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Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:37 am
by Zarys
SpunkySix wrote:BLABLABLA
I'm not saying that she is a bad character, but she is much more common than the others, her charac-design is pretty common, personality type is well executed but not too unique,ect...and the only girls whose disability is visually interesting are Hanako and Rin.
How many genki girls with hidden dephts (and the most common traumatizm in the game) you can see in an anime ? How many introverts really really well played played (and not only for moe or laughs) can you see ? just KS with Hanako, Watamote and welcome to the nhk (and the three are very different in their behavior in the spectrum of social anxiety and introversion, and Hanako is still the more unique of the three, Tomoko is artificialy "energified" like many anime characters and the main character of nhk is not verry interresting in himself, his social anxiety his but they are not a real character inside)
Emi is just nice, a good academic example, but I will no remember her in 10,20 or even 30 years.
And "small breasts are better" is just a opinion, and a stupid reason for like someone.

Megumeru wrote: Here's some jimmy rustling:
If the majority believes Lilly and Hanako to be 'best', wouldn't that mean that their characters and plot to be rather shallow or easy to understand, riddled with cheap fluffy-gimmicks? Spoon-feeding the readers with 'feels'? In other words, mainstream?
More that they match the tastes of more people, and what I have said it's my opinion.
Criticize the quality of something because this is "mainstream" is as stupid as saying that something is good because it's popular. ((And I think there's probably more pretentious who like obscure things to don't be mainstream than people who love something because it's popular, of course some things are popular because they are knows and somethings are goods but unpopular because they are unknows, but it's does not apply to KS, since all content is equally known by definition, so all player is free to choose and not influenced, think that something is popular because most players are dumb is very
And not, I don't find the Shizune Route so good written, to understand Shizune and her family, we must guess from some clues what the author really meant but
was too exaggerated, poorly paced and ridiculous in his writing; yes Jigoro still cares for his daughter, the competitiveness of Shizune comes from him (and probably why she see the life as episodes as they compartmentalize and move on without remorse), she don't want to speak because she could not speak "properly" and because the whole family lacks of social talents, Hideaki has a certain affection for his sister...and ? I just ignore the clowning of Jigoro, Hideaki and even Shizune to find what could be writen at first, SO DEEP !
And if the Shizune Route is bad, how her character developement could be good ? she remains the same façade of "competitive, cold and aggresive girl", we learns almost nothing about her since the first scene with her at the end of her Route.

And you just' don't give a only one argument about why Shizune is not boring, she is cold, her character don't evolve as much as Misha and EVEN Kenji, she is absolutly no romantic...ect...
You just act as outraged and try to do ad hominem attacks, when me, I just "critize" (and critize is a great word) with argument.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:10 am
by LordMarluxia
Megumeru wrote:is someone trying to rustle my jimmies?

Shizune? Boring?

Want me to point you to a locked thread of the past where we smeared defeat on the faces of the Lilithians?
or take you to a journey of the past where we 'peel' Shizune's character and route strip by strip?

Shizune is far from boring. I'm keeping my patience in check, but mark my words--jimmies are getting rustled!

Here's some jimmy rustling:
If the majority believes Lilly and Hanako to be 'best', wouldn't that mean that their characters and plot to be rather shallow or easy to understand, riddled with cheap fluffy-gimmicks? Spoon-feeding the readers with 'feels'? In other words, mainstream?
WHAAAAA! You betrayed me!

I was reading your post and thinking: welp, I agree with everything, Shizune is far from boring
And then I read that last paragraph, and I was thought u wot m8?

I haven't finished Lilly's, I'm liking it so far. It's seems very sweet and the CG art looks beautiful. I haven't reached the low point yet.
I've talked about Hanako's several times so I'll keep this short. Perhaps its mainstream, but mainstream isn't always bad. I liked Hanako because I was seeing my miserable life when I was younger. And she came out top without relying on cheap acting, stupid jokes, heavy metal and the occasional trip to Wonderland like I did. And like I said: she is the one I feel the most physically attracted. Her hair is beautiful (and it must smell lovely) and her figure is lovable. We share the same interests: reading and games. She is a lot like my girlfriend, only that my sweetheart is more outgoing and obviously not scarred.

I like Shizune, if she was real I think we would be good friends. I like someone who keeps challenging me to do better and accepts if I do the same. Learning sign language would be wicked.

I like Emi as well, but Spunky already said everything. She is far from boring and banal.

I'm a Hanabro/Hanakin, but I hold no grudge, hate or general dislike to any other faction/waifu/character.

Jimmies not rustled.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:22 am
by Megumeru
LordMarluxia wrote:
WHAAAAA! You betrayed me!

I was reading your post and thinking: welp, I agree with everything, Shizune is far from boring
And then I read that last paragraph, and I was thought u wot m8?

I haven't finished Lilly's, I'm liking it so far. It's seems very sweet and the CG art looks beautiful. I haven't reached the low point yet.
I've talked about Hanako's several times so I'll keep this short. Perhaps its mainstream, but mainstream isn't always bad. I liked Hanako because I was seeing my miserable life when I was younger. And she came out top without relying on cheap acting, stupid jokes, heavy metal and the occasional trip to Wonderland like I did. And like I said: she is the one I feel the most physically attracted. Her hair is beautiful (and it must smell lovely) and her figure is lovable. We share the same interests: reading and games. She is a lot like my girlfriend, only that my sweetheart is more outgoing and obviously not scarred.

I like Shizune, if she was real I think we would be good friends. I like someone who keeps challenging me to do better and accepts if I do the same. Learning sign language would be wicked.

I like Emi as well, but Spunky already said everything. She is far from boring and banal.

I'm a Hanabro/Hanakin, but I hold no grudge, hate or general dislike to any other faction/waifu/character.

Jimmies not rustled.

fair enough. Shizuists will drop the 'charges' and the rustling, so let's drop it before more jimmies are rustled. :mrgreen:

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:26 am
by LordMarluxia
Megumeru wrote: Hmm...

fair enough. Shizuists will drop the 'charges' and the rustling, so let's drop it before more jimmies are rustled. :mrgreen:
I'll be speaking for the head of the Hanabro faction: Truce reached, peace once again returns to the realm.
And the Avatar is nowhere to be seen.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:30 am
by Zarys
LordMarluxia wrote:
Megumeru wrote: Hmm...

fair enough. Shizuists will drop the 'charges' and the rustling, so let's drop it before more jimmies are rustled. :mrgreen:
I'll be speaking for the head of the Hanabro faction: Truce reached, peace once again returns to the realm.
And the Avatar is nowhere to be seen.
You can fall, but I don't.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:38 am
by brythain
*grin* I have tried very hard to write one fanfic for each of the lovely ladies, so I will attempt avatarhood! :D

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:43 am
by LordMarluxia
Zarys wrote:
You can fall, but I don't.
Shush *puts you back down* I am a benevolent dictator that prizes peace and honour. I did not fall, the truce was achieved through civilized communication with the leader of an opposing faction.
Shizuists are welcome to Hanabro Army Headquarters as long as civility and comprehension is upheld. As well as any other factions.

@Zarys: *whisper whisper* C'mon man. We know Hanako is best girl. No need to offend others. Let them keep whoever they want and be happy with it. We have already won! Shahahah!

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:49 am
by bhtooefr
Y'all take your disabled girls way too seriously.

That is all.

Emi's immature, Hanako's emotionally stunted, Lilly hides behind a fake persona and sucks at least as much as Rin at communicating, Rin is a space cadet, and Shizune is extremely controlling and takes forever to stop and think about what she's doing to her few friends (and even then, may not even really change her behavior).

Oh, and for female side characters that actually get lines, Misha is downright annoying, Miki is one of those kids that might be cool in high school, but ends up bagging your groceries or serving your Big Mac 10 years later, Akira's irresponsible and worries too much about her father's acceptance (even if she curses him behind his back), Sae contributes to Rin's self-destruction even when she knows where that leads, Yuuko breaks down under any kind of stress, and... I don't know about Aoi and Keiko, they seem like they might have shit together for ~17 year olds, I dunno. And Miyagi seems cool, but we get like one line from her, and Hisao's opinion of her isn't good (but it's flavored by her teaching his most hated subject).

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:55 am
by LordMarluxia
bhtooefr wrote:Y'all take your disabled girls way too seriously.

That is all.

Emi's immature, Hanako's emotionally stunted, Lilly hides behind a fake persona and sucks at least as much as Rin at communicating, Rin is a space cadet, and Shizune is extremely controlling and takes forever to stop and think about what she's doing to her few friends (and even then, may not even really change her behavior).

Oh, and for female side characters that actually get lines, Misha is downright annoying, Miki is one of those kids that might be cool in high school, but ends up bagging your groceries or serving your Big Mac 10 years later, Akira's irresponsible and worries too much about her father's acceptance (even if she curses him behind his back), Sae contributes to Rin's self-destruction even when she knows where that leads, Yuuko breaks down under any kind of stress, and... I don't know about Aoi and Keiko, they seem like they might have shit together for ~17 year olds, I dunno. And Miyagi seems cool.
Well... duh. Those flaws are human. That what makes it all so appealing.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:00 am
by Zarys
bhtooefr wrote:Y'all take your disabled girls way too seriously.

That is all.

Emi's immature, Hanako's emotionally stunted, Lilly hides behind a fake persona and sucks at least as much as Rin at communicating, Rin is a space cadet, and Shizune is extremely controlling and takes forever to stop and think about what she's doing to her few friends (and even then, may not even really change her behavior).

Oh, and for female side characters that actually get lines, Misha is downright annoying, Miki is one of those kids that might be cool in high school, but ends up bagging your groceries or serving your Big Mac 10 years later, Akira's irresponsible and worries too much about her father's acceptance (even if she curses him behind his back), Sae contributes to Rin's self-destruction even when she knows where that leads, Yuuko breaks down under any kind of stress, and... I don't know about Aoi and Keiko, they seem like they might have shit together for ~17 year olds, I dunno. And Miyagi seems cool, but we get like one line from her, and Hisao's opinion of her isn't good (but it's flavored by her teaching his most hated subject).
They aren't flawless, Captain Obvious ! Perfection would be boring.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:01 am
by bhtooefr
I was basically trying to simultaneously rustle ALL of the jimmies, you people.

Oh, and mysterious unnamed freckled girl is kinda rude and dismissive. And Meiko ditches her own daughter's track meet to go on a date (or something else) with Nurse (presumably).

There, I think that's all the female characters with speaking parts.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:04 am
by d2r
Quite frankly, I think he's right in general that people here take the game way too seriously. Sometimes I wonder if the arguments over which is "bestgirl" are actually...well, serious.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:18 am
by Megumeru
bhtooefr wrote:I was basically trying to simultaneously rustle ALL of the jimmies, you people.

Oh, and mysterious unnamed freckled girl is kinda rude and dismissive. And Meiko ditches her own daughter's track meet to go on a date (or something else) with Nurse (presumably).

There, I think that's all the female characters with speaking parts.
what? WHAT? WHAAAT? <<<press in dire situation

But in all seriousness, you've pretty much summarized what we have dissected before when the game just came out and the 'waifu wars' was still in its early stage (of course, there's counters for those claims too). So really, there's nothing much for some of the regular dwellers to have their jimmies rustled. It's almost as if most of us have reached enlightenment on the entire subject :lol:

We know those girls are imperfect, but with that inclusion, it is what makes them *perfect* to us.

And arguments for 'best girl' is always serious. We all know Shizune is best girl--they're just denying it

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:23 am
by d2r
I think that if hearing one of the KS characters has a personality flaw really and truly troubles you, then you need to have a hard look at yourself.

Actually, I should post that in the "You've been playing too much when..." thread :P

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:26 am
by Zarys
Megumeru wrote:
And arguments for 'best girl' is always serious. We all know Shizune is best girl--they're just denying it
You believe that I'm unable to read small text ? Copy and paste and I can decipher this ! stop to think being so smart.
You have no answer to me, proof of that you cannot face your fears.