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Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:02 am
by Falkentyne
I'm less concerned about Hisao's inability to keep up with his lady of choice and more concerned with him getting it up in the first place - after watching the opening scenes one too many times, I realized on of the first of the million symptoms/side effects/drugs/etc. that pop up is "erectile dysfunction." Confessing, getting the lady into the mood and then being unable to step up to the plate would undoubtedly cause some nice drama. Especially if it happened with poor Hanako - talk about a confidence killer.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:13 am
by helmet boy
Yes, but like all things, they got pills for that.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:19 am
by vermithrx
helmet boy wrote:Yes, but like all things, they got pills for that.
Using pills to fix problems caused by other pills is a dangerous proposition. :|

Anyway, erectile dysfunction would definitely cause some interesting things to occur. I wonder what each of the girl's reactions would be to that situation.

A scene where Hisao tries to explain to the nurse why he wants to change medications all of a sudden would be hilarious, though. :D

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:22 am
by helmet boy
Totally worth the risk.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:30 am
by Falkentyne
helmet boy wrote:Yes, but like all things, they got pills for that.
True - but most every "enhancement" pill hawked on TV has pretty obvious warnings for people on heart medication - and Hisao's got the heart meds of an octogenarian, if not more.

And it randomly made me think of this. Fantastic.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:36 am
by helmet boy
I dont want to be the one who makes this terrible joke, but.

solid snake.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 1:38 am
by abscess
I've heard of older men with erectile dysfunction that, after death, they get a boner.

Anyway, going back on topic, the dysfunction would be plausible, but this is an eroge, so I doubt stuff like that would happen.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:10 am
by ubergeneral
I wouldn't go far enough to say that this is an eroge but I don't think that hisao will have a problem getting it up.

If he did there would be 5 dissapointed girls.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:15 am
by helmet boy
Six, you forgot Misha. At this point, there is no way there wont be a Misha/Shizune threesome.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:02 am
Lets see what can I do here.

People seems to be focusing a lot on the fetishes but very little on the others aspects of the sexual encounter, such as the emotional and psychological state of the girls (and Hisao) before, during and after the whole thing. Other thing that bothers me is regarding location. According with each of their personalities, there are places where the girls will and will not be willing to have sex with Hisao.

Bellow there are a few of my thoughts on the matter.

Hisao: After the disaster that was his last romantic endeavor, he will be most likely reluctant to form a similar kind of bond with anyone. Although he might open himself with time, the issue of his illness will most likely be a barrier difficult to break. There is no guarantees that his heart won't give in under the emotional pressure that all romantic relationships put people under, not to mention the risks he will take in performing a physically demanding activity such as sex. This kind of semi-metaphorical Sword of Damocles is something that will haunt him forever and will put a strain on his relationship with any of the girls. On another note, I hate to be so corny, but in the end Hisao is still just a man, so if the couple has already got to the point of where both feel secure enough to try a sexual relation, he won't bother much with location as long as it is not TOO public.

Emi: Unlike what some of you guys believe, I think that Emi won't be the one to take the initiative on this part of their relationship. That is because after almost giving him a heart attack twice (although she was not aware of the first), she will be most likely be to scared of taking any chances. Besides, not only it is difficult to say how much sexually-aware that girl is with that childish "my-pace" behavior of hers, but as I said on the Act. 1 preview thread hers might actually turn out the least romance-oriented of all routes due her imouto-type image. All that aside, I agree that once the two do get things going she might turn out to be very eager to follow it through all the way as well as asking for seconds barely a minute after they have just done the first. Due my views of Emi, I can't think on any kind of fetish that might fit her nor a place that she would be comfortable having sex at. Still, I am going to take a risk here and say that she would most likely have at least one H-scene on the school roof just because.

Hanako: Her extreme shyness might prove itself to be a barrier harder to break than both Hisao's illness and emotional issues together. I will go with everybody else here and agree that their first time will be more about bonding (EMOTIONAL BONDING, NOT BONDAGE) than anything else and will happen with the lights out. She will most likely be passive - if not outright submissive - not only out of shyness but also because she will most likely have no clue of what to do (lets face it, of all the girls Hanako is the only one who is almost certain a pure-minded virgin). If she is aware about it by then, she will also show concern regarding Hisao's condition and will probably react badly if she thinks something is going wrong with that issue. If everything goes well, the aftermath will probably be a romantic cuddling. I dare to say Hanako will be the one among the girls to change the most after her first time, in regards that she will become extremely clingy (like "pasted with superglue"-level) to Hisao in the afterward, trying to find any excuses to follow him around and maybe even going as far as changing her seat in the classroom to be closer to him. Also, depending on how good their first time was for her, we might see a Hanako who managed to overcome her natural shyness just to the point where she is able to ask Hisao to have sex with her whenever they are alone. Still, Hanako being who she is, her attempts will probably be clumsy blunt and she will most likely be extremely embarrassed by it. That being said, for some reason I cannot shake off the image of Hisao and Hanako alone in a room, with the girl raising the edges of her skirt to show her boyfriend her pussyjuices-wet panties while having a massive blush on her face. Still on that line o thought, if she keeps her passive/submissive attitude even after her first time, Hanako will probaby go for almost any fetish that Hisao might be interested in, no matter of how embarrassing. But she will definitely refuse, or at least strongly complain against anything painful (think that she will have no qualms about giving a blowjob, but will not accept to have anal sex). Regarding location, her first time will definitely be somewhere where she feels completely safe. Probably her own room or Hisao's depending on how much she trusts him by then. But after she might be willingly to do it in other places. The library or that bathroom that she is said to hide from time to time come to mind. I refrain from saying the tearoom because that is more Lilly's territory. Speaking of Lilly, it would be awesome to have a Lilly/Hisao/Hanako threesome in the game, but I am not keeping my hopes up about the matter.

Lilly: With her mother-like tendencies of taking care of others, Lilly is most definitely second only to Emi when it comes to worrying about Hisao's illness. I don't think that will stop her from pursuing a relationship with him, but I also don't believe that she will have any second thoughts about putting a stop to everything if she thinks of it being detrimental to the boy's condition. Moving bases with her will more about constantly reassuring the girl that everything will be fine than anything else. There is also the fact that her "proper lady" raising might get in the way of things. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be one of those girls who is "saving herself for marriage". Ironically enough, depending on how the cards are played, Hisao's illness might actually be the key to overcome this barrier: because he can die at any time, Lilly might not have the luxury to wait if she really want to be with him. On another note, Act 1 have shown us that Lilly has a teasing side, so she might turn out to the exact opposite of Hanako: instead of being blatant when the two are alone, she would send him subtle signals even when in public. Sex between the two would probably have a lot of foreplay involving touching, petting and whispering dirty words. Fetish-wise, Lilly seems the most likely candidate to give Hisao a handjob and/or a titjob on a regular basis. About location, their first time will definitely be on her room, as etiquette forbids her into going into entering a single-male's room. For other times, the tearoom might be good alternative. As I said before, a threesome between Hisao, Hanako and Lilly would be interesting to see, but I try not to keep my hopes up.

Rin: Since everything about her confuses me, I will refrain from speculating much about her. I guess the greatest issue about Rin would be timing: she seems to be someone with a flickering interests, she seems someone who would suggest having sex in the most unexpected times. On the other hand, she also seems someone that throws side comments of things that pick up her attention during sex, thus ruining the mood. Because time is such an issue with her, so is location, so I can really say where she would feel like having sex. Regarding fetishes, at least one footjob with her is a must.

Shizune: Among all the girls, Shizune seems the most likely to aggressively try to pursue a relationship with Hisao and considering how she tends to get things her way, she is might go to great lengths to succeed. The problem is, if she is not aware of his condition by then her forceful ways might cause him to have another heart attack. There is also the possibility of her being embarrassed of trying anything with Misha around, thus comes the need of Hisao learning sign language. Rather than a competition, I actually see sex between the two as a repetitive game of taunting, with Shizune performing relatively well and then taking jabs to provoke him into doing better with her (but then again this is like a competition..... :P ). The only good location that I can think for these two is Hisao's or Shizune's room, but maybe better locations might be introduced in the other acts.

Misha: Rather than a threesome with Shizune, I would prefer that Misha had her own H-scenes. Unfortunately, chances here are lower than even the Hanako/Hisao/Lilly that I talked about earlier, so I am not even going to dwell in this.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:17 am
by Synoptic
PHRD wrote: Shizune:


The problem is, if she is not aware of his condition by then her forceful ways might cause him to have another heart attack.

I don't really think she would go to that lengths but hey, who knows what a tsundere type of girl is capable of doing? :D
Oh and yeah, I consider Shizune a candidate for the tsundere "style".

Regarding sex with her, I don't think it will go like a competition at all... tsun tsun characters are more shy than usual regarding likings so I don't think she would be able to punch a jab like that during sex. lol

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:28 am
by helmet boy
Yeah, despite the fact i dont like shizune, she does seem like she cares more than she shows, and that the competitiveness could just be a front.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:48 pm
by Mercutio
PHRD wrote:Lets see what can I do here.
Hanako: She will most likely be passive - if not outright submissive - not only out of shyness but also because she will most likely have no clue of what to do (lets face it, of all the girls Hanako is the only one who is almost certain a pure-minded virgin). If she is aware about it by then, she will also show concern regarding Hisao's condition and will probably react badly if she thinks something is going wrong with that issue. If everything goes well, the aftermath will probably be a romantic cuddling. I dare to say Hanako will be the one among the girls to change the most after her first time, in regards that she will become extremely clingy (like "pasted with superglue"-level) to Hisao in the afterward, trying to find any excuses to follow him around and maybe even going as far as changing her seat in the classroom to be closer to him.
i kinda see why you say this, but I also kinda disagree. I don't think any of the girls are clueless about sex, they all know what goes where, that sort of thing. but I think Hanako's probably the least likely to initiate anything because of her scars. so if it feels good, it's going to be a big surprise to her - like I said earlier, she's probably not used to things feeling good. so yeah, the clingy-type stuff you're talking about could totally happen. I hope it does. I remember Hisao saying that she kept an arm's length away from him all the time, and I was thinking, damn, now I want to hug her even more. :oops:

and yeah, I totally agree that Shizune's not going to give Hisao a heart attack. as thorough and stuff as she is, she'd probably make sure she knew about his disability before doing anything. she cares about him, that's easy to see, so she's not going to put him at risk. and now I've got the mental image of her dressing up in a nurse outfit to ask about any disabilities he's got before they have sex, and I can't get that out of my head.

also good to know I'm not the only one here who thinks Emi'd be ready for more sex about five minutes after the first round. eating right and getting exercise has its benefits. :mrgreen:

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:56 pm
by helmet boy
I dont know, i think sex with hanako would be pretty hot

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:00 am
Mercutio wrote: i kinda see why you say this, but I also kinda disagree. I don't think any of the girls are clueless about sex, they all know what goes where, that sort of thing. but I think Hanako's probably the least likely to initiate anything because of her scars. so if it feels good, it's going to be a big surprise to her - like I said earlier, she's probably not used to things feeling good. so yeah, the clingy-type stuff you're talking about could totally happen. I hope it does. I remember Hisao saying that she kept an arm's length away from him all the time, and I was thinking, damn, now I want to hug her even more. :oops:

and yeah, I totally agree that Shizune's not going to give Hisao a heart attack. as thorough and stuff as she is, she'd probably make sure she knew about his disability before doing anything. she cares about him, that's easy to see, so she's not going to put him at risk. and now I've got the mental image of her dressing up in a nurse outfit to ask about any disabilities he's got before they have sex, and I can't get that out of my head.

also good to know I'm not the only one here who thinks Emi'd be ready for more sex about five minutes after the first round. eating right and getting exercise has its benefits. :mrgreen:
Its not much about Hanako not knowing how things work, but rather not knowing the finer details of the art. Like she has a general idea of how sex should work, but her skills in foreplay and such are limited at best. Also, the whole clingy thing is more a matter of "dealing with loneliness" than "surprise in feeling good". Other than her shyness and her self-awareness about her scars, a recurring trait about Hanako is the fact that she is not good dealing with people and has very few friends because of that. So if Hisao proves himself to be..... let's say reliable enough to have a meaningful relationship with her, is more than expected for to seek his presence, after all he is one of the few sources of comfort and human warmth that she has! We actually something of the sort in her friendship with Lilly, although in a lesser level.