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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 7:31 am
by Free the Bee
So, the more I ponder Misha, the more I keep getting drawn back to my original conclusion of epilepsy - or at least, something that manifests itself in a similar way. To be honest, it started off as a wild guess beased on the fact that my brother has a bunch of disabilities, but it's the invisible one - epilespy - that causes him the most problems. But in thinking about Misha's situation, I'm starting to think that it fits quite well with what we know about her.

Mostly, it's the relationship between Misha and Shizune, and I'm wondering if they're even more symbiotic than we've seen so far. Obviously they're friends because they can understand each other. On top of that, Shizune needs Misha's help, since she acts as an interface with the non-signing world. So... I'm wondering if the need may be mutual, somehow.

Here's the thing with epilepsy: although there are medical risks from very severe seizures, plus the attendant physical risks involved with occasionally falling over and being rendered immobile, it's very unlikely to kill you. In fact, apart from routine monitoring of drug levels and effectiveness, you don't need a lot of medical attention either. The biggest single problem is confidence, because it's very difficult to go about your life when you know you could keel over at any time, surrounded by people who might not know what the hell's going on. And so - back to my speculation - I believe this is why Misha is so attached to Shizune. While Yamaku is a friendlier environment than most, it would be natural for her to seek the security of a close friend. I think in the whole of Act 1, we only see them apart twice, right?

Whew, glad I got that out of my system.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:00 pm
by russianspy1234
What I thought as I was playing through the game was that Misha had the same condition as the PC. There was also an offhand mention she made in the story about how stairs make her dizzy, so its possible that she has either a brain tumor, or a serious inner ear problem.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:18 pm
by Fawriel
Yet a moment later, she did come upstairs to look for him. Huh.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:21 pm
by russianspy1234
yeah i noticed that to, thought it might be a mistake, then i realized, she said they make her dizzy, not that shes utterly unable to climb up stairs. walking up and down stairs holding something makes it difficult to use a handrail.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:11 pm
by Skhatz

This is the most interesting thread i saw here... and i want to spice things ups

I can agree that maybe she has some psy problem (AS, OCD, others... ). But that isn't the reason why she is in that school. Maybe she has some issues because of her true problem (think as a pstchological self-defense mechanism, very common in people who can't cope completely with their problem).

Now onto my dr. house diagnosis

In the line of thought of the russian1234, it can be cancer or problem of the internal ear…. but also the two can (type of cancer to neuro-ear cancer)

Being a young with bilateral gradual deafness, vertigos…. most likely to be genetic.

Neurofibromatosis type II

ps.: maybe she's gonna die... oh the drama

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:59 am
by Snapped
She's got lupus.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:13 am
by vaen
Snapped wrote:She's got lupus.
no, it's never lupus.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:40 pm
by eSoE
That's right.... because it's neurofibromatosis II, it fits dah :lol:

Btw use her drills to do a biopsy... and cork in her mouth in the meantime. :twisted:

So who's with me? (I would someone like 13, which is almost impossible but i dont mind having hanako or lilly on my good side)

p.S: aproves this... he's disabilities too :D

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:49 am
by SnigendePind
After reading all these suggestions, I'm still hanging onto my OP.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:21 am
by C The Guy
If she had a brain problem i doubt she would be able to do the whole signing thing.
I think her brain wouldn't be able to handle the whole thought process.

I think it could be a form of tinnitus from hearing loss, kind've explains the whole loud thing and also the inner ear problems (balance)

i doubt it could be Neurofibromatosis as it states that one of the symptoms in cataracts which would also mean she's partially blind which i don't believe is possible as she can hunt misao down like a hawk.

but this is my opinion could be a multitude of other things.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:02 am
by Onisake
C The Guy wrote:If she had a brain problem i doubt she would be able to do the whole signing thing.
I think her brain wouldn't be able to handle the whole thought process.

I think it could be a form of tinnitus from hearing loss, kind've explains the whole loud thing and also the inner ear problems (balance)

i doubt it could be Neurofibromatosis as it states that one of the symptoms in cataracts which would also mean she's partially blind which i don't believe is possible as she can hunt misao down like a hawk.

but this is my opinion could be a multitude of other things.
I agree. I don't think it's a CNS problem. If it is, it's restricted to Auditory. Most people don't learn sign just because, which is what makes me thing she has some sort of degenerative hearing disorder.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:56 am
by russianspy1234
neurofibromatosis has pretty random symptoms, youd be hard pressed to find two people with the same ones. kind of like mutants on xmen. one that is constant though is brown spots on the skin, but since we (likely) wont be getting to see her naked we dont get to know.

and i started learning sign language just because, as have a few of my friends. its a useful skill to have. japanese sign language is probably a lot harder though...

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:35 pm
by Guest
Onisake wrote:
C The Guy wrote:If she had a brain problem i doubt she would be able to do the whole signing thing.
I think her brain wouldn't be able to handle the whole thought process.

I think it could be a form of tinnitus from hearing loss, kind've explains the whole loud thing and also the inner ear problems (balance)

i doubt it could be Neurofibromatosis as it states that one of the symptoms in cataracts which would also mean she's partially blind which i don't believe is possible as she can hunt misao down like a hawk.

but this is my opinion could be a multitude of other things.
I agree. I don't think it's a CNS problem. If it is, it's restricted to Auditory. Most people don't learn sign just because, which is what makes me thing she has some sort of degenerative hearing disorder.
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction pretty much explains everything with no extras. I think if anything that's the best bet.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:04 pm
by JamiroquaiAlien
I think she's got Crazy Bitch Syndrome.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:31 am
by Inx
Following the Rin line of thinking...
She seems ok on the outside, beyond the drills, and a problem in her gut isn't that interesting...
The problem must be in her pants.

I'm personally betting for a chemical imbalance, or some disease that requires heavy medical supervision.