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Re: OC "Neko" - Route [reconsidered]

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:36 pm
by NekoDude

Re: OC "Neko" - Route [reconsidered]

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:42 pm
by Oddball
Well, I'm done here. You obviously don't want any real feedback.

Good luck to you then.

Re: OC "Neko" - Route [reconsidered]

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:25 pm
by NekoDude

Re: OC "Neko" - Route [reconsidered]

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:29 pm
by Bad Apple
NekoDude, I never saw a lick of your writing, but I'll tell you what. You have ambition and you obviously want to create something great. An epic saga. Drama and tragedy and romance and all those powerful emotional experiences, all with simple words. That's wonderful, more people should venture forth and do that. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

But here's the thing: you're also arrogant and narcissistic. You think everything you write is the shit. Perfect, flawless, sublime. Well, not every idea you shit out is 24-keret gold bullion straight out of Fort Knox. Even if it rings true in your head. There is a reason a common writing tip is to step away from one's draft for a few weeks, then come back to it after the euphoria has passed. Even geniuses have brain farts. It happens. Your oversensitive ego has to accept that fact.

Now, that is not saying a lack of ego is any better, either; it is as counterproductive to be an egoist than it is to have low self-esteem.

But in cases like this, your ego needs to be cut down to size by others for a more objective appraisal of where your real skills lie. Your strengths and your weaknesses. Your good ideas and your bad ones too. That's what many people don't understand, and you're by far from the first who has come and gone from these forums because you simply haven't learned to understand that yet.

You're never going to grow and evolve if you don't accept input from others---others who take time out of their lives to offer free critique in order to help you be all that you can be. So, constructive input, not "this sucks monkey balls" or "y did u ship those 2 fuk u die fgt"---that's just what the kids now call hater talk. It is the fast food of criticism---no nutritional value. You can ignore that because it doesn't teach you anything.

But, you see, most comments in this community are the constructive type, the ones you can read and learn a thing or two. I'm sorry that you're too thin-skinned to see it as anything other than a massive "circle jerk"---we're not out to get you. You are a total stranger to us---a stranger we nonetheless have extended a creative hand to.

So thicken your skin. Being an artist of any kind will always attract criticism. But if you remain stuck in a black-and-white, me-versus-them, all-good-or-all-bad mentality, you will never grow or evolve, and this sequence will repeat many, many times in your life---not just in mere fanfiction writing.

Just my two cents. Good luck to you and to those whose egos were too bruised to stick around.