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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:08 pm
by Bagheera
nemz wrote:But they aren't 3 best friends, they're a young horny married couple that probably need their space and a 3rd wheel friend whose entire route was showing that she wants and needs to be treated as someone able to stand on her own. Hanako living in the same house only really makes sense if this is a temporary situation to help Lilly after her breakdown or if she's moving in permanently as a full partner in the relationship. Anything else comes off as her being less and dependent, more their child then their friend, and we know she HATES feeling like that so why would she stay?
I would agree, but for one hitch: nowhere is it stated that Hanako is financially independent. Wanting to strike out on her own is one thing. Having the means to do so is quite another. She might be living with Lilly and Hisao until she has the means to make good on the progress she made toward the end of Lilly's route. And then . . . stuff.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:58 pm
by uwa
nemz wrote:But they aren't 3 best friends, they're a young horny married couple that probably need their space and a 3rd wheel friend whose entire route was showing that she wants and needs to be treated as someone able to stand on her own. Hanako living in the same house only really makes sense if this is a temporary situation to help Lilly after her breakdown or if she's moving in permanently as a full partner in the relationship. Anything else comes off as her being less and dependent, more their child then their friend, and we know she HATES feeling like that so why would she stay?
I thought they were all living together because, well, they're all happiest that way. The end seemed reasonable to me (even the trip straight to the bedroom) because they were acting pretty odd even at the beginning of the story. All the kissing just off the lips, Hisao casually plopping his head into Hanako's lap, etc. They seemed to have settled into some kind of three-way relationship before the story even started, and the stress of the pregnancy situation pushed them into realizing it.

The only part that didn't make sense to me was that 5/7ths of the main cast of the game were working at Yamaku. Hisao, Lilly, and Hanako ending up there would have been unlikely enough, but then to have Shizune and Misha around makes it seem like the last season of a TV show that has completely outlived its premise and has to come up with a way to keep characters around that should have split up long ago.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:38 am
by BlackWaltzTheThird
As promised. It's a real shame, how this turned out. Mostly because, as usual, I drew each layer over the last. Meaning, when I drew the blanket, I inevitably had to draw over the top of the trio's lower halves. I figured, given I can't hide the image in on of those drop box spoiler things, I'd better keep it clean. It comes at the cost of some somewhat well drawn female forms (and a poorly drawn dong, but I don't care about that being unseen), but I think the end result is satisfactory.
Cheers, BlackWaltz.
Doomish wrote:Forgot Hanako's burns, but it works for me otherwise!
So I did. This oughta rectify it.
Mahorfeus wrote:Hisao's lookin' awfully smug there.
He's in bed with two horny young ladies. He deserves to be, don't you think?
HLHThreesome.png (132.57 KiB) Viewed 6551 times

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:58 am
by Doomish
Forgot Hanako's burns, but it works for me otherwise!

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:02 am
by Mahorfeus
Hisao's lookin' awfully smug there.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:27 am
by FluffandCrunch

BlackWaltz, you just keep blowing my mind.

Nemz, sorry you find that aspect of the story so unbelievable. Having the three live together was sort of central to the point of the story.
But I disagree with you on Hanako not being able to stand on her own. Early in the story it's implied Hanako spends much of her time alone on various trips when school is out, giving Hisao and Lilly that space you mentioned. In addition, she's the one who steps forward to try and repair a situation which she (wrongly) believes is her fault.

I realize some people may find the chosen setting for my writing either hard to believe or unlikely, but when it comes to fan fiction, I don't think suspension of disbelief is hard to summon up.
Sure most of the characters are still around.
Do I know that's not believable?
Of course I do.
I essentially write from my own personnel head canon, so this is the way I imagined and wish things would turn out.
I hope, that while the plot or ending may not be to some peoples liking for various reasons, that they nonetheless still enjoyed the story and the intentions behind it.
After all, it's all for fun, right?

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:09 am
by Bagheera
FluffandCrunch wrote:After all, it's all for fun, right?
Yes indeed. Write what you love, and let the rest sort itself out later.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:52 am
by BlackWaltzTheThird
Bagheera wrote:Write what you love, and let the rest sort itself out later.
This is quite possibly the second best piece of advice in existence for a writer. The first is something I read from Australian author Matthew Reilly a number of years ago:
Matthew Reilly ('Area 7', 2001) wrote:There is no such thing as an aspiring writer. You are a writer. Period.
In other news, I updated my pic to include Hanako's burns, which I forgot last time. Back to you, F'n'C.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:10 pm
by bronko
Great story, great work.
Part 5 is by far my favorite part. The way Hisao deals with the Nurse is quite interesting, although they known each other for so many years.
The twist at the ending impressed me. I love the ending. I am not a big fan of bad endings anyway :)

I also like how Hanako often really wants to say what she thinks, but mostly is not able to do so until the end, of course
In my opinion, your own interpretation of a mature Hanako fits very well to the possible progression of her character just after the events of Yamaku. This could be canon!

Looking forward for an epilogue!!111

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:20 pm
by nemz
FluffandCrunch wrote:Early in the story it's implied Hanako spends much of her time alone on various trips when school is out, giving Hisao and Lilly that space you mentioned. In addition, she's the one who steps forward to try and repair a situation which she (wrongly) believes is her fault.
Sure, and those are good points. Still doesn't work for me entirely... but then again, not everything has to be for me. Other than this setup and the improbability mentioned elsewhere the story was well handled.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:52 pm
by FluffandCrunch

Well done on the edit. I still can't look at it with a straight face though.
I want to punch Hisao for that shit eating grin.

Nontheless, thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my story. Maybe something else I write will be more to your liking. Hope to hear from you again.

Thank you very much, Bronko. I appreciate the positive reception.
I don't like bad endings either.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:49 am
by WolfStreak
I loved the story, it is a great ending, i could not bring myself to read the epilogue that was a fanfiction of this fanfiction, if it was not done by you it didn't seem like it would quite fit. i am content with the ending.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:08 pm
by FluffandCrunch
Well, it wasn't done by me, but I appreciate the effort and the fact it inspired Beoran to write something, anything.
That and BlackWaltz making art are something I'm really proud of; that a little story I wrote helped others create something of their own.
As for the ending, I'm still on the fence. I really love the story, so I have already thought of some places to take it. It'll be part of my other stories, but I may have a thing or two to continue Scar Tissue such as another chapter or epilogue (The morning after, discussion on the surrogacy, epilogue with the child).

Also, people keep hounding me to write a threesome scene, but I'm a little leery of it. :oops:

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:49 pm
by BobBobberson
FluffandCrunch wrote: Also, people keep hounding me to write a threesome scene, but I'm a little leery of it. :oops:
If the people demand it, you should write it :P (not really). But it does show how good your writing is.

About bad endings though, you'd be sorely disappointed with what I have planned for Hanako in my fic, muhahahaha! There's not enough bad ending fics in this forum. So I'm doing my thing to make the KS world a little more sad.

Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:38 pm
by GG Crono
What people demand shouldn't matter. This is your creation, and what you create should ultimately be for yourself. So don't listen to anyone saying that you should totally write something. Write what you want to write, when you want to write it. And if you want to share it with us, well, that would be nice, but again, that's your prerogative.

Also: Love is not a one-way street. There's lots of different paths to it, and lots of different ways to get there. And some of those ways can fit more than two people. ^_^