esteem and confidence, other than that it will eventually grow out on its own. Compare that to Emi's, I don't think she'll change anytime soon if Hisao never appeared in her life.

Also, note Lilly's story and the conflict she's facing. She's supposed to answer to her parents in Scotland, to which she--again--dodged and sent Akira instead to explain. That is far from solving a conflict that is hanging up in the air and just merely postponed it before she has to confront it--either with her going back to Scotland, or her parents flying to Japan and dragging her back. She might 'solved' her relationship issue with Hisao, but she's far from solving her own personal issue with her family--that will comeback and haunt her, I guarantee it.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:43 pm
by Zarys
Because he does not leave a mark on Hanako and Lilly ? sorry but you're just not objective and refuse to analyze seriously the characters that you don't like.

IF Lilly remains in Japan Hisao why she STILL leave again to studies in Scotland ? it is clear that both want to become teachers.

And your theory ignores emotional bonds : Lilly is already ready to move beyond the difficulties (not to go in Scotland despite the social expectation), so there is little chance that the university stop them.

Where the relationship between Shizune and Hisao is not so strong.
The only comparison would be as we put more emphasis on the long-term signs or emotional connection, but it's subjective.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:53 pm
by Megumeru
Zarys wrote:Because he does not leave a mark on Hanako and Lilly ? sorry but you're just not objective and refuse to analyze seriously the characters that you don't like.
Added a few lines after your last edit, read again. As I said, I don't have anything against them and I explained my reason why.

Told you:
Jimmies are being rustled.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:59 pm
by dewelar
Zarys wrote:Because he does not leave a mark on Hanako and Lilly ? sorry but you're just not objective and refuse to analyze seriously the characters that you don't like.
Actually, I tend to think Lilly is the girl on whom Hisao had the least effect, and vice versa. As for Hanako, we don't even really see what kind of relationship they have -- the final scene in their route is really the beginning of their relationship -- so it's hard to judge.

Rin is a tougher call. I do think Hisao's presence had a greater effect on her of anyone other than Emi (the things that Rin realizes during her Good Ending are powerful ones), but her nature isn't particularly given to forming permanent relationships, at least not at this point in her life. It's anyone's guess what will happen there.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:08 pm
by brythain
Megumeru wrote:That's quite a sad subject to look upon, really. Just look back to your own post high-school experience and count how many friends from high school you still legitimately keep in touch (unless of course, you're going to the same university; even then, are you still in touch with them?). High school is just a small step in life until you meet new people in university, make new friends, etc.
Doing just that, I have to say that decades later, I am still in contact with at least 10% of all the people I knew in high school. We have reunions every five years; some of them I see roughly once a year, some I see more often than that. I married one. It all depends on what kind of person you are, and what accidents bring you together. There was this guy I hadn't seen for many years, and one day shortly after I moved house I found out he lives five minutes' walk away from me — and now he's become a colleague at work. If you have a large and diverse population, things happen.

I don't think I'm that exceptional; one of the few places where this kind of thing DOESN'T happen is North America, because of the distance between population centres. In other places in Europe and East Asia, where the population centres are closer, it happens a lot more often.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:11 pm
by Broomhead
I agree with Bry, it depends on who you are. I still know all of my friends from middle school (all 3 of them) and occasionally contact elementary friends. (Just one, the other betrayed me in middle school)