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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

BobBobberson wrote:Hello, devs.

Y'know how there's a lot of parts where the girls say they've had conversations with each other, or Hisao sees them talking or leave to talk (Like Hanako wanting to talk to Lilly at Lilly's summer house)? I take it we'll never know the contents of those conversations, will we? If we did know those things, it would definitely flesh out the story a lot moar.
You'll never know.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Question for you astronomer people

Post by Aura »

Mysterious Stranger wrote:Is the constellation featured in Shicchan's Act 2 FMV (and by extension the end of Act 1) supposed to resemble an actual constellation?

The only thing I can think of is Orion's Belt, but those three are arranged in a diagonal fashion, if I'm not mistaken, quite unlike the triangle pattern in the video.
Not a constellation, but an asterism. It's the Summer Triangle, rotated for artistic purposes.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by thixez77 »

4LS i have to say that this game means alot to me. Why? because of the fact that i have a hearth condition similar to Arrhytmia and this game is actualy pretty acurate in the fact of how it is. so my question is this:is there any one in the 4Ls team with a hearth condition? or is it just that you needed a random condition for the game.

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

hi guys

completing the game was an experience lets say that made me think about stuff that is going on in my life and I would just like to thank you for creating this fantastic game
I would just like to ask what the future holds for four leaf studios will you be making more games or will you all be parting ways?

I would love to see another game
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Re: Ask!

Post by centrefuge »

Guest wrote:hi guys

completing the game was an experience lets say that made me think about stuff that is going on in my life and I would just like to thank you for creating this fantastic game
I would just like to ask what the future holds for four leaf studios will you be making more games or will you all be parting ways?

I would love to see another game
yeh do you guys have anything else lined up? would probably make my year even better (if that is possible)
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Re: Ask!

Post by Paladin »

First and foremost, I just want to say thank you to all of the 4LS staff for the amazing emotional experience you have provided. I think it helped to change my outlook on aspects of my own life.

Now for my question, which is directed to the writers: How is writing the dialogue, narrative, plot, etc. of a Visual Novel such as Katawa Shoujo different from writing a traditional novel? What unique challenges arise from these differences? I ask, mainly because the profound impact KS has had on me, has inspired me to start writing again.

Best Regards,

[10:59:46 PM] GIR: so who's the soapdropper?
[11:00:00 PM] T. C. Paladin: BWAHAHAHA!!!!! ROFL!
[11:00:14 PM] GIR: no i mean i figured one of you is using that as your IRC nickname
[11:00:19 PM] T. C. Paladin: i have no clue, but that is hilarious
[11:02:25 PM]T. C. Paladin: lol wow. i'm going to have to use that one someday
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

Guest wrote:hi guys

completing the game was an experience lets say that made me think about stuff that is going on in my life and I would just like to thank you for creating this fantastic game
I would just like to ask what the future holds for four leaf studios will you be making more games or will you all be parting ways?

I would love to see another game
We don't really know. Time will tell.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

Paladin wrote:First and foremost, I just want to say thank you to all of the 4LS staff for the amazing emotional experience you have provided. I think it helped to change my outlook on aspects of my own life.

Now for my question, which is directed to the writers: How is writing the dialogue, narrative, plot, etc. of a Visual Novel such as Katawa Shoujo different from writing a traditional novel? What unique challenges arise from these differences? I ask, mainly because the profound impact KS has had on me, has inspired me to start writing again.

Best Regards,

Writing a VN feels much more akin to writing a theatre play script than a novel. The writer must keep the visual and aural aspects in mind while writing, because in a VN you can literally show instead of telling. One also must deal with the limited resources that come with these. Sure, crud might want to suddenly implement a subplot with 3 unique side characters with 2 outfits each, requiring 10 new backgrounds and 5 unique visual effects, but our director and artists would murder him and wear his skin at 4LS parties. Another tricky aspect is the interactivity. Many VNs have branching stories, guided by player-made choices. Figuring out the story structure is immensely hard, so much so that I can confidently say that I've never seen a VN do the branching/interactivity in a satisfactory way.

On the level of the narrative, it's nothing special I think, not that I'm a particularly experienced writer. Compared to my non-VN prose, I use more dialogue and protagonist's inner speech and leave more of the ambience description to visuals and music. I did "learn to write" through writing KS though, so it might be the only way I can really do it right now. I don't know what else to say about the subject, the gist of it is that it's quite different, but the things you have to keep in mind are outside of the immediate sentence-shaping work.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

Hey again devs,

I was wondering to what extent you guys engage in the fan culture of the KS community; that is, do you read much in the way of fan fiction, or view much in the way of fan art? What do you think of what you have seen, if any?

Have you guys actually read much of the finished project? Anyone gone for the 100% unlocks? Or do you feel that having worked on it as long as you have, reading it now is unnecessary or unimportant?

Cheers, BlackWaltz.
BlackWaltz's One-stop Oneshot Shop - my fanfiction portal topic. Contains links to all my previous works, plus starting now any new ones I may produce (or reproduce)! Please, check it out!

BlackWaltz's Pastebin - for those who prefer to read things with no formatting and stuff. It's mostly the same as in my thread. Also contains assorted other writing!
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Re: Ask!

Post by Silentcook »

BlackWaltzTheThird wrote:I was wondering to what extent you guys engage in the fan culture of the KS community; that is, do you read much in the way of fan fiction, or view much in the way of fan art? What do you think of what you have seen, if any?
I try to keep the forums read. Yes, the whole forums. All of them.
Anyway, I am generally unimpressed by anything that uses a crossover in any way, shape or form. More often than not, it's the sign of lazy writing, and shoehorned lazy writing at that.
Radically different story spins, such as "what if the KS cast were... VAMPIRES?" are even worse, though in a different way.
...come to think of it, this kills about 90-95% of fan fiction. Yep. :?
BlackWaltzTheThird wrote:Have you guys actually read much of the finished project? Anyone gone for the 100% unlocks? Or do you feel that having worked on it as long as you have, reading it now is unnecessary or unimportant?
During beta testing alone, I have gotten through the whole thing at least five times, the hard way. Plus an uncountable number of times using devskip.
So I suppose that being an editor, my response is an extremely predictable "yes".
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Re: Ask!

Post by cpl_crud »

BlackWaltzTheThird wrote:Hey again devs,

I was wondering to what extent you guys engage in the fan culture of the KS community; that is, do you read much in the way of fan fiction, or view much in the way of fan art? What do you think of what you have seen, if any?

Have you guys actually read much of the finished project? Anyone gone for the 100% unlocks? Or do you feel that having worked on it as long as you have, reading it now is unnecessary or unimportant?

Cheers, BlackWaltz.

I covered the same question in the interview I did with Shintai, but basically I've stopped engaging.

I lack Silentcook's dedication (although I did, at one stage, read everything that was posted here) and the time to execute constant reading. I subscribe to a few threads, but that's about it.

When it comes to writing, I prefer people who don't stick to canon. Not in the "Vampires" sense that Silentcook mentioned, but in terms of allowing the characters to grow, naturally.

What I really hate (more than crappy crossovers or cross-genres) is when people try and pick up from the second the game finishes.

All stories need tension and resolution. Each one of the KS paths builds up this tension and then resolves the major themes. To think that Hisao an "Girl X" would then lurch directly into another adventure is, well, pointless. That's whay Soap Operas do; they just lurch from one arc to the next to the point where they no longer resemble any kind of reality.

My one tip to people who want to write fan fiction would be to leap forward to another "tense" moment in your favourite character's lives. And I don't mean to bend the reality that we have created; I mean think forward. You have job interviews, marraiges, kids, divorce, deaths in the family, buying a house, buying a car, getting fired...

All of those things can be the crux of a story. KS was set in a pretty "vanilla" universe. If you want to stay authentic then you have to keep the same rules as the game.

Oh, and if you do nothing else, ask for feedback and don't act like a little bitch when you get it. I know that even I have a little sulk when people tear shreds of my work, but the only way to improve is to realise your failings and excise them from your daily life.

... did I just go a little too far off track?

Oh yeah. I do occasionally look at the Shimme as art is easy to digest.
My Novel - Now available The Zemlya Conspiracy

<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
<Suriko> In a non-creepy fatherly way
<NicolArmarfi> crud is trying to dress hanako up like miku and attempting to get her to pose for him in headphones and he burns money
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Re: Ask!

Post by Libra »

I'm sorry if this questions has already been asked.

What are Visual novel do you recommend after some one have played Katawa Shoujo?

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Re: Ask!

Post by bradpara »

Do we even....want to know.....what's inside Kenji's room?
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Re: Ask!

Post by TheHivemind »

bradpara wrote:Do we even....want to know.....what's inside Kenji's room?
Stacks of pornography involving barnyard animals.
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Re: Ask!

Post by TheTrueCole »

About the intimate scene with Hanako and Hisao; what's up with the condom? To be more specific, was Hisao prepared for something like this to happen (which is the last think I would've expected him to be thinking about at that time) or did he just keep one there, just in case? It's not a burning question, but it did make me raise an eyebrow pretty high.
Forgetting KS is like trying to ignore a kanker sore on your tongue. One does not, simply.
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