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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:54 pm
by Negativedarke
Kenji's mystery package? Custom DBZ Legos. Next he's thinking about Fist of The North Star.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:03 pm
by emmjay
Negativedarke wrote:Kenji's mystery package? Custom DBZ Legos. Next he's thinking about Fist of The North Star.
From my (admittedly limited) knowledge of FotNS, I can definitely see Kenji as a fan.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:39 am
by bhtooefr
Replying to something in another thread so as to not derail the thread:

Subject: Learning To Fly - A Saki pseudo-route (Updated 3/29)
Eurobeatjester wrote:
Mader Levap wrote:Very cute!

Oh, one comment about reasons that normies rarely attend Yamaku. You forgot about one additional possible reason - cost. In VN tutition costs are commented upon a few times (Misha mentioned she could attend Yamaku only because they agreed to lower tutition).
You know, I was considering that as well, but I've (so far) not decided to delve into it too deeply because it would have to be a fairly complex system. Obviously the school has some fairly serious backers(and it's headcannon for a lot of people that the Hakamichis and Satous fit that category). But how do disabled students with non-loaded parents get in? Using insurance money? Sponsored? Death benefits from a life insurance policy? It can't be universal and just based on money, since there's some evidence to suggest that the students there come from all kinds of financial backgrounds.

Case in point - if you look at the class photo, you'll see that Molly's artificial legs are simply metal rods, which is the basest type of leg prosthetic. Compare that to Emi's legs, which are much higher quality and actually shaped like human calves - something much higher quality, and therefore much more expensive. She probably is benefiting from her dad's life insurance for that, or using Nurse's connections, or a mixture of the two.

Also, there's Hanako to consider as well. In Lilly's route when she's talking about traveling, she mentions that she's saving up money. This heavily implies that she's receiving payments as a benefactor to her parents' policy and wouldn't have received anything as a "lump sum" after final expenses.

Plus, just to throw another wrench into it all, there should be plenty of disabled students there who don't actually need the benefit of medical staff there at the school. Take Miki for example. Sure, she lost a hand, but there's no ongoing risks or health problems. Same thing with Hanako.

But all this seems to contradict what Misha says about them lowering the rate so she can attend.

The exact admission progress for Yamaku, to me, is similar to a LOT of things that don't get answered in the novel, because as far as the story is concerned, they're unimportant. We know Nurse must have a name besides "Nurse," but he's only important to the VN as Nurse, so a name isn't needed. We don't know exactly what type of arrhythmia Hisao has, because it's only important that he has one. We never find out the names of Hisao's own parents, because from a story perspective, they're only important as Hisao's mom and dad. There are a lot of other details I could name, but I think you can see my point :)

I may decide to expand on it in a future chapter, but for now it's only really important that normal students can (rarely) attend Yamaku, as opposed to how they exactly end up attending Yamaku.
Misha's attendance gives a hint, that there's likely something along the lines of a Yamaku Foundation that subsidizes things for students whose parents can't afford attendance.

My guess is that things are structured like this:
  • Yamaku's tuition is sky-high, and/or there's prestige in being a donor to Yamaku. (You could also always go with the Nekonomicon interpretation, which is that Yamaku is actually a front for the local syndicate, and costs them money, but greatly helps their public image. And, this isn't exclusive with anything but the last one.)
  • Yamaku is primarily a dumping ground for the inconvenient kids of rich families, who all pay full price or more.
  • The Yamaku Foundation then subsidizes tuition for those that can't pay it and are either disabled or are studying to work with disabled people (this is canon, because Misha). It may also pay for some living expenses, too.
  • There may also be some government (either national or prefectural) subsidy for students that the public schools aren't able/willing to handle. I don't know how this fits into how things work in Japan, though, but I went to a special school (this one for behavioral handicaps and/or learning disabilities) that was private, but most of their student base was paid for by their school districts, so income was all over the place. That said, if you go with the "Yamaku is a Yakuza front" interpretation, this most likely ain't happening.
Also, it's a toss-up whether Hanako's living expenses are coming from the Foundation, from a trust fund willed to her, or from insurance.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:27 am
by NekoDude
bhtooefr wrote:There may also be some government (either national or prefectural) subsidy for students that the public schools aren't able/willing to handle. I don't know how this fits into how things work in Japan, though, but I went to a special school (this one for behavioral handicaps and/or learning disabilities) that was private, but most of their student base was paid for by their school districts, so income was all over the place. That said, if you go with the "Yamaku is a Yakuza front" interpretation, this most likely ain't happening.
If the school is actually turning out high-performing students, I can easily see the local government looking the other way as to where a lot of the money comes from, and issuing vouchers to the needy. It's cheaper than dealing with them internally, and it generally gets good results. If "bad" people get a bit of positive press out of it, maybe it's because they actually deserve it.

Al Capone led the push to put dates on milk cartons, and by extension, on food in general. This doesn't negate all the things he did wrong, but there's no sin in admitting that sometimes he actually did something nice. He didn't do it for popularity either, he did it because he had influence, and hated spoiled milk.
Negativedarke wrote:Kenji's mystery package? Custom DBZ Legos. Next he's thinking about Fist of The North Star.
Somewhere, I got the idea that Kenji is into ladyboys. When Hanako finds out (in my story), she is much more amused and curious than she is shocked or offended, even going so far as to troll him about the topic. (She has a lot more swagger when she's drunk.)

So a secret package for him would be booze, surveillance equipment, or Thai ladyboy magazines.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:13 pm
by Alpacalypse
NekoDude wrote:So a secret package for him would be booze, surveillance equipment, or Thai ladyboy magazines.
You know, that just fits far too well into Keji's character.

I'd also like to think that the secret package could have been explosive materials from the local Yakuza, but maybe that's just me. I seem to recall reading a drabble where Hisao sacrificed himself to allow Kenji to blow up the girls' dorms using potassium chlorate.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:43 pm
by Steinherz
NekoDude wrote:Somewhere, I got the idea that Kenji is into ladyboys. When Hanako finds out (in my story), she is much more amused and curious than she is shocked or offended, even going so far as to troll him about the topic. (She has a lot more swagger when she's drunk.)

So a secret package for him would be booze, surveillance equipment, or Thai ladyboy magazines.
.... Kenji does strike me as the guy who secretly likes that :lol:

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:58 pm
by Rhodri
Most of the buildings at Yamaku were built by the Americans during the Occupation of Japan after the 2nd World War to serve as their centre of operations for the Tōhoku region, hence the Western style architecture. When the occupation ended, it was handed over the local authorities for what use they saw fit. While some of the smaller buildings were sold off for private use, they decided to use the main building as a centre of learning and rehabilitation for children who had suffered injuries during the bombing of Sendai and the war in general. When threatened with closure in the 80s, several Yamaku alumni (now wealthy or influential individuals) came to the rescue, brought the dilapidated school and created the Yamaku Foundation to run it. Over the following years, the foundation brought up the remaining buildings, renovated them into the dormitories and added new buildings e.g. the pool.

During the AIDS moral panic in late 80s, Yamaku took on students who had been expelled from the mainstream system because of their infection. Think Ryan White. By sheer coincidence, today is the 25th anniversary of his death.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:36 pm
by YutoTheOrc
I've always seen Miki as probably the most nonchalantly, politically incorrect, and blunt person at the entire school. Its a nice change in Hanako's route, little bit of calm before a very possible storm!

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:50 pm
by kimono
Maybe you already posted this but I will share more of my headcanon:

- The only true sad endings (the one that Hisao ends up without any friends at Yamaku, or at least not close ones) are Shizune's bad ending and Rin's neutral ending (who decided THAT one was the neutral? Its so more depressing than the other).

- The onle route where Lilly goes to Scotland is, ironically, Hanako's route. The reason is obvious: Hanako.

- Hanako is in love with you in Lilly's route and viceversa. The only thing that keeps you away from a threesome is the master or romance.

- I just thought that re reading Rin's route: Nomiya is so obssessed in finding young talents not because he cares about them, but for Sae's boyfriend. He was jealous of him because he married Sae, the girl he secretly liked. He presses Rin so much because he secretly wants to beat the guy who was better than him in painting and with women. Sae has suspicions of that, thats why she frienzones Nomiya despite of being a widow for (presmuably) many years.

This one doesnt have a lot of base, but if thats true that means that everyone in the game dislikes Nomiya, so I will keep it as a Headcanon. You damn monster >:(

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:06 pm
by Taotao
Hanako is in love with you in Lilly's route and viceversa. The only thing that keeps you away from a threesome is the master or romance.
This is actually a really interesting point that I noticed, too, as the first 2 routes I've done are Hanako's and Lilly's in that order.

During Hanako's path, when you hang out with Lilly in the town, it almost comes across as if shes waiting for Hisao to ask her out or flirt with her, and seeing as he compliments her internally various times during this scene, it may be possible he likes her or they may be interested in eachother. Especially since Hisao himself doesnt necessarily come to terms with his feelings for Hanako until later. Then again, Lilly is a caring friend and its unknown if Hanako had told Lilly she likes Hisao.

In Lilly's path, Hanako gets flustered whenever Hisao is near, especially when Akira makes the playful jabs at her party. This might be because of Hanako's shy nature, but seeing as her reaction when Lilly mentions she confessed to Hisao is seemingly despondant, I personally came to the conclusion that Hanako felt a bit betrayed by Lilly if Hanako had feelings with Hisao during that time. Whether Lilly knew or not, thats really when Hanako begins to drift away from Lilly and Hisao, granted its covered up as giving them "space".
Just a thought.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:24 pm
by Steinherz
kimono wrote:- Hanako is in love with you in Lilly's route and viceversa. The only thing that keeps you away from a threesome is the master or romance.
I have a feeling this is pretty damn true.

And who knows, maybe it does happen after their routes end :lol:

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:13 pm
by Taotao
Steinherz wrote: I have a feeling this is pretty damn true.

And who knows, maybe it does happen after their routes end :lol:
As good a reason as any to bust out the fanfic skills :wink:

In all seriousness though, I think it'd provide a pretty neat post-ending story to see Lilly's reaction to Hisao and Hanako getting together in Hanako's arc, given that the interactions and amount of time spent together between Lilly and Hisao is pretty similar up to that point in both arcs, save for Lilly kissing Hisao on the cheek after the party and the two of them considering their town adventure to be a "date".
However, the writers may have thought it might be too similar to Misha's and Shizune's situation.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:36 pm
by Charmant
Nomiya's old dead art friend is actually Sae. He faked his death and started living as a woman because Nomiya was constantly up his ass to be the world's greatest artist or whatever.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:41 am
by Eurobeatjester
Taotao wrote:
Hanako is in love with you in Lilly's route and viceversa. The only thing that keeps you away from a threesome is the master or romance.
This is actually a really interesting point that I noticed, too, as the first 2 routes I've done are Hanako's and Lilly's in that order.

During Hanako's path, when you hang out with Lilly in the town, it almost comes across as if shes waiting for Hisao to ask her out or flirt with her, and seeing as he compliments her internally various times during this scene, it may be possible he likes her or they may be interested in eachother. Especially since Hisao himself doesnt necessarily come to terms with his feelings for Hanako until later. Then again, Lilly is a caring friend and its unknown if Hanako had told Lilly she likes Hisao.

In Lilly's path, Hanako gets flustered whenever Hisao is near, especially when Akira makes the playful jabs at her party. This might be because of Hanako's shy nature, but seeing as her reaction when Lilly mentions she confessed to Hisao is seemingly despondant, I personally came to the conclusion that Hanako felt a bit betrayed by Lilly if Hanako had feelings with Hisao during that time. Whether Lilly knew or not, thats really when Hanako begins to drift away from Lilly and Hisao, granted its covered up as giving them "space".
Just a thought.
For what it's worth, I think there was definitely some sort of love triangle there, but neither Lilly or Hanako would ever act on it (maybe Hanako and Hisao would pursue something after Lilly's neutral/bad end) and Hisao would be too dense to pick up on it.

I don't think Hanako would have told Lilly that she likes Hisao in those words, but Lilly may have picked up on that from Hanako simply talking to her. When they meet Rin in town and walk back, Hisao's heart acts up and he tells Lilly what his condition is. Lilly drops the comment that "Hanako said you looked healthy..."

Hanako doesn't strike me as the person who would gossip about other's appearances or conditions at Yamaku, even to her best friend, without taking some sort of interest in them. Lilly's really perceptive, so I like to think she noticed.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:18 am
by Alpacalypse
kimono wrote: Hanako is in love with you in Lilly's route and viceversa. The only thing that keeps you away from a threesome is the master or romance.
I am in agreement with the former, but not so much the latter. Hanako, given her anxieties, would probably be attracted to any guy that would look at her without staring/looking away. Hisao - being the kind and dim-witted person he is - fits the bill. To be honest, it's my headcanon that Hanako's attracted to Hisao in Lilly's route (and Emi's, if you pursue the Hanako/Lilly path, then run with Emi).

Lilly, on the other hand, doesn't strike me as the type for this. Might have been some form of attraction early in the route, but it's pretty clear that, by the time of the party scene in Hanako's route (when Lilly - rather un-subtley - asks Hisao to escort Hanako to her room instead of Akira - and quite clearly takes some pleasure in doing so), it's pretty much non-existent.