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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:48 pm
by bhtooefr
Do they even sell the diesel in Japan?

I was under the impression that Mazda was the only company even trying to sell diesel passenger cars in Japan nowadays.

Oh, I've got two headcanons as far as what Emi drives. Either nothing at all, or a Suzuki Cappuccino - small, spunky, and can be quite fast when modified. Just like her.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:14 pm
by SpunkySix
bhtooefr wrote:Do they even sell the diesel in Japan?

I was under the impression that Mazda was the only company even trying to sell diesel passenger cars in Japan nowadays.

Oh, I've got two headcanons as far as what Emi drives. Either nothing at all, or a Suzuki Cappuccino - small, spunky, and can be quite fast when modified. Just like her.
It's like it was meant to be or something. :roll:

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:33 pm
by bhtooefr
But it's only a SpunkyThree-cylinder.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:50 am
by Comrade
Jigoro is a pretender to a rich noble family and the reason he's such an asshole is being passed over in inheritence.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:52 am
by Megumeru
Wow I'm absent for a day and the thread jump 3-5 pages.

Other headcanons...

-Yamaku is considered a private school despite the funding it receives from the government and local donors. Although admittance into the school can be tough, it is entirely possible for 'normal' students to be admitted--disabled students, however, received a 'discount'.

-The English language is still the number one hated course in Yamaku high and is enough to satisfy similar requirements as local schools.

-Yamaku High follows local traditions, hosting its own school festivals twice a year; one in summer, another in fall. The sportsmeet is one of the more famous event, second to the summer festival which is often done in cooperation with Sendai's city council in an effort to raise the awareness and promote the school as a whole. The fall festical, however, follows the more traditional cultural festival where students are expected to participate either in performance or food stands--this event is famous by students for its bonfire finale. Unlike the summer festival, the fall festival is entirely organized by the student council.

-Jigoro became a bitter man after his wife passed away. The fact that both his son and daughter takes more on the look of his wife--Shizune in particular--doesn't exactly help him cope with the loss. The fact that she's deaf and mute frustrates him even more.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:35 am
by KeiichiO
SpunkySix wrote:Okay, we obviously have a lot to work with here, so let's mix it up:

What criteria do you use to filter out which head canon you follow?
I just believe whatever makes sense to me personally. I tend to filter out the ridiculous ones that really have no real rhyme or reason - i.e. Jigoro being a FTM transgender - as well as ones I think shouldn't matter, such as what cars they drive.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:56 am
by emmjay
A few of mine, in no particular order:
  • Yamaku Academy was founded in the early to mid 1960's. Mainly because if it had been around then, thalidomide-affected children (like Rin was mentioned to be in the original image that inspired the whole thing) could have attended the school.
  • A few years after Rin's good end, when Hisao proposed to Rin, it looked exactly like [shimmie=1034]this[/shimmie].
  • Sometime after Hanako's good end, she and Hisao founded a bakery, as depicted in the Tomorrow Today artbook.
  • Hideaki doesn't crossdress for the sake of crossdressing. He just sees clothes he likes and doesn't see what the point is in restricting certain types of apparel to particular sexes.
  • Emi experimented in college, but decided she was, in fact, straight. (This is assuming she wasn't in a relationship with Hisao.)
  • Yeah, I know this one is most people's headcanon, but Meiko and the Nurse are totally an item. And Emi doesn't know a thing about it.
  • Hanako had feeling for Hisao in Lilly's route, but not as strong as the feelings she had in her own route. In her route, she started falling for him during the second scene in the library (the "Thank you for hanging out with me" one). All the things he could have done that day, and he chose to spend time with her. That made her start thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could be more than just a friend.
    In Lilly's route, due to Hisao choosing to spend his time that day with Lilly, those feelings didn't develop just then. But as the three of them started doing more and more together, she started falling for him, just a bit. But Hisao was obviously getting closer and closer to Lilly, she never acted on those feelings, both because she didn't want to come between her two best friends, and because she honestly didn't think anyone could prefer her to Lilly.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:16 am
by KeiichiO
emmjay wrote:A few years after Rin's good end, when Hisao proposed to Rin, it looked exactly like [shimmie=1034]this[/shimmie].
I'm completely content with that.
Hideaki doesn't crossdress for the sake of crossdressing. He just sees clothes he likes and doesn't see what the point is in restricting certain types of apparel to particular sexes.
And completely agree with your headcanon Hideaki. People shouldn't be expected to be a certain way simply because they have a certain chromosome, or lack thereof.
Hanako had feeling for Hisao in Lilly's route, but not as strong as the feelings she had in her own route. In her route, she started falling for him during the second scene in the library (the "Thank you for hanging out with me" one). All the things he could have done that day, and he chose to spend time with her. That made her start thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could be more than just a friend
In Lilly's route, due to Hisao choosing to spend his time that day with Lilly, those feelings didn't develop just then. But as the three of them started doing more and more together, she started falling for him, just a bit. But Hisao was obviously getting closer and closer to Lilly, she never acted on those feelings, both because she didn't want to come between her two best friends, and because she honestly didn't think anyone could prefer her to Lilly.
I actually subscribe to this headcanon as well, a bit sad as it is. I feel that after Lilly's neutral end, Hanako and Hisao start hanging out more, and build on their own relationship. They could end up falling for each other, or simply remain close friends through their mutual admiration for Lilly. I think it would be a little skeevy for Hisao to start dating his girlfriend's friend after she leaves, though, if she's going to remain in Scotland for an unspecified amount of time, moving on would be recommended.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:24 am
by brythain
KeiichiO wrote:
Hideaki doesn't crossdress for the sake of crossdressing. He just sees clothes he likes and doesn't see what the point is in restricting certain types of apparel to particular sexes.
And completely agree with your headcanon Hideaki. People shouldn't be expected to be a certain way simply because they have a certain chromosome, or lack thereof.
For me it's that Jigoro just didn't bother to buy new clothes for Hideaki after the divorce, and Hideaki couldn't be bothered to buy much for himself either. Satisfied kind of guy. So it was mainly repurposed Shizune stuff. And Hideaki is sufficiently self-confident about such things to not care about others' expectations (except Shizune's, and she won't tell him to stop).
KeiichiO wrote:
Hanako had feeling for Hisao in Lilly's route, but not as strong as the feelings she had in her own route. In her route, she started falling for him during the second scene in the library (the "Thank you for hanging out with me" one). All the things he could have done that day, and he chose to spend time with her. That made her start thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could be more than just a friend
In Lilly's route, due to Hisao choosing to spend his time that day with Lilly, those feelings didn't develop just then. But as the three of them started doing more and more together, she started falling for him, just a bit. But Hisao was obviously getting closer and closer to Lilly, she never acted on those feelings, both because she didn't want to come between her two best friends, and because she honestly didn't think anyone could prefer her to Lilly.
I actually subscribe to this headcanon as well, as a bit sad as it is. I feel that after Lilly's neutral end, Hanako and Hisao start hanging out more, and build on their own relationship. They could end up falling for each other, or simply remain close friends through their mutual admiration for Lilly. I think it would be a little skeevy for Hisao to start dating his girlfriend's friend after she leaves, though, if she's going to remain in Scotland for an unspecified amount of time, moving on would be recommended.
I subscribe to a variant of this headcanon, except that Hanako's not the only one. Shizune is too, except that Shizune (like Lilly and Hisao) can be a bit mulish about sticking to a certain course of action, up to the point of regret. And so Hisao goes to Todai with Shizune and Hanako, is friends with both, and doesn't end up with either one…

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:40 am
by bhtooefr
I'll admit, my headcanon is closer to Developments than After the Dream in that regard. Hanako and Hisao will both probably be in shock and end up relying on each other to pick up the pieces, and things will end up happening (unless, of course, a wild Emi appears... which happens in both stories...) Hanako will always have the insecurity that she's Hisao's second choice, though, that he's only with her because he couldn't be with Lilly (which is true), and if Lilly ever came back, he'd dump Hanako in a heartbeat (which couldn't be further from the truth, but that's what Hanako would think).

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:46 am
by El Zilcho
There's a widespread rumor around Yamaku that Shizune and Misha are a couple. The rumor ranges from mostly innocent to "know what I heard they do while they're alone in the Student Council room together..." and is another major reason, aside from Shizune's personality, that people are reluctant to join the Student Council. Shizune is unaware since she can't lip read, doesn't hang out much with the other deaf students and Misha doesn't pass it along. Misha, to her credit, tries to dispel the gossip ("Shii-chan and I a couple? That's silly! WAHAHAHA~...HAHA...HA..." *sad*). If Hisao and Shizune start dating, the rumor dies down but there are more than a few people who think Hisao is just a beard.

Emi is straight. There's a big leap between 'willingness to try new things with a partner' and being bisexual; I don't think there's enough evidence that Emi crosses that boundary.
KeiichiO wrote:I think it would be a little skeevy for Hisao to start dating his girlfriend's friend after she leaves, though, if she's going to remain in Scotland for an unspecified amount of time, moving on would be recommended.
I don't think Hisao and Hanako would start dating each other for quite awhile after Lilly's departure, after they've had time to get over her leaving. But eventually, once they did develop feelings for each other, they'd seek (and likely receive) Lilly's approval/blessing before they started officially dating.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:47 am
by brythain
bhtooefr wrote:I'll admit, my headcanon is closer to Developments than After the Dream in that regard. Hanako and Hisao will both probably be in shock and end up relying on each other to pick up the pieces, and things will end up happening (unless, of course, a wild Emi appears... which happens in both stories...) Hanako will always have the insecurity that she's Hisao's second choice, though, that he's only with her because he couldn't be with Lilly (which is true), and if Lilly ever came back, he'd dump Hanako in a heartbeat (which couldn't be further from the truth, but that's what Hanako would think).
I'd agree with that; after all, one major divergence point between the two is that Lilly returns in the former and she doesn't ever in the latter. In both, Shizune attempts to moderate events, despite the fact that she too has a… conflict of interest. :)

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:54 am
by bhtooefr
El Zilcho wrote:I don't think Hisao and Hanako would start dating each other for quite awhile after Lilly's departure, after they've had time to get over her leaving. But eventually, once they did develop feelings for each other, they'd seek (and likely receive) Lilly's approval/blessing before they started officially dating.
I think it'd go much more like Developments, with Hanako having feelings all along and repressing them, and Lilly explicitly telling Hanako to date Hisao, after less than a week.

Now, the whole bit about Lilly coming back after 2 weeks, that's not my headcanon. Lilly's too damn stubborn.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:04 am
by brythain
bhtooefr wrote:I think it'd go much more like Developments, with Hanako having feelings all along and repressing them, and Lilly explicitly telling Hanako to date Hisao, after less than a week.
My headcanon on that issue: if Lilly (as in one phase in Dev) couldn't bring herself to tell Hanako to proceed, and unless she told Hisao to date Hanako too, Hisao would be too stubborn (or constant) to do it. And in the scenario I envisaged, with Shizune on the same campus, a semi-static triangular equilibrium would develop, held in place by multiple balanced tensions and punctuated by random events.

Disclaimer: I do find Developments a believable headcanon in many respects. But I'm (sadly, heh heh) more into slightly(?) more experimental scenarios…

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:09 am
by KeiichiO
El Zilcho wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:I think it would be a little skeevy for Hisao to start dating his girlfriend's friend after she leaves, though, if she's going to remain in Scotland for an unspecified amount of time, moving on would be recommended.
I don't think Hisao and Hanako would start dating each other for quite awhile after Lilly's departure, after they've had time to get over her leaving. But eventually, once they did develop feelings for each other, they'd seek (and likely receive) Lilly's approval/blessing before they started officially dating.
Of course, there'd need to be time for Hisao to move on, and even more time for him to develop feelings for Hanako, if he does.
Bthooefr wrote:I think it'd go much more like Developments, with Hanako having feelings all along and repressing them, and Lilly explicitly telling Hanako to date Hisao, after less than a week.

Now, the whole bit about Lilly coming back after 2 weeks, that's not my headcanon. Lilly's too damn stubborn.
I'd give it at least a year before Hisao and Hanako start dating after Lilly leaves for Scotland, but that's just me.