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Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:12 pm
The annoying guest whom doth bring the ill news wrote:Sigh

Sometimes I ask, what happened to freedom? Who gets harmed from 'cartoon pornography'?

When you actually think of the pros and cons of it, there aren't that many cons.

Those non-government groups were trying to get Japan on board with the banning of underage hentai. Japan just laughed at them. Makes sense, seeing a large portion of their economy relies upon it, and most of their citizens would be in jail otherwise.
People with high "morals" happened.

link related ... countries/
inb4 >Sankakucomplex

It's things like this that reminds me how Natural Selection failed, as in, the weak and defective humans are alive and they're infecting the population.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:24 pm
by erisi236
This thread just reminds me of another reason I'm glad I don't live in the UK. :lol:

More on topic, I'm also glad there will be H scenes in this game, probably just because I myself am as disabled as Emi or Rin. We need love too, it's not that disturbing or weird is it? :)

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:56 pm
by SatansBestBuddy
What would happen if some body found the All Ages Version, played it, liked it, and then found the H Version and thought that somebody hacked the game and put in nasty stuff to currupt children?

(I have no idea how these people think...)

My point is, one version means there's no confusion as to which is the "proper" version, and nobody is demonized for trying to sleep with disabled lolis...

Uh, I mean, nobody thinks that it wasn't already in the game to begin with...

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:02 pm
by Bara
erisi236 wrote:This thread just reminds me of another reason I'm glad I don't live in the UK. :lol:

More on topic, I'm also glad there will be H scenes in this game, probably just because I myself am as disabled as Emi or Rin. We need love too, it's not that disturbing or weird is it? :)
To some of the fringe elements driving legislation; yes, the fact that anyone disabled or able has desires for love; be it emotional, physical or virtual, drives them bat-shit crazy.

Of course, for them bat-shit crazy is just a short stroll next door. It is not like they have to buy a train ticket to reach that destination. :twisted:

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:55 pm
by Kouhei
All ages version sounds like a grand idea. It'd be even better if a new character was introduced and some of the music tracks remixed or replaced in such a version, but I know it'd be a lot of work for the developers so anything of a non-H version of the game is cool.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:07 pm
by Nosson
Kouhei wrote:All ages version sounds like a grand idea. It'd be even better if a new character was introduced and some of the music tracks remixed or replaced in such a version, but I know it'd be a lot of work for the developers so anything of a non-H version of the game is cool.
And along with changing those things, it could have a new plot, new setting, and just get rid of everything that was in the old KS.
It would be like a whole new game!

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:23 pm
by Kouhei
Nosson wrote:
Kouhei wrote:All ages version sounds like a grand idea. It'd be even better if a new character was introduced and some of the music tracks remixed or replaced in such a version, but I know it'd be a lot of work for the developers so anything of a non-H version of the game is cool.
And along with changing those things, it could have a new plot, new setting, and just get rid of everything that was in the old KS.
It would be like a whole new game!
Dude... Not called for. I was just suggesting what I've seen each time a company releases another version of an older release. There's always a secret character added on and maybe one or two other things done to it...

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:34 pm
by Nosson
Kouhei wrote:
Nosson wrote:
Kouhei wrote:All ages version sounds like a grand idea. It'd be even better if a new character was introduced and some of the music tracks remixed or replaced in such a version, but I know it'd be a lot of work for the developers so anything of a non-H version of the game is cool.
And along with changing those things, it could have a new plot, new setting, and just get rid of everything that was in the old KS.
It would be like a whole new game!
Dude... Not called for. I was just suggesting what I've seen each time a company releases another version of an older release. There's always a secret character added on and maybe one or two other things done to it...
Yes, but those are usually games that cost money to play. Companies slap a big "New" on a product they have already sold before, so fans will buy that version as well. The secrect characters and all that are only a ploy to make more money. As Katawa Shoujo is free, there is no reason to do that, it would only result in more work.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:38 pm
by vermithrx
As far as I'm concerned what the devs have planned is an all ages version. No one prepubescent (barring victims of abuse) would understand enough about sex to care and anyone postpubescent will discover it for themselves soon enough if they haven't already.

I see no reason to deprive our children of information they will find useful at some point in their lives. Better that they be prepared for it.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:40 pm
by A Simple Fox
Bara wrote:
erisi236 wrote:This thread just reminds me of another reason I'm glad I don't live in the UK. :lol:

More on topic, I'm also glad there will be H scenes in this game, probably just because I myself am as disabled as Emi or Rin. We need love too, it's not that disturbing or weird is it? :)
To some of the fringe elements driving legislation; yes, the fact that anyone disabled or able has desires for love; be it emotional, physical or virtual, drives them bat-shit crazy.
heh heh, but try telling them that and you will see them go really bat shit.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:56 pm
by Kouhei
Nosson wrote: Yes, but those are usually games that cost money to play. Companies slap a big "New" on a product they have already sold before, so fans will buy that version as well. The secrect characters and all that are only a ploy to make more money. As Katawa Shoujo is free, there is no reason to do that, it would only result in more work.
And your point is what then? In that case why not just not make the all ages version and add a toggle button for H/non-H? They can just go up to the part where the sex is about to start and go, "Hey what just happened?"

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:01 pm
by vermithrx
That's what they plan to do except that between H and non-H the default setting will be H.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:06 pm
by Kouhei
vermithrx wrote:That's what they plan to do except that between H and non-H the default setting will be H.
Which is different from an entirely separate all ages version... I only read the opening post so a separate version was all I was talking about.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:12 pm
by vermithrx
...but wouldn't an entirely seperate version where the default setting is non-H be awfully redundant?

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:26 pm
by Kouhei
vermithrx wrote:...but wouldn't an entirely seperate version where the default setting is non-H be awfully redundant?
That's why when most companies sell their all ages version they twist it up a bit with a new character, remixed tracks, or different scenarios replacing some of the original ones. It spices things up, but for a project like this one takes quite a bit of work.

*Edit - Also, a separate all ages version would be better for any innocent underaged b&'s out there. Because knowing what it means to toggle H/non-H means knowing what H is, and you don't know what H is until you've seen it. Not that we should be expecting little kids to play this stuff anyways... but...