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Re: Dos Feelz

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:18 am
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:...You're not too familiar with the internet, are you? If by some crazy chance I can't find it, I can commission the artwork. :lol:
I don't know whether to be more amazed at the awesome picture, or the fact Xanatos comissions artwork and dedicates some of his money just to fuck with us :lol:

Re: Dos Feelz

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:35 am
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:
Xanatos wrote:...You're not too familiar with the internet, are you? If by some crazy chance I can't find it, I can commission the artwork. :lol:
I don't know whether to be more amazed at the awesome picture, or the fact Xanatos comissions artwork and dedicates some of his money just to fuck with us :lol:
:lol: Oh, no, I didn't commission anything. I'm saying I could if Google can't find it. :P

Re: Dos Feelz

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:43 am
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:
Dream wrote:
Xanatos wrote:...You're not too familiar with the internet, are you? If by some crazy chance I can't find it, I can commission the artwork. :lol:
I don't know whether to be more amazed at the awesome picture, or the fact Xanatos comissions artwork and dedicates some of his money just to fuck with us :lol:
:lol: Oh, no, I didn't commission anything. I'm saying I could if Google can't find it. :P
That reminds me that i'm (partly) learning illustration so i can perform comissions, so if you want a comission that's not really on the level of paid ones, i can try making one.

And yeah, like i mentioned in another thread long ago there surely are many artists of high-quality to whom you could comission artworks. They'll surely be delighted at drawing disabled porn and they'll tell all their friends and family about it, there's just no way they could contain the pride.

Re: Dos Feelz

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:05 am
by YZQ
Dream wrote:
That reminds me that i'm (partly) learning illustration so i can perform comissions, so if you want a comission that's not really on the level of paid ones, i can try making one.

And yeah, like i mentioned in another thread long ago there surely are many artists of high-quality to whom you could comission artworks. They'll surely be delighted at drawing disabled porn and they'll tell all their friends and family about it, there's just no way they could contain the pride.
Well, if we accept that the disabled are the same as the rest of us, they are entitled to have porn that is "customised".

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:38 pm
by DuckergonTOD
This has become quite confusing to read, indeed.

Some real life feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:14 pm
by dragons4511
Hello Everyone,
Considering everyone seems to be going on about this game I thought I would tell you how this game has affected me in a very real way..
I have just completed Katawa Shoujo on Emi's route (first time playing). If you have not done Emi's route yet then please stop reading as there will be spoilers,

Unfortunately the only way for me to tell my story is to spoil the game.

Now I had got the best ending (I am pleased about that, considering first time ever playing). Through Emi's story you get little hints about an accident that had her legs removed ( I had a feeling part way through of what happened to her farther but this is confirmed later on).
Now of course I have not been in an accident or had my legs removed, But this is where I started to relate to her. When you first start dating her she tries to be very distant from you, she tells you she is fine. Now at this point I will spoil the ending,

Her father died in the accident that took her legs. Now I need to introduce myself, This will allow you to see why I have connected so well with this story. I had come home from school, My Mum had not been feeling well all week and so as expected was not feeling well when I got back. At about 5:00 my Mum had asked me to call my Dad and an ambulance as she said she feels she is having a heart attack. (me being 15 at the time am scared) I do both.
The ambulance arrives and so does my Dad, We follow her to the hospital and the nurses say her heart rate is very fast and they can’t seem to slow it down. She dies later that night in front of me.. Now Emi since the accident has not allowed any one to come close to her for fear of losing them,
I since her death have done the same, My best friends I have pushed away.. Every one of my friends I have pushed away and my response has always been the same " I am fine! ".. the same as Emi.. the difference is that in the end Emi allowed someone to get close and to help her, 4 years on I have realised that I need someone close that I can speak to.. someone I can rely on

After completing the game ( I realise it is fictional but the way she feels at the end seems so real) I realised I have no one like that.. It has left me feeling a sadness I have only felt at the time my Mum died.. To realise you have no one to fall back on is over whelming.. No one to help you no matter what.. It took a game to make me realise that I can’t deal with this on my own.. I had already tried sorting out my relationships with friends but it doesn’t feel enough.. I realise that no matter what everyone needs someone to fall in love with. That is why despite this game making me feel the way I do right now I think everyone should play it!
I hope this makes sense to you all, It has helped me by getting this off my chest.. I don’t expect or want sympathy. I only want people to realise how important friendship and love is.

P.S I needed to post something, Keeping it bottled up has not helped.. With current situations (my Dad has just been in for ct scan and blood test's due to a pain in his side) I needed an outlet. If anyone wants me to remove this for any reason please let me know.

Re: Some real life feedback

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:15 am
by pandaphil
Thanks for sharing your story Dragon, and welcome to the board. My sympathies for your loss.

I do hope you'll continue seeking out friends and hopefully find someone special. If nothing else you now have dozens of new friends here on the forum. :)

Re: Some real life feedback

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:13 pm
by dragons4511
Thanks pandaphil :) I do hope to become an active member of this community as it is a great one!

Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:45 am
And this girl, named Emi, means so much to me now.
I know she is fictional, just a visual novel character, who fells in love with another fictional character which is essentially not me.

Still she did make me to smile from my deepest heart.
I don't even remember the last time I was able to make such smile, which isn't a fake smile I always make to deceive people around me, to make them think I'm doing just fine.
After the ending I collapsed on my desk, imagining how happy would it feel to have someone like Emi with me, and realizing the bitter reality at the same time. I cried.

although my life has been desperate so far, that I was refused, was never loved by people I genuinely cared.
I now am more than slightly happier just because I met Emi.
I know KS has other sweet characters besides Emi, but I don't think I can even go on someone else's route for a while.

Thank you, Thank you KS devs.
and hello forum, I'm new here, English's not my first language so I might be using broken English, but I'll try :)

Re: Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:53 am
and now I'm slightly confused if I am at the right place to post something like this.

if I wasn't, sorry :(

Re: Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:54 am
by Dr. Casey
There's definitely plenty of girls out there very similar to every one featured in this game, so don't worry about never being able to find one. I knew an Emi myself once upon a time. I got the Bad Ending, but still.

Glad you enjoyed Emi's route so much. She is indeed a wonderful character.

Re: Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:55 am
by Umber
HLGU wrote:and now I'm slightly confused if I am at the right place to post something like this.

if I wasn't, sorry :(
It happens. I know how you feel, Emi was my first, too.
This kind of post goes in the 'Feels Bazaar', it's somewhere in Public Discussion.
Welcome to Katawa Shoujo, beware of Xanatos!~

Re: Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:00 am
by FoxtrotZero
HLGU wrote:and now I'm slightly confused if I am at the right place to post something like this.

if I wasn't, sorry :(
This sort of post is a good 50% of the forums here. What you have are the feels. A lot of players get them - myself included, first for Lilly and then for Hanako. The best advice I can give you is to take these feelings and channel them into something positive, preferably changes for the better in your life. When KS overwhelmed me with emotions, it pushed me over the edge to improve my social situation. I succeeded in doing that, and it's made me a better person in the process. I guarantee you I'm not the only one who can, has, and will be changed by this visual novel.

Re: Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:03 am
by Xanatos
A break's fine as long as you do still do the others. :lol: And don't puss out on neutral and bad ends.

Oh, and when you do Hanako's route... (non-spoilery)Give her the chocolate.

Re: Just finished Emi's route yesterday.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:12 am
Xanatos wrote:A break's fine as long as you do still do the others. :lol: And don't puss out on neutral and bad ends.

Oh, and when you do Hanako's route... (non-spoilery)Give her the chocolate.

loled at the link, Yes I'd definitely like to play Hanako's route, she's lovely, really.