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Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 4:15 pm
by Falkentyne
How bad is Shizune's vision? We know her eyesight's about normal with her glasses (otherwise she'd be in 3-2. And either her or Lilly would be dead) but how screwed would she be if she lost them?

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:45 pm
by abscess
Falkentyne wrote:How bad is Shizune's vision? We know her eyesight's about normal with her glasses (otherwise she'd be in 3-2. And either her or Lilly would be dead) but how screwed would she be if she lost them?
You mean if she was blind? I'd say pretty fucked up. She can't hear and can't talk (as far as I know), she couldn't see either. The only way of communication with other people I can think of is through reading and writing braile, and I don't know if braile could be handwritten like normal letters are. Imean, they are dots! Are you to poke six dots for every letter you write on paper? That'd be hard!

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:56 pm
by vermithrx
I wouldn't be surprised if someone already invented a braile type writer and she would still be able to sign since she's already learned the skill. She could also learn to read finger signing by touch like most deaf-blind people have to.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:01 pm
by Aura
Iirc Shizu has a mild myopia, so she uses her glasses in class to see the blackboard and so on. She can perform perfectly acceptably without them.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:08 pm
by Validus Razgriz
Aura wrote:Iirc Shizu has a mild myopia, so she uses her glasses in class to see the blackboard and so on. She can perform perfectly acceptably without them.
For those of us not used to technical terms: near-sightedness. I have it as well. It's extremely common, and it is estimated between 1/6 and 1/3 of the human population has some amount of myopia.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:53 pm
by Spoon
Falkentyne wrote: Imean, they are dots! Are you to poke six dots for every letter you write on paper? That'd be hard!
I knew a blind woman when I was younger, and yeah, that's exactly what she does. Sometimes she would ask my mom to read a letter to her, and then she would take some special poking-tool and poke the braille characters into a different piece of paper so she could read it again later. I don't know if that method is still used today, maybe there's like, special printers or something for it. Also, most braille letters are three or four dots, so I guess it's slightly faster than six dots per letter. An experienced writer could probably do it pretty quickly.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:13 pm
by Bara
Spoon wrote:
Falkentyne wrote: Imean, they are dots! Are you to poke six dots for every letter you write on paper? That'd be hard!
I knew a blind woman when I was younger, and yeah, that's exactly what she does. Sometimes she would ask my mom to read a letter to her, and then she would take some special poking-tool and poke the braille characters into a different piece of paper so she could read it again later. I don't know if that method is still used today, maybe there's like, special printers or something for it. Also, most braille letters are three or four dots, so I guess it's slightly faster than six dots per letter. An experienced writer could probably do it pretty quickly.
They make braile writters for the blind. You feed a sheet of paper in and as you hit key combinations it embosses the braille letters on the paper. Think of chords on a piano or guitar; one chord in the letter "a", another is the letter "b", all the way to the letter "z".

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:37 pm
by Onearmdude
Bara wrote: They make braile writters for the blind. You feed a sheet of paper in and as you hit key combinations it embosses the braille letters on the paper. Think of chords on a piano or guitar; one chord in the letter "a", another is the letter "b", all the way to the letter "z".
Does that mean that there are only 26 embossment combinations needed to represent all 26 letters, or are an additional 26 needed to represent the capital letter variations? And are there any kind of embossed analogues to indents and line breaks?

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:55 pm
by kslover
there are braille typewriters

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:49 am
by Falkentyne
Aura wrote:Iirc Shizu has a mild myopia, so she uses her glasses in class to see the blackboard and so on. She can perform perfectly acceptably without them.
Thanks for the answer. I figured myopia (which I have as well) was the problem, I was just wondering if knocking her glasses off would cause a Velma Dinkley "I can't see without my glasses" moment... or a Johnny Bravo "I can't be seen without my glasses" moment, either.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:57 am
by Bara
Onearmdude wrote:
Bara wrote: They make braile writters for the blind. You feed a sheet of paper in and as you hit key combinations it embosses the braille letters on the paper. Think of chords on a piano or guitar; one chord in the letter "a", another is the letter "b", all the way to the letter "z".
Does that mean that there are only 26 embossment combinations needed to represent all 26 letters, or are an additional 26 needed to represent the capital letter variations? And are there any kind of embossed analogues to indents and line breaks?
That I couldn't begin to claim to know, maybe Linnear B or someone else could answer better, but as far as I know braille is simply a code to translate the visual writting into tactile writting. I would imagine it would carry the majority of the conventions and alphabet of the language being written in. But then I used to think that a conversation in ASL was pretty much the same as spoken english. I've only seen one used by a girl in my high school choir years ago. Aside from asking what they gizmo did and her explanation of how the key comboinations produced different braille letters I left it at that. I never felt any compulsion to try to copy out "War and Peace" in braille or anything. Hell, I never even felt the desire to try to READ "War and Peace"; in general Russian writters make my head hurt. :mrgreen:

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 9:10 pm
by Warwick
cpl_crud wrote:Eh, I would say yes to that.

The "Block" mechanism basically replaces the section of the scene marked as "H" with a few random images.

This means that, as far as the engine is concerned, you are running through the scene. That means it will be added to the Library when you finsh it.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 9:42 pm
by sifian
Warwick wrote:
Free the Bee wrote:I'm also wondering if this game will surpass usual H-game standards in terms of portraying, well, realistic sex. Hisao is heavily implied to be a virgin; it's likely that some or most of the girls are too. Most H-games would have them shagging like pornstars despite this, but I'm hopeful this game will be a tad more grounded in reality. One of the devs has already mentioned that truly Olympian carnal endeavours might be beyond Hisao's grasp in his current condition, so that gives me hope too. So come on, devs. Let's see some charmingly inept first-time sex :P
As long as they don't do the "it hurts and bleeds" the first time through (or at least don't play it up too much), then I'm happy. I'm getting tired of the perception that it has to hurt and you have to rip the hymen the first time. Frankly, it's not realistic at all. Minor discomfort? Fine. "Tearing, piercing and sundering?" Less so. Besides, Hisao's supposed to be gentle, right?
Hey, bit of a come-lately here. Anyways, I think that's totally fine if it's just one of the girls. I don't need to see that drama 5 times, and I think it'd be better if it goes the route of "every woman is different". I recently played Kanon, and it had one scene that was particularly compelling in this regard, namely that it went into detail about how hard it was for the protagonist see himself put the girl he loved into so much pain.

My biggest concern is I don't want the first sign of physical intimacy lead directly to full intercourse. Real relationships tend to ramp these things up over time, and even in more romantically driven hentai, couples are shagging within minutes of the first kiss. Exception to this is if part of the story is how the couple reacts to things going too fast.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:58 pm
by abscess
Sorry for necroing this but, I have this question bug me for some days, will the music present in the Act 1 jukebox be all the music there is or there are some tracks yet to be revealed?

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:18 am
by Falkentyne
We know there's at least SOME music that's going to be in the final product that's not in the demo- the music for the H-scenes, for obvious reason. Blue mentioned in the Fakku interview that pretty much all the music is complete. He also linked to a clip of one of the currently missing tracks: