Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation


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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Bad Decisions
Not exactly smut, just a little thing I came up with as I tried to fall asleep, and I rolled with it.
Warning this IS a sad thing, or I intend it to be.

Things are… tense now.

My hands fumble with the keys to my apartment, attempting to balance my bag of groceries at the same time, and I curse audibly each time I try the wrong key.

Heh, “groceries”, I sincerely doubt the handful of instant meals and case of beer can be called that.

I find the right key finally, pushing the door open with my hip, and stumbling to kick off my shoes before setting the bag down in the kitchen. I open the first can before my meal is finished cooking, the first of many tonight, and I flop myself down in the chair in front of my TV. I’m not actually watching anything, just flicking through dozens of channels to kill time as I wait for the frozen meat and potatoes to finish heating up.


I pull myself out of the chair, crushing the empty can in my hand as I shuffle to the kitchen. Dropping the tin cylinder on the counter, I pull the steaming hot meal out of the microwave, cursing audibly at the stinging pain I receive from touching it. I pull another beer out of the fridge, popping it open as I wait for the food to cool, grimacing at the taste of the lukewarm liquid.

One partially inedible meal and several beers later I find myself in the same place as always.

Face buried in my hands as I struggle to keep the memories from catching up to me again.

I feel like a piece of string anymore, like two invisible hands are pulling me taut, waiting for me to eventually break from the stress. It’s usually my own fault I break, alcohol being the catalyst that makes me snap and remember her.


God it’s been a year, but I can still feel her around. I moved out of the old house and into this apartment building that Shiina just so happened to live in. We had stayed friends, the three of us, after school ended. I don’t know why I chose here specifically to live, though it’s probably because Shiina lives here too, and talking to her has helped a lot. We don’t talk much recently though, she doesn’t like me drinking, but I just can’t handle it sometimes.

What hits me hardest about it all is that I wasn’t there when she died. I was at home, cooking dinner for us both when it happened. She was mugged on her way home from work, the man taking everything she had, and from what the police said witnesses reported that he was attempting to force himself on her.

Compared to what happened I think I would rather he forced himself on her.

He shot her, simple as that, spooked by the person who’d witnessed it. The ambulance didn’t make it on time, a traffic collision holding them up, and she bled out in that alley. The only consolation was that they caught him, but that was shit compared to the cost. Her funeral was the last time I saw Jigoro. He wouldn’t look at me, I don’t blame him, and Hideaki was blubbering into Akira’s chest when they lowered her casket.

I tip the can back, emptying the contents into my stomach, enjoying the buzz when I’m suddenly disturbed.


I glare at the phone, wondering who could want to bother me at this hour, and I’m surprised to find that it’s Shiina. The text is simple, asking if she can come over, and despite my better judgment I tell her yes. I open another beer, tossing the empty on the counter, and cleaning the tears off my face.


I let her in, saying nothing as I pound back the beer and head for another. I’ve got twenty or so left, I think, and I’ll be damned if I can’t finish them all tonight.

“That’s not good for you Hisao,”

Her statement is blunt and true, but I really couldn’t give two fucks. Drinking dulls it all, and keeps dreams of her away. To my surprise she’s taken one too, and I realize she wasn’t talking about the beer, she meant the instant meals. Chuckling half-heartedly I sit back down in my chair, Shiina sitting on the love-seat nearby.

We’re dead quiet, the only noise coming from the TV, and I notice she hasn’t opened the beer yet. I’m not surprised, never took her for a drinker, but I catch a glance of her eyes. There’s this hollowness to them, this emptiness that I can’t quite place, but it makes me even sadder than normal.

“Does this make the dreams go away for you?”

Her voice is barely audible, and she trembles slightly. She’s on the edge, pulled taut like me, but I don’t think she’s snapped before. I nod to her, taking another sip of beer, and she pops her’s open. She makes this bitter face after taking a sip, but quickly begins to down the alcohol. I’m shocked at how fast it goes down, and we alternate going to the fridge for more.

An hour later the case is almost empty, both of us in a drunken haze when it happens.

I don’t know when, but I’ve gravitated to the love-seat. We’re kissing now, fumbling around in each other’s mouths like horny teenagers, and I notice both our faces are wet.

I-I’ve gotta stop this… this is wrong.

The good side of my brain is far overshadowed by the alcohol, and our clothes start coming off. My vision is so blurry I can’t even appreciate her form, nor can I even find her opening to push myself into. Thankfully she’s sober enough to guide me in, and I break through what I guess is her hymen. She doesn’t even wince, alcohol dulling the pain, and we start rutting like animals. No words are spoken during the act, just grunts and moans amongst the background noise of the television and the sound of our sexes colliding.

I’ve already come inside her before I realize there’s no condom on, and after the climax passes shame floods my body.

She’s passed out on the couch, I don’t know if she went during the act or after, and I cover her with a blanket before I rush to the restroom. I hover over the bowl, emptying the contents of my stomach before hurriedly washing the taste out with water from the sink. I look up afterwards, disgusted at my own face, and the post-sex glow I wear.

I-I don’t know what to do…

Should I go back into the living room and sleep next to her?

Should I go sleep in my room?

I curse that I only bought one case, that I can’t just drink until I pass out as normal and deal with this in the morning, but I have to deal with this now.

I go back to Shiina, putting my boxer back on, and crouch down next to her.

She looks peaceful, like an angel, and she wears a slight smile. I brush her brown bangs out of her face, and she mumbles something as she grasps my hand.


Her voice drops off near the end, and I sigh as my body slumps to the floor.

What the hell am I going to do now?
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Shizune »

[Why do people keep killing me? Am I really that bad?]
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Shizune wrote:[Why do people keep killing me? Am I really that bad?]
Funny thing is, you're my favorite girl. Just did this on a whim to flex my non-sex writing muscle.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Hoitash »

Banda wrote: Just did this on a whim to flex my non-sex writing muscle.

I am terribly immature, it seems.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Hoitash wrote:
Banda wrote: Just did this on a whim to flex my non-sex writing muscle.

I am terribly immature, it seems.
Me having a non-sex muscle... I snickered too.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Guest90206 »


Hanabro to the end.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

M-Maybe I Could be Your Shizune Tonight~?


That being said, enjoy if you're gonna continue.

Also yes, this is post highschool, and Hideaki is of legal age during the events proceeding.

[No, I don’t believe you. He’s just going through a phase.]

She’s adamant in her disbelief, but I still try getting her to accept the truth.

[I’m telling you; yesterday he was flirting with me.]

She screws her mouth up in anger, the pace of her signing becoming faster as she responds.

[He was eating a Popsicle Hisao! Maybe you should try pulling your mind out of the gutter!]

I sigh audibly, trying to get her to realize her little brother prefers the men folk, but her stubborn personality makes this like trying to run a marathon with my heart. I almost can’t take it anymore, ever since Shizune and I decided to remain friends Hideaki has been constantly coming on to me. He’s been flirting in subtle ways as fellating a frozen treat, to such blunt ways as trying to hold my damn hand in public, or sitting ridiculously close to me.

I guess it’s my fault after all, I did err… lead him on after his sister and I had the big argument.

It was after school had ended, we’d not quite broken up, but we were on the edge. I wanted to keep it going, holding onto that shred of what we were in school, but Shizune knew it was over. We’d blown up at each other during a camping trip, and I ended up raiding her father’s liquor cabinet at the cabin we were staying in. Hideaki approached me when I was far too gone to care about what I was saying, and basically said that if he were in his sister’s position he wouldn’t give me up.

And then we kissed.

It was short, this simple peck that’d opened up the fucking floodgates from there on. If I had known that one drunken kiss would somehow make him believe that he had a chance I wouldn’t shut him down weeks ago.
Buuuut I didn’t… fuck my life.

Ever since we decided to keep our friendship, Hideaki tagged along every time Shizune and I hung out. He still wore girly clothes, with his hair all done up with hair clips, and even wore fucking perfume. It was odd in public, this effeminate boy hanging onto me like a lost puppy as I tried to make small talk with his sister about idle shit.

I got a lot of looks I’ll tell you that.

Like I said before, I’ve been trying to bring Shizune around to the idea that her brother is gay, but she’s not having any of it. She’s like that probably because Jigoro would disown him, but that makes sense because she’s the protective older sister type.

Tonight though, I’m gonna change her mind.

The plan is simple, I left my laptop webcam recording, and my intent is to lure Hideaki into my room tonight to catch him in the act of seduction. I’m probably a bit cocky in assuming that Hideaki is going to outright pop into my room with the intent of jumping on my dick, but with his recent bluntness I wouldn’t be surprised.

With the trap set, I return to my company downstairs, and join them in playing a board game Shizune dragged out of my basement. It’s Monopoly, Shizune already owning the majority of the properties, and Hideaki smiles at me as I sit down.

[About time, it’s your turn to roll.] Shizune signs at me harshly, still angry about our conversation from earlier.

My roll ends up shitty, losing a quarter of my remaining paper money to Shizune’s hotels. Hideaki rolls next, barely managing to avoid losing some of his money, and he grins at me as he pumps one fist into the air. Shizune roll last, landing on her own property, and takes a few minutes to debate on paying for another hotel on the unoccupied space.

“Hey, wanna make a bet?” he asks me, taking advantage of Shizune’s preoccupied state.

I nod at him, wondering what exactly he’s got in mind.

“The bet is to be the one who loses last,”

He’s referring to the fact that Shizune HAS won, and that all we can do now is try to hold onto our money for as long as we can. It’s a pretty fun bet I have to admit, but I’m curious as to what I could lose.

“Alright, what are the stakes?”

He grins at me, adjusting his glasses in the same fashion Shizune always does before answering.

“If I win, then I get to sleep in your bed tonight, and if you win then I’ll be your slave for a day,”

I scoff, either way he kinda wins, but that’s about how he handles these types of things. I decide to play with him a bit, tease him about the stakes.

“So if you win, then I have to sleep on the couch?” I ask, acting dumb.

“W-Well n-no…” he plays with his hands whilst avoiding my eyes.

Aha, he’s being shy about it now, cute Hideaki.

“So whaddaya mean then? I gotta sleep on the floor?”

“I-I mean t-that we could s-sleep together… l-like a sleepover!” his eye meet with mine again, shining with childish glee.

“But we are having a sleepover Hideaki, does this mean your sister is sleeping with us too?”

“N-No! Just us,” He huffs.

I have to admit, teasing the little brat is kind of fun, especially seeing his reactions to my false stupidity. The way his face scrunches up in frustration makes me chuckle, and to be honest he does look cu-
Jesus what am I even fucking thinking, this is my best friends brother, not some GIRL in a coffee shop or something.

“Alright, you’re on then,” I agree to his bet, this wide smile crossing his face as Shizune eyes both warily.

[What are you talking about?] She signs slowly.

[Nothing, just talking about girls, Hisao was giving me some tips~!] Hideaki lies.

Shizune gives us the same wary look before declaring her turn over, and several turns later I find myself devoid of my cash, looking at an overjoyed Hideaki.

[I fold; it’s time for bed anyways.] He signs to Shizune hopping up off the ground.

She gives us that same look again, eyes narrowed in an attempt to discern our motives before she throws her hands up, a silent sigh escaping her mouth.

[Whatever, I was getting bored winning anyway. I’m taking a bath.] She signs before stomping off upstairs.

The second she’s out of sight Hideaki is snuggled next to me, devilish grin spreading across his face.

“I’ll wait until Shizune is asleep, so leave the door unlocked okay~?”

I barely manage a nod before he’s skipping off upstairs, to do God knows what before tonight, and I trudge upstairs to my own room. I double check my camera, making sure that it will indeed catch Hideaki’s visit, and my refusal of his advances.

I feel strange though, refusing him that is, he seems so happy about it.

I… I don’t want to see him sad, even if that mea-

No, I’m not fucking my best friend’s brother, that’ not happeni-

He does look like a flat Shizune though, and he does look cute in ti-

Oh for fucks sake brain! I am not gay, this isn’t fucking happening!

My mind drifts to him in those short shorts, the little bit of his butt peeking out, and the way he looks in those tights.

Fuck me; I need help, like serious help. I’m not gay, I don’t like… FUCKING TRAPS!

I spend a few hours reaffirming my manliness with a selection of erotica online, watching several adult videos, and I’m just about to choose one to relieve myself to when I hear a light knock at my-


I close the videos, checking the webcam one more time for luck, and I tell him to come in. He’s draped in a thin blanket, obscuring whatever he is (or isn’t) wearing at the moment, and I give him a puzzled look as he shuffles in. I’m wondering why the hell he’s shuffling instead of walking like a normal person for a second before he reveals the reason.

He drops the blanket of his form, displaying an outfit that I’ve never seen outside of pornography.

He’s wearing these sheer red tinted stockings, attached to a matching garter belt, and this scarlet see-through top that fell down to his hips. Where he found the panties though, I’m not planning on asking, as I doubt he bought the lacy pair during a family outing. His outfit is completed by a pair of shiny stiletto heels, colors matching his top of course.

It’s about this time I notice that I never zipped my pants up, and my erection has slipped through the hole in my boxes. Hideaki notices this, a blush crossing his cheeks, and his arms cross over his flat chest as his eyes move toward the ground.

“Shit… I’m sorry,” he mumbles, slightly embarrassed for some odd reason.

“Sorry for what? I was always taught not to be ashamed of my body,” I slap myself mentally, regretting the shitty line.

“I-I can see that…” he stumbles, eyes gravitating towards my cock.

He’s nervous, tripping over his own feet as he moves toward me, and he falls right into my lap. He feels… good, the texture of the top and the stockings against me causes my erection to twitch in anticipation.
Before I know it he’s straddled me proper, arms wrapped around my neck, and he pulls me into a long kiss.
Well shit… if I’m gonna stop this I should stop now.

He breaks the kiss, a thin trail of glistening saliva hanging between our lips, and he gives me this sweet smile.

“I-I’ve been thinking about doing that again ever since you stole my first,”

I can’t stop myself, the way he looks at me drives me crazy, this shy look of pure happiness at achieving the goal he set a long time ago makes me toss any logic out the window.

My hands grope his ass, kneading the supple flesh as he kisses me again, his lips having the faint taste of blueberry chapstick. His hands work their way into my hair as I slip my fingers under the panties, working their way closer to his hole, and finally breaks away to breath.

“W-Wait, do you ha-,”

I cut him off with a kiss, removing a hand to fumble with my desk drawer, and pull out a small bottle of lubricant. I keep it around for self-relief of course, but it’ll serve well tonight. I tear through the lace, ripping the flimsy garment to shreds before continuing my fondling.

“H-Hey, those weren’t cheap~!” he whines, removing his hands from my head to start undoing my shirt.

Seconds later I can feel his hardened nipples against my bare chest, and his own erection grinding against my own. If I were in a right mind, I would’ve moved to the bed by now, and removed my clothing fully. Right now however, my dick is guiding me, and it begs for release. I fumble for the bottle of lubricant, blindly squeezing a huge dollop onto the top of Hideaki’s crack, the cold liquid causing him to go still with shock.

“You could’ve warmed it up first!” he proclaims, moving one hand to my erection and slowly pumping it.
I don’t respond, instead I smear the liquid over his ass, penetrating his butthole with one errant finger.

It slips in quite easy, making me wonder if he’s played with it before, and he start moaning into my mouth as I work my finger in and out. I quickly another finger to the mix, worming both digits around erratically to loosen him even further, and he actually starts pushing his ass INTO my hand.

“I-I want… I w-want it~!” he moans loudly, lifting himself up so I can position myself for the act that’ll revoke my heterosexuality.

He’s incredibly tight still, despite my fingering, and I struggle not to come too fast as he starts to rock his hips on me. His hands grip my hair tight, almost painfully so, and he mashes his mouth on mine in lustful fervor. My hands find his hips, urging him to speed up, and I feel his pre-cum spread along my chest when his erection rubs against me.

I don’t know how much time passes, my mind is lost in how taboo the act is, and I grunt as he starts bouncing on me. The heels allow him the extra height to pull almost completely off me, and slam back down with the help of my hands. His pre glistens on my chest in the light of my desk lamp, his cock sliding up and down against me with each bounce, and his moans grow louder as he goes faster.

I’m glad Shizune can’t hear, because the noise of our moans echoes through the room and so does the sound of his ass sliding along my length with the help of the lube. His bounces are furious now, like all his energy is focused on impaling himself on me, and I’m teetering on the edge when he comes. His cock twitched violently, spraying thick ropes of hot sperm over my chest, and he continues to grind against me as he rides out the orgasm.

I climax shortly after he does, the way his anus rapidly clenches and unclenches my shaft drives me straight over the edge, and my balls clench up as I blow my load into his ass. The feeling of him vibrate around me while I come makes it seem ten times better than normal, and I strain to empty myself into him.
After our orgasms die down, I cast this glance down at Hideaki as he rests on my chest. His eyes are drooping, tired from the exertion, and I am as well. I don’t say anything to him, just picking his rather light form up, and carry him to the bed. I set him down lightly, letting him take off his clothes, and I remove my own as well. I climb into bed with him, both of us nude, and he cuddles up against me with a content sigh.

I look down at him again, wrapping my arm around him, and debate just what the FUCK I’m going to do in the morning. Eventually I just decide to deal with it in the morning, and drift off to sleep.

Inspired by this picture.
Last edited by Banda on Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by YourFavAnon »


Dammit, Banda.
I write things occasionally.

Dumps of my 35+ fics can be found here and here (including some non-KS stuff).
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Total Destruction »

This is the best one. By far.

I've always been uncomfortably attracted to Hideaki. No, that's a lie. It's been pretty fucking comfortable.

If it's pretty, fuck it. There is no gay, Hisao.

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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Shizune »

[Yes! I've waited so long for this moment!]
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by CBuM »

But what happens to the videotape?
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

CBuM wrote:But what happens to the videotape?
We'll find out later...
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Scissorlips »

I can't maybe contemplate fapping to this.

Very interesting to see a story that takes place after one of the routes where Hisao and the girl have broken up and everything isn't ruined everywhere forever. The rest is... interesting too. In a special, unique way that... oh, screw it. Who else but Banda.
I do like what you did with his thought process in this one though, it's both funny and believable. There are a few missing words and an awkward tense here and there, but otherwise... solid. I guess. I mean.
“Shit… I’m sorry,” he mumbles, slightly embarrassed for some odd reason.

“Sorry for what? I was always taught not to be ashamed of my body,” I slap myself mentally, regretting the shitty line.

“I-I can see that…” he stumbles, eyes gravitating towards my cock.

[Pastebin] [Familiarity]
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Scissorlips wrote:I can't maybe contemplate fapping to this.


Scissorlips wrote:Who else but Banda.

Heh, yep.
Scissorlips wrote:There are a few missing words and an awkward tense here and there, but otherwise... solid. I guess. I mean.

"Awkward" "Solid" Why am I giggling so hard.
Scissorlips wrote:
“Shit… I’m sorry,” he mumbles, slightly embarrassed for some odd reason.

“Sorry for what? I was always taught not to be ashamed of my body,” I slap myself mentally, regretting the shitty line.

“I-I can see that…” he stumbles, eyes gravitating towards my cock.
I worked that in for the people who DON'T fap to this gloriousness.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Guest90206 »


banda why
Hanabro to the end.
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