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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:49 am
by gragon
Xanatos wrote:If you're ever an actor, please take advice from Jim Carrey: Never do sequels. All of the sequels to his films are awful. xD
yea i heard about that and i watched some. but wow they are pretty awful so to say. jim in not my favorite actor tough i just love how Zechary Levi can really be himself off set and wow he is one crazy guy :lol: he sometimes even directs an episode!

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:53 am
by Xanatos
gragon wrote:
Xanatos wrote:If you're ever an actor, please take advice from Jim Carrey: Never do sequels. All of the sequels to his films are awful. xD
yea i heard about that and i watched some. but wow they are pretty awful so to say. jim in not my favorite actor tough i just love how Zechary Levi can really be himself off set and wow he is one crazy guy :lol: he sometimes even directs an episode!
I'm not familiar with Levi. Most actors' names escape me. I'd like to see Woody Harrelson more...Preferably in Zombieland sequels.

And if you ever get really really rich, I wouldn't mind waking up and suddenly being a millionaire...Hint hint. :P

Also, don't do what Martin Short does and become that one guy everyone knows is talented but is constantly seen being untalented.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:19 am
by gragon
well even if i became a millionaire i would proberly buy the house i grew up in and the houses next to it and make it one big house for my family.

so i would have plenty of money left and knowing my self ALOT will go to charity and friends so maybe you can have some too :lol:

not that it will happen tough. but hey its good to have dreams dont you think! :D

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:02 pm
by Beoran
Seems like I have to insist again to everyone: please stay on topic. Use PM's or move to other boards for unrelated discussion topics. Thanks.

Graygon, I agree it's good to have dreams. It's even better to have plans though. :)

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:53 pm
by gragon
Beoran wrote:Seems like I have to insist again to everyone: please stay on topic. Use PM's or move to other boards for unrelated discussion topics. Thanks.

Graygon, I agree it's good to have dreams. It's even better to have plans though. :)
well dreams are kinda on-topic right? :) not in the sleep kinda way tough.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:52 pm
by Camoufrage
Beoran wrote:Seems like I have to insist again to everyone: please stay on topic. Use PM's or move to other boards for unrelated discussion topics. Thanks.

Graygon, I agree it's good to have dreams. It's even better to have plans though. :)
In defense, this is a thread for a club, not just a spill your heart out only thread. If someone is discussing something as long as its within reason its fine I bet.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:23 pm
by Wanderingheartache
In all honesty, I think for the most part my heart has been healed so I don't think I should be posting here anymore... that is not to say I shouldn't be part of the club anymore. I have healed because of you guys and that is why I stick around, even though I'm mainly posting happier updates and rarely helping anyone... I still aim to do what I can when I can in terms of advice. I'm usually late and I don't get to say what I want to sometimes, but that's okay... I'm happy knowing we are all here for each other.

Ah right, I do have an update today... well it is more of a yesterday update but I didn't actually open a box until just now. I got a package from Naomi today (well, not literally today because it is Sunday)... because I got her a present when I went to Anime Expo, she decided to send me a souvenir from Virginia. (though in all honesty, this gift she sent me is not a "true" souvenir...) I opened the box to see some pictures she took while sightseeing (copies I bet) and a candy box with a note... I haven't looked at the latter yet because something else caught my eye in that package. A rare item, something I didn't think she would ever find when I jokingly told her to go anime shopping... she actually went out and bought me the dvd set to His and Her Circumstances. O///O I feel so weird considering that I wasn't expecting her to take me seriously when she started her trip...

My Anime Expo present to her, it was supposed to be a birthday surprise. But now, I feel like I should just outright tell her what the big present is I was going to give to her... it only seems fair because of how much she has spent on me so far. She's a Hetalia fan and I have an autographed Romano poster for her, that's not the big present though... I dropped 80 dollars on a Panty and Stocking wallscroll because I heard she was in love with that series too. I have a really big plan to surprise her on her birthday but it is still a few months away, also there is no guarantee I'll be able to see her on her actual birthday... not to mention when she comes back to Austin in August she'll be too busy getting ready for college classes again.

Ah, I'm rambling... sorry

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:40 pm
by Pseudogenesis
Beoran wrote:Seems like I have to insist again to everyone: please stay on topic. Use PM's or move to other boards for unrelated discussion topics. Thanks.

This kills me. There's no dedicated place to have off-topic discussions, PMs aren't available for anyone to just jump into, and the IRC doesn't even work. If the thread wanders off what you think the topic should be, then why not let it? It's the natural course of things, and it's what people are interested in talking about at the moment. Believe it or not, it's possible to keep this thread as a bleeding hearts topic while others are having fun discussing their favourite games in peace. This is a club, after all.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:38 pm
by Kouryuu
Some people need to read the OP, "That is why I created this thread to have a proper on topic thread for people who want to talk about their own negative life experiences and feelings." "then this thread is here for you to tell your story.".

I understand people here like to talk but maybe we can take general chat somewhere else? It would be easy (I think) to make a chat channel like an IRC and just point people there maybe.

It has moved away from what it was created for.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:54 pm
by gragon
i think its okay the drift of topic once in a while

and most of the time off-topic topics are stil on-topic (wow say that 3 times fast :lol: ). in like i was talking about actors and whom i like this was off-topic. but i want to be an actor so its kinda on-topic

but yea this threat is indeed not meant to be a: ''hey i know a good game you should play it.''
more like a : ''wow man that sucks,but i know a game with a familiar story and maybe it could help you'' kinda threat

or just a suggestion of a game. it will still help people a littel bit but indeed dont go and dusscus them to much

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:56 pm
by Camoufrage
Kouryuu wrote:Some people need to read the OP, "That is why I created this thread to have a proper on topic thread for people who want to talk about their own negative life experiences and feelings." "then this thread is here for you to tell your story.".

I understand people here like to talk but maybe we can take general chat somewhere else? It would be easy (I think) to make a chat channel like an IRC and just point people there maybe.

It has moved away from what it was created for.
Now that I read back it did go pretty off, actually. Yes, talking about completely off things like videos games shouldnt be on here, but I think as long as its their life they are discussing it should be fine.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:38 pm
by Total Destruction
Okay, I just read like seven pages of brutal storytime and like three pages on Assassin's Friggin' Creed. Let's get this back on track.

I burned through this pretty quick, but lemme touch on some real quick that I know a thing or two.

@Xanatos: Good on ya for trying to get the hell outta the sticks and get some coolness into your life. Not that there's anything wrong with living in a teeny-tiny community, but I've been down in the Southeast for a bit and it's... well, insular at best and xenophobic at worst. Yeesh. Good whiskey, good tunes, and nothing else I'm really diggin. Next. Hahah. Thanks for the share, and best of luck to ya!

@ the guy that brought up his sister being in a porno: I recently just found out that both my folks were at one time strippers. :? That weirds me right the fuck out, but hey, what can you do? You gotta pay the bills somehow, and it's a transitory thing, anyhow. Brothers in strange, man. Hahah.

@Xiious: Stay away from those anime broads. Those two dimensions will cut you deep, bro.

But seriously, nothing wrong with asexuality. Hell, I do it myself on occasion. Sometimes I just don't want anything to do with anyone else's flesh and grime for a second, so no big. Consider it, I dunno, restocking your arsenal. Nothin' weird, nothin' wrong. And if I'm ever in your neck of the woods, even though I've already offered ya a session, you have the pleasure of watching me get hella drunk and talk politics and existential nonsense.

As for the rest of your storytime, I think everyone else, especially our host with the most, kinda nailed it. So there you are, and welcome, new bloods!


Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:56 pm
by gragon
Total Destruction wrote: @ the guy that brought up his sister being in a porno: I recently just found out that both my folks were at one time strippers. :? That weirds me right the fuck out, but hey, what can you do? You gotta pay the bills somehow, and it's a transitory thing, anyhow. Brothers in strange, man. Hahah.
you can call me gragon if you want to

anyway about my steph mom
she just gave birth to another healty boy. (kinda happy and sad about it tough)

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:02 pm
by Kouryuu
@gragon+Camougrage - Thank you for taking my post well, I was really worried it would come across badly due to my lack of tact.

@Total Destruction - Being a hero bringing us back on topic. ^^

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:05 pm
by Xanatos
Total Destruction wrote:...get hella drunk and talk politics and existential nonsense.
That's actually a fairly good way for me to forget I'm in this lousy place...Not that many can follow my ramblings, drunk or otherwise. And I'd definitely say this place falls on the xenophobic side of things. Small community isn't a problem: Hell, Yamaku's got nothing but a single suburb around and that place sounds alright. :P

It's the people who suck. I've been here at least a good six years (definitely more but six is the figure I recall for some reason) and I can count the number of non-idiots I've run into on a single hand. Possibly a hand-and-a-half. Either way, I like to think I'm fairly intelligent and the intelligent don't do well surrounded by idiots. There's a reason the phrase "I need a damn drink" has become an increasingly common part of my speech. It first slipped into my daily speech about three months before my 21st birthday, actually...Though all things considered, I maintain that I was in desperate need of booze a good three years prior to that anyway.

It basically went like this:

Three years prior: Being surrounded by idiots rapidly taking a toll.

Three months prior: "I need a drink" becomes an increasingly common declaration in light of finally being able to get one soon.

21st birthday: Near-death from alcohol binge to drown out all my damage, defects, and the many idiots I've endured.

Ongoing: Occasional vodka-fueled rambling about politics and existential nonsense. Also, I often ramble about how much PETA can suck it but that's neither here nor there. :P

At any rate, my increased desire for brain-loosening beverages and alleged genetic disposition to alcoholism aside, my current focus is finding a job and saving cash...And if the heat will ever allow, losing some weight. I guess I'll have to start going out later at night or something to get a reprieve from the hellish temperatures this place has going lately.